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Damon you're probably wondering why you're in this kill room how do I get here well let me explain that I came up with a pretty cool idea and then a bunch of people added their ideas and now we're playing this really weird game that is gonna make us very uncomfortable and then I felt the dart and I woke up here now we are gonna need some special help today so what better than a past host here on Smosh games all the way from the not love connection but the dating game episode we're bringing back what do we call it him like a B - Shane top I'm shadow man you were the host for we did dating game yes you sucked at it I did honestly it was bad tell us what we're doing today and why we're all gonna hate you I have a ton of subjects on my phone and we're basically gonna play a game called categories where I say a subject and back and forth they each have to say something in that subject and then whoever loses by either and saying something that's not in that category or taking too long gets doused in a bucket of ice water why did you add ice everywhere the office has been sick so much that's true dude I'm week next week do you use the whole bucket on one loss or is it just like a poop well we'll just have to wait and see won't we Joe it are you guys ready for this sure no I'm gonna start off with Lou with what what are we doing go get the buggy ready I'm not ready I'm really not prepared but it's always ready joven you just got to be ready for the bucket first we're gonna take a little easy this one we're gonna start with joven overwatch heroes a black widow Winston right hearts McCree junk rat mercy my dick is so cold yeah no dude I move reading the skinny jeans choice as of right now I know these characters but um it gets scary them oh yeah the bucket is just there in my business in peripheral like two hours worth of hair product in my eyes hours next question next question starting with Damien US states Georgia Colorado Florida California Missouri Mississippi Washington Maine Maryland [Applause] already cold stop what a night hey you'll never see him on this channel oh yeah cold water closes all your pores and you look great so joven original 151 Pokemon Oh Pikachu right you go fairy buffet bow Geodude traveler mr. mime Gollum Machamp jinx Machoke Dragonite golden dragon air seeking dratini dragon air I'm in so much shock right now I'm gonna give you a compliment oh you picked some really good ones these are good categories thank you they only get harder great does it get harder to make older your brain gets cuz I feel like that's what's in store for me I don't know I was worried about you coming up with like if I said one and then you said the evolution the evolution but I also had to think of like a different random Pokemon this one owns you too Fred all right we're gonna move on Oreo flavors original pumpkin double stuff let's go let's go next question all right moving on double stuff is a size it's not real you're right the next one one of my favorites cosplays by our very own wes link a cloud squall Laguna I swear he hasn't done it yet so we're sick I said I'm not gonna come in like three feet of ice next one starting with Damian breeds of cats Oh Russian blue calico tabby oh I splashed you I'm sorry for everybody who hates this word enjoy the sentence joven is very are just shopping yeah starting with you oven what I went second Star Wars character our GD to Luke qui-gon jinn Leia obi-wan Kenobi Admiral Ackbar clad in Mundi Darth Vader cloak une ki-adi-mundi was the ace in my hole so the funny thing is when you talked about doing this game yesterday I was like man what kind of categories is it gonna ask the joven is gonna know that I'm not Star Wars so then okay so then once everything good is gone ki-adi-mundi and that come out of your mouth the best laid plans of mice let's do one two three but I know it did I can't do anything from here for this one sure ma'am NFL teams the Eagles 49ers Patriots sergeant's Packers Jaguars Falcons headers pirates where's the buccaneers yeah that's the same if I said the Ospreys you would know I meant Falcon alright next elements on the periodic table whole starting with you sorry yeah I need to pee break the hydrogen oxide hydrogen because I didn't want to take any of the ones that would be like ace in the hole so you got like I thought you'd be like oxygen carbon the quick ones no I was a cadmium boron I've got all this stuff why do you do that well that's a girl the 21st century last round no matter what happens Jeff and I love you buddy super smash characters starting with joven Oh ice climbers Mike Mario Marth Luigi rolling Jigglypuff Pikachu Bowser p2 Lucario twice I said Pichu okay which is blue yeah yeah Mugi oh oh I see I said Lucario and you said loogie Oh loogie or the Pokemon in it yeah he's not a selectable you said characters in Super Smash Brothers you did not say playable characters when talking about all possible answers No in a horrible game of categories right thank you to Tanner Eisner here for coming in and being our mini Shane just act we are out of what I'm you know if you want to see more of this game it will think of other other things to do it with it's not ice cold water or a tanner looks like Damien did pretty good there if you want to see Damien and Bo's jump into VR chat click that video to the left or we got something that YouTube thinks you're gonna like right here on the right click them to watch them [Music]
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 600,000
Rating: 4.9724073 out of 5
Keywords: ice bucket, ice bucket challenge, ice challenge, trivia, ice bucket trivia, ice bucket trivia challenge, trivia challenge, smosh games, smosh, challenge, smosh challenge, smosh games challenge, ice challenge bucket, bucket challenge, ice water challenge, smoshventures
Id: KdOzVjrFmPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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