iCarly (2023) Was Literally INSANE!

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the last couple of years I've been covering  the Revival of iCarly for those not in the   know in 2021 iCarly returned but in a more  adult way playing with its writing themes   and plots in a more PG-13 landscape something  to age the show up a bit to be able to appeal   to its initial audience who have grown up now  definitely a big risk but has it truly paid   off well that's for you to decide as for me the  first season was a fun return to the characters   but had some balancing issues not fully having  a solid direction of where they wanted to take   the show the second season played more into  a lot of the Nostalgia from the original show   although it still had some moments that didn't  quite click this year we got season three of the   show which had just had its season finale the  day that this video releases fun fact season 3   of the show was officially announced on July  27 2022 and season 3 has officially ended on   July 27 2023 funny how things happen like  that so that leaves us with 10 new episodes   for us to go over today and overall see how this  season turned out from where we left off in season   two we ended on a note of will they won't they for  Freddy and Carly to potentially be a real couple   causing cruddy stands to lose their minds if  that's potentially happening I have a feeling that   season 3 will deliver some big payoffs for that  so let's jump right back into this new version   of iCarly and see if this series is on an upward  Trend or possibly on the opposite side of that not   really taking us anywhere aside from callbacks  to the original show greetings fellow humans   thank you similar to last year I am covering  all of season 3 within one video rather than   going week to week with episodes like in 2021 as  I feel the discussion being about the season as a   whole all at once has been the best way to digest  the series but to help set the tone of the video   I wanted to give my Baseline thoughts about what  I thought before we really start digging into the   meat and potatoes or rather the spaghetti tacos  and various food items on a stick so the main   question was season 3 of the iCarly Revival good  did it offer a true improvement from the previous   Seasons yes I can confidently say that season 3 is  good in fact I'd say it's honestly great from the   main storyline that beats its way throughout to  the plot lines that are separate to the individual   episodes plenty of improvements have been made  when comparing it to the previous seasons and   it totally Embraces the right choices at almost  every turn here as we go through the episodes I   hope if you've been watching the series you'll see  how we get to what just may be the best season yet   and by a far margin damn girl and F train episode  1 I buckled brings us right back into where we   left off at the end of last season kind of  a little bit of time has passed since Pearl   walked out leaving Freddy and Carly in an awkward  moment of what's going to happen next we start off   with a fun misdirect here making it seem like  Freddy is getting ready to do something like   possibly propose which leads to a moment where  Carly walks in as Freddy is picking up the ring   but the proposal allegations are beat when Carly  awkwardly walks past Freddy and is a bit flustered   clueing us into something didn't go the way we may  have thought it did at the end of last season and   this was all a proposal set up for Freddie's mom  to propose to lubert and you know what I'm happy   for them Pearl comes in and we see that Freddy  and her are still together as he went after her   in the end and was able to go work things out  leaving Carly to deal with having these weird   feelings towards Freddy stuck in this what if  middle ground and causing a passive-aggressive   beef between Pearl and her Carly talks about  waiting up that night for Freddy to come back to   her but he went after Pearl talking about this all  with Harper as she dusts nothing rather than speak   with Freddy like an adult she works with Paul her  manager played by Josh Peck to help come up with   some sort of distraction and a way around ever  really directly talking about this with Freddy   setting up this whole reality show called  The House of Shea that Paul really wants to   push a love triangle drama with pearl and Freddie  into for the ratings we get a guest spot for the   reoccurring character played by Hannah stocking as  this mess of a reality show has Carly looking like   this and Paul convinces Freddie and pearl to be  a part of this as he purposely tries storing the   pot based on Carly's actual feelings leading her  to tackling him and walking out Freddy goes over   to her apartment to speak with her getting into  a deeper conversation about their friendship and   discovering that she was waiting for him that  night as well as how there has always been this   thought of them giving it a shot and becoming  more than just the best of friends but it's   always just been a thought and never properly  acted on no matter how close we've seen it   come before honestly this conversation is pretty  heartfelt and sweet and I admire writing so far   between them Carly ends up buckling after Freddy  says something super sweet about their friendship   symbolizing that she has fallen for him literally  but to a degree that she wouldn't be able to shake   he didn't catch this though as Pearl's text  distracts him and has him head out as far as   that fake show went no network wanted to pick up  whatever Paul tried having it edited into but a   fairly strong opener episode that explores where  both Freddy and Carly are at certainly having this   tight connection both stuck in this weird space  of not being able to do anything about it more so   from Carly's end the smaller side plot was focused  on Millicent wanting to be the maid of honor for   Miss Benson's upcoming wedding and is sad that she  isn't asked until later when she is asked to be   the officiant to which she happily accepts and is  more excited about I don't want to talk about it content creators your followers will watch it but  who cares carrying on into the second episode I   love your shoes Carly deals with her depression  by Drowning herself in cheese and hey who hasn't   been there as Harper tries setting her up on  some dating apps like one called Sevens only   which lends itself to some fun jokes from Pearl  when her and Freddie enter her apartment Carly   tries to hide her feelings in front of the both  of them as we see that Freddy is still protective   of Carly as she uses these apps for a Side Story  involving Harper she mentions a girl named Tinsley   someone she used to go to school with and claims  that Tinsley was her bully an overall mean person   but is for some reason hiring her for her fashion  help Spencer has a small side plot as well as he   comes in all sad face planting into the couch  over the fact that he was given a bad review   on an art piece saying he seems out of touch with  his art since becoming filthy snake and Rich Carly   decides to go on a date with someone she met on  the app and it goes over just as awkward as you   could think while Harper meets with Tinsley with  the two of them trying to outclass each other with   Harper and embellishing her success and even her  accent Spencer comes up with a plan to get rid of   his money to get back in touch with the Arts by  purposely investing in businesses doomed to fail   Carly's second date goes a bit better with the  same guy and it's at least cute for the moment   later on as they show up at Spencer's new ax  throwing bar which I feel these type of places do   really well especially for date nights so losing  money here probably isn't going to happen but it   is used as a date night with Freddy and pearl  being there as Carly and the guy she's dating   show up Carly is still holding in this jealousy  when seeing them together and can't hide it too   well as she goes up to Pearl to tell her that she  has nice shoes with this compliment being used in   a way that signals an underlying tone that Pearl  takes in an aggressive manner as Freddie makes   awkward conversation with her date and also  technically calls Pearl a shooby for wearing   socks and sandals and this whole interaction leads  to a fight between Freddie and Pearl at one point   she grabs an ax and throws it right past Carly's  face as it lands on the wall Target behind finder   claiming that she missed Pearl starts going off  on everyone in the cast but mostly to Carly and   Freddy saying it's clear that there is something  there and she's all that he can truly think about   and that they're both obsessed with each other as  she then jumps into the arms of Carly's date Troy   as they seem to kind of be a good match and then  they just leave leaving Freddy pretty dumbfounded   Carly tries to lighten the mood by saying that  at least this means they have more time to make   iCarly which upsets him as it's not the right  moment to think about something like that after   losing his girlfriend of a year as far as Harper  and Tinsley they are at the bar there as Harper's   card gets declined exposing the truth to Tinsley  as Harper now opens up about how mean Tinsley has   always been to her but this tension goes back and  forth until they start making out as they truly   may have a spark here and the whole being mean  to each other thing is their form of flirting but   now we get into the emotional part of the episode  with Carly going over to Freddy's place with his   favorite Froyo pointing back to a moment earlier  in the episode when we learned that he can enjoy   his fave favorite flavors anymore due to Pearl she  apologizes for coming off selfish in the moment as   they begin a serious discussion about how they  need to navigate being adult friends first and   foremost oh he's having this close relationship  the two of them Embrace in a nice comforting hug   as Carly this time offers some really sweet words  that as she walks out causes Freddie's knees to   buckle clueing us into where things may be going  also Spencer's plan of not making money and losing   it leads him to not being able to do anything but  have more of it oh well the struggles of being   rich I guess but with a name for a business  like sister Acts 2 how could you not make   money once again I love how we are navigating the  conversations between Freddy and Carly It Feels So   natural and Rich with genuine reality that offers  some valuable takeaways now with both of our main   two characters in the show single episode 3 I make  new memories starts with them filming some iCarly   stuff as we see how both of them are being awkward  and corny while trying not to be awkward and corny   Spencer then shows off his new sculpture called  Memory Lane but upon turning it on the power in   the building goes out frying Carly's phone and  her personal memories hard drive containing 15   years worth of photos as Spencer attached it to  the sculpture upset over losing those memories   Freddie comes up with a way for them to recreate  them by resetting up those scenarios and taking   new photos the cute and cringe levels of their not  flirting flirting is so over the top at this point   Spencer is left in disgust but wants to help  recreate everything with the moments they show   being recreated having pretty fun callbacks and  it's always great to see Spencer losing himself in   the roles that he has to become for some of them  like at one point being Freddie's mom speaking of   Freddy's Mom this is where our side plot lies  for the episode is Harper and Millicent end up   helping Freddie's mom find the perfect wedding  dress and oh boy for being a fan of the original   show back when it was on the air this sure feels  interesting to say the least having Miss Benson   transform into a fully fleshed out character  rather than just this supporting overprotective   gag feeling liberated in more Carefree with  this dress she is already dead set on wearing   that says naughty girl across it so we actually  get this character development for Miss Benson   fully embracing herself as Marissa being happy  for having her own life and focus now with Freddy   grown up and moving on with his and you know what  good for her through reliving these memories and   spending time with Freddy she struggles with not  overstepping the Friendship to show her feelings   towards him Freddy is clearly enjoying the time  together as well visibly falling for Carly like   he did all those years ago no literally he falls  backward at one point now this part I think is   really cool and it helps bridge the gap in a story  between the original show and the Revival as Carly   wants to recreate a moment when Freddy flew out  to Italy to go see Carly after she laughed she is   nervous to do this but she wants it to be perfect  and in her memories it was such a perfect night   that she romanticizes in her head as Freddy comes  over dressed up sharply as she walks us through   the dinner they had with Spencer playing the  photographer that snaps their photo with Carly   saying that she could live 100 years and never  find a a friend like him but this happiness   for her quickly turns into pain for Freddy as his  Viewpoint of the events were completely different   as he recounts it as the worst night of his life  after Carly gave him a goodbye kiss and left for   Italy they spent countless hours on the phone as  he decided to fly out to Italy after her setting   up the dinner as he was preparing to ask her to  be his girlfriend that night but when hearing her   emphasize their friendship over romantic interests  he felt crushed and thought that she was playing   with his head and stringing him along a repressed  feeling that he's been keeping in this whole time   it was that night he promised himself he wouldn't  get roped into this again explaining why he's been   more reserved towards Carly and why after the end  of season 2 he decided to leave and go after Pearl   the emotions in the scene start coming out on full  display as they argue back and forth over how they   both individually saw things from different  perspectives that night as Carly is upset   over him claiming she is stringing him along and  feels that just being friends with her is only a   consolation prize for him as tears are barely kept  at Bay with Freddy leaving Carly talks with Harper   who helps her see that she hasn't had a chance to  properly Express to Freddy that she wants to be   with him as she worries that he thinks that what  she was doing recreating that night was anything   but trying to express some of those feelings she  actually has Freddie spends some time now speaking   with Spencer as he feels horrible for making Carly  feel like just being her friend isn't good enough   for him and for being so stuck in his feelings  from the original moment in Italy crawling back   up to the surface and getting the better of him  Spencer mentions that Carly is upset overthinking   that their friendship in general is ruined leaving  some sort of note for him upstairs in the studio   as he then rushes up there to go get it only to  be surprised by her waiting for him with a new   display of Spencer's Memory Lane with her hard  drive being fully recovered with us getting to   see a bunch of photos of past and present times  even seeing Sam in some of the photos Carly is   able to speak with Freddy in Her speech to him  is really heartfelt and cute as she confesses   directly to him that she likes him and wants to  be with him Freddie wants her to know that being   her friend has never been a consolation prize to  him and he never wants to lose her as a friend if   they do give this thing a shot and it doesn't end  up working out they make themselves official and   embrace an impassionate kiss not like any other  time they've Kissed before but one that makes the   whole build up for so long worth it this moment  was so important to the show and the series as a   whole the way they deliver the dialogue continues  to be so beautifully done and it shows how much   the creatives and the actors are so invested into  these roles into who these characters are as for   the Mrs Benson storyline Harper is finally able  to come up with some ideas for her dress that   she'll truly love that helps Marissa feel like  she does on the inside just an overall fantastic   episode for episode 4 I go public Freddy and  Carly are filming a segment for iCarly that   involves live viewer questions that relate to  her dating status as she plays koi and tries to   disregard them making Freddy feel that she doesn't  want to let out that they are dating at one point   she even Cuts away to a sponsor for a smart towel  acting as a brand deal here and it would be really   funny if I use this moment to do the same but I  won't as they talk about this after Carly doesn't   admit to not wanting to make it public leading  Freddie to believe that she wants to announce   it in a grand way and doesn't stop him from being  excited and looking forward to it Spencer tricks   everyone into coming to Shea what and bringing us  to the side plot of him installing a new arcade   game there called possum secret handshake that  Millicent enjoys playing and Harper gets sucked   into being addicted to Carly does get to talk with  Harper about why she doesn't want her relationship   with Freddy to go public wanting to keep this  as something special for them and not for the   rest of the world and with what happened with Beau  back at the start of the Revival she's scared of   being in the public eye with someone she cares so  deeply about leaving it to be special for them she   tries to start planning a way to speak to Freddy  about this to convince him that this bubble as   she calls it is just for them opposite of this  Freddy wants to plan something special and big   to surprise Carly in Aroma romantic gesture for  her having Spencer help him in a way of setting   up a live stream on the roof of their building  with a drone show that announces their credit   relationship in the sky Carly though catches  Spencer getting all the drones ready when she kind   of figures everything out as Spencer points her  to the roof where both Freddy and the transmitter   for the drones are up there he has already set up  the live stream and starts it with Carly rushing   up there to destroy the transmitter to cancel the  Drone show Carly begins explaining herself about   wanting to keep things special for them and why  she's worried about him if they did make it public   as Freddie realizes that the chair holding the  door open is no longer doing that thus having the   door closed and locking them both up there with  no help coming Spencer got pulled away for the   side plot as the possum animatronic has gone all  five nights at Shea what on Millicent and Harper   giving them threats if they try and leave or stop  playing even attacking them all at one point as   we find out that this game was recalled because  the animatronic tends to get a little bit quirky   at night but they are able to defeat it before  things get too ridiculous stuck on the roof Carly   and Freddy go deeper into their conversation  about a public relationship making note that   she wants to protect him from things like the  horror of Internet comments something that he   should probably be well aware of and something I  know all too well some of you out there are just   so mean to me geez I'm sorry for I don't even  know what I did Freddie understands where she   is coming from and no matter what he's just happy  to be with her public or not telling her that he   loves her as they both then get alerted to this  all being streamed live with Freddy forgetting   about that as they quickly turn off the stream  but upon seeing the responses online to this being   both nice and a bit creepy Carly says screw it and  turns back on the live stream not wanting to hide   it anymore as she tells Freddy that she loves him  and they kiss and hey the Drone show still goes   off but with the transmitter broken it goes into  its recent formation of when Spencer was testing   it as they all realize it looks like a throbbing  Lighthouse yeah it's not a lighthouse as Spencer   claims but this was a really fun episode where  the dialogue once again drives The Narrative   here making the situation more impactful because  of it truly a great job in helping Advance our   characters here as they start growing in their  relationship getting past some more childish   ways of not just properly communicating and just  being open you handle my sister but with respect   yeah I read the Wikipedia page for our fifth  episode I faked it we entered the halfway point   of the season this episode seems to have listened  to a lot of the feedback from the past two seasons   when it comes to tackling relevant modern day  issues involving the internet and incorporating   it into the story of Carly's job as a content  creator Carly walks in on a video call that   Spencer is on with Carly that freaks them all  out as they Spider-Man meme for a moment before   Freddie comes over to explain what deep fakes  are leaving us with a little mystery of who is   behind pretending to be Carly on top of this  the fake Carly has released a meat substitute   product that has her face on it that she had  never heard of and it tastes awful and it's   making her look bad as they discuss this further  Carly mentions that she has received threatening   comments online about knowing her information and  that they will find her and and do bad things and   while she brushes this off is just some comments  she was initially freaked out by them but she did   seek out help by authorities but they couldn't  or wouldn't do anything about it she hops on   a live show him to make it clear that there is  someone else impersonating her to make her look   awful when all of a sudden the Deep fake Carly  joins the call but clever speech patterns tone   of voice and certain words used lead them to  figure out that it's Neville Pepperman as they   get invited to go confront them also the live  comments seen in the chat feel a lot more real   and true to what some viewer comments may be so I  like that little detail had some more thought put   into it confronting Neville he along with his  wife prunella make a return to the show as we   find out that they are both behind this because  it first started out as just revenge on her for   not getting them a wedding gift but it quickly  became their Kink to mess with Carly leading them   to have a deeper spark in their relationship and  becoming more intimate than ever you can use your   imagination we find out that the meat substitution  product is rotten and it's going to affect a lot   of people as Carly hopes this will all go away  this is until they continue their efforts by Deep   faking Freddy into endorsing the product and Carly  loses it but rather than be violent and attack   them that way they fight deep fakes with deep  fakes having Freddy help Carly and Spencer   turn into Neville and prunella to admit to their  wrongdoings and prove Carly innocent with Neville   wanting to come to a truce for now this causes  prunella to want to leave Neville if they have   nothing to bring them together like that did but  Carly sends them a wedding present finally that's   a cardboard cutout of her for them to torment  instead as they keep their relationship going   thanks to this so I like that it uses a very  light version of what's going on in the real   world with the power of computers and the internet  to Aid in The Comedy of the story here it also   shows all the truly bad things that this type of  Technology could cause but doing so in a comedic   sitcom fashion that doesn't let it get more  serious than it easily could have been taken   it's a hard balance because of the serious issues  but I am glad to see it being tackled nonetheless   for a show revolving around being a part of the  online space as for Harper this episode her time   is focused on her new girlfriend Tinsley whose  best friend Dimitri Pasquale is coming to visit   as we find out that he wants to kill Harper for  the reasons of wanting Tinsley single again and   spending her time and money on him he's extremely  rude and says awful things but not in the somewhat   romantic loving way that Tinsley and Harper do  to each other but in a more serious and spiteful   way at one point he tries poisoning her with the  toxic meat substitute but in their arguing Tinsley   almost takes a bite with them having to stop  her from doing so as it's exposed to her what   her friend has been doing as we find out his real  name was Andrew and he was thrown out of her life   episode 6 I reunited and it felt okay revolves  around the main plot of Carly and Freddy going   to their 10-year High School reunion as Carly  is excited to be in her class photo since she   had to finish up school remotely while living in  Italy missing all of the exciting stuff happening   in senior year like Freddy becoming pretty cool  and popular as we see Cameo after Cameo make an   appearance from the original iCarly show like  ripoff Rodney magic Malika both Toby and Barry   who are from a brief appearance in the original  show being in Freddy's model train club and then   there is Shane who Sam and Carly had a fight  over back in the day with him falling down their   Elevator Shaft he's also a member of Big Time  Rush here though Shane is now the gym teacher   at the school and Carly kind of upsets him by  making some Jabs at physical education come to   find out when we see principal Franklin that Carly  never graduated technically like she thought she   did with her never getting a full credit in yep  you guessed it phys Ed and now she can't be in the   photo since she never graduated from the school  she never ended up receiving any of the letters   that were sent to her informing her of this thanks  to Spencer giving out the most BS address in Italy   possible this leads to Carly going to Shane to  beg him to pass her but he won't do it unless   he actually passes the fitness test having her  do it right there on the spot to which she fails   horribly she's extremely bummed about this and  sad that she isn't allowed in the photo as Freddy   gives her a speech about how great she is and he's  so lucky to be with her and she should be proud of   all that she's done and it's really adorable but  when Shane is stuck in the rafters of the gym at   the top of a rope thanks to a wasp's nest up there  she Springs into action using the skills she's   learned grabbing his EpiPen since he's allergic to  wasps and climbs up the rope and getting it to him   allowing her to get a passing grade and officially  being a high school graduate she is able to be in   the picture now but thanks to principal Franklin  getting drunk he raises his glass up in the photo   covering Carly's face anyway but hey at least  she graduated the other story in this episode   is pretty wild too as Harper walks into Spencer's  apartment to see him with a bunch of kids as he   explains that he at one point when needing money  donated a bunch of his well you know and all of   these kids are technically his offspring at one  point though they realize that there is 11 kids   here instead of the 10 that it should be but every  kid is so much like him that they can't figure out   who is the Imposter kid if there even is one  oh look finally a sculpture made by him that's   on fire with the fire alarm going off and all of  the parents of the kids come rushing out to grab   their kids and leave there remains only one kid  left and that's Potter this one kid that is very   much like Spencer and his so-called favorite of  the bunch we find out that she is a problem where   some things around her spontaneously combust  when she touches them and her mother shows up   and explains that they have been looking for  him and that she's a nurse who saw that his   um donation was a hot commodity all because he's  tall so she had some for herself and don't worry   Harper quickly points out the ethics of that and  she's single so Spencer asks her out and she says   yes also Carly and Freddy eventually come over to  find out about all of Spencer's kids specifically   Potter here and are all shocked what a fun episode  this was sure it's a lot of fan service but as a   fan I feel serviced the cameos aren't played  up as anything too special aside from them   being some fun smaller callbacks and it may not  offer a bunch of substance here but not every   episode needs to it does enough with a good mix of  character growth relationship growth and throwing   in a few fun surprises it's the weekend for Miss  Benton's Bachelorette party as Carly sets it all   up for them to go to Toledo Ohio in episode 7 I  go to Toledo for all of them to be a part of the   Toledo house flip experience but it's nothing like  the fun party the show seems like and Miss Benton   refers to Carly as classic Carly in a negative way  referring to the traits about Carly that irk her   Carly is determined to spend time with Miss Benson  this weekend to win her over and not just be seen   as classic Carly The Experience however turns into  them just handing their phones over to Emily who   has them all just working on renovating the house  doing nothing but manual labor as Carly and Harper   try hyping It Up by making it a bit more of a  party with truth or hammer and even doing a bit of   drinking we see Miss Benson start taking out her  rage on the wall as the underlying problem isn't   just Carly it's about losing her son and the way  things have always been before he's only focusing   on her now as she's just sad about her son growing  up so fast despite still having her usual issues   with Carly when she wants to go home Carly says  screw it as they all decide to just leave and she   admits that she's never gonna win her over but  Emily reveals that it wasn't a waiver that was   signed to do this but an employment contract that  will trap them there until the renovation is done   with Millicent under the threat of child labor  laws given a helping position directly with Emily   in the meantime back with Freddy he is stuck  having to throw a bachelor party for lubert as   he reluctantly goes along with it getting Spencer  and then self-proclaimed king of Bachelor parties   Paul to join in on it and to their surprise they  all have a decent time with Lou Bird sharing in   drinking his homemade Lube juice one side effect  of it is that it makes you tell the truth so they   all can't help but admit to some inner thoughts  thanks to this truth serum but the party is   interrupted as Millicent gets a hold of their  phones and texts Freddie about this emergency as   they make their way over there with Miss Benson  fully going crazy and not in the way of kicking   some butt crazy but in the way of running inside  the walls of the house to be alone prompting Emily   to say that they need to get her out of there as  they can't flip it with a crazy person living in   the walls Carly goes in into the vent after her  crawling around all die hard John McLean Style   just to get to her as the boys somehow quickly  make their way over to Ohio and burst in to really   help with nothing at least not yet Carly pushes  past her claustrophobia in this tight space to   get to Miss Benson as she's having to work through  these feelings she has as Carly speaks to her as   well with the two of them working through the root  of the problem and making peace as Miss Benton now   breaks through the wall menacingly glaring through  it like she's in The Shining only to have lubert   use his lawyer skills to lay down the law on Emily  and litigiously threaten her until she gives up   and runs out with our group here now being free  and hey we got to learn some of the ingredients   in Lube juice how great I like how Carly and Miss  Benson got to speak in this episode really proving   how much more character they are giving Miss  Benson this season as she has to face her emotions   and her reality as a mother with a grown-up Kid  episode 8 I cause a catastrophe has Harper and   Carly spending time with Tinsley together to  make her feel more welcome in the friend group   as Tinsley gives Carly a pair of eighty thousand  dollar earrings that when she hears the value she   passes out and they become this burden on her soul  of what to do with them being worth that kind of   money Spencer talks about this upcoming Seattle  cat Museum fundraiser Gala that he's building a   giant Kitty castle for as Carly thinks that this  is a good way to do a good thing with the value of   these earrings helping cats in need with a large  sum of money technically Freddie is afraid of cats   though causing Spencer to force upon him some cat  exposure therapy so he can get over his fears and   go to the event for Millicent who is extremely  excited to be there and getting to meet a famous   cat that she practically worships Spencer even  goes full cat on Freddy striking more fear into   him than anything Carly goes into the cat Museum  to donate the earrings as we meet Myrtle who is   beyond grateful for the donation and for how many  cats it will save she's also a crazy cat lady in   general so she's a bit odd Carly believes she's  done a good thing here until back at the apartment   where Harper says she's done a bad thing as when  Tinsley comes over she's excited about the gala   having purchased a seat on the board of directors  and getting them a table for the event and thinks   that Carly should wear those earrings to the event  but now at the event Carly has to figure out a way   to get those earrings back finding out now that  they are on full display and learns that if she   were to try and take them back Myrtle will have  some awful things happen to her now Carly speaks   with Tinsley as she explains that they have  a great bit of sentimental value to them with   Carly deciding that she needs to steal them back  now coming up with a plan where Spencer causes a   distraction Harper keeps Tinsley from seeing them  Millicent keeping Myrtle busy and Freddie to cut   the cameras and disengage the alarms with things  going well at first as Spencer unleashes a bunch   of cats but with Freddy getting freaked out by  them still he is not able to cut the alarms in   time and Carly gets caught Tinsley is upset at  Carly but Millicent isn't upset at her father   as the famous cat comes up to Freddy pretty much  keeping him in shock with Millicent thinking her   dad is pretty awesome and the pain of struggling  with this fear of cats is worth worth it for that   Myrtle then points fingers at Tinsley saying that  it's truly her fault but Carly cuts her off and   takes full responsibility in sending Myrtle away  from berating Tinsley for defending her Tinsley   forgives Carly and even says that she's going to  buy back the earrings and still give them to her   as well then they all drink milk out of cat  bowls definitely on the more random side of   things for the plot of this episode but I think  cats are awesome and that's my takeaway from it   all for episode 9 I create a new ecosystem  Freddy's ex-wife and Millicent's mom Gwen   is coming to visit for a custody checkup and to  make sure that everything is okay and hopefully   spend some time with her daughter with her work  as a marine biologist she spends a lot of her   time out at Sea on a boat making her conditions  not the best for her daughter to come live with   her trusting Freddie to still be this great father  for her and help nurture the ecosystem that they   built together Carly and Freddie were planning  on telling Gwen that they are dating now but once   she arrives and the tone of the situation sets in  Freddy calls an audible and hides it from her for   now sending Carly out of the apartment Freddy is  worried that any little change to the way Gwen and   Freddie have set things up will result in her  wanting to take custody back of Millicent and   away from him Freddie brings Carly a bunch of baby  books for her to read up on and learn about being   a mom to come off to Gwen as if she knows a lot  about being a parent but Harper and Carly think   that a family fun day or a fafuda for short would  be the best way to show this and prove that their   ecosystem isn't being ruined for Millicent in any  way Paul comes around seemingly lonely after being   broken up with a girl that he was dating for like  two hours who left him in the middle of watching   Avatar as he now begs Carly to be a part of the  family fun day to give him something to do he   now tags along to hopefully act as a hype up for  Carly making her look good to Gwen in probably the   greatest comedic scene this whole season Spencer  later stumbles upon the baby books left in the   iCarly set and comes to a realization that Carly  is pregnant freaking out screaming at the top of   his lungs running all around his apartment in a  panic as he then burst into his Benson's Place   saying he's going to be a grandpa with both Miss  Benson and lubert joining in on the whole freaking   out and running around thing what an incredible  scene this all is with the shocked performances   to casually referring to being a grandpa to Carly  and Freddie's baby as he's always had this Father   Figure protection over Carly so even Spencer  tipping over the furniture randomly and Miss   Benton's places for no reason it just hits all the  right comedic and sincere notes and it leads to   them all having this secret grandparents meeting  to discuss the whole situation and start adapting   to their grandparent roles as the family fun day  is being set up outside Paul begins his Crusade   of trying to hit on Gwen at every moment he can  interject in on as they're matching fafuda shirts   come in and they are misprinted now saying fefupa  as Gwen then finds out from Paul that Freddy is   unemployed right now technically he's just working  on iCarly because of this she feels that there is   a level of untrust between them as co-parents of  Millicent and then thanks to Spencer and mainly   lubert for spilling the secret of thinking Carly  is pregnant with Spencer being too overprotective   of anything around her everyone is shocked to hear  this as Freddy who happily and gracefully comes   up to Carly asking if this is true gets told that  no she isn't pregnant as the secret of them being   a couple is fully revealed to Gwen who now mixed  with a clear dysfunction of everyone around says   that the decision about Millicent is made and  that the ecosystem here is broken but Millicent   walks off to be alone as the arguing between  everyone continues Carly spots Millicent and   walks over to her to have probably the most real  and on a friend-level chat that they've ever had   giving her a chance to be heard and speak about  what she truly wants as they're always making   the decision for her and not taking her feelings  here into consideration Carly Comforts her in this   moment as she continues on about this place this  disarray all being her home she is comfortable   functioning in life here and doesn't want to go  live out at Sea with her mom thanking Carly for   being there for her and helping her build up  the confidence to speak up for herself here   but both Freddy and Gwen over heard everything  and reassure her that she is what matters the   most in the end and they're sorry for putting  that all on her all is well in their ecosystem   as Freddy and Carly promise to communicate better  in the future with Gwen when it comes to being in   the know about anything involving their daughter  speaking of ecosystems lubert wants to have one   for his bugs and various Creepy Crawlers but Miss  Benton does not want them at her place especially   after they fully decide that he will be moving in  with her so to compromise Spencer takes in all the   Critters at his place with Carly walking into  the studio to see it infested with all of them   leaving her running around through the apartment  screaming like Spencer did earlier a perfect way   to close out the episode yeah this one was a good  one that brings us a separated family having to   try and figure things out with Carly stepping into  their personal mix making everyone here feel like   one big family okay maybe not Paul but but still  there's great jokes and great bits throughout I can't believe you did this and now for the  finale episode 10 I have a proposal it's time   for Miss Benson and loubert's wedding but her  original maid of honor messes up the theme   for her wedding that she would want with Carly  seemingly knowing the perfect solution to what   she truly wanted as Miss Benson now gives Carly  the role of maid of honor and trusts her to set   everything up showing us that their relationship  has grown and continued on from when they had to   speak about it all a few episodes back Carly and  Freddy share in a romantic moment privately of   playing out the ceremony with Carly envisioning  the beauty that comes from a marriage all from   one single question being asked with Freddy  feeling that Carly is giving him strong signs   that she wants him to propose to her Freddy  talks to Spencer about this as he's worried   it's too soon for him and Carly to take that next  step having rushed into two marriages before that   didn't end up lasting but knows that Carly is  the girl of his dreams and still would marry   her in a heartbeat if that's what she wanted as  well Spencer helps Freddie in figuring out what   Carly truly wants speaking with Carly and not  so nonchalantly lets it out to her what he was   doing with Carly figuring it out fully and saying  no in a shocked response but with how bad Spencer   is in relaying information back and forth he  tells Freddy that she said no and doesn't have   an interest in marrying him like he thought as he  begins to question what their future may actually   hold the problem here aside from Spencer is that  these two aren't the ones directly communicating   about this getting bit versions of the truth and  not the full reality of the context Spencer goes   back to Carly now bringing in some supplies for  the wedding like some fireworks and mentioning   that there is no worry about being proposed to  now as Freddie won't ever do it upsetting Carly   as she didn't mean she never wanted it to happen  just not now being ready to think about it all   happening this soon and for something to see what  the future of their relationship holds with all   this stress and trying to set up the wedding  venue mixed with all of this Freddy stuff the   place gets all messed up thanks to the fireworks  now going off and nearly Burning Down the place   Carly tries her best not to have a full breakdown  here here but Spencer and her get serious with a   heart to heart about their mother who has been  this elusive figure throughout all of iCarly   that never gets too deeply discussed leaving it a  mystery to all of us Carly realizes that a lot of   her mixed thoughts about this stem from their mom  as she worries about doing the same thing that she   did to their dad to Freddy clueing Us in further  to there being a lot of unpacked baggage left when   it comes to their mom and what actually happened  in the past overnight Spencer ends up cleaning   up and fixing the venue along with Freddy as  now the two finally get a private moment to   talk about their feelings and what their future  together holds Carly admits that she doesn't know   exactly what she wants when thinking about the  future but she is confident in knowing that no   matter what she wants Freddy and is excited to  be on this journey with him this moment is very   emotionally charged and super touching showcasing  the strength of being each other's end game taking   on these major life moments as they naturally come  together in the background of this episode Harper   and Tinsley have a very mini Arc in their relation  ship as Tinsley's always the Pampered intended to   one in the relationship through a mix of her rich  background and from the love that Harper wants to   show her but at one point when Harper doesn't feel  too well she ends up milking the whole experience   of getting to feel pampered intended to enjoying  the feeling of it and enjoying seeing Tinsley go   through it but in seeing Tinsley pushing out  of her boundaries she's used to for her she   eventually comes clean about this before the  wedding and the two are A-Okay and that's great   but now we get to the big ending as the wedding  is officially about to start but Miss Benson and   loubert are nowhere to be found as we learn that  they left and went to Vegas for a private getaway   marriage that they fantasized about leaving this  already rented out venue with everyone there but   with no wedding to celebrate In the Heat of the  Moment both Carly and Freddie turn to each other   and they seemingly feel the same way speaking with  their eyes and contemplating taking that full-on   leap into being married confirming that they do  want to spend the rest of their lives together   but before another word can come out Spencer and  Carly have their attention shifted to someone   off screen where they react to seeing their mother  somehow showing up leaving season 3 on yet another   Cliffhanger ending as we don't get to see their  mom wow truly what an ending so much build up so   much potential for what is about to happen for  Carly and Freddie only to leave us on a note of   Carly's mom finally entering the picture now as I  guess that's something for us to deal with in the   next season giving us so much this season to feel  satisfied with but ending it with so much that   you'd want to see coming up the perfect way to  treat the audience from delivering on so much and   now me wanting and waiting for what's next I gotta  go home and get my poppers this season of iCarly   honestly feels so much more focused on the good  and mostly cutting out the fat that didn't work   at least for me in the first two seasons I spent  the last couple of years going into it with a lot   of excitement to see a show that ages with its  audience and giving it a fair share of criticism   I may have been on the side of enjoying it more  than most but there were plenty of moments that   really held the show back from being great  to provide a full reason for it to come back   outside of nostalgia season three is that reason  the show deserves to be here that's not me saying   the first two seasons don't offer anything because  they certainly do I enjoyed them but here it takes   every piece of criticism that myself and many  others had and crafted a thoroughly thought out   story that weaves through every episode while I  have some more favorite episodes than others this   season I can't really say that any of them were  bad honestly the majority of them are great with   only like two or three sitting a little under that  being at a pretty good level that's honestly an   incredible feat to see as a fan wanting this show  to get better and better having the heart of this   season be the relationship of Freddy and Carly  as it drives us from the first episode to the   last with everything else starting to orbit around  it and I thought it was a great choice usually in   sitcoms when the main characters end up together  the show starts to go downhill and if they want   to escape this they have them break up but here  it was the end game for both both the characters   and for the audience who have been waiting to  see credit be a thing officially for a long time   something that the original show and Revival  have used his bait feeling like Freddy being   strung along on the will they won't they aspect of  their close relationship a lot of this season has   to rely on the dialogue and for how the characters  communicate not just the writing between Freddie   and Carly but with all of our main cast it just  feels like a lot more time was spent fleshing out   the characters and having them be fully understood  using them in the best ways possible and saying   that Millicent takes the biggest backseat compared  to season one and two here where she feels more   like a tagalong character not having many plot  points focusing directly on her but with how   they used her character being more of a scene  support gave her a better connection to the   other characters and to the audience Harper feels  like that to a degree as well still getting some   time for their own stuff with her relationship  with Tinsley but she aided in Carly's plots or   Spencer's plots perfectly allowing her to grow  as a strong friend to the other characters   everything felt like the pieces were in the right  places Jerry Trainor continues to be this perfect   specimen of a human being as Spencer as he chews  up every scene that he's in from his timing to his   physical comedy he never leaves a scene feeling  dry but more so than just him delivering a high   level of Comedy the jokes and the delivery of the  jokes all around were a lot better I found myself   having a laugh or chuckle more often than not  and at the very least a smile left on my face   while watching the more adult jokes didn't feel  force-fed in to fit the more adult audience now   it felt natural and that truly is thanks to the  delivery of them and the performances with each   actor feeling so comfortable in their roles Miss  Benson has a personal Arc throughout the season   that makes her character a lot more dimensional  and lubert really surprises here being a great   Mainstay side character aside from feeling that  there is a lot of love behind the scenes going   into making the best show that they could Nathan  Kress who plays Freddy and even directs some of   the episodes is is very vocal about his love and  care for the show and its fans on Twitter or X   I'm not calling it X he speaks with his fans  and unveils behind the scenes details and even   more like having an in-character playlist that  Freddy would have being made during the I make   new memories episode that encapsulates Freddy's  feelings for Carly over the past decade the   details make the difference the passion and  Care from the creators from all aspects of   the production deliver a product that feels a lot  more special this time around it's insane to see   how good this season is I expected it to at its  worst be on par with the last two seasons but it   exceeded my expectations in every shape or form  I am extremely looking forward to what season 4   holds hoping that there is a season four as at  this time it isn't confirmed yet but with such   a cliffhanger there better be but as far as my  thoughts on season three that's all I got there's   only one thing we need to know left and that is  how janiac Jr feels about this season of iCarly I truly appreciate you checking out  this video make sure to let me know   your thoughts about this season of the  iCarly Revival in the comments or just   in general the series as a whole I'll  be back with another video really soon   hit that like button and subscribe  for more content like this later thank you
Channel: Jordan Fringe
Views: 362,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7zD1TWUCS64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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