Ibong Adarna | Full Book Summary

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Don Pedro Don Diego and Don Juan are the three children of King Fernando and queen valeriana who ruled the kingdom of barbania following a depressing dream he had one night in which his most cherished son Don Juan was murdered by two traitors King Fernando becomes seriously ill after his subjects failed to heal him the king sends Don Pedro his eldest son in search of the ibang nadana a mythical bird whose beautiful songs according to an old doctor could heal the king's mysterious illness after three months of wandering through forests and Tangles Don Pedro finds Piedras Platos a golden tree and collapses at its foot out of exhaustion not realizing that a bird spends the night there by dusk The Bird Sings the first of its seven songs lulling down Pedro into a sound sleep with a lovely Melody after the bird excretes on him after the seventh Psalm Don Pedro is turned into stone King Fernando sends his second son Don Diego to look for the bird after Don Pedro goes missing Don Diego experiences the same difficulties as his older brother Don Pedro but travels for five months instead of Don Pedro's 2. Don Juan the youngest son is also sent off after three years of no further news however Dom Juan has the Good Fortune to run into an elderly hermit who is moved by the young Prince's virtues and politeness while they are traveling Don Juan is put on guard against the birds tricks by the old hermit who is aware of his mission Juan was then given a golden rope by The Hermit which the prince is required to use to tie the bird's legs together while it is dozing off in order to cage it one receives a bucket from The Hermit before he departs which he must use to draw water from a nearby well and pour it over his two petrified Brothers in order to revive them after following instructions Don Juan soon found himself in possession of the desired bird and traveling with his two brothers Don Pedro and Don Diego back to their country of origin the search for the ibangadhana by Don Juan takes a total of four months The Hermit then gave one a golden rope that the prince must use to bind the bird's legs while it is asleep and place it inside a cage before Juan leaves the hermit provides him with a bucket which he must use to scoop water from a well near the tree and pour it over his two petrified Brothers to restore them Don Juan did as Was Bitten and soon finds himself in possession of the desired bird and on his way back to his home country with his two brothers Don Pedro and Don Diego Don Juan's Venture in search of the ibangadhana lasts for four months in total the older brothers of Don Juan who are traveling back with him and the ibangadhana begin to feel jealous because Don Juan has succeeded where they failed the two older brothers therefore plan to get rid of him together Don Diego who was less violent than Don Pedro persuaded Pedro that beating him was sufficient instead of killing him which is what they did after beating Don Juan whom they owed their lives the two brothers continued on their way to the Palace while leaving him unconscious in the middle of the road once inside the palace they managed to persuade the king that they had no idea what had happened to Don Juan however the bird was messy and did not sing because Don Juan is actually the one who has captured it eventually Don Juan awoke but the pain from the beating paralyzed him he fervently prayed for the king's well-being and for God to Pardon his brothers he is magically healed by the same hermit who advised him before catching the bird everyone in the palace was joyful upon his return with the exception of his two brothers who feared Don Juan might informed the king of what had taken place then the bird began to sing with the help of its Enchanted song The King learned who the real bird captor was and that Don Juan had actually been beaten by Don Pedro and Don Diego due to Don Juan's forgiveness and requests for a second chance the two were spared from being cut off from the royal family and banished they were given one but any subsequent mistake would result in death they enjoyed the bird and treated it more like a person than a pet the three princes were therefore required to keep watch over the bird for three hours each day in order to exact Revenge Don Pedro conspired once more and coerced Don Diego to join in they intended to deceive Don Juan into believing that the bird escaped while he was watching after they were successful Don Juan set out to locate the bird before the king awoke the bird is missing and Don Juan is too so the king asked the two to find both the bird and their brother at Mount Armenia where they discovered Don Juan they made the decision to settle they lived happily putting their past problems behind them they come across a well and decide to investigate it fighting over who should go inside first they decide that Pedro the oldest will descend first using a cord that is lowered by the two brothers who are still above however Pedro has only gone about a third of the way when he feels afraid and signals to his brothers to pull him out of the well Diego was now allowed to descend but he was only able to descend halfway when Juan's turn came he consented to be lowered to the cistern's lowest level the prince found two Enchanted palaces there the first of which was occupied by Princess Juana who told him she was being held captive by a giant and the second of which was occupied by Princess Leonora who was also being held captive by a large seven-headed serpent the prince killed the Giant and the serpent then pulled on the Rope to raise the two captive princesses to the Earth's surface which his two brothers soon tried to take from him Pedro wanted princess Leonora while Diego wanted princess Juana for himself but before they parted Leonora realized that she had left her ring in the deepest part of the well Juan volunteered to carry it for her but when he was halfway down the well the two brothers let go of the Rope holding him down sending him plummeting to his death soon after Diego would princess wanna prompting Wedding Bells to ring in the palace princess Leonora asked that her marriage to Prince Pedro be postponed for a period of seven years because she might still have a chance to reunite with Don Juan thanks to leonora's magical ring which was discovered in the well Don Juan was able to get a wolf's assistance to heal his wounds realign his fractures and take him to the Jordan River's Healing Waters before removing him from the well Don Juan decided to go back to the kingdom despite being torn between giving up all hope of ever discovering the adarna [Music] find his way much to his confusion nobody was able to precisely Point him in the direction of his father's Kingdom the Adana wakes him up from his nap under a tree and persuades him that Maria Blanca the daughter of King Salerno in reyno de los cristales was preferable to Leonora he arrived at a Hermit who asked every animal in the vicinity for advice but none of them could point the prince in the right direction for reyno de los chrysalis however a swiftly Soaring Eagle known by the name alicorniel the king of all these creatures offered to take the prince wherever he desired out of compassion for his plight after a long and arduous Journey The Prince and the eagle arrived at a far-off Crystal Lake where they landed to rest the eagle then revealed to his friend the mysteries of the Crystal Lake it was improper for the prince to engage in any immoral Behavior if he wanted to stay and watch the spectacle of the bath because this was the bathing location where at specific times of the day the three daughters of the most powerful and feared King of the nearby regions used to dive into the water and swim when the bathing time came Don Juan stayed put and watched as the three most stunning princesses his sinful eyes had ever seen dove into the clear pure water the princess's dress was later kept and covertly hidden by him the princess two sisters had left the moment she realized the fact the prince quickly ran over to her and while pleading for her forgiveness and laying his stolen dress at her feet poured out the most sergeant and tender Declarations of love the princess who was Charmed by his gentleness and Noble words also fell in love with him but she advised him to leave before her father learned of his intrusion if he didn't comply he would be transformed just as all the other suitors who had vibed for their hands had been into another piece of stone for the walls of the magical palace in which they reside [Music] the king sent for the brave Prince after learning of his exploits Don Juan who was willing to do anything to be allowed to see his beloved went to the king despite the princess's advice the king decided to subject the young man to a series of enormous and impossibly difficult tests because he was so impressed with his diplomacy and self-awareness the King was satisfied after these tests and gave down one his daughter the princess instructed the prince to go to the Royal Stables take the best horse and prepare him for them to flee that same night out of fear that her father might use a new trick to thwart their happiness unfortunately the prince chose the wrong horse in his haste which caused the king to rush in pursuit of the fugitives the princess used crafty magic to assist them in outpacing the king who is riding the best for us and pursued them assiduously it did not take them long to get to the portals of the verbanian Kingdom once they had finally found themselves secure and free however the prince left Donna Maria on the way promising to return for her once he had informed the committee to receive her the prince made the claim that he should have such preparations duly made for entry into the Royal Palace as are appropriate for her category and dignity Don Juan quickly forgot his Declaration of love to Donna Maria once he was immersed in the joy of Palace life while Donna Maria impatiently awaited his return he was mesmerized by the beauty of Princess Leonora who had been waiting for him throughout all of the days of his absence he asked for her hand in marriage when the pilgrim princess learned of Don Juan's adultery she turned to the Talisman she always carried dressed it in the most Exquisite Royal attire and transported it in a large coach pulled by eight sorrel-colored horses and four palfreys she then presented herself at the palace door essentially inviting herself to The Royal Wedding of Prince Juan and Princess Leonora due to the beauty of the foreign guests and the occasion of the wedding there were renowned tournaments Donna Maria was able to include a dance between anegrito and a negrita in one of the numbers using her incredible talisman the whipping negrito was the part played by the whipping negrita who carried a whip in her hand during the dance and mercilessly beat her negrito partner while reminding the audience of all the misfortunes he had experienced by Donna Maria's side including the scene in the bath the various tests her father had put him through their perilous flight and his cruel abandonment of her along the way Don watt experienced each crack of the whip that struck the negrito's shoulders as if it were himself being whipped after all of this Don Juan at last had a memory of Dona Maria then while he and Dona Maria were traveling back to Reno de los cristales he gave princess Leonora and the realm of barbania to Prince Pedro after the passing of Dona Maria's father and sisters they returned to find the kingdom in a state of mourning when they returned the kingdom celebrated by crowning them king and queen
Channel: Told by Ana
Views: 2,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibong adarna, alamat ng ibong adarna, ibong adarna english, ibong adarna summary, ibong adarna story, ibong adarna short, Filipino, Pinoy, Philippines
Id: hbHoj9uyAYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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