IB RESULTS REACTION May 2023 | 45/45?!

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hi everyone welcome to or back to my channel if you haven't come across me yet my name is Carolyn and lately I've been posting a lot of videos about college and school in general just because I recently graduated high school and I took the IB diploma program for my last two years of high school decisions come out today and right now it's 7 49 and decisions come out at eight o'clock so I'm of course very nervous because even though I got into college already and I go to the US so the scores don't really matter if I go there I just need a pass but of course I have my own standards and everyone is praying for a 45 out of 45 so yeah fingers crossed right now and I'm just trying to take these few moments just to calm myself down to reassure myself that I've done everything that I can already and even if I don't get full marks even if I get below 40 out of 45 then it's still okay because it was a really hard year for everyone especially learning during covid and you know something might have just went wrong during the exam or the IB markers or just getting weirder I don't know but basically just trying to take these few moments to calm down to pray and find my peace in God and also just estimate my score of course I just wrote down a few estimations for the subjects that I'm taking in my last two videos I did mention the subjects that I took so I take high level chemistry English literature and geography and I take standard level biology math analysis and approach and Chinese B and of course everyone does the extended essay and Tok which adds up to three marks so let me just read out the estimations that I have for my score for chemistry higher level I'm estimating a six just because I don't know it was definitely a top subject but I did get a 45 out of 45 estimation predicted score and it never really goes out well you know like everyone gets an estimated predicted score of 45 out of 45 in my school but of course some people aren't inevitably going to lose one or two marks just because of no exam complications so for the subjects that I did find a little bit challenging I'm just bumping my score down to a six just in case because it's better to keep your expectations low I think so for chemistry I estimated a six and then for English literature I also estimated the six because it's also quite a difficult subject but for geography I estimated a seven because I was very confident when I did the exam and then for standard level biology I also estimated a six because some subjects just tend to be quite hard same for math I also estimated the six even though to be honest with all of these exams I did feel pretty good didn't run out of time felt relatively confident but it's just because the subject nature the fact that most people find it quite difficult so I'm assuming that I might have messed up without knowing it and then lastly Chinese BSL I'm also estimating a seven because I am Chinese and I guess I felt pretty confident for every single test that I sat so that's basically it and then for Tok I'm estimating a b just because I hated T okay and I don't think I did that well and my teacher didn't really like me I guess I tried my best but in terms of My Philosophy regarding the theory of knowledge I don't think it was the best and then for my extended essay I'm estimating in a because I think I did pretty well for that I think an A plus b for t o k and ee end up to be a three I think so in total my estimated score is a 41 out of 45 and I'm really hoping that I still get this at least because it isn't a bad score it's pretty good still so fingers crossed I really really want to get above a 40 at least oh my gosh the Nerds are starting to settle in because I guess I was romanticizing so much that I would get a 45 out of 45 that I didn't realize how difficult that actually is and last year my school only had I think three no five people actually who got full scores which is quite a lot because we have very small cohorts this year we have a cohort of like 60 something students but I feel like everyone in my year is so smart I think like literally half of the year is going to get full score I don't know our school is ranked pretty high in terms of IB score it's like top three in the world or something so I really hope that live up to my teachers expectations and my own as well and I'll come back to you when it's 8 PM which is when scores are released globally that's just because of time zone differences I live in Hong Kong so it's released at 8 pm for us so okay so I tried for like the past two hours and literally it won't work and first of all my password my pin is so freaking weird I'm just gonna fold my paper down and show you guys I can't even decipher what this is it's literally so freaking weird it's like I don't know is this even an l a seven a one and like the capitals are like zero and Big O small o it's so hard to tell what is what anyways after trying for like two hours I emailed my IB coordinator and he replied and he just sent me a screenshot of the results and he just told me that there's an issue with the system and he's trying to sort it out but he gave me my results and I'm so nervous right now I'm going to say a quick prayer because it just feels unreal I'm really really scared and I asked my friend what she got I mean she just shared with me and she's one of the smartest people that I know and she got a 41 out of 45. she literally was two marks away from uh seven for Math and geography and I would say that geography is one of the easier subjects as well so I don't get it it must have been really really harsh marking as well and she was one Mark away from a seven for chemistry and I'm in the same HL class as her and she's a lot better at chemistry than I am if she got a six then I can't imagine what I got but I'm just gonna say a quick prayer hopefully everything goes well so father God right now I am about to open my IV results and I'm really nervous I know that I've done everything that I can though and it's not like I can change much right now even after opening the score maybe I can get a remark maybe my score will go up but I don't know I hope that you can give me peace and confidence right now as I open my results and I pray that no matter what the outcome is I can feel your love and your compassion and gentleness towards me because that love is the one thing that never changes despite my circumstances that are always fluctuating in Jesus name I pray amen and I also have like a meeting with my academic coordinator for my University there so I need to open this soon it's in like 15 minutes so okay I'm gonna zoom in so that I only see one score at a time first subject English I got a six for English I'm gonna cover the school and see what the next topic is okay it's Chinese I better get a seven to tweet okay go to seven okay I'm really nervous now next object e please give me an a I gotta be oh my God this is not going well this is not going well okay next geography I got a six this is not going well man chemistry I got a seven for chemistry and at six for geography what I thought I would get a seven for geography like that was like the easiest subject for me after Chinese chemistry I struggled with this so freaking much and it was really hard I didn't know like a couple questions for the exam well for geography I knew answer for everything okay this was unexpected but nice okay and I really really want to get three marks for Tok and EE and at this rate I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get a B for two okay so that's gonna pull my score down by one another one so okay next one probably biology I think okay biology I got a seven for biology okay a seven then math SL a a a seven okay okay and then last one is theory of knowledge and hey oh my God what what that's so weird I did so badly for my exhibition and my essay I literally just barely saved it because I I got a tutor to help me read over my essay and he helped me give me some pointers but I was so confident for my ee I spent so much time on it I kept on proofreading it and oh my God what that's so okay so I got a 43 out of 45 which is not bad I guess I'm kind of disappointed I have to say like I wish I got full marks I was romanticizing full marks and I can't believe I lost a mark for English and geography which were the two I mean they weren't my favorite subjects like biology was probably my favorite subject chemistry not really my favorite because my teachers suck he literally sucks in class but I can't believe I got a six for geography that was literally the subject that I was best at the subject I can put the least effort in and get the highest Mark I'm not gonna cry because I'm not that emotional I'm just really shocked and taken aback because I thought I would do better I can't believe it I don't believe it how could I have gotten a sex or geography I literally put in so much effort for my exams I didn't think that anything went wrong maybe paper three pulled me down paper series HL only and maybe my I a but my teacher marked that and she said that I got a seven for sure in English I'm also a disappointed because I worked really hard but I have to say the English definitely is not my strongest subject I'm more of a signed person and I tried my best and I guess that's all that matters I took high level as well and I was hoping that my essay would pull on my grade and I got really good input from my essay from my teacher and my friend as well it's okay I might ask my coordinator how close I am to the great boundaries but this is what it is 43 out of 45 still isn't bad at least I got above a 40 which was my bare minimum goal and it's just two marks away from a 45 so that's okay it's okay well thank you guys so much for watching I really appreciate you guys I guess being interested in the IB if you're taking IB soon or if you're doing your exams next year I hope you guys also know that even if you don't get the score that you wish you got it's okay because every single year every single month of your life you're starting a new season whether it's taking a new class in University starting another year in school or moving on to a next season like me I'm moving on from high school to college so I'm putting this behind me I'm still really proud of how much effort I put in and how hard I work to get the score and I think I still learned a lot from Ivy even though my score was in the top of the top I still was able to learn so much from it like time management Stress Management and just juggling all of these academic tasks I guess it's another lesson for me to learn as well to first of all not be as prideful and overly confident because I was so sure that I was going to get a full 45 out of 45 but no it's okay as well I don't have to always be the best of the best but this is another chance for me to push myself even more and improve next time like there's no next time for IB but living in college I guess if you guys are interested to see any kind of IB content like I don't know how to get a seven in chemistry or biology chemistry for one which I was not good at at first but I managed to get myself from a five to a seven so if you're interested in hearing that would love to make a video um maybe videos about how to get like a 40 plus an IB just any IB related videos to be honest academics are a big passion of mine I really like to become better at studying become more efficient so I can do other things that I like because academics shouldn't be your entire life you should have fun as well so yeah if you guys are interested in more productivity and academic content I would love to post more so see you guys next time in my next video bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: kai3nn
Views: 14,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ib, internationalbaccalaureate, resultsreaction, ibresultsreaction, ibresults, reaction, reactionvideo, reactionvid, viral, school, academia, academics, highschool
Id: cBXSLh57A-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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