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po me on results day a year ago period I killed it okay so let me just skip any sort of intro and address exactly what you have come here to learn how to get a 45 in the IB okay so before I start with any of the academic first of all I need to tell you about the mindset that you need to adopt during the whole 2 years to be a 45 student you might look at me as if I'm crazy but I manifested that as when I was doing the IB I had a really good group of friends with whom I would study all the time I wasn't thinking like oh like I'm missing out on so many things right now because I'm not with my friends I was actually motivated to just study more and actually set the IB and the final exams as a priority which they are a huge priority okay they are one of the biggest priorities that you have had thus far this is your high school diploma okay like employers will see this forever for your entire life okay and this will be a thing that they that you can come back to again and again again throughout your life so it is absolutely vital you also need to be confident in the exam okay you can't go into the exam cry like there's people that cry in front of the exam Halls there's people that just like completely have a mental breakdown and that is one thing that you cannot do because you need to be on your side in the exam Hall you need to hold your hand through these questions and you need to talk yourself through every single question that you have on the paper in front of you okay in econ like let me just do a story time for my my IB Eon exam mind you paper one the first question that I answered on paper one I had never seen that textbook page in my entire life it was about different ways of measuring poverty and let me tell you I had not measured a single unit of poverty up up to that exam okay I had no idea how poverty is measured I just bullshitted some about GDP and it it worked like don't get me wrong okay you still need to study for like several months to be able to become a master bullshitter so the first I guess subject area that I'll take is uh sciences and math because I feel like the way you study for these is semi similar basically I did math HL and physics SL so this is going to be sort of focused on those but uh I'll try to like incorporate other subjects basically for Math and physics you just need to do like a Million past paper questions like I'm telling you a million when your hand is too sore from writing out past paper questions you need to go on the internet you need to search up on YouTube past exam questions walk through and then watch videos of people doing questions you need to see a person solving this problem to understand the thought process that you need to get into to solve these kinds of problems literally once again I was super lucky with this in my physics exam I watched an exam walkr cuz I I was done doing past paper questions I was like I don't need this anymore like I I know everything but then I watched uh like one last exam walkthr and one of one of those types of questions literally almost the exact same question came up on the exam the next day you know revision Village uh textbook questions are okay but not the best you know all these question backs that you can find on the internet and on Reddit and like this for example when you're drawing a force diagram in a physics exam and the only arrow you have drawn on the paper is one going down and it's a person standing on the ground that means the person is sinking into the ground and like that doesn't logically make sense but I've made I've seen so many people make mistakes that are just like logically just not sound at all all but it's like because you think about it in such a theoretical way you don't actually understand that it applies to real life I have this problem a lot okay like I have this problem a lot my physics teacher would always scream at me being like what do what do you think you're doing this car is not going going through a wall right now and like like this and I would I it just wouldn't click but then you actually just need to understand that oh like this actually applies to real life and you know this describes real life processes not just you know made up avado constant and like this you know you just need to do a Million past paper past paper questions and for physics you also need to do or what I did was I just made notes from the entire textbook uh literally from start to finish and I did this uh not only for physics but for econ as well and this what really this is really what gave me like a groundw and also one thing for Math and physics and like Sciences it's just recurring question types because there's only that many questions that the IB can ask you that many types of questions you know it's like they can they can replace the numbers in the question but the concept of the question and the process that you take to get to the answer is going to be the same so once again this goes back to doing pass paper questions and literally drilling Out Pass paper questions day and night just like doing it for I'd say honestly at least 2 months before the exams but yeah next thing I will talk about I think is languages you definitely do pass paper questions but then it just comes down to you knowing the language like it really just depends on how how fluently you can express your thoughts and uh sustain a dialogue with someone uh be that through text which is obviously you're writing assignment or through verbal means which is your iio you just need to transcribe movies first of all if you have problems with listening you need to transcribe movies transcribe uh YouTube videos um just like write it down you know as you hear it and if you don't understand something you need to go back and learn that obviously if you don't understand reading then just like read and like look up every single word that you don't know I have a lot lot of content on this on Tik Tok so I'm not going to go into Super detail because you can literally just go on my Tik Tok there's a playlist called languages and I literally have like a 3 million videos on how to learn a language so now I will talk about English so English a honestly they want you to write a whole bunch and to do this you just need to know your structure cuz then it'll be so much easier for you to articulate some kind of argument you need to be a bullshitter you need to be creative uh like you need to be very creative with with your arguments put yourself in the mind of the person that's writing the that's writing the article you need to understand what that person wanted to communicate through that article and once again treat it as a real life thing don't treat it like IB is all about the real life you know it's like it's actually trying to get you to think about things practically don't think about it as like a an essay that you need to write or like a madeup text because it's not a madeup text it's usually going to be a text that was published somewhere and actually was read by thousands of people you know and like that makes sense to do the English IO you just need to memorize it word for word I'm so sorry I would love to tell you that you can Bullit it on the spot but you cannot I literally I knew it would for w I practiced 3 days straight before the io and I still managed to it up I didn't it up that bad I still got a seven but like I lost points on or focus on organization because I just I it was just like not organized like the way I was speaking if you want a guaranteed seven you do need to memorize your iio I would say in my personal opinion also don't and they don't pick any sort of like satirical cartoon or some cartoon that's trying to make some big statement about Society because obviously the IB will give you marks if you're like lowkey right and like if you have your own argument and you argue it well but it's like if you completely miss the point of a satirical cartoon and you don't even understand that a SAT satire for example or like something then that can really cost you points and it's like they actually do mark off points so just go for the easy option next I'll talk about Eon I guess how I studied for Eon was I just uh did notes from the entire textbook once again uh same as physics I just um took the textbook and Page by page I went through it and made notes and Drew graphs and research real life examples and did disadvantages advantages evaluation for every single policy and I did this repeatedly actually paradoxically it didn't really help me that much in the exam because I did my entire paper one was on uh measuring poverty as I said and um and there's literally maybe like one and a half pages dedicated to that in the 400 page textbook this is what it comes down to is you can but within parameters you know like you do need to know what GDP is for example to be able to write something bullshitty about measuring poverty you know and it's like they just want you to demonstrate as much knowledge as you have and even though it's not completely relevant or not exactly what's described in the textbook I feel like they will award that if it's well argued you know but yeah I mean for Eon I just did notes from the entire textbook and then I just did a bunch of pass papers and um yeah that was pretty much the end of it I feel like obviously the textbook notes are going to take you a while like I defin it definitely took me over a month to create those notes so um yeah I don't know like honestly honestly the basis of everything is p p paper questions and being accustomed to the question types that you're going to be asked across across all the subjects I'm not even going to lie yeah so but like guys subscribe to me but yeah I hope this was helpful it was definitely just me yapping about the IB but at the end of the day I did get a 45 so it's like maybe maybe some of that was useful but yeah I'll see you guys in the next video I hope I hope this video doesn't get like two views cuz that would be a bit embarrassing wouldn't it okay bye
Channel: martin r.
Views: 12,066
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Id: vG8RbOrhky0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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