Ian McCormack - an Atheist - Dead on Morgue Slab - Goes to Hell, then to Heaven and Back!!

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That was really interesting. But it just makes me wonder who or what people see in other parts of the world that see and speak to " the light"? Are there any accounts from other religions and cultures?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Ncfetcho 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Well technically he didn’t flatline so...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Manu1990cr 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
Ian McCormick had traveled for two years chasing adventure around the globe he wound up on the island of Mauritius which is known for its great surfing and diving Ian McCormick loved the ocean he was an avid diver but nothing prepared him for what he was about to encounter as a dive in the water something smashed into my forearm I felt like thousands of volts of electricity my whole arm was swollen double its normal size my arm was blistered where the tanika's it hit me like burned lessness I could feel the tops I'm quickly moving up my blood stream into my lymph glands I thought to myself am what on earth have you done in your life to serve this kind of punishment Ian was stung by five box jellyfish one can kill a person in four minutes and he wasn't ready to die Ian was young loved a travel party womanize he also had been an atheist and didn't know what was waiting for him in the afterlife with precious time passing by and several failed attempts for help Ian finally got an ambulance to take him to the hospital but he knew it was probably too late well please welcome to the 700 club in McCormick's Ian this wonderful to have you here it's really good your story is one of the most amazing miracles I've I've ever heard um but what was your life like before you got attacked by the jellyfish now very much a non-christian partying traveling surfing's nightclubs so religion was something I thought old people were involved in and a mother your mother was a Christian my mother's a Christian she was what you'd call a thing in the states Episcopalian or Church of England and so I I've been brought up as a child in it but I was I just sort of some grandmother and old ladies not for young people now for you know so I went looking at Eastern religions and and traveling and that's what I was doing surfing around the world all right so so you get in your diving you get stung by five box jellyfish not just one but five and and ones enough to kill you that's right and kill you in in how long the quickest of head when it's been spent across the throat around the hearts three minutes many people die within 15-20 minutes some even ten depends on what part of the body is stung on and others have lived up I think up to an hour and a half and so when I was hurt the fisherman turned white and CD and one of these will kill you so when you see a black Rastafarian tune white could severely traveling you know and I can feel the poison moving quickly into my body when you had very little time so they got me into the boat and said urinate on your arm Ian you need to get to cut through my hospital immediately Peter more la la they spoke a French Creole sounds frightened so I mean I was really frightened in N I assumed you knew you were dying oh this was the poison was so quickly it was paralyzing right down my right inside and by the time they got me into the ambulance I was completely paralyzed just my body gone through the death rattles um it was just frightening when did you know that you were actually dead because you were well as us going into into the hospital in the ambulance on my life flashing before me notice all that happening off the world perhaps my make it is in life after death and as I'm questioning all these things my mother appears in a clear vision in front of me on a knee sprain I didn't realize but back in New Zealand my mother was the only Christian and she had just seen God reveal my face to her and said your outer son Ian is nearly dead it's my mother began to pray alright so your mother's alive mother's but she's in New Zealand yeah she gets a visitation well as I say vision a clear vision of my face and God audibly speaking to her and he said your eldest son Ian is nearly did pray for him now and so she starts pray yeah and God hey and then you and the ambulance see who do you see that and she's saying call out to God no matter how far from God you are son he will forgive you but call out from your heart and I thought well I don't believe in God and it's too late how can he forgive me but I knew my mother was a Christian and I thought maybe there is a God if there is show me show me your face help me to pray certainly the Lord's Prayer you get you gave it a shot well when the Lord's Prayer that lives now nothing to lose the Lord's Prayer peers in front of me I forgive us our sins and so I ask God to forgive me and forgive others who have sinned against you and and I thought I can do that and then God showed me two faces of people I had difficulty forgiving and I was right I chose to forgive them give your life to the Lord thy will be done all during your adventure to get to the ambulance to the hospital you had been abandoned and and yeah people didn't want to pick up the dying guy and do anything for you and one it actually pushed me out of his taxi because I had no money and I one of the faces was the Indian taxi driver and God was asking would you forgive them and that's not easy you can say the words but to do it from your hearts not that easy and but jesus said if you don't forgive others have sinned against you your heavenly father won't forgive you your sins against em how so I thank God I forgave them the Lord courier came I pray for my heart and I I felt like weeping but I'm so proud I control my emotions but the peace that came in doesn't it'll lift me in 28 years what what happened next well I knew us I'd given my heart to garden there was a peace had come but my body was still dying they got me to the hospital I can feel myself coming out of my body I could hear them talking and saying we can that's all we can do for you as a show of an antiserum and you wrote oxen unto me nothing well I'll stay awake all night but I just had no strength remember shutting my eyes he can we'll all gather some more strength and as it happened the machines merging my heart flatlined nice pronounced eared Nick stood and you heard that yeah I'm out of my body alive looking and I'm I'm thinking you heard the heart-machine go the flat tones yes and now run into my body and I'm alive out of it and you hear a doctor say well no but you can just tell that what wave once everything's happening that I'm gone and so I'm next minute out of that hospital and complete darkness so I'm grappling did we have a power cut you know mean of the light's gone out or if I died so I'm groping around the darkness looking for a light switch I thought it's so dark in here you can't see you hand in front of your face so bring my hand towards my face and my hand goes straight through my face it's impossible two hands both hands I go for my chest nothing my hands nothing then I have the terrifying realization that I could be alive out of my body the closest thing I could think of is that I'd met people that had amputations and they could feel the limits their phantom pain is called the medical terms and so I'm game will could my physical body be back in that hospital or apparently have just left where am I and then I can feel evil the most intense evil was like invisible eyes or looking at me it was like a spiritual darkness and I heard men screaming out of the darkness saying shut up I thought I said nothing not realizing my inner thought was a speech and they could hear me going where am I who turn the lights out another man you deserve to be I said deserves to be where another man in front of me you're in Hell taking how I don't believe in it you're mean how supposed to be a party place and I'm racing with this whole concept then over realization well this could be Haiti this could be help the next minute I'm thinking about to send me here and yet I reflected on the fact that I had prayed in the ambulance next minute radiant light hands us through the darkness and draws me out so you remembered your prayer yeah and you remembered the piece of that prayer bra and as soon as you remembered it the like yeah and Psalm 23 the Lord's my shepherd I shall even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death the Hebrew word is deep darkness I shall fear no evil so the evil was all around me but it couldn't touch me soup to say greater is he within me nothing can separate me from God's love neither life nor death now I didn't know Scripture but after the scripture just came alive to me of what actually happened those walking in darkness have seen a great light washes 1:13 has delivered me from the kingdom of darkness now I'd seen the sunlight come through windows as a child and dusk go up in it and I was like a speck of dust going up Isaiah 9 I think it says those walking and I have seen a great light if I'm being drawn up and then I see this tunnel of light what's that I'm now drawn into this narrow tunnel Jesus said small as the way narrow is the way and I moved down the Stunna love light and speed of light waves of radiance come up first wave comfort so that's a living emotion it's a living light another wave peace and it floods me the peace of God goes right through me yes I know what to do jesus said I'm the Prince of Peace and I turn my head to see what my body look like because in the darkness my hand had gone through my face and I could see my arm transparent a spiritual being of light God as a father of light will be sons and daughters of light Transformers resurrect bow I could see through my hand and I thought what's the end I move further down another wave of light joy came out of the tunnel and saw the full radiance and glory of God and just covered the heavens as I stood in the presence he called me by name he said he and do you wish to return must be turn I looked behind me saw the tunnel dissipating back into darkness am I out of my physical body I'm actually standing here or my climatized a Mayan and what's called an NDE with endorphins dripping out of my mind you don't mean am i is this happening in my head or my actually out of my body have you ever had people critique your experience on that oh yeah you have if we have some of your from people ask you in Christian I mean were you alive were you dear I said well I was pronounced clinically dead for 15 to 20 minutes when I came back into my body I was on a slab with nothing I mean so at the time I mean you were in the morgue when you came back yeah that's when my body be moved from the A&E down on to the morgue so here I am trying to reflect on is this real I responded banks were looking for out of my body wrists return he said in if you return you must see in a new light I said what are you the true light his response to me was in God is light and in him there is no darkness at all 1 John 1:5 My Goddess light I could see no goddess loading scripture to you the Lord's in the center of this life quoting scripture directly to me God is light I don't think in will darkness I've just come from that they called it hell just the kingdom of heaven is that Almighty God and I was shaken I thought he knows my name he knows my thought before I even speak then he must see all my sins and I'm not good man yeah I don't a lot of things wrong so I pull back as I did waves of light came off as presence pure love and I cried like a child as waves of love and acceptance which came into me I said well God you can't love me and started telling him my sins and each sin I told him war love hmm and I said God but I've cursed you I've slipped around of drugs and more and more of his love and he showed me that all my sins had been forgiven when I prayed in the ambulance says of course the blood of Jesus washes away all sin and that he had forgiven me when I pray for my heart and then I stood before him with no sin no darkness I open my eyes and I was full of liquid light love and case 2 to 3 feet around me and pure light and pure love but the radiance around the Lord Eclipse stuff I like a glow worm or Firefly and I saw this clown I said God if you loved me could I step in and see you face to face so I walked into the salt that's a bold question while I thought I'm so close if he loves me so much I walked into this cloud as I did my hand has appeared and then I put my face in and I couldn't see my own spiritual body it had been eclipsed by the radiance it was like vows of miniature stars as I move through these veils I could feel the light that I'd stepped into it was now healing my heart of hearts my broken heart and as it got deeper in I watched the waves of light open the cloud began to part and I saw Jesus with his hands outstretched bare feet Aisling white robes it's as though he had taken this cloud and clothed himself and garments of of this cloud of light and as I looked towards the face of the Lord of aliens the source of all the light was coming out of his face you knew if he spoke consolations galaxies would come into existence so I can see had the form of man but the face of God is here was radiant white now I'd never read a Bible so I didn't know that John had salt saw that in Revelations 113 218 this face shining like the Sun and is here white like wool like snow but I'm seeing what I know to be the Lord God Almighty radiant like pouring forth from his hands and as I walked toward him white light pours out of the face of Jesus I feel purity I felt childlike innocence restored back to me I come about halfway towards and more light holiness flows into me and and as I got right up towards Jesus I'm trying to see his unveiled face but I don't know that no man looks upon the face of God and lives but I am so happy that I'm with me and if you can be so happy but still so I overcome and I watched Jesus beginning to move why is he doing that why won't he permit me to see his face as the Lord moves with his hand he steps aside and shows me the continuation of the circular tunnel right behind him I can see a whole new world I've been up behind him though he's been a door of light away and as he's opening his doorway into eternity I can see fields grass with the same radiance and glory that's upon him right across the pasture the flowers the crystal-clear River trees along both sides mountains blue sky rolling hills now I come from New Zealand like Lord of the Rings country and I am looking at paradise I'm thinking if you stepped on it it would spring back the radiance of the presence that was upon Jesus was across the entire creation and I thought I'm home I couldn't believe it I was on the assumption that religion taught you go into a cloud play harps and has that little Italian babies for the newer but I am looking at a new earth and above it appears to be a new heaven a parallel universe really right in front of me as I'm standing I knew him home I just began to step forward Jesus came right back in front the door closes he's an alien now that you've seen do you wish to remain here audio restrictor n-- i said romania mmm I have no desire to go back now I said there I've not to go back for no one loves me and you love me and I look back to say goodbye cruel world and the Lord show me my mother hmm the one person who had totally the right and loved me the one person I loved and honored I thought if I pass through into eternity now will she know that I prayed and that ambulance will she have any concept that her prayers were helped her son to give his heart to the Lord miss 9 seconds will shove any way she would know this I thought she will not either help salvage would it be for me to enter eternity my mother has to bury me and think for all intensive purposes she lost her son to hell I thought it'd break her heart I said I have to go back I said lord I want to go back you said here if you return you must see things in a new light from an eternal heavenly perspective not a champ really one I look back again my father my brother my sister hundreds of thousands of people appeared by line them Assia humanity i said well who are they you see dona want you to go back and tell them also as most will not come into a church any longer and hear my name I said but God I don't love them I don't know these people I know her family I love my mother he said he and I love them others are all of them to come to know me I had difficulty loving one person did alone auntie I said I don't understand that love how can I go back down a tunnel into darkness and back into my body he said son tilt your head feel that it would drain from your eye now open your eye Yin and see as open my eye was instantly back in my body lying on a slab and a morgue with an Indian doctor holding my right foot cupped in his left hand with a scalpel pricking the base my foot like a dead piece of meat and as he saw me open my eye the poor doctor went through the ceiling I heard the Lord speak he said son I have just given your life back segata that's true can I look out my other eye as a turn my head to the left and the door of a nurse's had worked on me in the A&E they saw me terror and hit them and I smash into each other's they ran the doctor drops my foot and tells me we need were 15 to 20 minutes I could feel nothing from my neck down I said God if I've seen you can you please heal me and enable me to walk out of the hospital another normal life the power was like electricity coming from the top of my head death had coming through my feet now life was coming in it wasn't three or four hours totally healed and walked out of the hospital that day that the next day ice the next day you walked out it walked out and I believe in the resurrection power and the healing power and I said God what's happened to me said you're a reborn Christian he said read a Bible I said I don't know what a reborn Christian is you have to die come back to life or something he said then I read a Bible son said I don't have one he said your dad has in six weeks in 1982 I read the entire Bible well so what an incredible experience now if you if you have biblical doubts about what Ian just said I was reading this morning where God appeared as a pillar of cloud and then he called Miriam and Aaron and Moses to him he was mad at the time with what Marian was doing but it says he appeared as a pillar of cloud in front of the tabernacle and then that he stood in that pillar and that's exactly what Ian just described that there was a presence a human form presence he was able to speak and interact with people at the door of the tabernacle so which I love it when people get revelation but I also love it when that revelation lines up with what is already recorded in the Bible the revelations it says that there was no longer the tabernacle it was Jesus as the Holy of Holies so within that veil we come in to the Holy of Holies then he is the Holy One so holiness and purity was transmitted by the Lord direct into my heart then it says the Holy Spirit glorifies the son so the fruit of the Spirit is love and peace and joy and I was realizing that I was like an out of court standing outside that cloud with a fruit of the Holy Spirit who glorifies the Sun but when you came in within the veil the holy of holies stood the Lord in praise God for you and and praise God for what he's done and you think of a grandmother and the thank God for a praying mother I had one and I had a pray father too and they turned me around with their prayers that can happen you know for you if you've heard this store and you're wondering can all this be real pray Ian's prayer God if you're there if you're real could you show me good could you could you do that for me too you know faith this is a whole lot stronger when you've got this kind of evidence for you know it's the evidence of things not seen so God wants to give you evidence and just real honest the promise was for you that if you love him he will manifest himself to you that's the promise from the Gospel of John and God bless huh we'll be back with more of the 700 club right after this coming
Channel: joel10000a
Views: 1,896,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ian, McCormack, death, by, jelly, fish, to, hell, heaven, and, back, god, jesus, christian
Id: 59mRZ1Vj8ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2011
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