I Wrote An Anime Opening In 30 Seconds | 2 Minutes | 10 Minutes | 1 Hour | 5 Hours

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in this video i wrote 5 anime openings in 30 seconds up until 5 hours i said i would do this video if the previous love song writing video got 20 000 likes and it did so here we are is it even possible to write an anime opening in 30 seconds also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video alright so now it's time for the two minute anime opening okay so for this one i want to go for like a very standard style of anime opening just like upbeat energetic melodic with a catchy kind of verse and chorus here we go three two one go [Music] the [Music] okay [Music] yeah i mean so you know you know something like that and then we're going to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] that you know something like that now let's listen to the live playthrough of this two-minute anime opening [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so now it's time for the 30 second anime opening so we're not going to do 10 seconds because that's really too short for like a more complicated kind of melody like an anime okay so 30 seconds okay timer set three two one go okay so let's see okay so let's let me just put in something [Music] done oh my god oh my gosh what am i doing [Music] i have no idea what this melody is this is so intense what is this [Music] it's actually pretty good i kind of panicked because like a melodic idea did not come to me immediately and so i literally just put in some chords and then i just went crazy with the melody it actually doesn't sound that bad okay all right now let's listen to the live playback all right so now it's time for the 10 minute anime opening before i start i wanted to show you guys something which is i just printed out some japanese anime lyrics okay these are from my favorite opening of all time which is naruto's third opening so whenever i need some inspiration i just say a few japanese words and that usually puts me on the right track okay just a little tip for you guys all right timer set to 10 minutes have the tempo at a slightly slower let's say 95 all right so three two one go all right so let's see what's a good thing [Music] oh [Music] all right so overall that wasn't bad i do realize that i had some parts where i just i didn't really fill out because i kind of know in my head like what the chords are so i just didn't bother to fill like some blank spaces over here and displaying space welcome back to the game show will lionel cheat find out after our sponsor the like button so let me go ahead and do that right now all right so overall it's a very action-packed anime theme like it was like appropriate for like a battle or something anyways let's listen to the live playthrough [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so now it's time for the one hour anime opening okay so for this one i kind of want to base it off of like another anime opening that we all know and love which is unravel okay so we all know it goes [Music] okay so something like that but of course i'm not gonna do the same thing kind of want to go for the similar vibe so let's just call it this unravel similar anime opening okay one hour all right let's go ahead and set the timer to one hour all right so ready to go three two one go alright so here we go oh i like that i like that it sounds unique you know [Music] you [Music] wow so i was writing right trying to be kind of similar to unravel but you know not too similar obviously but then at one point i felt like i was starting to play cascadas every time we touch so that's why here i have like this entire section actually that i just had to scratch because it sounds like just like haskada's every time you touch listen [Music] i was like this is out and then as i was writing this i was just thinking to myself like oh my gosh like this whole hour exercise is gonna just be ruined if it just ends up being like another song so i had to scratch that part um just like pushed off to the side and then i just started writing again with basically different melodies different chords all right let's listen to the live play through because one hour was not enough to finish this piece i asked my good friend jonathan morris who's an excellent pianist himself to help me finish this piece this is the first time i've had another pianist on this channel play my music so if you like it please go check out his channel okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so now it's time for the five hours anime opening writing all right so this is the most time i've ever done so i'm really excited about this one all right one two three four five hours and now three two one go all right anime opening has i wanted to be action-packed right you know what let's just imagine that there's like an epic scene right and then i want to think about like okay what kind of music we'll be playing and then you have like the singers like sana we were fighting against the evil ones we were [Music] okay so how about this let's let's let the melody develop itself so i'm gonna come in with like the the percussive bass and then so oh i like that [Music] yeah okay [Music] actually let me listen to uh attack on titan's theme i don't know why but i'm just kind of getting the theme i'm just getting like a hack on titan you know what that is what an opening theme should be i love it i love it i love how energetic it is if you just it's time to do our bear toss okay let's go ahead and if i make it then i get a ice cream and if i don't make it then i will have to do 40 push-ups we're gonna aim for that uh trash can right there okay [Music] oh no now i have to do freaking 40 push-ups it's so terrible all right once this is done i'm going to be so slow i've never seen a slow composer before you know because like composing requires so much dedication and time that you just don't have time to work out so i have never seen like a really beefy composer walking around all right that was super off topic let's continue [Applause] all right i think this is a good version okay oh yay all right this is the first time that i hear the alarm and i'm like yay instead of no honestly if i if i didn't have the time limit i would just be spending like maybe an hour more to edit it and to make it flow better all right let's just listen to the live playthrough version now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for watching if you made it this far let me know in the comment section which one was your favorite anime opening out of the five if you want to see the full composing process with no edits for any of these pieces then you can see the description okay also you can check out the standalone version of fight for freedom the five hour anime piece right here and also the one hour anime piece living in the shadows on jonathan morris's channel right here let me know what challenge i should take on next i'll see you guys next time
Channel: We Are One
Views: 4,313,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: composing, composer, how to write music, playing piano, piano tutorial, drawwithjazza, speeddrawing, writing music, music production, beethoven, mozart, zhc, how to draw, how to play piano
Id: -bT74G6CTzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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