I Worked As A BABYSITTER.. Kid Had A DARK Secret Under His Bed (Roblox Bloxburg)

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today I was in bloxburg and saw in chat that a family was looking for a babysitter they seemed pretty desperate and said they'd be willing to pay a lot of money for the job so I wanted to check it out honestly you guys I'm really not doing much today and I was planning on going shopping this weekend so taking up a babysitting job to get some extra money isn't a bad idea at all so I am going to go ahead and message Anthony Diaz and I'm going to say uh hi I would be interested oh he just replied he said that's wonderful thank you we're on Pizza side oh okay um he said please hurry over we're in a bit of a rush oh uh okay I'm just going to say on my way you guys they are clearly more desperate for a babysitter than I thought I wonder how much they're going to pay for all of this but uh you know some money is better than no money so I'm going to head over there right now holy cow you guys is this the family I am babysitting for if so uh these guys are loaded but this is the address that they gave me so I'm going to go ahead and knock on the door oh oh there they are Anthony and Jenna Diaz oh uh Anthony said great you're here come in quickly oh guys they what are they in such a rush for I'm just going to say uh hi I'm I'm Carrie nice to meet you Anthony said we're so glad you were able to come on such short notice oh I'm just of course I mean they seem pretty nice even though they are super super rich Anthony said we need you to babysit for the next 24 hours since we have to go out of town for work guys I I wasn't really planning on staying here for 24 hours that's a kind of a a long time Anthony said we can pay $10,000 for in a day oh sure I'm I'm in I'll take $110,000 Jenna just said great and Anthony said great our son is upstairs uh oh okay um he said just make sure he stays alive and we'll consider it a win wait uh oh and the Jenna just said see you soon wait uh no interview or or anything uh shouldn't y'all uh ask some questions to make sure I'm a I'm a good fit Jenna said I'm sure it's fine wait what and Anthony said yeah it's fine and Jenna said you look pretty nice uh Anthony said let's get going and Jenna said okay bye see you later okay you guys um I feel like they definitely should pay more attention to like who they're hiring to take care of their kid but I guess since I already accepted the job and they already left I don't really have a choice I may I guess just go meet the kid now okay you guys the kid's room should be upstairs and yep I see a username over here I think not going to lie I'm a little worried because they have a super rich family and clearly his parents don't spend much time with him so uh this kid might be a little bit of a brat but you know what I've deal with bratty kids before I think I can handle this I'm just going to go ahead and knock on the door I'm just going to say um hi uh little Matteo he just said oh hi Miss I'm just going to say um hi Matteo I'm Carrie he just said are you my new babysitter oh I'm just going to say uh yes I am clearly they must have a lot of babysitters he just said okay it's nice to meet you wow he's being really nice and his room looks pretty clean too he said I promise to be very well behaved Miss oh uh okay thank you I guess a he is literally not what I expected at all he is super well behaved he just said if you need anything in the house I can help you find it a thank you so much he said I'll be playing with robots in my room oh got it uh I'll uh let you know when dinner is ready this babysitting job is clearly going to be a breeze honestly the easiest 10K I have ever made in my life all right you guys it's about 6:00 p.m. now and I've literally just been chilling on the couch watching TV all day I mean hasn't literally has not made a peep but since it's getting later I should probably go get him for dinner time at the very least I should make sure he eats so okay let's see uh Mato I'm just going to knock Mato hello dinner time Mato Matteo oh gosh you guys did he fall asleep or something playing with his toys okay if so I'm going to creep in here and try to wake him up oh okay he's not sleeping uh Mato hello Mato where where are you guys I'm I'm going to check his closet and stuff but I literally don't see him what the heck oh my gosh poo holy cow did I lose him poo oh gosh oh gosh this is not good this not good okay guys I am going to this is a very big house it would be very easy to lose a child in here Mato oh gosh oh gosh where the heck did he go okay he's definitely not in the kitchen or in the dining room Mato where are you the one thing they told me was to make sure he just stays alive oh Mato he just said this babysitter where where were you he just said are you okay he said I was in my room what huh what do you mean you were in your room uh he said is everything okay uh yes yes uh everything uh is fine uh time for time for dinner okay okay nobody has to know that I almost lost him it's fine okay you guys dinner is made and I am glad that things have finally calmed down a little bit he seems pretty chill so hopefully he likes chilly just going to say dinner is serve oh he just said yummy okay he's starting to eat at least he just said so miss do you know when my parents will be home I'm just going to say oh uh they'll be back tomorrow little Mato just said oh okay oh man you guys he seems pretty upset by that oh wait why is he standing up he just said can I eat the rest in my room I'm going to say um I think it's best if you eat here guys I'm sure he's probably used to finishing his dinner in his room but I have been left in charge and I think it would be better for him to stay down here he just said why oh oh and he just got really angry I'm going to eat my room and you can't stop me Matteo get back here right now literally his parents put me in charge he cannot talk to me that way he just said leave me alone lady I'm just going to say come back you cannot talk to me that way all right Matteo get back here he said I said leave me alone he just said my parents don't even care about me so I don't need to listen to the babysitters they hire he said you know what I'm not hungry anymore excuse me you need to finish your dinner Mato all right you guys it's been a couple of hours it's about 9:00 now and I'm hoping that Matteo has had some time to cool off and maybe we can talk I mean I feel really bad for him because I'm sure it's frustrating to have parents that don't ever want to spend any time with you oh oh his door is open that's a good sign but what what are all those mechanical sounds coming from his room hold on you guys walk in wait guys I so confused right now what the heck oh oh the sound stop okay that's good I think but still where is M what what what the oh my gosh his bed just moved and why is he in a lab coat and why is he like sciency gear what the heck oh my gosh okay it looks like there was like a staircase to some type of basement thing he just changed out of his science clothes okay what the heck is down there and why was he wearing all of that oh my gosh okay I am 99% sure that kids aren't supposed to have a super secret basement layer under their beds all right you guys I'm in the guest room right now where I'll be sleeping tonight and I never ended up talking to mtao I'm trying to decide whether or not I should actually ask him about what I saw or if I should just try to be a good baby babysitter and I don't know then go home I guess oh wait he just knocked on my door oh there's potato oh my gosh he just said hello Miss I'm just going to say uh hi what's what's up just said hi um guys he seems kind of nervous I'm going to say is is everything okay he said I'm just here to apologize for how I talked to you earlier a oh man that's really nice I'm just going to say it's okay I I get it he said I didn't mean to I sorry oh my God he's so sweet okay he definitely has like a temper but still very nice he said I just so upset that my mom and dad are never home oh my gosh he said but after I thought about it some more in my room I realized that things will get better soon really soon uh wait thinking in his room guys from what I saw in his room he was in a secret basement doing some weird science experiments she said everything is okay now okay um guys is it just me or was he giving off some weird Vibes there I'm just going to say uh okay he said I'm really thankful for you not being mad at me Miss right he said I'm going to go sleep now good night good night uh okay obviously I understand why he's upset with his parents but that was strange right I've got to know what's going on under his bed all right you guys I tried to sleep it's like 2:00 in the morning but I cannot stop thinking about what's going on under Matteo's bed okay I know he's probably sleeping right now but I'm just going to have to wake him up and ask what the heck is going on but he seemed like a pretty reasonable kid so maybe I can just ask him about what I Mato guys literally it's 2:00 in the morning and all of his lights are still on oh no guys he might be down in that little secret tunnel under his bed which means I've got to try to go down there too okay I cannot just let this slide I know there's going to be a du on for a secret door somewhere how the heck did he do this guys I literally can't find the GUI to make this move but I know it does I saw it move how did he even do this wait wait guys I see the floor glitching a little bit right here let me see yes ha I found it I found it here we go here we go oh my gosh you guys okay I'm going down here goes nothing guys I was right I was right oh my gosh I have to hide behind here but I was right all of the this little stairs thing led to a basement level oh there he is there he is oh my gosh okay guys I'm going to try to crouch down a little bit it looks like we're in some type of laboratory though and there's a there's like these little turntable things wait wait what the heck oh my gosh oh wait there's like robot people in here that look oddly similar to Matteo's parents they're in like the same outfits and everything what guys why does he have all of this just under his bedo just said o it's time to see if these Ro robots work wait are these the robots he was talking about playing with earlier hold on you guys I'm going to try and get a closer look oh my gosh okay let's see if there's anywhere oh I can't I can't if I run back here all right the heck he said if it does I'll finally have these robot parents and I won't ever need my useless real parents anymore oh my gosh you guys he built these robots to replace his parents these robots will never leave me I just have to press this oh my gosh there's a big giant red button that's never good what is all that noise what what's happening right now oh this could be bad this could be really bad oh my gosh they're moving they're moving towards him robot dad just said systems online hello son the robots are talking guys this is H this is some AI stuff I'm not I don't like this I don't like this robot mom said it's so nice to have a son like you Mato and Mato just said yes guys this is literally a plot of a bad sci-fi movie they're probably going to try to take over the world or something R just said they work he said Robot Mom and Dad your job is very simple he said my real mom and dad will be home in a few hours your job is to eliminate them oh no no no no no no no that's not good he said wait robot mom just said Mission acquired okay and robot dad said new directive accepted eliminate parents Mato said and then you two will become my real parents yay yay yay no guys I seriously cannot let Matteo go through with this is right his parents do come home in a few hours they can't watch his parents get eliminated whatever that means okay I have to do something uh this this might I don't know I'm I'm just going out there stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop potato just said what what the heck you shouldn't be down here miss NATO you should stop this it isn't okay he just said g what the heck why should I stop he said you saw how my parents were they don't care about me well uh he said they shouldn't be my mom and dad okay I'm just going to say well them neglecting you isn't okay all right guys I don't want to make him feel like it is um but this isn't okay either you can't eliminate them with robots that's that's just not how this works he said you don't know what I went through with them I've talked to them about it too and they don't care they don't change oh man guys he is way more upset than I thought he was oh jeez I didn't know he had tried to talk to them before he said if you're going to get in my way I have to get rid of you too wait what he said I sorry oh no robot dad just said threat detected and Robot Mom said new Mission eliminate Enemy No no no guys I really want to run away so so bad because these robot people freak me out I'm just going to say wait wait wait um what if they what if they did change uh would you still want weird robot parents you just said what I'm just going to say what if your parents uh started started caring about you would you want to replace them guys these robots are literally just staring me down right now I am so nervous Mato just said um no but I don't think my real mom and dad will ever change so wait up wait wait don't don't tell them to keep going I'm going to say what if I what if I talk to them he just said you talk to them what is that going to do I'm just going to say well I'm I'm an adult so maybe they'll uh listen to me okay you know maybe I can get their attention a little bit more um I'm going to say I I can help get through to them and then if that doesn't work you can use the robots okay guys I don't know if this totally fixes the problem but it might help buy me some time maybe or at least buy his parents some time he just said well H okay fine ah yes okay okay put the put the put the robots back please please please get them to stop targeting me with their weird laser eyeballs oh he just hit the button come on move back oh there they go there they go okay okay and robot dad just said powering down okay thank God the robots are are leaving me alone and robot mom just said power off okay po just said I hope your plan works Miss I'm just going to say Me too uh but for now go get some sleep and we will try in the morning okay he just said okay guys I want to make sure he leaves I'm just going to say go on now all right you guys that definitely bought us some time and I need to get out of here with these weird robots and then as soon as I try to help these this family fix their problems I am going to get as far away from them as possible okay they all need some serious therapy
Channel: Cari - Roblox
Views: 138,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, cari hyper, roblox girl, girl roblox, fun, cari roblox, roblox cari, cari plays, roblox bloxburg
Id: 7OzwY8ahKuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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