I Will Guess Your Birthday In This Video..

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hey guys top 10 speed here and in this video  we'll be taking a look at some of the coolest   mind tricks to ever exist make sure you watch  the video until the end to see a trick where i   will guess your birthday this trick is going  to blow your mind so don't miss out on that   also comment your answers to each question  as we go through them i'm interested to hear   what you guys have to say first we  have this train here take a look at   it and see if the train is moving forwards  or backwards or is it switching directions   this optical illusion is actually crazy because  if you focus hard enough you can actually switch   the direction the train is traveling whenever  you want the way i do it is that i focus on   the furthest left side of the train and it starts  moving backwards and when i focus on the furthest   right side of the train it starts moving  forwards try this out for yourself right now   take a look at these two red circles  here which circle is bigger though   is it the circle on the left or the circle on  the right comment which one you think is bigger alright so the truth is that both circles are  the exact same size did you notice this or were   you fooled by this mind trick and thought  that one circle was bigger than the other   there are ten fish in a tank two drowned  how many are left common your answer   alright so there will still be ten fish left  because fish actually can't drown did you   get this correct or were you tricked  next we've got this picture here this   is a really interesting picture because what  boys see and what girls see will be different   when boys look at this picture  they see a man playing a horn   but when girls look at this picture they see a  lady's face only a small percentage of people   will be able to see both things only boys can see  this man playing the horn which is pretty cool like the video and subscribe in the next  five seconds for one whole week of good luck   next we've got this picture here of mice  and cheese there's actually a dice hidden   somewhere in this picture are you able  to find it though only people at the best   eyesight will be able to find this dice  comment where the dice is if you see it alright so the dice is actually right here did  you see this there's an animal hidden in this   circle here are you able to figure out which  animal it is though only those with really   good eyes will see this animal as well comment  what the animal is in this circle if you see it next we've got this dinosaur mind  trick here this photo has confused   thousands of people because no one has been able  to figure out how many legs this dinosaur has   some people see four five six or even more legs  on this dinosaur try counting them for yourself   and comment how many legs you see then we  can compare our answers with each other there's something wrong with this  photo here can you figure out what   it is comment what you think is  wrong with this picture as well   all right so the mistake in this picture  is that this bench doesn't have a seat   so the lady is just floating  in the air did you spot this   take a look at this here and read everything  that it says i bet it's gonna trick you alright so were you tricked by this picture  at least once be honest and let me know in   the comments there are two animals in  this picture here can you see them both   comment what the two animals are as well alright the two animals here are actually a  rabbit and a bird did you see both of them   next i'm going to show you guys a trick  that ended up going viral on tick tock   it's a pretty crazy optical illusion  of mind trick that makes it look like   this girl's hand is going through her  other hand let's take a look at this next we've got these two spinning circles  here this is a really confusing mind trick   because we can't figure out which way  these circles are actually spinning   if you try to look and see which way one  of these circles is spinning it'll just   switch directions and start spinning  the other way this is super weird next we've got a mind trick of this  man this is super interesting because   we can actually change the way this man  is looking if you look at the man's eye   it looks like he's facing towards us  but then if we look at the man's nose   he changes directions and starts facing to  the side this is a super cool mind trick take a listen to the sound here did you just get tricked and think someone was  knocking on your door this is a super realistic   mind trick which tricks us into thinking  someone is knocking on her door in real life   try playing this video for someone else and i  bet they'll fall for it next we've got these   spinning gears here well they're not actually  spinning though your brain is being tricked into   thinking they're spinning even though they're  completely still you can even place your finger   on one of the gears and you'll realize that it's  not spinning at all this is such a cool mind trick all right next i want you guys to stare  at the spinning circle at the top of this   picture for 30 seconds and try your best  not to blink while you're looking at this   after the 30 seconds is up look at the picture  underneath the spiral and it'll start to move   alright so stare at the spiral at the top next let's get into the trick where i will guess  your birthday you will need a calculator for this   trick so before we start make sure you go and  get a calculator if you need to pause the video   and get one trust me it's going to be worth it  since i will literally be guessing your birthday   also before we get into this trick make sure  you press the equals button after each set of   instructions i give you otherwise this won't  work alright let's get into it first i want   you to multiply the month of your birthday  by the number seven i'll put a table on the   screen to help you for example if you're  born in january you multiply seven by one   if you were born in february then  you multiply seven by two and so on   all right now i want you to  subtract one from your number   now i want you to multiply your number by 13. next add the day of your birthday  onto your number for example if   you're born on the third add three if  you were born on the 20th add 20 and   so on make sure you add your own  birthdate onto the number though now i want you to add three onto your  number now multiply the number by 11.   now subtract the month you  were born from your number   now subtract the day you  were born from your number   next divide your number by 10 now add 11 onto your number now divide your number by a hundred all right you should now have some numbers  on your calculator the first two numbers will   be the month you were born and the second two  numbers will actually be the day you were born   did i guess your birthday correct let me know  in the comments anyways guys that's it for   these super cool mind tricks including  a trick where i guessed your birthday   let me know in the comments if you were able  to do any of the things that i showed you in   this video if you enjoyed please be sure  to leave a like on the video and subscribe   if you're new i hope you enjoy the rest  of your day this mid top 10 speed peace you
Channel: Top10Speed
Views: 2,037,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Will Guess Your Birthday In This Video.., I Will Show Your Age In This Video.., this video will guess your age, this video will make you feel like you're flying, i will guess your age, guess your age, guess your number, i will guess your name, mind reading, read your mind, guess the age, guess your age trick, magic trick, guess your name, this will guess your age, mind tricks, best mind tricks, mind tricks and optical illusions, riddles, i will read your mind, birthday, guess
Id: x8qdiAODIOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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