I Will Give You Dyslexia

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so something you gotta know about me is i go to the movie theater a lot which means i see the same trailer again and again and again and again and again and one trailer that i saw a bunch is for this like asian i think it's a chinese movie called confetti uh where this girl has dyslexia and similar to like the percy jackson movie uh they show that with a couple of vfx shots of like some letters outside and the letters are flipping and all this and i thought um that's a pretty interesting shot it involves some tracking some removal some animation and i thought uh let me make the confetti shot myself can i do what a vfx studio is doing for an asian movie um i think so and you'll find out how to do it in a bit but first uh i think this tutorial should have a sponsor so let me talk about that and then the effect so first of all i guess it's the framing of the shot but something about this just makes me feel tiny in this like vast room but anyways a new sponsor for this video things.com it's like things but with an a and the more i look into it the more features this website seems to have so let me tell you about it so things.com is not only a website that has a bunch of free 3d models that you'd usually use for 3d printing or maybe use them in your projects you download them as stl as it opens and blender all this but it's also a search engine for 3d models which is something i've never come across that actually has this thing called geometric search where you can literally upload a 3d model and it will use that information to find similar or even completed 3d models which is just like a new concept to me using a 3d model to search for other 3d models anyways things.com has 2.4 million models indexed so pretty much whatever you're looking for assuming that it's like at least somewhat like common or popular somebody has already made it so you do not need to waste your time making it yourself but that's one cool thing geometric search is already one out of many interesting things another is that any model on the website is assuming you're using your phone or something like that you can also put in your like scene your room whatever in 3d and you can inspect that and i just thought that was like i don't know i i don't know i just thought it was interesting you can put it in your room i think because my phone has a lidar scanner i can actually pass like my hand through it and stuff like that so not only is there like this ar 3d viewer but additionally whenever you just look at the model you know in the website there's also a 3d viewer for that if the thing has parts like a revolver has like i don't know the hill to the barrel the i don't know i don't use the guns i live in massachusetts it's not like a common thing you can look at it part by part by parts download those stls or just download the whole thing as a collective and yes you can upload your own stuff you can collaborate with other people you can download like there's a whole bunch of features that i'm not going to quite go over because i think the most interesting ones are this geometric search this ar this like the fact that you can pretty much just get any model you want in stl format for free i don't know but i want to thank things.com for sponsoring this tutorial because this is a sponsor that i'm like this is something i will be using for real like why wouldn't you free 3d models you'd have to be crazy not to if you want to check it out for yourself you can just go to like thangs.com or if you want to help your boy out there's a link in the description that says you arrive to that website via that link which has additional information either way check it out it's for your benefits try i honestly i've just been like putting 3d models in my room and just playing around with the ar feature but especially if you need to download models or you want to like find a completed model of your own thing using geometric search it's a cool thing so again thank you things.com and back to confetti uh me putting people out of the job again okay we're back so here's the shot i'm gonna be trying to confetti eyes it has a lot of text it has the word cappuccino it has the word rations and i thought this would be a pretty simple case because the background that it's on basically the awning or whatever is a single kind of grayish black color which means the removal will be easy and i thought this would be interesting because the text actually has a bit of like you know poles punched through it almost it kind of looks like weather text so it's actually going to be a bit more complicated than the original movie so i thought why not so step one uh how do we take this and 3d track it so that you know we can actually do something with it so let's open up blunder i'm going to be switching between version 2.93 and 3.0 depending on which one i actually decide to open so uh to begin with with tracking i'm just going to do kind of a crash course nothing too complicated i always take my footage and turn it into an image sequence this just prevents frame rate issues so i'm just gonna do it um so take the original footage uh by the way if you're on the patreon for this channel you can use this footage otherwise just record something outside um i'm just gonna take this footage and be like okay looks good looks good looks good and i don't need the whole shot let's have it go to like frame 130 or something like that so i'm just trimming it and then we are going to export it as an image sequence so png don't need the alpha channel and just export it into the very same directory sec stands for sequence and render that out so again now we will be tracking a series of images which is no different but it makes compositing and all this a lot easier because we are going to be going back and forth between tracking 3d viewport compositor so i think it's worth doing it like this so uh cool we have that start a new project again because we don't need this and now let's get on to the motion tracking so motion tracking crash course step one import your footage so import go to wherever you save the sequence so again i'm importing the image sequence select everything and then to track this we need to load in our footage which we kind of did but you have to hit set scene frames so now it knows it only goes to frame 130 instead of up to 250 so it changes the project in and out points hit prefetch to load it into memory and then we can start tracking so you know if we were to like you know add a tracker here and like do the thing we can actually have it like follow pieces of the footage but since i want it to just be a crash course let's keep it simple so for the tracker only thing i want you to change enable normalize what this does is for the tracker the area the search area that it's going to be following it's not going to be taking lighting variations as that big of a deal so if it if one part goes a bit into shadow doesn't matter so turn on normalize and then once you've done this we're gonna hit detect features which is gonna detect a bunch of features uh with this normalized setting enabled so it's gonna import that and then we can track forwards you could either do that with control t or with this track forwards button i like control t okay uh so we have a bunch of trackers uh i don't really care if they're good so just control l to lock them all we're gonna detect more features at the end of this shot so now we're adding in even more trackers and this time track backwards or shift ctrl t it has been a hot minute since i've done some tracking we'll see if i still got it so um at this point we should have a bunch of trackers some of them we tracked forwards some of them would track backwards but overall we have like at least eight trackers throughout the entire shot uh which is kind of the main criteria we care about so uh once you have the trackers go to solve go to keyframe enable this this is just gonna pick these two numbers for you you don't have to worry about what that means just click solve camera motion and let's see what we're going to get the more trackers we get the longer you know the longer it takes to solve but you can see we have a solve error of 1.26 pixels which isn't too bad i try to get underneath the pixel if possible this is the error how much drift we can expect per frame per you know horizontal pixel um but 1.26 means that it's fairly accurate it could just be a bit better so let's refine this in our tracker data which is the graph editor kind of you can see the x and y locations of each of these trackers and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to take these ones that look kind of problematic problematic and get rid of them so i'm just going to select the ones that feel like they don't jive with the others these could be seen as high error trackers this one kind of seems a bit off and just delete them go back to clip and then you can disable keyframes so now it has these two numbers that are picked to resolve and somehow the error has gone up whatever you could try enabling keyframe i expect it to give us the same result yup 1.27 um so second line of defense now that we removed the high error trackers that seem to do nothing take focal length enable this so now we're going to solve again but this time it's going to calculate how zoomed in the lens was how zoomed in the camera was and that should yep that will get us below a pixel there we go we did it 0.67 if it's below 0.69 we're in the clear okay so we have a camera solved let's actually bring it into our shots so we gotta use it so uh 3d viewport you can see we have a bunch of stuff i'm just going to delete it and once you have your camera solved so you have some solver you can hit setup tracking scene which will automatically do a whole bunch of stuff for us so it makes a ground plane an object a light a camera that actually moves relative to our shot and you can see that everything is kind of tracking properly it looks incorrect it looks like this is drifting in space we'll take care of it but in general everything's working um couple things to fix uh right off the bat i'm just gonna get rid of all these collections and things that it's making right off the bat i just kind of want the camera and additionally i'm gonna get rid of the background view layer made don't worry about all that but okay so we have a camera it's moving doesn't look that correct let's fix it also first of all let's make this a bit more visible so background images you can make that more opaque so we can actually see what's going on and uh yeah okay so the main issue we have here is the camera is moving but it looks like it's not connected to any part of the scene and that's because these trackers which now exist in 3d space as you can see uh each tracker corresponds to an empty um none of it is near the 3d cursor which means it's all suspended in space so quick way to fix that is to either move the camera so that you can like position these emptys so they're near the 3d cursor or even faster just select three trackers on some surface i'm gonna pick this cappuccino and rations wall i'm gonna pick three trackers i'm gonna click floor and that's going to take these three and put them on the xy plane which you can see from the camera view it's not perfect but it looks much more connected so it almost looks like we're perpendicular to the surface which we kind of are we could do a bit better so what i'm going to do is i'm going to with the camera selected i'm going to move i'm along the x-axis so this is a bit confusing uh the camera's still moving i'm just changing where it is relative to the 3d cursor kind of so i'm just repositioning this so that everything's kind of where i want it and now you can see this is centered over here that looks a lot better but uh we could do even better um we're going to do some manual corrections i'm just going to select all the trackers that are on the surface that i know uh that i want to be on the floor in some sense i'm just shift-clicking okay that's a bunch of trackers you can see where they are in 3d space and what i want to do with these is have them all be as close as possible to this ground plane so we can just do some manual adjustments i'm just going to rotate it so that they all kind of lie on the ground plane as much as possible it looks pretty good on this axis let's see what that looks like beautiful and then finally i'm going to take this camera relative to the 3d cursor and rotate it by like i don't know 90 degrees or something like that and uh there you go it's not it's not the best uh motion track i've ever seen uh but it will definitely get the job done the better you do this you know the better time you're gonna have so i'm just gonna reposition this again the key concept here if you haven't seen a motion tracking tutorial maybe you go watch one of mine but the key concept here is we already have the camera motion baked i'm just uh repositioning or reorienting the scene uh in a way that's useful for us so you can see uh now we kind of have this ground plane so this camera's looking down at the ground plane uh we have it be this wall with the kappa sheet the cappuccino and the rations and all that and uh that is the motion tracking step so now the next thing we need to do is use this track to take our footage and remove the text so we replace it with black so that we can then overlay our 3d manipulated text on top so let's talk about how to do that so motion tracking we already did that i actually haven't changed anything in the scene um how do we get rid of this well to get rid of the text really all we have to do is overlay black because that's what would be underneath here uh so what i'm thinking is we could either paint black on top of this which would look okay but even better if we could sample part of this awning if that's what this is called we sample part of it from the right that has the right shade of black and a bit of texture to it we sample it and we put it on top then that would look beautiful so let's do that first of all i'm going to save this since saving is attractive and people like attractive people i'm going to call this available on patreon which also makes you attractive if you join the patreon one file going to be available maybe so what i'm going to do is i'm going to set up a plane so you can see now this is tracking with it so it's kind of like on the surface and i'm just going to put this in an area where i feel like it's sampling some of this black texture so i'm just going to go into edit mode select an edge make it a bit longer so we have a rectangle that's representative of the thing a bit longer and then let's make this back to median points so we can scale this in the middle a bit smaller um and this is the texture i want to sample so basically everything inside this rectangle i want to copy over here well how do we do that right now this thing has like no material uh well we need to set this up with a special material that is projected correctly and all this so let's do that in the shading workspace i'm going to give this thing a material we can call this projection since it's a projection for the projection i'm just going to sample let's just enable film transparent so we can actually see through this in rendered mode i'm just going to sample frame 44 for example it doesn't really matter what frame just pick one that the rectangle has some texture on 39 whatever so i'm going to load in an image texture for this material so again i'm giving this rectangle material which material well i'm going to give it the 39th frame i suppose since that's the one we're stuck on doesn't really matter what you pick so frame 39 we imported it in you can see kind of looks incorrect and you know it's just this plane with a texture that's tracking on weirdly whatever on frame 39 make sure these match what i'm going to do is i'm going to project this from the right view by adding in a uv project modifier an old school method i don't use much anymore i just set it to the default uv map with the camera we created and you can see it already kind of dude that sound i just made that's my nightmare i used to edit that out not anymore it takes a lot of time to edit out every or every um or whatever but i used to be kind of anal about that uh make sure you select your camera that we made so this is our moving camera the uv map and you can see it kind of works but it's kind of sampling the wrong texture this is because the aspect is incorrect we want to set this to 1.778 where does that number come from well our footage is hd in other words 1920 divided by 1080 which is roughly 1.778 and you can see uh now this thing is a rectangle that is sampled correctly um although it's only going to sample uh it's going to sample what's behind the thing either way you want to be on frame 39 as this happens like i said we take this we apply it and now you can see this is going to be stuck the the piece of texture we projected is with it so if we put it over our text it's going to be on top of it so again we made a rectangle over the part to the right of the awning we took the black texture from there that's a bit gray and a bit more detailed sampled it uv project whatever applied that and now we're going to put it on top so i'm just going to literally reposition this it doesn't matter if we do a bit of scaling we'll do some compositing later to blend this in but you can see this kind of get the gets the job done um this is especially useful if this awning was a bit more complex like if it was a checkerboard thing and you really need to make a texture for it well you know we could sample it like we just did um and to avoid doing too much extra work i assume we can just take this copy it and like put it over the rations text that we want to manipulate as well it's not going to be perfect ideally you take another sample closer to this so it has a similar shade of black because it might be a bit different but whatever just make it close enough and hopefully nobody catches it that's the motto of the vfx artist okay so we've effectively removed it beautiful so what i'm going to do is i'm now going to re-render this the original footage with the text removed and then we can add in text back over originally so how do we render this out the way it's looking well right now if we were to render a frame you can see it gives us this which is pretty much what we want um long story short dude there's like a train or a boat outside i don't know hopefully that's not too loud for you um either way when the um we did the motion tracking it actually did a bunch of stuff like remember remember i deleted the view layer and i deleted a bunch of stuff it also added in all these nodes so i'm just going to simplify i'm just going to get rid of this one this one and i guess these like let's keep it super simple uh what we have is we have the original footage the thing with the the moving you know it's the original footage and we have the render layers in other words what we're rendering these two planes um as you can see you know we have the two planes this is what it looks like and we use this alpha over node to slap one on top of the other so you can see we can make it kind of transparent or fully opaque um this is essentially what we want to render out although you can see maybe you can't because the youtube compression the shade of black isn't perfect and of course we wouldn't expect it to be so if we go back to frame one maybe you can see it a bit better it just looks a bit off to me you might not be able to see it so let's soften it a little just to hide it so what i'm going to do is instead of having this perfect rectangle that's tracked on and you know it will render correctly is i want it to be a bit feathered on the edges just so we have a bit of smoothing to do this i'm going to set alpha so i'm going to take the alpha and i'm going to say make a new alpha which alpha well we're gonna make one so you can see here's the original alpha it's basically saying this is where the object is right so it doesn't have any texture it's just saying where it is i'm gonna take it send it through a dilator road which is gonna let us feather it so if i set this to feather you can see oh we softened it or you could soften it in the other direction with a negative number so before after just a bit of softening connect that to the alpha view it and then view it with the thing overlaid and it looks even better one thing about this is if you make this number too big um what might start happening as you make this number huge huge huge i guess we got to make it really big for this to happen why is it not happening oh because it's not overlaid duh okay let's go back to what it was so as you make this number more and more negative you're going to see some of the text is starting to pop through and that's because this is so feathered that some of the text is kind of visible right um so you either want to pick a number that isn't that negative which isn't ideal because you want the most feathering as possible or what you could do is simple solution just take this rectangle and make it a bit taller and honestly that's what i would recommend because that way we do get the additional feathering so there you go that's how you soften it what we want to do is we want to make sure that this is working for every frame though so i'm just going to go deeper into the footage where we see both rectangles let's render it yeah you can see now we see the text on this one because we didn't make that rectangle a bit taller so i'm just going to bring this down bring this up you don't want to overdo it otherwise you're going to have some black overhanging where it shouldn't and we might have some of that going on so i think this should be a bit taller more to the right this one should be a bit higher luckily we can experiment with this super quickly and that looks pretty good so again what do we have i know i'm going through this like so slowly but whatever we're doing movie level effects we took samples of the black thing we overlaid them we made them a bit bigger which doesn't look good from the viewport but remember we're doing some feathering with this set alpha situation which hopefully uh when we render this out will look good so again random frame frame 84. let's render it to update and yeah that looks pretty clean um one more thing you could do if you want to go insane with this is um for the texture this black rectangle you could add noise on top of it because it's just a still image it's not going to have any noise that's how you go like crazy crazy with this but i'm not going to do that so let's try to render this and see what we get so we know that it works for every frame let's render it out completely i think i rendered it at i recorded this at like nearly 30 frames per second so i'm gonna export this as a ffmpeg video in other words a movie file i'm gonna set this to mp4 it's just gonna be an mp4 export at a high quality you could make it even higher quality with like quicktime and all this i don't know but i'm going to call this version clean plate and when we render this you just want to make sure this whole node network is going to the composite the viewer is what we see but the composite is what gets rendered so i'm just going to render this control f12 frame by frame by frame well i don't know what i was saying but i think what i meant to say is uh we want to make sure that it looks pretty good this clean played video because if it does that means we can now put this new 3d text on top of it that i'm going to explain how to animate and all this um but when we overlay it everything should look good because you're not going to see the original text that isn't dyslexified or altered underneath um so we do need the clean played version there are other ways to do this with like planar tracking and all that but that might be a bit overkill nice thing about the clean plate though no reason to not render with ev so it shouldn't take too long only like 130 frames which you know it's kind of painful watching it in real time sorry about the mic hit yeah too too lazy to edit it out what do we got is it done it's done okay let's see if it looks good so we take the confetti uh i made a clean plate let's see what that looks like there we go so is it perfect no uh but i think the main thing that gives it away so you might not even be able to see it but i'm working on the shots i can like dead eye like see it or deadass you know i don't speak slang the main thing that gives it away is again you can tell the static image doesn't have updating noise so you could just add a layer of noise and compositing on top i'm not going to do that so we've removed the text you could even do it um up there for this big americano whatever and uh because we did like a 3d you know a 3d solve you just take this you like extrude it you bring it a bit back and it will like move with the footage as you can see i'm not going to do that for this but we have the clean plate uh now what we want to do i think we're good with that is we want to like render out a layer of like text stuff and then you know slap it on top so let's talk about how to do that um so i'm gonna get rid of my clean plate things and we can actually get i don't know why i still have this motion tracking open we don't need it um now we can talk about kind of the most complicated not really maybe the motion tracking is the hardest but we can talk about the more artistic side of this like how do we manipulate the text so we're going to start off with the same way i'm going to make a plane this time i'm going to very deliberately make this plane roughly the bounding box of this text so i'm going to use the same method we used to sample this black texture but this time we're going to sample the you know the text and then we're going to manipulate it so we could do it like that and then let's play this footage so we can see the other text beautiful duplicate it move it over we probably could have reused the old planes but whatever just position this so it's like roughly the bounding box of the text and you just want to make sure that the motion tracking is good enough that all the text stays inside that looks pretty good doesn't need to be perfect and then with this one also pretty good doesn't need to be perfect okay um so let's sample the texture so right now again this has no material i'm going to give this a projection material i'm gonna modify it so now we're on frame number one one remember we want remember we were on frame thirty nine now we're on frame one so i'm just gonna update this so it's now sampling uh the first frame uv project so now we are projecting the first frame onto the geometry from the perspective of the camera with 1.778 so you can see now we've actually extracted this uh texture by the way one thing weird thing about blender didn't matter too much for the queen plate but it does for this weird thing about blender is it's going to add a bit of distortion unless we subdivide so you can see when we subdivide it becomes a bit sharper and cleaner so you want to subdivide a bit but that's fine apply this and we could also do that for the other piece of text so for this one we are going to apply the projection material this one i'm going to make a new copy of so i'm going to call this projection 2. the reason i'm making a new material for this is we're not sampling frame one anymore we're going to sample a different frame so i want it to be a new thing and for this one let's sample frame and i don't even know if i will end up animating this text because it's a lot of work but if i do for this one we should sample frame 105 i suppose 105 beautiful again uv project from the uv map from the camera 1.778 is going to give us our text back and you again want to subdivide this a bit beautiful and you want to whoops you want to go back to frame 105 and apply that so again now we basically have these two planes nothing about them is changing they just have these materials and textures uh but they are being tracked on so you can see uh without the materials uh i mean okay if we had the blank footage underneath without the materials there's nothing going on underneath these pieces of text as you can see so it's just this so now let's animate a letter it doesn't really matter which letter but let's open up our timeline i'm thinking let's start with something simple let's like flip this n uh because we don't wanna the the issue with cappuccinos it has a lot of letters that are symmetric so if we flip the u it would look the same so we need the n's or the p's or the c's i think those are actually the only options so what i'm going to do is i'm going to it doesn't matter if we already subdivided this i'm just going to make a new kind of selection isolating this n so i'm just going like this making it parallel with these diagonals of the n beautiful i'm going to take this and just select these faces make it its own object so separate by selection so now it's its own object i'm going to drink some water it's always good to keep a uh dry throat no other way around a wet throat everybody loves a wet throat um okay so now it's its own object that we can actually manipulate and move around and um i guess er yeah i guess let's uh animate this no no no no let's manipulate the material first so what i want to do is i want to isolate these letters without the black in the background so that when i rotate this so i'm going to set object object to geometry when i rotate this i don't want the black texture around the text moving i just want the text so how do we isolate it uh super simple i'm just gonna make the black transparent and then we're gonna do the animation so i'm gonna mix shader i'm gonna mix this with some transparency nope i'm gonna mix this with some transparency and this is where this kind of deviates from the original confetti effect because some of these letters have like a bit of wear and tear so we want to kind of capture that so the way i'm going to do this is i'm going to mix this with a transparent bsdf and for where you know one should be and where the other should be is i'm going to use a color ramp to basically say here's the mask for where some of it should be transparent and some of it should not so you can see with this color ramp we can now kind of you know make a high contrast version of this so what i am thinking is we bring this up we want to bring the black handle up too so everything else gets kind of crushed to black just like that so we just want to make a pretty sharp mask make this the mixing factor and uh it's not going to work for eevee until you set this to a alpha blend and then you flip these so now you can see the text is isolated and we can kind of control the fading of it procedurally you know i love that proceduralism so we just kind of want to set these uh so that the blacks been eliminated we can go back and play with this later but you can see now the the reason i waited to i did this first before the animation is now when we animate this we can see where the original letter was to begin with to make sure everything matches up so okay so we've isolated the sun we made the faces let's animate it so let's say on frame 15 uh it's going to be fine up until this point so i'm going to keyframe the location and the rotation and then let's say over the course of 20 now 30 frames so from 15 to 30 is 15 frames let's go to 35 we are again then going to have it do its rotation so on the y axis rotate by 180 degrees and you can also move it a tiny bit if it's not where it should be so something like that location rotation and hit t to make this um uh this animation a constant speed linear instead of bezier so you can see now the n has flipped if we view it like this flip then and we're then going to composite it back on top but we can just keep kind of repeating this process for more letters so let's just do one or two more just for the demo let's flip one of these p's and you'll see why i do that rotation thing as well or the location and the rotation i have to keep moving my mic because it keeps slowly dipping down so for this one let's isolate this p so i'm just going to use the knife tool that's k for knife tool and right here it doesn't need to be perfect although perfect is better than not perfect although perfectionism can really ruin your life don't you know either way take this we're gonna separate it again into its own object so we can animate it uh but it's still gonna carry over this transparent material so let's say on frame 35 no frame 30 so we have a bit of overlap with this animation i'm gonna keyframe have it go 20 frames down to frame 50 rotate on the y-axis we got to reset the origin of this thing this is a pretty complex effect even though it looks pretty simple we rotate it and then i'm going to move it as you can see now it's kind of looking a bit weird so we just want to position it like that boop linear let's see what that looks like what did i do i messed it up one of these keyframes was an issue okay let's try that again i think i didn't set the origin or something like that set origin to geometry okay it's fine so far keyframe location rotation frame 50 rotate on the y-axis 180 degrees move it a bit to the left keyframe [Music] linear there we go so here's what we got so far so it's going to be cappuccino the n flips the p flips and whatever and then you can do the same thing for rations by the way uh this whole setup we can just copy it and for the rations material which is again its own material since we're projecting a different frame okay i'm trying my best to copy these nodes take this control c rations control v wow it really does not like that i wonder why that is do i need to like actively select one if not i can just do this off screen there we go so i go like that i go like that whoops like this and again since we're in ev make sure to set this to alpha blend and now we've uh isolated uh this one although we need to connect the original texture back and and so what i'm saying is you could do it with the other one but for now i'm just going to say this is good enough you could just flip more letters it doesn't really matter how do we composited the composite this back over well what we have so far i'm just going to update my note tree so it just kind of shows the render layers if we render this we just have a bit of text where where the n is halfway through flipping so let's just go a bit further so you can see we have this flipped n if we were to take this and i'm just going to get rid of all these other nodes i just want this to be overlaid on top of the footage you can see it looks very wrong because again we have the original text beneath so it's like there should be black underneath but there's already this so we need to take this we need to replace this with the blank clean plate footage so that's why we made that by the way so we have the queen plate footage let's make it 130 frames connect that there and there you go now you can see we have it so here's the clean plate here's our render we're putting it on top and it should look pretty realistic because we've inherited all this wear and tear in the text but if it's looking a bit off what i would recommend is adding in an exposure node which can let you brighten or darken this piece of text render so you can see we can make it way brighter but you want to make sure it just pops a little bit more than it does since i'm sure we ruined it a little with the color ramp so here's the before and the after so we're just making it pop a bit more and also i should note when we go further into the footage and we render we also have the rations text so let's do a tiny render um again this isn't the final shot but this is like an example final you could like animate a bit more of this so again we make it a video perceptually lossless make sure it all goes to composite uh let's see what that looks like and by the way for those of you hardcore blender heads why you're asking why am i not using motion blur um it would make it look a bit more realistic uh the issue is the footage i filmed had a very high or low shutter speed however you wanted it was like one over 250 so there was barely any motion blur to begin with um so there we go we don't need to render the whole thing like that should be enough to sample it so let's see if this looks like the way we expect it to there we go so you know it could use a bit more work like maybe i made it a bit too bright but you can see in essence like the clean plate doesn't bother anybody the text looks like it's moving and the flipping animation looks interesting because it's somehow 3d right it's rotating but it's still like on the flat surface so it's like how is it doing that so yeah you could add a bit of motion blur but you can see that in general this is how you create the effect you just spend a bit more time on it and i think at this point you kind of know what you're doing and i've gone uh 30 minutes so i think that is ample anyways uh thank you for watching this tutorial i'm sorry i kept adjusting the mic and all that hopefully it didn't like ruin the audio and then it got better and then ruined it whatever either way this is the part of the tutorial where i pimp out patreon like it's my only like purpose on this planet i am a patreon pumping machine try saying that three times either way uh patreon it exists it is a the best way to support this channel and the cg matter channel so not only can you fund the tutorials but you get a bunch of stuff in return so if you are a patreon patron i am so ruining this um if you become a patron some of the stuff you get is blend file so i'm going to make some of the assets like the original footage here all that and it's going to be available so you can practice around with that any one file uploaded over the last two or three years also going to be there since i've been at this for a while so get those bun files also early access to tutorials you could have seen this tutorial early well this one i'm not sure because of the sponsored thing but generally you can watch tutorials early sometimes it's been a week early when i went on that long trip but also you get exclusive tutorials every once in a while that i post on either channel those are just kind of like every once in a while kind of things just a little bonus you know but those exist but really if you just want to support these two channels that is the way to do it you just become a patron and i would thank you forever um anyways i hope you learned something and i don't think i actually want to see the confetti movie but i'm going to see candyman tonight um and i really hope that they play the trailer to confetti before that because i'm like oh i made that shot today and you know not many people can say that so i think that's cool either way um thanks for watching boys see ya
Channel: Default Cube
Views: 15,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, confetti, dyslexia, effect, vfx, cg, cgi, 3d
Id: r3Xdv4WGgsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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