I Went To The BIGGEST Pokémon GO Fest Ever In London!

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one of my very favorite things to do is just be around large groups of people all doing something they're really passionate about it's why I love football matches it's why I love events like Comic-Con and gaming conventions and it's why I fell in love with Pokemon go instantly when it first came out back in 2016. but of course the worldwide passion for Pokemon go was relatively short-lived and it very soon just became this weird thing that weird people did kind of on their own and as a result I kind of lost interest but I've recently got back into the game as a motivational tool to get me out and about getting more regular exercise which is somehow coincided with Pokemon go Fest being held in the UK for the first time at Brockwell Park in London after having a great time at the Pokemon world championships in London last year there was no way I was going to miss another massive Pokemon event go Fest is the biggest event on the Pokemon go calendar every year it's a ticketed event and tickets cost a pretty steep 32 pounds for a full day of exclusive gameplay half within the pack and half throughout a wider city-wide experience across London now let's go and hang out with some wonderful nerds but before we do if I could just ask you a quick favor we're still in the very early days of this channel so if you're enjoying the content so far and would like to see more please consider subscribing and turning on your notifications it's the single most helpful thing you can do to help to support a YouTube channel and if you enjoy the video please give it a thumbs up to tell YouTube that they should maybe consider pushing it out for a few more people to see and just as importantly let me know down in the comments section what your favorite Pokemon is now get me into that muddy field so this is Pokemon go Fest I mean to be fair it's not actually started yet which is why it just looks like a field I imagine at some point it will stop just looking like a field there's already a queue of people over there getting ready to go in the merchandise tent it's a bit of a weird Sour Patch I was expecting there to be some kind of ticket to get in but because you buy the ticket to the event in the app and then the app decides whether you get all the event exclusive pocket monsters and whatnot um it's you're literally just wandering off the road into the park and it is still functioning as a normal park today there's no no restriction on just coming in and wandering around even if you don't have a ticket to the event it's pretty pointless to do that because if you don't have a ticket you don't get the all the the stuff that's going on in the app but uh yeah it looks like anyone can just wander in and explore we have a nice little row of toilets over there and then it's also kind of set off into different areas you've got a few of these pokestop looking things around that uh are actually power Banks you can go and charge your phone although there's not anywhere to like lock your phone up it just it's a load of phone cables on a wet bench so I'm glad I bought a uh a power bank with me and then my understanding of how this works is the park itself is kind of sectioned off on GPS into various biomes I guess and they all have different Pokemon spawning in them there's going to be fancy raid things I don't sheepdog what's going on today no I did think I'm standing right here and I know everything uh there's like an ice biome I think that's it there a volcano a fairy place so all these different tents around the place are different biomes uh there'll be Regional spawning here uh there'll be a quest to catch Beyonce the uh mythical Pokemon just to clarify everyone here is really cool um yeah yeah there's not this isn't like an event for dweebs no everyone is cool just checking good okay well we're gonna go and have a little bit of explore things officially kick off in half an hour so I'm kind of wondering if now is the best time to get in the queue for the merchandise thing because it's probably not going to be any smaller than that all day and we can't actually do any of the Pokemon catching for half an hour yet so I think we might go and have a look in the merchandise tent I've made it into the merchandise tent all over with you I expected the Pokemon to be a little bit harder to find than this they're just piled up everywhere we're on our traditional hunt for a giraffe rig obviously they won't have one because they never do anywhere but if there is a giraffe rig in here I'm just gonna buy it go home job done event complete they've also got loads and loads of t-shirts and hoodies and things all around the outside here various more plushies and whatnot I've even got a little uh bag that's supposed to look like a lounge fly bag there isn't one and I think that's about it bags toys hoodies t-shirts not quite on the level of the merch store that they had at the world championships at the XL last year which I did make a video on you can find that up there somewhere but uh let's throw some cool bits and Bobs nothing I want to carry around with me all day though so I expect unless I find a loose giraffe rig no purchases will be made but the event doesn't start for another 10 minutes or so but I do have the most important mission of the day already complete I've got Anna's socks three pairs of Pokemon socks 20 pounds that's not horrific that's not like it's not Wembley prices so we are in the uh the whole park has got absolutely bomb because I did catch the moment just after nine o'clock when it was switched over from there being nothing at all here to it being this absolutely insane situation but we've been given a load of tasks to do as part of the event so the tasks basically involve going around all of the different habitats which I think indicated by all these different tents that are around the place and then catching Pokemon spinning pokestops over in those different areas but I mean that is that is insane I've never seen anything quite like it I need to put the camera away for a bit do some catching no shinies yet very sad but apparently there's increased shiny luck here today as well so should have some goodies to show you the next time I check in so there's various of these tent things positioned around the around the park which indicate the different biomes so this one is the hypnotic Glacier and each one of the different areas has different Pokemon that spawn in there so we have to queue to go in here absolutely no idea what's going to be inside once we get in there but we're going to have a little look yeah probably some ice and there's uh that looks a bit like London over there who'd have thought laser hazard in here apparently so this is the hypnotic Glacier oh that's me that guy looks like me so we were in like a uh I guess we're inside a glacier right now which is quite cool glacier it's very smoky in here as well I'll level with you I was expecting to see some Pokemon in there and then this there's a very dark room I think the sole purpose of these is that they're air-conditioned tents so it's a place to come and hide from the Sun and cool down there's no sun today so it's not an issue but that was a weird thing to queue up for other than the fact we are now in an air-conditioned tent smack bang in the middle of this biome but there's uh I don't know I thought there might be like a toy Pokemon in here or something or a guy in a Pokemon suit this one's weird the dark room I can't even see us on the camera shorter really yeah I mean if it was a really hot day I would get it we'll be back here later if it gets warm but uh let's go to a different biome this one was weird so over there they've got a meet and greet for Pikachu and Evie at various times they Evie's doing the meet and greet at the moment um and then there's all these mobile phone masts just to make sure everyone can get a signal which is which is a good plan a very good plan right we've done all of the tasks at the moment for hypnotic Glacier so we now need to head to a different line because each biome on the tasks that you get as part of the event has a thing like catch however many in each area spin however many pokestops in each area so we need to head to one of these other areas and it looks like over here there's maybe a little bit more effort being put into it because over here we literally just got ice cubes and a cold room but over here there's at least some flowers so I'm now in the volcanic island I think this one is called there's a volcano behind me um there's also lots and lots of people playing Pokemon go behind me which is very very cool I do like being surrounded by people who are doing something they really like it's awesome and also you can see behind me there there's just people using the park normally as well there's no restriction on coming in and just experiencing the event but you only get the in-game stuff if you've bought the ticket which is which is quite cool it's not as busy as I thought it would be but I mean it is it is plenty busy as you can see I've got a ticket for in park access for this morning so I think that's from nine until one I'll have all the stuff in the park and then this afternoon I've got a ticket to cover the wider London and I've got that for tomorrow as well because I'm down here tomorrow as well so um there'll be other stuff across the rest of London so park this morning then we head over to the rest of London but I like it here it's fun in the park I need to catch some more Pokemon and now we're in not a single shiny yet think I'm doing something wrong right we are we've found a kind of middle bit where lots of things are so there's the Niantic Hollywood Sign there and then over here we've got another little shop that seems to have less stuff in it plus things for the various uh Niantic Services we've got the fairy garden thing over there with all the plants then over here we have an actual hot air balloon okay with uh Pokemon Go written on the side which I think is a new game they're going to be bringing out it looks very snazzy it's not actually up here I don't know if you can go up in that I obviously wouldn't because it terrifies me but that is there then there's some benches and eating places over there but most importantly of all we've now been here nearly an hour and a half I still don't have a shiny anything and I'm only on stage two of five of the tasks that we've got to do and they have to be finished by one o'clock the there's some other bits that we can do over the course of the rest of the weekend on the city-wide experience but the the actual quests and things that are in here have got to be done by the time my ticket for in here expires so I need to get a rig along with those but here we have flowery Garden things hot air balloon I can also really smell bacon and I'm not sure where it's coming from bacon now finally finally an hour and a half in I have my first shiny it's from a raid rather than just catching a wild Pokey um it's a new Pokemon to my Pokedex as well I have a shiny cressalia that as you can see has Big Ben in the background as well which is very very cool huzzah canvas finally arrived at Pokemon go Fest so it's now 11 o'clock so we're halfway through our allotted time here in the park turns out I might have been uh moaning unnecessarily earlier because I got a shiny Lucario much earlier on in the day than I realized I did it just an auto catch from my Pokemon plus plus plus plus um so this is how we're doing at the moment Seven Chinese so far today not too shabby and I'm also plowing through these research tasks as well so I just need to finish one more of these field research tasks they're all about every single one of them is asking me to earn a candy with my buddy which is why it's taking so long I keep deleting them but then we'll be three of five through the tasks for the day and then we've got these collection tasks on here as well um which the only one I need to finish is volcanic island I've done one for all of the other areas habitats is the proper word I've been saying biome all day I just need to go and catch a Charmander over there and then I've finished all the collection challenges as well we're now going to head over there into the bit that we haven't been in yet which I think is the dark jungle but because we've kind of hovered around the edge of it we've managed to catch everything that's in it and uh been all the stops in it and do all the tasks in it and everything I am all set my phone is also almost dead two hours in my battery is about to die so good job got a battery pack with me so I'm now in the dark jungle habitat don't believe me that we can get the entire jungle in frame that is a jungle and that is the first Pokemon I've seen all day so let's go into the jungle and have a little look so we've got jungle moisture coming out of here actually this is the best one so far this is actually quite cool quite nicely done it's uh we've got jungle rain in here I like this this one's good we're posing for potential thumbnails in here this is quite cool although I am now getting wet and it is not a warm day and the best thing about that is by going through it I think I've given sheepdog the slip as well so a little bit of freedom for a little while somebody just said over there somewhere there is a big inflatable Snorlax so I'm gonna go and find him there's also a football match going on here as well because this is still just a normal Park in normal use for the day despite the fact it's full of nerds holding their phones and at this point nerds holding their phones and everyone is Tethered by a cable to their pocket or their bag as well because it's 11 30. we've been going two and a half hours everybody's phone has died now and we're uh we're all charging back up again we've found the uh the big Snorlax still not found a little Charmander yet but that guy just sitting there minding his own business while people come in take a selfie with his exposed crutch [Music] there's no one here to stop me just climbing on him and bouncing on him like a bouncy castle either so someone right there I didn't see her Charmander court all the collection tasks now complete which means the only thing I've got left to do now is the uh roaming about London task which we'll do this afternoon need to find a route follow that and then we've got various other raids that are going to be over the over London that we're going to go and do this afternoon but we've got about 45-50 minutes left on our tickets so we're just gonna kind of do one more slow lap of the park try and pick up a few more shinies before we head off and we're aiming to hit the uh the Food Van area just as everything goes dark on the app so we can grab something to eat because all I've had today is a prepped yogurt and I'm quite peckish well we've hit half past one which is the end of our session here in the park um the poker stops and gyms and stuff that came up with the event haven't gone away but it seems I can't spin them anymore but as soon as we hit half past one we got a new set of Quests for the city-wide gameplay that is this afternoon specifically these quests um one of five London City Sites um so we need to spin some more pokestops can't spin the pokestops here anymore so there's the incentive to just get us out of the park um we're gonna grab something to eat and then we're going to go and do exactly that but yeah it looks like the pokestops and things in here have now been deactivated game crashed and when it restarted everything was gone the park is completely stopless now which means we really do need to get out of here to get on with the next set of missions which actually I am going to have today and tomorrow to do because I've got the city-wide booked for tomorrow as well but first before we leave we are trying to find the food trucks from earlier which I think are this way I am so hungry it's getting on for two o'clock and I'm still surviving on just a yogurt first thing I'm a big boy I need I need more than yogurt to get me through a day so here we have the variety of food trucks and luckily because we're kind of at that halfway point between the morning the afternoon session despite it being lunchtime they're not actually that busy because I guess a lot of people as soon as Pokemon got turned off in the park have legged it and likewise the people who've just got here are probably thinking in terms of getting on with playing the game that I've had lunch before they come so I think hide and Greek is the way forward for me we got back to the train station and it's half an hour until the next train into Central London from here because they've decided to put the event in the middle of nowhere effectively which is um kinda not ideal because I want to get back into catching my pokies but knowing that I don't have to get out of this chair for another half an hour is quite a refreshing thought my uh my lower parts are a little achy we've done about 12 000 steps so far today and we're effectively only halfway through well about two and a half hours after the event actually finished over at Brockwell Park and with much taking our time getting over here and catching a little bit at various train stations along the way we've made it to Green Park which is kind of our plan for the rest of the afternoon to try and do as many of the Rayquaza at the mega Rayquaza raids that are on as possible so we're just literally walked out of the tube station behind us there and the uh the first raid was right here waiting for us so because everyone is doing this they're filling up so quick there were 20 people in the raid when we walked out of the station I couldn't get the game to open um so I had to try again and so this is the immediately next raid following that one and there's 19 people in this one so they are just all filling straight up to 20 people immediately there's as many people in this park playing Pokemon go as they were in the actual Pokemon Park so uh I think we've definitely come to the right place we've got the city-wide boosted stuff for I think it ends at seven o'clock so we've got that at least for three more hours so uh much Shenanigans incoming everybody we've made it all the way through Green Park to uh the big house there um apparently the best place to play Pokemon go is all the touristy places so we're seeing all the sites this afternoon it's a rat Buckingham Palace on the way down here because I've really wanted a Shiny Snorlax all day on the way down here I said to sheepdog because he already got one and I was getting upset but I didn't have one and I'm on a diet as well so I said right here's the deal if I get a Shiny Snorlax this afternoon I'm rewarding myself with a donut from Crosstown Donuts my favorite donut place which is over there somewhere I think and uh almost immediately got one so I now have a Shiny Snorlax I've probably put a screenshot of him here and I'm gonna eat a donut which I wasn't gonna have if I didn't catch him so I'm very happy if you want to have a proper look at Buckingham Palace there it is look little little sightseeing shot for anyone still watching at this point in the video who's not interested in the Pokemon we don't often do touristy sightseeing things in London because we come down here so often so you're getting to see a little bit of that as well to the donut shop success my Rayquaza successfully mega evolved so that is almost all of the city-wide missions done I just need to do one more raid with my buddy in my party and I've completely finished that little quest line thing as well which will mean all of the tasks completely done apart from the one that lasts a full weekend where I have to follow a route which I still haven't done so I do need to find a route and follow a route that might end up being something I do tomorrow morning because there don't seem to be any in any of these Parks which is Bonkers I'll have another look in a minute but uh We've now headed away from Buckingham Palace still wondering aimlessly basically as soon as we see the next Mega Rayquaza raid on the map we walk in that direction so that's what we're doing now it's getting on for 5 p.m sheepdog heads home in a couple of hours so we've got a couple more hours of wandering around yet I think we've got time to find a route root Root Root would you believe I just didn't know how to use the roots feature properly I'm actually walking back pretty much the same spot I was in before when I said there weren't any because there's one that starts exactly there the uh Saint James's Park scenic route which once we get to the start of we should be able to spin that pokestop at the start and then I think we're following the route we just have to walk back down that way again and it just basically takes us the Langford James Park which seems reasonable I mean I'm basically on top of this pokestop now I don't really know how much closer I have to be ah there we go we are we are off we are now traveling on the route you can see that we've done 17 of 825 meters so now you can see that we do have the little line on the map and we just follow that get to the other end and profit I think is the general gist is it actually moving us along yeah 32 meters figured it out what a great feature this is well we'll consider this a roaring success route complete only took about 15 minutes and uh that means firstly my bag's just falling down and all my stuff has fallen out over the floor but it also means um that every single task related to Pokemon go Fest 2023 London is now complete we started at nine o'clock this morning it is ten past five on day one I do still have the city-wide stuff for tomorrow as well and for the rest of this evening but that is literally going to be a case of leaving the Pokemon go plus plus in my backpack just seeing if it catches any more shinies and seeing how many more stops I can spin there's no more tasks to do job done that has been a jolly good day highly recommend coming along to one of these events if you get the opportunity it's not likely to be in London again anytime soon but who knows there's another one of these in uh or similar event that's happening in Barcelona later in the year which I'm now going to try and persuade Anna and sheepdog that we should go to see look because I've uh I've had a splendid time big thumbs up to Pokemon go I won't quite in the video just yet once I get back to the hotel I'll show you all the Chinese I caught and obviously we might still catch some more stuff yet right well I'm back around the front of King's cross sheepdog is just headed off to get on his train I'm gonna head back to my hotel in a minute um I am just about 12 hours after I left that hotel this morning and all I've done today is play Pokemon go but just to give you the confirmations that uh everything we needed to do for this event has been complete you can see we've got no open quests there none of the uh go first ones open on here still plenty of other stuff I had a long time away from the game um and I've got an egg that needs to hatch but I mean you can see just how mad it is even somewhere like this the game The Go Fest event shuts off for the day in like two minutes time I think it shuts up at seven o'clock at which point things will calm down massively but it's going to be like this up for the rest of the weekend so I am gonna hopefully grab plenty more tomorrow when I'm out and about but as promised as it is the end of the video just to show you the the shinies that I got today quite the selection um I think yeah this is this is an order that they've been caught I did get the Lucario earlier in the day but me and she just did a trade on that one um but these were my shinies so pretty happy with this little haul there are still a few of the event exclusive shinies that I don't have yet so I'll be keeping an eye out for them tomorrow but very happy that I got my donut Shiny Snorlax and I've got a couple of shinies I can trade with Anna as well when I get home a couple of drinks on there a couple of tangler on there and uh like I say if I can do as well again tomorrow what's that 9 12 15 18 21 24 shinies today if I can get close to 20 again tomorrow I'm going to be going home with a pretty nice selection of bits and Bobs to share with Anna but that is it for this video I know it's very different kind of content what we normally have on the channel um don't worry we're not gonna have a Pokemon go take over from here but just like how I vlogged the Pokemon world championships last year I'm not gonna miss Pokemon go Fest being in the UK for the first time and potentially the only time who knows it may not ever come back but it has been a fantastic day if you ever get the opportunity to come to these events I urge you to do so even if you've only got a passing interest in Pokemon go I'm by no means a hardcore player I bet I've been playing it again probably for the last week 10 days or so that's it I hadn't played it for years up until then and I am still really enjoying it especially surrounded by loads of other people who are also really enjoying themselves but if you did enjoy this video please make sure you leave a nice big thumbs up on there for me subscribe to the channel for lots more travel content coming very very soon including a review of the hotel I'm about to go and sleep in now and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Kevin Chapman
Views: 7,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon go fest, go fest 2023, pokemon go fest 2023, pokémon go fest, pokemon go, go fest 2023 in pokemon go, pokémon go, go fest london 2023, go fest 2023 pokemon go, pokémon go fest 2023, kevin chapman, lollujo, pokemon go tips, shiny pokémon go, pokémon go shiny, pokémon go event, pokemon go event, pokemon go shiny, pokemon go shiny pokemon, go fest, london, vlog, go fest vlog, pokemon go raids, shiny pokemon, pokémon, pokemon, new shiny pokémon, pokemongo
Id: GsrQoVC1AmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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