Fui al jardín botánico MÁS GRANDE de Latinoamérica con mis alumnos | Lancetilla, Honduras

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Today we are going to visit Lancetilla in Tela, the largest botanical garden in Latin America. We are joined by fifth and sixth grade students from the Villa Soleada Bilingual School today. They are going to meet Lancetia for the first time. Modesto, where are we according to the map? What we are. Here. in the star Here we are at the entrance. Here, and all that we are going to go through today. Hope so. It looks like there is a pool, food and cabanas too. Wow, could it be that they have built a lot of things? New, spas, bamboo tunnel, trails, and a little bit of everything. Eva, how much is the entrance? Fifty lempiras per national adult. For students, twenty-five lempiras. For school-age children, fifteen lempiras. It's my first time. First time, and you? Second time. What a pretty hat, okay? Thank you. We are already with our director Silvia, what is the plan for the students today? That our students can learn a little more about nature, breathe, fresh air, right? Because that's part of having good health. That there is a pool, what do you want to get in there? No, no, it's clean. Come inside, would you like it, Victor? Three. About three. Here in the setilla there is a soccer field, the students are going to play a filly, while Islani, what is the name of that big tree? He thinks it's a ceiba. Today we are not going to lose. Iceland, for that cap, right? Well lit. We are going to continue getting to know the park, while we wait, they are going to plant those trees, for sure. Here is an area where you can sit as a family, as a couple. How beautiful is that tree. It says here that this is the national of Belize. How big. Atlantic mahogany . Six, greetings to all the friends of Belize. Coffee Shop. Let's see inside. Made of wood, made of bamboo too. Look, new roof. With many tables, what else are you going to buy today? Water. Water. Tell us about the food menu and prices. We have breakfasts at eighty, simple shots at fifteen, with eggs at twenty-five. Hello, tell us, you live here in Lancetia. We are from here. There is a community of families here. And there are seven that there are around how many people among the communities? More than a thousand. Yes. What do we have here, friend? Here we are cooking the delicious baleadas, a typical meal of our country. What is the difference between a shot of cloth and San Pedro Sula. The difference is that we almost always do them by hand. And made with purer air here in San Pedro Sula, right? At the moment. This is fried chicken to make slices or pollo chuco. Here in Tela they also say chicken chuco. Most of us call it chicken with a slice. Chickens with slice What is it for you? Chicken with slice Some white block. Go two little cheese for the rich shots. That's lovely. Here we come across a post. It's from Chinese products, look, how solid. Up to here in Lancetilla there is a bit of everything Chinese. We have the crafts that we make with the seeds and the bamboo. All those are made of it. Yes, there is a part that is made with bamboo. There are bamboo key rings that say lancetilla to carry as souvenirs. Interesting shape of this wood. You tell us about it. It is a tree found in the reserve up on the mountain. That's how it comes, shape, yes. Of all shapes and all sizes. This is called the dumb stick. Dumb stick, don't talk about that stick. No, that's how it is. And then there's the rogue blade. And the mischievous sheet, it's like you look at the woman's part. There is everything here, Adam and Eve here. That's how it is. Here are the products made from bamboo and seeds. Look how beautiful, Honduras. What are they building here? champagne. So that? Sell ​​fruits, tourists. Tell us about the process of that type of roof. This is from Manaca. What's that? A palm. How do I do it to build here? Sweeping, right? sweeping. Bye bye. We have mangoes. Mangoes. Tamarind juices , soursop. The mango costs twenty lempiras, the soursop juice fifteen. Tamarind. A handle. The bags fell , don't worry, we're going to help you right now. He got so excited about the mangoes. Look, the hero of the day, our biker Ever. How does it feel to help our friend? Cheerful, because we are helping her. The bags to her. How did you feel when that gentleman helped you? Glad because he is collaborating with me. Extra chili then. That's how it is. and that muff comes from here? Here we produce it in good acid too. Yes, they are acidic. Yellow, green color, with salt, pepper. Chili and sauce. Sauce too. He deserves one, he's going to help, right? Yes. It feels good, nothing more than it has a lot of sauce and chili. Our friend says that it itches a lot, let's see if it's true. Manila handle and shoe we sell here. Candied mango too. There are three types of mangoes. Mango confit. Shoe handle. What's the difference? The confit is not so acid. This one is more acidic. What is it like living here in the drought? Pure air is enjoyed because they do not cut the forests, rather we take care of them. Here we are with Doña Cecilia's tamarind juice, let's try it. An interesting color, brown. We bought the fruit and blended it. What time did you get up today? I get up at five in the morning every day. Who is dedicated all his Cecilia. I have three children at school, I have to get up in the morning because I have to send them to class and also make lunch because my son works here at the company in Lancetilla. By visiting the botanical garden, we are supporting many entrepreneurs and people from the communities. Let's try Doña Cecilia's juice. Wow, not as acidic as I had thought. It is sweet. We add sugar because tamarind is quite acidic. It has a very unique flavor. Giovanni, tell us about that toy. It's called Ruby juice. There are dozens of methods to put it together, but it is most famous in beginner method. It consists first of arming it by a cross. In how many minutes can you put that together? It took like a minute, fifty. who taught you to do that? I learned it by watching a YouTube video and this would be. Wow. My friend did. Giovanni, thank you very much, here is your juice. Thank you. How interesting, huh? Those frames are not made of tubes. What material is this made of? I see it's bamboo. Look, interesting, handcrafted here. Bamboo. Alright, let's play. Who do I go to? Here it is. Come on. Ok, we're tired, let's go to Mireya, tell us, what do we have here in this building? This is the visitor center of the Lancetilla botanical garden. What countries have you come from this month? They come from Argentina, they come from Colombia, from the United States. And Leonardo Messi came from here, Argentina. No no. Not yet. Not yet. All of this is seen to be handcrafted. That's right, bamboo. And here we have the Lancetia palm. It is where the name of the botanical garden comes from. Oops, come on. Look at this, look. spears. They are spears, but they are small in shape. People at that time said, ah, this palm has lances on the stem, it has lancets of a smaller shape. They say that love is like the rose, it goes with flowers and thorns. Here the love in cloth comes with a strong lancetilla. Yes. It's great that plastics are being recycled here. And there are bathrooms here too, men and women. Research Center. That institutions at the level of universities, colleges and schools come with the purpose of investigating what the purpose of the garden is, right? He founded the garden in the year 1926, that's when the United Fruit Company came, he was a worker, right? From the company. Every trip he made brought forest species from other continents and came to introduce them here. This is how the botanical collection was formed. There are more than twelve hundred species of plants here in and among them. The most favorite of yours? The ackee. Because of the history it has. It is a highly poisonous plant. Is it your favourite? Yes. Wilson Poppen's wife ? She died because of having eaten the fruit. That? Of the plant? And he was poisoned and died. Have you eaten it? I didn't dare, did I? But it is even the typical Jamaican dish. In the country of Jamaica. There from Jamaica. Only when the fruit is already open. Today is it open or closed. We can see on the tour. Is closed, can't eat it. But if it's open you're safe. Yes. Well, can I eat it? Yes. There we will see if it is true. Lancetia Reserve protects one thousand two hundred and eighty-one hectares of native Honduran forest of which eighty- five percent is primary forest, fifteen percent is secondary forest. Here there are mahogany, mangosteen, ceiba, there are many. And we have a propagation laboratory where seedlings can continue to be produced to later be integrated again. Wow, and that? butterfly farm Those are all found here. Butterflies found here in the garden. Also here in Lancetia. There are many birds, they are migratory birds. They come here in the drought. Also here are frogs, monkeys, a fish called Cuyamel, and many butterflies. How nice that there is so much nature for animals. A coral, there are a lot of snakes here. This project is public or private. It is a national heritage. But it is managed by one that is the National University of Forest Sciences of Siguatepeque. How do you sustain the project financially? Money from beyond the university and also with projects. And also tourists can support by coming, visiting, paying the entrance. Organizing ourselves before knowing the great park. Teacher, tell us, what is the plan so that the children do not get lost? Because this is the largest botanical garden in Latin America. We go with a guide and the guide will be in charge of introducing us to the different plants. We have been told that there are some trees that are poisonous too. The boys are already educated. Here there are trees brought from Africa, Asia, Oceania and America. And we are the second largest botanical garden in the world. How many animals do you think we are going to see today? Believe. How does it feel right now in the heart that we are going to know the setillas? Very good, so we can store more knowledge. It feels great because we are going to have more experience with the animals and plants that we see today. Which plant would you like to see the most? The carnivorous plants, like all my classmates were there too. There here that. I think so. Carnivorous plants, alas, they say. How crazy it would be to see that. It is true that there are carnivorous plants here. Oh yes, they were telling us. You're going to stick your finger. No. Tell us, friend. What do we have here? Mangoes, lychee, water from a lychee bag and a cocoa. Twenty lempiras and ten of that. Thirty lempiras. Let's try the real cocoa. Wow, that sucks. It has a strong odor, gelatinous, the seed is very small, white. That gelatin that is outside the seed is very sweet, it has a kind of mint refreshment. In my mouth, I almost swallowed it. Ya, dangerous and swallow, right? But it is very rich. That's where chocolate comes from. And we are going to try the milk. Where do they come from? You live here. Yes. Where is the school? It only goes this way. He already arrives at school. How many study here in the community of sir? More than a hundred. Yes. I grabbed a friend. Let's see how the expert's licha is eaten. How many lichas have you eaten in your life? More than a thousand. Yeah. Wow, let's see what the correct technique looks like. He peels it off And there is a white fruit, very juicy. And look at the seed that is inside, a very brown color. How is the taste? Is it sour, sweet, or how is it? It's acid, let's try it. Well, the group left us because we were eating a lot. Look people, this is the famous setilla licha . Whitey, let's see if it's sweet acid. That milk tastes like pear. It is harder than other milks that I have tried in Progress. It's not that sweet. There's plenty of bamboo here . You already know what the coloration of the plates in plants means. Red, fruity, yellow, ornamental, green, timber, and plants with black plates are poisonous, right? Do not touch or eat anything inside the area. Look, that flower runner. This is one of the most attractive plants and is very important in gardening. Especially they are modified leaves. On its petals the flowers begin to emerge little flowers. This one is called Ginger. Ginger, as it is ginger. Ginger. You can remove the roots and consume them. No, these are only for ornamental use and it reproduces by rhysoma or by root. A type of ginger but ornamental, it cannot be consumed. Look at the color of the pineapple. Ornamental pineapple. You can not eat, says our guide. They are from Tropical America. And they are also widely used as a garden plant. It looks like someone came in with spray paint but it's not, right? They are natural. Tell us what today 's task is for you. Today we are supporting a researcher who is doing his doctoral thesis with some species and the objective is to find out what they are in Honduras because unfortunately we don't know what they are. I am working with the seeds. An example, bean. Ah, the bean there is a weevil. But we also see here plants like palms, for example, so we want to see that there are insects there in Las Palmas, what insects there are, in the cinnamon. You are from here in Honduras. Yes, I am Honduran. Studying in Mexico. PhD in Mexico. To save the environment of Honduras. How does it feel to see so many children today with a lot of interest in the environment? Very good because how are future generations, well. You can tell our students, what is this tool for here? No, this normal hook that for example is for painting, right? Yes , really, yes, the fruit I want is suddenly very high, so the question about the park is to the director, what is the tallest tree they have here? Up to now we have not measured them but we have very tall trees, for example the ceiba, which is one of the trees that we call emergent that stands out from the top of the other trees. A round of applause for them for taking care of so many trees. Thank you very much, we are going to meet the princess. from the botanical garden collection Why the princess? I thought that you were the princess of today, eh, the princess of the collection since it is the only mahogany tree that we conserve in the area. Benítez is a very dry country in Africa so this plant with honor of this natural habitat cannot reproduce. We conserve at least six species of mahogany but this is the only one that cannot be reproduced so therefore the princess. Mahogany seeds are used in traditional medicine to control diabetes and also malaria. You have tasted that seed. very bitter Is there one I can try or. There is no mahogany season now. Nobody has malaria right now, right? No? OK. That tree that is regenerating now, that is the queen of the woods. That precious tree has thrown away all the leaves, it is teak, since it is one of the most resistant woods to humidity and salinity and special use for boats. A door, a table, a teak piece of furniture, can last more than seventy years. We are going to ask the students, to see if they were paying attention, when they planted the first trees here. Nineteen twenty -seven. It's true. Nineteen twenty-seven the first trees. An applause. Teacher How do you feel teacher? That the students are so focused today. Very happy, the truth is that the boys are learning and are responding very well. Every tree is different. There are the bamboos, they look very old. That's black tag. What does it mean guys? Poisonous. Careful, careful. This is poisonson. Any animal or any plant is poisonous. It can arise at any time. You have to be careful because those have a black label. It means it is poisonous. Poisonous plants have a black label and a plaque with a skull on it. So if we do not see with a skull they are not poisonous. There are plants that grow outside of plants. How does this work? There are different types of symbiosis. Paracitism, commensalism, mutualism. Commensalism is when two plant species help each other. For citism is when one of the species harms another species. And commensalism is when one plant needs the other plant. Guys, this is paracitism or commensalism. How, how? Many more chocolates. Turmeric and is a plant widely used in traditional medicine also for gastric ulcers, anemia to prevent osteoporosis. Its true flower is that. It is the plant that sells in the markets. To flavor food. How's the yellow? Exact. But what part of the plant is that? Tubers, this is the orange tuber, and you can see it there. Oh how interesting. I consume that in tea, every day. Natural anticancer. A natural vitamin. I can consume this, that's not the mucus from my nose, okay, that's turmeric, let's try it. It tastes like grass. Yellow grass. How much did you quilt on the court? One ah What do we have here in this little bag? Here I charge my phone. Just chewing gum What a taste of gum. Strawberry. Student just put the trash here in the right place. Tell us about these garbage cans. Different stations for garbage cans have been designed so that our visitors do not throw their garbage in the green areas. Let's get to know the deodorant fruit plant. Deodorant fruit . Interesting name. Let's see why this plant is called if you can see now it is in flower season and this plant only produces fruits on the trunk. These plants are called cauliflower plants. The fruits are brown in color and taste like mango and coconut. This is what the fruits of the plant look like when in season. This plant is native to Java, an Indonesian island . It can be used to make cosmetics, soaps, moisturizers and scrubs, so it is a wonder in the world. These are called round. The round ones are precious woods and native to Honduras. They tell him to cut the slices, they come out round. Guys, what is the national tree of Honduras? Pine, the pine. Look at the reaction of the students here, very excited, entering this corridor, they say that one of the most attractive trees here is the scientific name of this tree, a palm that turns red. What is the difference between bamboo and palm? That the palm is red and the bamboo is green. Unlike a palm and a bamboo. Bamboo is corridor and palm is solid. A rice. A garrobo where? Over there in the mold how many types of garrobos are there here? We have two hill garrobos and hey, the green iguana, be careful, these are not diapers for bees, they are nests of termites that have already left their house, they are diapers, they have corrected me, they are not diapers, the bees don't wear diapers, oh, the little children, oh, I was wrong, so a very label important What does it say here sir? Not smoking a cigarette can cause a fire, yes, how would children feel with a fire like this, bad for the plants, nobody smokes here, right? Not the tree of the fruit of happiness. Who wants to be happy? The twigs you can see their fruits, look. It is one of the sweetest and most delicious fruits in the collection, they are very similar to lychee, when they are very ripe, they tend to ferment. Excess sugar from fruits, plus that extra fermentation, stimulates serotonin and dopamine in our brain and makes us even want to dance. The fruit of happiness, because that is fruit. It's so sweet and it comes fermented, it comes with alcohol. That people get very happy, a little drunk, right? That it's a fruit that says what a pity I can't taste it, they say. Yes, in May. Label, brown. We are going to ask the students, what does that color mean? Dangerous, which bears fruit. The fruit, it's true. that bears fruit Even the green apple from Australia. Fruits are rich in fiber, they are very important for the daily diet. They are low in fructose, so they are very healthy to eat. If they find one, they can try it. Here's one, look. What can they eat? The flavor is a bit like a pear, only a bit washed out, but very palatable. We are going to try the green apple from Australia with the students. Interesting color, green, but white on the outside and a large seed. It tastes like a pear, dry. Seems Like I'm eating the orange peel, there's almost no taste, right? No, squirrels go crazy. Have you seen a squirrel here? No. What are you guys watching? It's poisonous. Here. It's that they're taking me to the glass. Why do they know that this plant is dangerous? By the by the skull. That is the first poisonous plant in the collection. His name is Javier. Also known as a witch tree. It is a Central American tree. It is very poisonous on contact. If someone cuts the plant and is exposed to latex. It can cause first degree burns on the skin, for this reason it is known as a witch tree. If you touch your eyes with the sap it can cause temporary blindness, for that reason it is very poisonous. Why does he say that the tree is a witch? Because it can cause temporary blindness and it can also cause first degree burns. How do you like to see such a poisonous tree. Fear. It's venant. How crazy does that red look. Here it continues. Another poisonous. We are going to observe the next poisonous plant, this is the plant here. Also known as vegetable cheese. The plant is native to Africa. The immature ones contain hypoglycine inside, which is a toxic substance that, when consumed, lowers glucose sugar levels in our body and we suffer a hypoglycemic coma. It really is edible. When the fruit is ready it opens naturally on the tree and looks just like the photo. But you have eaten that. Once. But it's so poisonous that it's the only tree I see that even has its own fence. That one is fenced off because it's special to the story but it's not because it's so dangerous. Can we eat it then? Oh. What are you seeing there? It is the immature vegetable fruit . That, immature means, that's yes, it's poisonous. Right now it's poisonous. How does it feel? afraid . So close to that poisonous fruit, how does it feel? Well, my bachelorhood ate because it is poisonous. Nobody is happy, right? Not you? Yes. That's good, to be happy, always. These are rubber trees. Industrial rubber, right? For the manufacture of footwear for paint gloves. Where is the rubber? The tree inside contains a latex. A small incision is made in the bark and it begins to peel off. It's like a liquid then it becomes rubbery, sticky and then the process goes. Car tires are also made that way. Today it is eh but before it is synthetic. Before it was natural rubber. Here are shoes made from this rubber tree. I believe these are made of tree. I had never thought like that. We are crossing a bridge. Interesting. It looks like there are lines. In the twenties it opened. An entrance to the botanical garden when it was an experimental center and the entrance was by railway lines. In other words, there were railways and also the bridges with populins because they are the ones that last longer than wood. They were the one who made those bridges. That tree looks like it fell. Some fungi that begin to deteriorate or damage the roots and this one in his case was uprooted and was still alive. Those mushrooms can be eaten or. There are edible and inedible mushrooms. But here there are no mushroom specialists to tell you if it is edible or we cannot die it. So we don't eat mushrooms here. Our guide says that he wants to show us something very poisonous. Don't get that close, guys. This one is called Pascualito. It is native to South America. If you see the nut appealing, some people who have eaten it and ended up in the hospital say it tastes like almonds. Inside it contains three types of oil, it contains palmitic, oleic, and linoleic oil and these three oils can cause a lot of damage. In our stomach and apart from the walnut contains cyanide inside. This little thing is so powerful that if you bite it you can. No, if you eat a nut, no. If you eat several How much can you eat? If you eat one you will vomit, diarrhea and you will recover. You eat four and you're in trouble. In the botanical garden we preserve the trees of the countries Central American trees and also some national trees of South America. And this one from Nicaragua is called Sálamo. It is a very attractive tree in the flowering season. They use it in their country for patron saint festivities when they hold events. They make flower arrangements and all that. Some greetings to the friends of Nicaragua. Let them come visit us. Here we are waiting for you in the La Setilla botanical garden. I send greetings and come to the aunt to do. Let them come because there is a lot of fauna here. Do you think that in Nicaragua they eat the baleadas too? Yes. Another question. It looks like a mountain but not my people, if it has that sign, that 's not just any mountain, it's a killer mountain. We are going to know the next plant, brutal. That one has a very special flavor , it tastes like passion fruit and a touch of tangerine, they are diuretic, so they can refresh our body and improve kidney problems. What does diuretic mean, kids want to know that. The term diuretic is that it helps us reduce inflammation in the kidneys to eliminate retained fluids, when we are a little potbellied, right? Guys, what is diuretic? When we are fat That helps us clean up but can you eat one of those now or not? No, honey, it's not in season yet. Iris, tell us, what tree and what fruit is this here? Here we have the mangosteen trees. Also known as the fruit of God, it is a delicacy of kings. It is considered one of the most medicinal tropical fruits in the world. Scientifically proven. Mangosteen is anticancer. It also helps raise defenses. They look like diabetes. They can also improve those problems. They are one of the most delicious fruits in but why is it so delicious and nutritious? Why is it so hard to find them? The mango itself only occurs in tropical climates. In Honduras it is only planted here in Atlántida, Tela, La Ceiba, up to Colón. It has very little distribution in our country. Here we begin. Where are we now? Iris. The heart is the center of the collection. We are there. This tree had already died and had died. Dead and came from a small root and returned to resume right? Its natural form. This tree is a symbol originally from India and one of the most used trees to plant in parks and avenues. And the fruit can be eaten. It is a visual attraction for the plant is as an ornamental. Guys, he comes from India, any greetings to the friends from India? Greetings. No, not me, to the camera, sir. Greetings. India. It smells funny, Iris. It is the decomposition of the flowers, but the flowers that have just fallen from the tree smell like vanilla. It is called a cannonball because of the shape of the fruits similar to an old cannonball. The fruits can weigh up to sixteen pounds. In other words, if a fruit of that falls on our heads, Windows can do it, right? That is its flower, it is a very attractive plant for insects. It is not a carnivore. No, it's not carnivorous, plant. What does the finger want to put here, see? Put your finger there. Don't bite. Look, my people, we found an example of a cannon, if that thing in the head says that it can even cause a lot of trouble. There are worms. The first animals we have seen today look very angry. Let's see if they are dangerous. They bite quite a bit. They bite. It is assuring our students that they bite. You have to approach with great caution. They fly away. There are houses here. Who lives here? Those are the main buildings. We have an auditorium for events with a capacity of fifty people and we have a small house for the executives of the banana company, which is already being renovated. They are historic houses. They all have American design . You are always trying to observe the natural infrastructure of the historic houses. How do your legs feel? I think I'm invalid. That is the largest botanical garden in Latin America. He has walked a lot today. Yes. How many varied after? About three. What's going on here, sir? It's going to turn into a squirrel, sir. That's what I'm taking to eat at home. What are the biggest challenges you have here at the setilla? The biggest challenges is handling. Imagine managing a 1,681- hectare botanical garden. You can, the boys who are cutting, that is a daily job, day by day, to keep this beautiful so that all Hondurans can come and enjoy it, that is a challenge, but besides that it is a challenge, we do it with great pleasure. I imagine that during the pandemic, the budget was lowered exaggeratedly, it does not reach tourists, what is the economic situation like now? Has improved a lot. We appreciate uh, all the work that was done prior to the pandemic. We have seen that already the schools and everyone is coming back. An invitation to all schools and colleges in Honduras. Well, we are delighted that you are visiting the botanical garden in the green treasure of Honduras and we are waiting for you with open arms . Thanks for visiting us. Don José, what are your hours here? Seven to four in the afternoon. How many people work to maintain the entire botanical garden? Twelve people. Thank you so much. Propagation Laboratory. In vitro. How interesting. It is not only humans that can already propagate in vitro, but plants too. Oops, some jars. Could it be that? Yes. We have checked that children. Exotic fruits. So much can you tell us about the we have various flavors of wines. We have the wine of rambutan, cashew, cocoa, garcinia. How it is produced in that to ferment the wines. Well, it's a pretty long process, right? Is there like a laboratory for that here? That's how it is. Let's try. How many months does it take to make one of those? Eight months. How much is the percentage? Is that too strong? Ten percent, right? You are going to carry me on your back, right? AHA. Look at the color, of course. A rosé red. That, does it add sugar or not? A bit of sugar. It was very sweet, five seconds later it hits you like a taste like a little weird, but it's not bad. This is mangosteen. The color is a little lighter, it smells less strong. How rich. good sweets Very different from grape wine. It tastes more tropical and has a flavor that sticks with your nose. How much is the cost of a bottle? Two hundred and fifty all flavors except the Mangustín. The Mangustin is worth five hundred lempiras because it is quite an expensive fruit. How is the sale? It's low, it's high. At the moment it is low. What is your goal for this month? How many bottles of wine do you want to sell? For my part I would like to sell about five hundred bottles, right? But it is quite difficult. Let's try the rambutan jelly . How is the process to make this jelly? The first thing that is done is to collect the rambutan fruits, remove the shell from there, then a process that is cooked. How many people work to make jellies and wines? We are ten members, sometimes the members have daughters and we hire them to help us process the fruit. Let's try the rambutan jellies. An orange color looks like orange jelly. Pure honey, go. That does not add sugar or yes, a little bit. A bit. This is cocoa. Pure honey, that 's cocoa. That's what he makes chocolate with. Well, with cocoa it is chocolate, but this is not what the seed is made of, but rather what has the seed on top, the white. Lala white. That is not so sweet, we have the lobby lobby which is a Malaysian cherry. Lobby, lobby, it sounds very dangerous, let's see. That's not an aphrodisiac. Yes, because it is a fruit that you will not find anywhere else, only in Lancetilla. Y. More intense, the flavor, more acid and a little more dense. As well as almost tamarind. This is says the teacher, who is interested. Honey bee. Honey. It's honey, isn't it? It's something else, please. That honey, where does it, where does it come from? Morazan cried. How much is it? One hundred lempiras is worth it. Carambola wine. It's not for the balls. It's not for the balls. Confirmed. It has less odor than the other. It doesn't taste like juice. I think it's weaker, right? They're not here strong alcohol Softer. This is garcinia. Garcinia, it's fruit too. It is a fruit, it only occurs here in the setilla. Let's try. But it's strong. It tastes like the smell of juca , but it's rich. How much is the jelly? They are all worth one hundred lempiras. We're going to buy four of these. Santos says that he wants to get me drunk today for sure. Customers who buy more. That's how it is. Let's try, for the first time, pineapple wine, my people. Is strong. It's like the densest. It tastes like an aged liquid. It depends on the aging so the flavor changes . Those wines are like the oldest, sweetest men. That's how it is. How old is your husband? Thirty five. cabalo. That's how it is. Let's see which jellies they picked. Rambutan, pineapple, and cocoa. And Silvia? Honey. This is from lobby lobby. The aphrodisiac. Aha, the Malaysian cherry. We will also bring the rambutan wine. To support the families here from lance aunt. Eight hundred and fifty lempiras for that, handmade. Courtesy of Ama Lancetilla, we are going to donate this bottle of wine to you so that you can freeze it and taste it, right? Thank you very much Saint. For people who want to buy those products, where can they do? Only here in Lancetilla. Here in Lancetilla and we are also at the entrance. Thank you so much. Yes, you. Here we meet Freddy from the Lancetilla foundation. Of the communities that are here. There are many people. What are the needs? Lack of teachers for students. The classrooms also need schools that are a little deteriorated so support is needed for this. I think the orchid station is closed but from the outside I think you can see a little bit of what they are doing. It looks like a nursery. Surely here they are growing plants. Those are the orchids my people. These are the plants that are put on top of the trees. I like that flower because it looks a lot like the Fuji flower and that Fuji flower symbolizes my last name. It is also used in the anime Dimens Play. It symbolizes humility and protection from evil spirits. Those are the biggest band-aids I've ever seen. Leli, tell me, those are gigantic. How did they do that? They are produced here in the garden. But they are bigger than the ones outside. They are bigger. Grab one. See that they are big, how do you look at it? I like it because they are very red, and when they are like this, well, they are very ripe. Let's try them. How thick inside the flesh of the fruit. Wow, Cindy. Today you are enjoying life, right? We are already entering the bamboo tunnel. Look, that big natural tunnel, pure bamboo on both sides of the street. And a motorcycle comes, you have to be careful. I have no idea, how many bamboos will be here. More than ten thousand bamboos. Here there is a good shade and a lot of bread, look. How much are you selling the friend bread for ? Out of twenty, ten. Suddenly on the path of the bamboo. A mobile bakery appears . It's called the tunnel of love. tunnel of love And now it's going to be called bread tunnel. breads. The students say that they have walked a lot, we are going to surprise them. Five. That's worth five. Tell us about the bakery. Bakers to come, already to the sea. Let's see how it tastes, then. Thirteen bags. Oh really. Thank you so much. For the children of Villa Soleada. Thank you. Bakery. By coming, you just gave us those delicious muffins for the kids. Look, what brought you here to the park? Breads we stock here what is the whole park. Thank you very much for watching today's video, bye.
Channel: Shin Fujiyama
Views: 190,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lancetilla Honduras, Lancetilla Tela, Lancetilla Tela Honduras, Jardin Botanico Lancetilla, Jardin Botanico Honduras, El jardin botanico más grande, Shin Fujiyama, Chin Fujiyama, Japones en Honduras, Chino en Honduras, Coreano en Honduras, Tela Honduras
Id: IVUxsdTY9u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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