I Went To The Beach And Saw The Grossest Thing - Real Animated Story By True Tales
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: True Tales
Views: 27,855
Rating: 4.6979866 out of 5
Keywords: real story animation, true story, my story, animated story, animated story time, true tales, true tales animation, actually happened, actually happened story, teen stories, story booth, storybooth, short animation, true story animated, real story, my story animated, i went beach and saw the grossest thing, contraceptive, disgusting, dirty, beach, kiss, classmet, school, life, story, english animated story, true tales stories, true tales animated story, weird, weird story, scary story
Id: KmqdeMjIkQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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