I Went To The Beach And Saw The Grossest Thing - Real Animated Story By True Tales

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[Music] hi I'm Linda every year my family and I started the summer off by going to the beach it is a tradition that we all enjoy doing immensely I rushed to get all the towels and sunscreen so we can leave sooner after we had all packed up we headed off excitement made the car ride there take almost three times the length of time that it normally should have I was anxious to get into the water again and feel the sand in my toes my paradise was waiting for me we finally arrived and once we set up our spot on the sand I rushed into the water the water was cool and refreshing as well as pristine and clear I watched in wonder as the waves crashed against the sandy beach the timing between each wave was never the same and I found their dissonant sound comforting I began a backstroke parallel to the beach once I got tired I ended into a float before deciding to hit the dune trails doing a simple stroke until I hit the shoreline I emerged from the water completely refreshed and took off to the hills finding a path in the direction I wanted to go I took off at a leisurely pace I wanted to savor this moment the beautiful dune grasses the distant sound of the waves the sound of the insects bustling around the warmth of the Summer Sun a peaceful smile at my face as I trekked towards our sight when I finally had it in my sight I raced to the highest dune and decided to run down it taking off with a yell I began sprinting down the dune not even one third of the way down my foot caught on something and I started tumbling and rolling the rest of the way down I landed in a shaded area on the side when I made a move to get up I felt a squish underneath me and in fearing that I had accidentally crushed a cute animal I lifted my hand and I looked at what I squished my eyes widen in horror when I realized what it really was I had landed on an open and used contraceptive and I had just popped it I moved away from the spilled contents and tried to get out only to realize that there were many many used contraceptive surrounding me I fought off a gag and delicately picked my way out of the shady area once out I ran as fast as I could to the water and washed my body roughly before coming out and going to the public restrooms provided by the beach and washing my hands and arms and soap nothing helped I had never felt so disgusted in my entire life I wanted to bleach every part of my body instead I went back to the site and sat quietly on the blanket until it was time to leave how did you like this story let us know in the comments and enjoy this video then hit the like button and share the video subscribe to this channel to watch more such videos and press the bell icon for more updates hey there my name is Nancy well most people out there would have kissed someone and their partner would have still supported them however in my own case it's a different story than you all there was a boy named Michael and everyone in the high school felt delighted to see him anytime and I also felt the same thing on that day it was his birthday and all the girls from the high school wished him a happy birthday I wished him though he had thrown his birthday party that night and had invited all the guys and girls of high school that same day I was searching for a book in the library and he came over to me and asked if I had any plans for that night I said no without hesitation and he asked if I could join his birthday party at that moment I was feeling on top of the world that the most adorable guy asked me to join his birthday party but without showing my emotion Stan I just said yes sure that sounds good after school that day I literally ran all the way home to find the best outfit to wear for that special night I removed all my clothes from my wardrobe took an hour to decide what attire to wear finally I wore a sexy black dress and rushed to the party as I reached the destination I found the party to be well organized with all my high school classmates dancing on the dance floor you were partying on the bar but I was yet to see Michael anywhere so I went to the bar got a glass of mojito and settled down on the couch beside the bar I was just chilling out when Michael came up to me and asked for help he had cut his thumb and wanted help in finding first-aid box I felt maybe he wants to spend time with me because he was taking me away from the party I was highly strung and also excited with this feeling I went along with my crush we reached his room and started searching for first-aid box everywhere we searched in the Wardrobe a small cabinet a side table drawer etc but could not find it lost in the thought of a first aid box we both were walking back from the opposite direction and collide with each other we both fell onto the floor and started laughing we started talking to each other and got to know each other better we were having a lot of fun and I was getting infatuate on him more than before I felt that even he had also started liking me I pondered on the fact that we actually came here in search of the first aid box and then we were sitting and talking for so long I was getting loving vibes from Michel and suddenly he started leaning toward me as if leaning in for a kiss without giving it a thought I just grabbed him and kissed him on the lips that was actually kissing my crush for real and it was amazing and suddenly Michel pushed me away and said hey have you lost I was so embarrassed and confused I told him stammering what what we well you leaned in for a kiss right oh no that was a wrong assumption he pointed behind me to reveal that the first aid box was lying under the chair behind me he was reaching for the first aid box it was so awkward and embarrassing for me my ears were waiting to hear that he enjoyed it but there was just silence I didn't know what to do so I ran out of the party out of the house and started whining it had gone from so stupendous to such an unsuccessful love story if you also have such experiences in the past you can share it in the comments section below hit the like button if you liked my story and subscribe to this channel to watch more of such videos hey all my name is Sarah and I am 27 years old I work as a business analyst in an IT company at the company's annual conference I got introduced to Godwin yes I was fascinated by him but I didn't think about it because he lived in another city and a long-distance relationship was something that has never worked out for me just a few months later we met again and this time we were both selected for the same project and would work in my office for three weeks we both were good at work and our bonding was going great we both had an exciting time working together on the same project after a few days even before I opened my laptop he was at my desk it was then that I first felt that he too was attracted to me then we started having coffee together and also went to dinner after work not too long enough we had gotten infatuated towards each other we went for a road trip on the weekend and that's when we got physically attracted we both ended up falling in love with each other and we formally started dating one another my life seemed to be delighted because I had the perfect job and amazing new boyfriend even though I knew that he would soon leave for his hometown but somehow I was convinced we could sustain a long-distance relationship very well and then a few days before he was scheduled to fly out he revealed his biggest truth that he had hidden until now I became aware that he has been married for two years [Music] although Godwin wasn't happy in his marriage I was left rec and felt completely cheated how could he hide such a big thing away from me he being married made me crazy and I had to end everything with him his project came to an end and he returned to his hometown I went back to my usual pattern of working day and night putting in all my focus on work as I tried hard to forget all the wonderful moments shared with him a few days later he called me I didn't want to speak to him but the moment I heard his voice I could tell he was very drunk so I didn't disconnect the call he told me why he hadn't mentioned his marital status he thought I wouldn't be interested in him if I knew he was married I have to admit that was the truth honestly I didn't want to start anything new again with him he was married he was another woman's husband and I was just the other woman still I somehow found a reason to give our relationship another chance he told me that soon he will give divorce to his wife and I believed him I was skeptical and there are examples of men who have lied about leaving their wives and never did but I was blinded by my feelings for him and my love for him was infinite and I couldn't stop myself going towards him now the extramarital affair started he would lie to his wife about work trips and visit me and every time he would visit it was such a special moment I would never fail to ask him the question of when he would leave his wife but all he did was to make excuses upon excuses I didn't want our relationship to be hidden I hadn't introduced him to my friends or family and that bothered me so much things went on the same way for a year he kept on with lying to his wife just come to see and meet me occasionally gradually I started getting used to the habit of staying without him that when he wasn't around I would be busy working it got to the extent that I had almost forgotten that I was in an extramarital relationship with someone then after a few months I started feeling that it doesn't bother me so much if Godwin is not around even when I call him someday he remains busy and never answers my call most of the time I really needed someone very close to me he wasn't there at such times that was the time I met Alan he had just joined the company where I was working and was interested in me he wasn't married so no sooner I started liking him and we started dating I thought if he could have a wife why couldn't I have another boyfriend without telling him days passed on and my relationship with Alan was going very smooth godwyn existence or in existence didn't bother me so much because I knew what I wanted I dumped Godwin and decided to spend my entire life with Alan hi I'm Chloe and today I'm going to express the painful truth I've been carrying for so long it's about me and my younger sister Anna Anna was born when I was four years old she was really cute and for me she was a new mate to play with I loved her tickle her and played with her all the time as soon as I got home after school I would sit with Anna and tell her story after story about my entire day everything was good back then as Anna grew up though we all started noticing abnormalities in Anna yes during my mom's pregnancy the gynecologist had informed my parents that Anna would be different and not like other babies my mom was against abortion and so she decided to deliver Anna on Anna's third birthday we were all busy with the party preparations I was blowing balloons and my father was putting them up on the walls my mom was looking after Anna when my granny arrived mom got so excited when she saw granny that in her rush to greet her she ran down the stairs forgetting she was carrying an ax then mom slipped on the staircase and fell badly on the floor mom and Anna were both injured and immediately admitted to the hospital my dad was a wreck and granny tried to console him I just prayed to God to make the situation better we all waited for the doctor outside the emergency room he eventually came out and said that my mom and Anna was safe but that Anna's abnormality put her in danger the doctor informed my parents that they had to be very careful in how they raised Anna any further injury could result in her death or falling into a coma her senses and nerves had become weaker from then on everyone in the house was preoccupied with looking after Anna my parents had no time to talk to me even though somehow I got spaced from them Anna I never kept quiet I felt that everyone was forgetting me there was a time when only one voice was heard Chloe Chloe Chloe Chloe but no it was Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna she was the cherry of there cupcake girl before I got what I wanted without question but now my wishes had become an unnecessary demand and burden all my friends had three wheel bikes that used to ride to the park whenever I visit at the park with granny they tease me because I always came on foot walking my granny he was not financially stable so my useless ones were a difficult for her to fulfill so I asked my parents for a three wheel bike but as usual the answer was a big fat gnome I got upset I stopped eating food I stopped talking to everyone seeing me so upset my mom and dad felt bad and decided to buy a three wheel bike for me the following months but my bad luck persisted an era went through mental trauma she was not behaving normally just kept on shaking and banging her head and so she was admitted to the hospital again and this time she was there for a fortnight and my dad got a huge bill as a result buying a three wheel bike was not important anymore days passed by and then it was my tenth birthday and my parents refused any kind of party I remembered my fifth birthday I'd wanted to celebrate it with family and friends at home and my parents actually organized it Anna was just a year old when my fifth birthday was celebrated my birthday party was full of entertainment and acts it was a magic show dancing juggling even a comedy show and that's not all because it was my fifth birthday I received five gifts each from mom dad and granny what an amazing birthday it was but after Anna's third birthday tragedy no celebration ever took place at home and now even my tenth birthday would be an ordinary day I wanted my 10th birthday to be celebrated in a grand way but my parents refused I was a very sad I cried I shouted I started throwing tantrums but as usual my parents were more interested in their younger daughter and they just Golden me I had always resented Anna for stealing their happiness I had with my parents but that day I actually hated her on the day of my birthday unexpectedly my parents didn't buy me a cake nor did they give me a present they didn't even wish me I was ruined with anger and just left home without informing anyone and surprisingly my parents didn't bother calling me nor did anyone wait for me or shouted me for coming home at such a late hour I pantoum erupt for further studies I went to Oxford leaving everyone behind my parents often called me sometimes I called him back but we never met on my 18th birthday I saw my parents standing outside my university I was happy to see them but my happiness turned into sadness when I saw Ana with them my so-called sister who was 12 years old they wished me and asked me to come home with them but I couldn't make up my mind then Ana came and she insisted a lot although I hated her I don't know why I eventually agreed and went back home with them all the way I was silent I had no words to say no that's not it I just didn't wanted to say anything finally we reached home and as I came out of the car I saw granny granny welcomed me wish me happy birthday and we all went inside together as I entered I saw the house had been nicely decorated and there were people there including some of my school friends I was clueless and trying to figure out what was happening and then I heard a loud chorus happy birthday oh yes that was a grand birthday party thrown and all organized by my younger sister Ana when I left home and went to Oxford Ana always asked about me when she was 11 years old granny told her the whole story though Anna was not normal and used to behave as a kid much younger than her actual age she understood that I left home because of her and because the grand party I had wanted so badly was never thrown so with the help of granny she planned and organized a grand party to get me back I feel like such a stupid girl for never trying to understand my parents problems and for not realizing that my sister needs me I was so selfish and I truly regret it I apologize to my parents and now we all live happily together and I don't hate my sister anymore I just love her and my parents if you've also had experiences like this in the past you can share it in the comment section below hit the like button that you like my story and subscribe to this channel to watch more videos like this in the future
Channel: True Tales
Views: 27,855
Rating: 4.6979866 out of 5
Keywords: real story animation, true story, my story, animated story, animated story time, true tales, true tales animation, actually happened, actually happened story, teen stories, story booth, storybooth, short animation, true story animated, real story, my story animated, i went beach and saw the grossest thing, contraceptive, disgusting, dirty, beach, kiss, classmet, school, life, story, english animated story, true tales stories, true tales animated story, weird, weird story, scary story
Id: KmqdeMjIkQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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