I Went To Prison For Train Hopping

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today i was gonna tell you a story about my friend and i freight train hopping and ending up in prison for three days um great yeah it uh it was definitely a wild experience and i wouldn't take it back mostly because i can't but um i learned a lot from it and uh i'm here to tell you about it today so when we were 18 we had talked about it for several months but we wanted to skateboard across the country and it was like this conceptual idea but then it started coming to fruition in certain ways like i remember being at snowboard competitions and different things and i would just be like looking at google maps like looking at train tracks and like trying to find out like what's our what's our route gonna be and um anyway when we turned 18 we bought one-way tickets to new york city and we were like okay like let's see how long it takes us to make it back to los angeles and we started off literally skateboarding and just linking up with friends along the way there's some crazy other stories about on this trip that i'll have to dive into another time i'm gonna key in on one story today and then um i'll get into those other ones some other time but uh basically we were in pittsburgh pennsylvania and we were at the train yard there um and it was a rainy day and there was not a lot of movement going on like there weren't a lot of trains moving and we were i was so gung-ho to hop a freight train i was like we gotta like i don't it was the first train that we would get on on that trip and i was like just super gung-ho to do it so we waited around in the pittsburgh pennsylvania train yard for like probably four or five hours we've been here for a few hours now trying to hop out on a train but no luck two hours later we're still stuck here from the first thing in the morning up until you know early afternoon and finally um he i'm not going to say any names like i said keep names out of the stories but he um was a little bit more hesitant than i to hop on a freight train just because i uh he's smarter than me like like he was just you know like wanted to be more cautious than than me and for good reasoning and um basically i was like look i can't pressure you to get on a freight train but just know if you are down with it and you are comfortable then i'll be right behind you so i'm like if you start getting if you go for the train i'll be right behind you so next thing i know um never move never jump on a moving freight train but uh he starts running through the yard this train's coming and i'm like all right i'm right behind you so we jump on the train and um off off on the rails we go and so we're about you know two hours into the train ride and uh we are just you know having a great old time and i do want to also say that i have mentioned this story before on my channel but it was an old beat up video so i wanted to just make sure that i i remake it and and tell the authentic story today um but we were about two hours into the train ride it was beautiful you know pennsylvania you know back country of just like beautiful farms and open green grasslands going through the prairie basically like it was just beautiful like unlike anything that you would be able to see from a roadway there's no that's the coolest thing about riding trains is that you get to see things that normally you wouldn't be able to see it takes you to locations that you know the average road does not take you to so i would say we're about two hours into the train ride and we were being pretty stupid like we were we were in these back towns like like really small towns and so there's a lot of cro uh railroad crossings and there's people and there's roads that are driving um parallel with the train and there's people looking at the train and we're being dumb 18 year old kids waving at cars peeing off the train like just being really careless and so this is uh this was you know like that was probably our biggest mistake was being so careless about that like we weren't really we were just so stoked to be on the train and this was you know bran i was brand new to freight train riding i was just like not being uh smart and when and i do also want to say that this is something that i would not do today so it's just the story that um that i'm here to tell and uh so next thing you know we're i'm on my phone like i had like a an old iphone or something and i'm looking at the map and we have like the current location thing and it's like moving along the train tracks and i'm looking at like okay this is where the train tracks are going and then they split in this little town um in ohio so we're like across the border to ohio and then i'm looking on the train on the on the map on my phone and i'm like okay the train tracks go like this and so the train tracks uh literally like i'm like okay where do these ones go and if it went left we were it was going to cincinnati ohio which we really wanted to go to because my friend had family there and we're like perfect like if this imagines this train takes us right to where we want to go anyway and then the tracks that go right go to uh chicago and so they go up that way and so as we're approaching we had been on this train being careless like i said and as we're approaching this split in the tracks um it starts slowing down the train starts slowing down it's slowing down more and slowing down more and then i'm like uh i bet it's just a crew change like i bet they're just changing crews on the train and so at this point my friend starts like let's just jump off dude let's get out of here and i me being like stubborn me um it's like no i bet they're just like either letting another train pass or they're gonna change crews and we'll be back on our way like let's just hang around and he's like let's get out of here man let's get out of here and we should have we and then i'm like you know what he's right let's go and so we were hiding under this tarp this like green we got really lucky in that way that we had this green tarp that we would sleep um on at night because we would just camp wherever like we'd camp just in the street like or in a park or at a skate park and so we'd lay down this tarp every night and then you know lay our sleeping bags out on this tarp just to have somewhat clean ground and this green tarp we were hiding under on the train and then this is a container train so randomly the the the train car that we get on has a green container so we were trying to think that we were kind of blending into this green container but um as so we're hiding under this thing and we're hiding at this point because we come into the yard and then we stop and we're hiding under the tarp and then as soon as i'm like you know what he's right let's go i we we pull the tarp off of our heads and there's like a a van like a big white van right there we would have given ourselves up if that person was you know um trying to get us in trouble or whatever so i'm like let's just stay here and let's just see what happens so the train stopped but we're still kind of like on the outskirts of the yard a little bit and then the train starts moving and then it stops again and that should have been my sign of like let's go let's get out of here and he was right the whole time so then i'm like let's just stay on like at this point we're kind of it's kind of too late we could have now that i look back on it we totally could have gotten out of the yard and been and been fine because i don't think there was anyone in that vehicle that was parked there um but it was just like we were kind of skeptical about the i was and then the train starts moving again and then stops again and then starts moving again and then stops again and we're underneath the tarp and i'm just like at this point i'm like well we're kind of along for the ride but what i would later find out is that the train's so long that they are literally moving the train you know segment by segment looking for us but i didn't realize that until later on and i'll get to that part of the story but this train was was moving you know and then stopped moving stops moving stops moving stops i'm like what is going on but we're still just hiding under this tarp at this point i'm just like well we're along for the ride let's just like hang out and we're both looking at each other under this tarp just like terrified we're just like we don't know what's about to happen but now i'm kind of picking up like okay like something's going on here they're not you know something's going on so then finally maybe like the tenth time it goes and stops it stops and then i hear feet um moving through the gravel like oh you know like like a somebody just walking through gravel which is on the side of the train tracks and i just look we look at each other and it's like and then i hear like a radio like copy that over and then i hear somebody climbing on the train like climbing a ladder you could hear like chick and i look at my friend and i'm just like we're so aft like we're so screwed and i just like just go and i thought we were gonna get hit with something i don't know like there's i've heard you know so many different stories of things that can happen and um i just remember covering my head like this not knowing what's gonna happen we're still under the tarp and then next thing i hear like somebody walking across the train and then i hear the tarp start crinkling and it's just like like like somebody's grabbing the tarp and i was like no and then all of a sudden i'm like like this and i look up and i like i just see blue sky all i could see was blue sky and then the tarp comes pulling back and it gets ripped all the way off and i look up and there's just this police officer just pointed with a gun straight at my forehead and he goes get up it wasn't pointed at my friend's forehead it was pointed directly at my forehead i'm looking down the barrel of a gun and he goes get up and i'm like oh like i kind of smirk on my knees like what is happening right now like like okay okay okay don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me like he and he but he was pissed like he was like he was mad and then i'm like oh he's like grab all your stuff grab your skateboard huh and i'm like okay okay still point of the gun right at me i don't know why it wasn't wider than him it was pointed at me and it was pointed right at my face and next thing you know i look up i like i'm like okay okay okay he's like get up but get up slow like just saying and i'm like okay and then i look and there is i'm not kidding you ten cop cars surrounded the train cops here cops here cops here all with guns drawn backing up the friend so they all have guns pointed at us too but this gun's point like they they were not messing around so i'm like oh my gosh like what is happening what is happening why are we like what so uh i'm like okay so then he he like still has his gun pointed at us and he's like get on the ground throw your bags on the ground throw your skateboard on the ground and then now i'm like okay now there's like a whole firing squad also pointing at us they're like and then i'm like okay they're like get walk down the ladder slow and then they're like put your hands up put on the back of your head walk in reverse towards that wall and then there's like a wall against the train like against the train like station basically and then okay no turn around face the wall and i like this and i'm and then like finally they like put us we're like we're not resisting or anything like absolutely like dude there's like 50 guns with us like we'll do whatever you want you know so then they like handcuff us both um put us in the cop car like throw all of our stuff in the cob cars and then they don't say they're not talking to us anything but they put us in separate cop cars like we they would they that we were in the same cop cars so then we don't even know where we are at this point like we're just like okay like i we obviously got in trouble for something for something we obviously got in trouble on the train and um so then we get to the uh police station and at this point it's like this this whole process took like all day so like as soon as they found us and then they you know took our stuff and like that was like a long drawn out period of time i don't exactly know how but by the how long but by the time we got to the police station it's almost getting dark it's like you know at that time frame of getting dark and so along the way the cop that had pointed the gun directly at my face he's driving me and so it's just him and i in the car and then he's and then he starts like making jokes and this and that and he's like so my boy like what are you doing on that train like like he was just like i'm like man we're just on a scape trip and we're you know hopping freight trains and just kind of along for the adventure and he's like man he's always wanted to do that and then he starts like opening up to me like uh just you know like i always wanted to do that but i never had the balls and this and that like saying all this stuff i'm like well you know he's like that's cool though man he's like look i'm just doing my job but you know i i do respect you for doing that like you know not many people want to do that and this is that so then the this officer and i start like you know vibing in the car on the way on the way back i'm like not to mention you just had a gun around my face about 10 minutes ago so uh anyway we get to this this police station this is like this small town police station and then these other officers are there and everyone's like hannah those guys weren't as nice as the other guy and then um they put us in these like solitary confinement like single cells i don't know like you just i was alone in this little room with a toilet and that's it and then like a little like like concrete bench basically and um then i he like but then my friend is next to me uh in in the same thing but next door but then there's like a glass wall you can see and then you can hear i don't know if this is like something that they're just not worried about but you can totally hear the the officers and everyone outside so the office of like the the police station is right there so you can hear what they're talking about and so we're in this this salt like this solitary cell which i think they use before like they just try to figure out what they're going to do with you um and we were there for like quite a few hours but i could hear them talking so then they're going through all of our stuff and they're like ripping apart our bags and taking like taking everything about and then they they grab our ids they have our they have our wallets they take our ids and then you can start hearing these ohio police officers going look at these fake california ids they're so fake like they didn't believe they thought we were they they they thought we were like had fake ids i don't know why like look at how flimsy it is and this and that like these are so fake and then they walk up the guy walks up to the window with my id and he goes you really thought you'd get away with this like it's a real idea it's my real id i'm like what are you talking about these things are so fake i'm like no they're not but whatever and then uh so like some time goes by you know maybe a few a couple more hours and i'm like hey like so then they they come up and like what's like the story here like what are we what are we doing and you know they wouldn't really like talk to you and then um then one officer comes up and he goes we're waiting on some people to get here and i'm like what does that mean like he's like you'll see i'm like what like so this guy this other uh railroad police officer had driven from i think cleveland which is like so far away from where we were at least three hours from where we were and was like a special agent like train enforcer guy and he shows up and they thought we were terrorists so this whole entire time the the whole entire thing was that we were being like we were faking being skater kids and that we were actually trained terrorists that were trying to like hijack a train that's i'm not kidding you this is what was being the story that was being made up by these guys that were like trying to figure out every option of like why these kids were on this train so this special agent guy drives from you know across the state to interrogate us and then try to convict us upon like whatever we were saying so this guy shows up and he's like you first i could hear you first uh but he grabs my friend and he takes him into this like questioning room and this is like the craziest thing to re think about because the questioning room is literally across the hallway from where i'm where i'm stuck in this little cell and there's both glass windows so like i have the glass window the other one has a glass window so i can see in to this interrogation room so this guy shows up and i can hear him talking to my friend he goes i'm special agent blah blah blah like you know train enforcement this and that and um you're basically you guys are both being targeted as terrorists for for trying to do you know do like whatever on a train i'm hearing all this like this is the most comical thing to me i'm like first of all you think our ideas are fake they're not and now you're you know and you're now you're thinking that we're trying to hijack a train or like do something like we're 18 year old kids that are like skinny as nails with skateboards and backpacks with like smirks on our faces you know it's like so anyway i'm like okay so i could hear everything this um train special agent guy was interrogating my friend with so i could hear word for word everything that he said but prior to that conversation i heard the um the police officers go yeah i hear if you jump on a moving train it was almost like they were trying to give us hints he's like i hear if you jump on a moving train it's a felony but if you just get on a stop train it's a misdemeanor so i hear that then my friend is in the interrogation room and the guy goes the the special agent goes to him was the train moving or stopped when you got on and he goes it was stopped and then i like heard bull i'm like okay we're on the same page here so i'm just gonna follow his story so everything he says i'm gonna make sure i say so then that went on his whole story went on and then like like i said i don't know if these guys just didn't know that they that that we could hear through the walls but i could hear crystal clear everything that they were saying so then you know my friend had a perfect story and it was like all matched up so then i go in there and i just literally matched the story so perfectly the guy was looking at me like wait like you guys are saying the same thing he didn't say that to me but it was like pretty funny in that way because uh so anyway they like trying to figure out what to do with us we all we tell them our story which is the truth we got on a train we wanted to see where it would take us and that's that so at this point it's like it's like midnight and we're in this police station and we're just like what like laying against this concrete wall you know like begging for food and water and they wouldn't give us any of it and like it just like it's you know it sucked and the next thing you know i just hear like get on the ground get on the ground like this is just a glass barricade and then you hear like i heard like a door swing open like boom and then like all these people yelling and then so i'm not going to get into that part but like some other guy got in a bunch of trouble and got brought into the next cell over to my friend so we're like i could now figure out we could hear each other we'll have three cells that were yelling at us because i'm like hey like can you hear me they were like don't talk to each other so we're three cells next to like mayhem breaks out basically so then like you know maybe an hour later after that it's like actually one in the morning and they open the door and then they're like you know come with us and they're like you know where they're like you're being you're being booked like okay like i don't even know what that means they're like you'll find out so they grabbed this guy that had just gotten in a bunch of trouble for i won't say what and then my friend and i they bring us into this like police garage put us in the back of a cop car three of us right next to each other and we're all handcuffed and the handcuffs are so tight like my freaking wrists i thought were gonna fall off it was and um it's like yeah like one in the morning and then the police garage opens and then we just like drive out and i'm like hey where are we going like trying to just like be like you know high energy level-headed like i'm not mad i'm just like i don't know we're along for this ride like may as well make the most of it like hey where are we going and the guy keeps saying you'll find out you'll see you'll see and i'm like okay like i mean i'm just curious so he's like you'll see so we drive uncomfortable handcuffed like this three of us sitting in a bench seat for like an hour and a half i'm not kidding it was the most no seat belt on it was so uncomfortable and just like miserable and we're all sitting back there like equally like this sucks so much and then we show up to like we're driving on like farm roads and stuff we're driving like it's pitch black but i could tell there was no lights around no civilization around nothing i'm like okay well we're obviously headed out on a mission somewhere so finally we start i see like this big like you know light like array of lights basically like this thing and we're approaching this thing that up you know it's just this big lit up thing and so we finally arrive at this gate and i'm like okay we're at a prison like i could see we were at a jail you know like it was very apparent that we were out of jail so but we had driven a long way to get there and then uh this the the officer like rolls down his window like presses a call button like says who he is punches in a code or whatever and then the gate opens and then we drive through and then the gate closes and then he presses another button talks to somebody else does another code and then another gate opens and then that gate we go through that gate it closes and then there's another there's three gates i'm like where are we like so then he does that again we drive through and then we like take a left turn and then this garage opens and we drive into this like i don't know like loading dock area but like a bunker like another police garage basically and then he opens the door lets us out but we're in an enclosed area of course and then we like walk through these doors in like single file line like walking through and it was just like this massive room of you know something i've never seen in my life it was just like this huge room of just like i don't know just emptiness it was really really really odd but then we walk into this like office kind of like this office there's a bunch of people on computers guards not people go like they're people but they're you know strapped with full you know vests and um there's a you know big guns and like standing there and then there's a few people on computers doing their thing and uh i'm like this is really this is insane like i'm in a prison i'm in a full-fledged prison and then i remember this one like as soon as i got there there's just one dude there's just this one guard standing there just the biggest like probably 300 pounds of pure muscle when he's like like seven feet tall dude like this guy is just massive and he i remember like making eye contact with him right away i had like a smirk on my face given it's like 2 30 in the morning and like or later and uh and he like he like looked at me with this like this look and um so we're sitting and then we get chained to this bench and there's like this long bench and we're chained to the bench and then they start like you know booking us or whatever like talking to us asking us random questions and then that big bulky massive guard just bawled like just huge like just a beast he walks up to me and he's all what are you doing here i'm like what he's like what are you doing here why are you here like what'd you do and i'm like and i pointed my friend i'm like we got caught on a freight train earlier today and uh we're here and he's like like just so confused he's like say you say what you caught on you got caught on a freight train and i'm like yeah and he's like why the hell are you here and so we start talking back and forth and i'm still having this like smirk like i don't know why i'm here but we're here i'm as confused as you are and he's like so we're in like a maximum security prison you know like in the and so it turns out later i'd find out they brought us there because they had nowhere else to bring us i guess all their other jails were full or whatever it was like we were at the county jail originally i guess and then we brought so whatever we're here and i'm saying i don't know why i'm here so then they uncuff us from this bench where we get like processed or whatever and then they bring us back into these other like solitary confinement things and and he's like uh the guy this this guard all of a sudden just becomes like fascinated with me he's like so confused so he keeps walking up to my glass window you can see and he's like we're having like small top conversation i'm 18 years old you know like like just i don't know like just a skinny scrawny little kid sitting here in the cell like whatever and then he comes and he's like hey so like you guys have so what like tell me about your trip and this and that he starts talking to me about i'm like yeah we're just on a trip across the country like got caught on the freight train we're going to all these different skate parks and uh we're just you know off on on a good time like and he's like man he's like kind of super you know curious and intrigued by it and then we start talking more and more and i'm like yeah we're on this skate trip we just got back from um woodward which is a skate park in pennsylvania it's like a summer camp and i had done this double backflip there like two days prior and so i was like telling them like yeah we just got back from here and this and that we're filming the whole trip and i just documented this clip on youtube and this and that was like you know just talking to him small talk and so he's like what he's like it's on youtube now and then we're talking through this glass wall and he's like hold on a second so as what i'm seeing i'm looking out through this glass window and then there's like this massive long hallway on each side but like kind of circles around in a way it's like a big circular thing and then there's all these other cells around this wall so it's like this massive but in the middle there's this guard station of like a circular desk basically and in each direction there's like maybe 10 guards with on computers but then there's also arm guys standing there and they're all looking in different directions around this whole perimeter of this whole thing so he's like hold on a second after i tell him like yeah it's on youtube he walks back up to like the podium stand of wherever all those guys are standing there and he's like he's i'm gonna go look this up so he walks up there has one of the lady guards like type in the thing so they're facing me and they're like i'm looking at them they're looking at me but there's a computer in the middle but then given they're like probably 30 40 50 feet away from me so then next thing i know i'm standing there um i'm like standing there against the glass like kind of like just like in anticipation like what is like i don't know just confused and then the guards start laughing and pointing and they're pointing at me pointing at the screen and they're going like that's him like that that's him i think i don't know which video they're watching but they're watching something on youtube going like they're probably watching the double backflip video being like this guy is here like but and so it was it was super funny in that way i'm like and then they start just like hysterically laughing the other guards start coming over to the window they're talking to me and this and that they're like and i'm like get me out of here why am i here and so uh they're like we don't then the lady guard comes up and she's like we need to get you out of here like this is the dumb like why are you you know and then i'm like yeah my friends in the next cell like you know trying to explain the whole thing and then i'm not kidding you the big burly guard and the lady guard are standing right in front of me and i'm having a conversation through the glass with them and they the lady guard looks at the big dude guard and goes can't we just get them out of here like can't we just can't we just release them and then they go back and forth they're trying to figure out like yeah i don't know but it turns out that we had already been like legally processed or however that works so that i illegally needed to see a judge before they could release me but it was like friday and so and then i guess there was no court until monday so or however that worked like but they're like we're sorry like we would try like we're trying to do everything to just get you guys out of here but like there's legal obligations that we can't like dismiss and you're you have to wait until and then i think like monday was uh you know a day i don't know we ended up being there for three full days um not including that night so the next day uh or no not not the next day we i'm like damn this just got so much more real like we're gonna be here a while and the guy's like sorry man so then um maybe like it's like four in the morning at this point you know like maybe 4 30 in the morning the big guard who is saying that was intrigued by me opens the door and i'm like he but first of all i'm like dude i'm so hungry maybe rewind like 20 minutes i'm like i'm so hungry can you please give me something we haven't eaten in like three days like please and like he's like i'll see what i can do and he comes back with like 10 ham sandwiches like just 10 just like throws him in the thing he's like here the worst ham sandwiches i've ever tasted in my life but um you know he hooked it up in that way so then fast forward 20 minutes he opens the door he's like come with me like where are we going he's like you're getting you know getting brought into general population and i'm like what like so we start walking down this hallway and we're walking through all these different like you know areas basically down this this hall and like i said there's the glass walls against the against the rooms and i'm like i noticed like some of these guys it's 4 30 in the morning some people are like running in circles in like this 10 by 10 area some people are sleeping something but the lights are on it's super bright in all the rooms and um i'm like hey why do those guys have red jumpsuits on and i have an orange one and he goes if they have a red jumpsuit on it means that they've either been convicted of murder or convicted of trying to escape prison i'm like oh okay so got it uh so we just keep walking down the hallways and then they open this gate and then they open another gate and then this gate just i remember we're we're i'm back with my friend again luckily they they brought us the same area like they were cool enough in that way but i remember the gate opening like the the the keys like the the the ring of keys you know hits the door opens the um the law or the the big massive like bars to this room and it's dark in this area it's dark and i remember him opening the door and it was like creaky like the the gate was loud and wherever we were going there was people i could see bunk beds in every direction like and then there's people sleeping on the floor there was like but the creakiness of the gate i remember everyone just looks up and like wakes up and i'm like we're those guys right now we just woke everyone up at 4 30 in the morning you know they're like and now we're about to crash their party and there's no their party but like there's no there's not even room so we they just gave us like these little mats basically and we just slept on the ground there was like it was an overpopulated prison they didn't know whatever so we wake up the next day and then like it's light out i think like the next day is like two hours because they force you to wake up at like 6am and then they give you like a breakfast burrito which is like the worst tasting thing ever and then um and then you know we're up for the rest of the day and i remember we played cards everyone in there was just playing cards we played cards for like the entire day and uh my friend and i played the game war for like literally all day i thought i was gonna go insane it was like it was pretty intense but we never heard like you know like we didn't go outside and i'm like hey you know there's one guy in there he's like i just he just got done doing five years and he was like about to be released and he was talking about how i think in correct me if i'm wrong i don't know that but in some states there's no requirement for you to go outside like i think a lot of prisons like you you have to go outside but this other dude in there he's like yeah i've been in here 200 days straight and i haven't seen the light of day like he hadn't been outside in 200 days and he's just laying there like just completely depleted in his bed like just you know just miserable there was another guy in there who was like you know in his 70s or 80s he was like older guy really overweight and then this other prisoner in there was like yeah that dude got here about six months ago and he has not showered since he's been here and he also hasn't taken care of himself after he's gone to the bathroom every time and he reeks so that's why we all stay on this side and he sleeps over there and it was like it was and then there was like people starting to get in fights and there was it was just like really really intense like really gnarly situation i would cry myself to sleep both uh like the nights that i was there i was crying myself to sleep like it was just like it was really gnarly it was really really intense situation and then finally the day comes where uh he called he's like um this guy this guard walks up to the gate and they were calling people's names and they would bring them out of this area uh like every so often but then finally this one morning i wake up and i just hear jacob and i'm like and then he says my friend's last name as well i'm like that means something like okay so they they bring us into this room and i guess we were having like uh we had to have court they were like this wasn't something that was really like routine there so they brought this tv screen into this room and we're standing there and there was like you know a few people like there i think the problem that was going on was like their other jails were overpopulated so they were bringing people to this prison so we were having like there was probably like 30 or 40 people in this room and then there's a tv screen and then the tv screen had the judge on it and there was like basically you're having court over a tv screen um for you know things that weren't as bad like people that have you know so it's like so i we're waiting there and people are like uh you know so and so uh charged with grand theft auto and possession of you know like schedule you know whatever it was bad stuff you know this person you know attempt like attempted this with the bad stuff and then you just hear the judge go jacob because they have to call out the charge so everyone hears the charges like jacob um charged with trespassing on railroad property and everyone in the room is just like what like what that's like the dumbest thing i've ever heard in my life well i walk up i'm talking to them like hello good morning sir how are you you know and he's like okay we start talking and then um he goes uh well i'm not really sure why this is even on my like radar like this is this he also the judge is also like this is the dumbest thing ever so then um he uh he goes his final words i was like yeah you know whatever you live and learn you make mistakes and he goes look he goes look son or something like that i'm not i'm not telling you not to hop a freight train again but i'm telling you not to hop a freight train in my county again and then he goes i'm letting you out wednesday morning 10 a.m and it was like another day or no please let me out now like [Laughter] so then anyway we waited and then finally we had those other days there and then um we uh get our names called again it's like jacob you know so we we get let out we had to pay like some fo some like fees and fines and whatever and then they literally so they dropped they let us out of the prison and then they let us literally like when you get let out of that prison like they just let you out you know like it's not their obligation to figure out how you're gonna get to where you need to go that's just not their problem so we literally get let out with nothing we had the clothes that we showed up with because they had taken all of our stuff so they you know we get out of the jumpsuits they give us our clothes back it's like the same raggedy clothes that we were on the train with all dirty we put them back on and then you know my friend and i are standing outside this prison like well what now like there's nothing around like there's enough what are we gonna do so we were asking like where's our bags where's our skateboards and no one knew like the the people at the prison are like we don't know it's not here so the the the officers had left intentionally i think left all of our stuff back at the other jail so and this was like an hour and a half drive from where so now we're in this area we don't even know where we are and we have to figure out how to get back to our stuff which is at the other location that we didn't even know where that was either so we start asking around asking questions figuring out and some nice nice lady that was there and i won't say why or whatever but um gave us a ride gave two guys they just got out of prison we were kids we were like explaining to her i'm like hey like please like this is the situation can you please give us a ride and so she gave us a ride back we figured out where our stuff was we got our stuff and then um it was funny when i turned on the gopro that i had originally been filming with the police officer accidentally had filmed a clip on the gopro because he was like checking it out seeing what it was and the clip documented all of our stuff every single item of our stuff was just laid out on the hood of the cop cars that i saw on the on the video but uh so we got back to our stuff paid the fees and got out of there and we just i remember getting back i think what happened we just started like skateboarding west again trying to get down to cincinnati and then we you know got a ride hitchhiked whatever and got to his family's house and continued our journey west but a hell of an experience and i hope you enjoyed this story so thanks for listening we'll see you next time
Channel: TrevorJacob
Views: 384,520
Rating: 4.8248658 out of 5
Id: XqFIgqvWrcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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