I Went On Tinder As The World's Hottest Man

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it's ready 20 we're back but she might remember in a previous steamin tries less video this happened they want to see you take over my tinder we're looking at 30,000 likes they like the video that I have her taken full control control yesterday we've this has been 24 hours I'm just stressing that's people realize I already match it'll probably good you take a look at the profile yes please do okay start off with a lovely pic first one we've got is me on tall and that's that's not a bad pig man demonsaw let's get a good picture at the front yeah I'm go oh yeah oh God oh dear to get the old editing tools out because I don't know if you can see it really the ladies behind there is a lovely thought bubble so the ladies was actually there ladies ladies was always there how old is either 1919 is lad partly joint six phone probably the only one I got invited to so far so so good no wow I don't look too bad there there's a good friend Tommy Mac topic mattis yeah who you look for this oh yeah and Steven with a lovely crunchy nuts which if you play your cards right now everyone loves the gym selfie it's a very weird collection of pictures we've got yeah you know it's a journey I love this picture again second year I think the light coming in from behind you it looks like like I saw a religious picture in many ways yeah I'm impressed that wasn't the first picture I'm very impressed it wasn't but you can already tell from your gauge I've got the birds and I mean this one I don't you know this I was on holiday with my sister's bra or costume on my head and a dental bob got my hand probably a SuperSoaker there's all the girls on way so far so good let's get into the buyer if you were to ask me who my heroes are I'd say candy his wife for his words of wisdom mother Teresa for a healing hands that's what they come just a lovely pot and I'm the CEO SD I think that yeah I think that max to leases from women someone else did you get I did very drunk I think it's helped dude okay right let's have a look I don't mind giving girls the old sodium are they hair treatment if you don't love me ha and that is if I remember my footie law had me think so too man's got a bad boy street kid his barn it that was the logic forever do it we said a mother so she wrote something about Savio Monet I don't know who that is good stuff like that's not a bad start but is but you should bring me to your climate class because I'm hot as hell laugh my ass off most of this smile you about for tonight for drinks would be cool to hang out very forward like very forward she loves a bit of it I'd like a joke about something hanging out but horrible Tiffany did a drink after that a nice again no response bring up essay ones okay so this is Chloe your Jack everybody in the needs of fame your Jack everybody huh my dad just got a load of stones all over the world to achieve flight lol you don't have to do anything you've set your store though sure shorter others imagine a picture of a ball pit yes I was thinking that ball pit looked familiar then realized I've just been caught you two I'm crying honestly so was I are we gonna link you down to any funds below yeah I'm here for the loss to one a lot together sometime can honestly say I've never had that pickup line before thanks for your honesty really refreshing that my last relationship started off with a lie and it did not end well God sorry to hear that turns out she was subscribed to my dad's only funds account I didn't tell me exact you can keep cooking with that well yeah well you can I just realized this is my dad just gonna say I'm assuming you're not the real Steven tries do you know how hard it is to get Alabama steamboat is where every girl thinks you fake the Alabama it's on the screen right now do you know how hard it is the zip up my boomstick when every last says you're a phony do you understand how embarrassing it is to see your dad's bring get more chicks than the farmyard and I'm still still humping my brothers old anime body pillow is very real to me Jade Olivia are you called Texas red so I wouldn't mind us having a showdown with my big iron I didn't realize that there were so many pictures of Stephen as a child it's what you get when you have loving parents and her dad with the really high-quality camera can't relate turns out my dad had a good camera for his only funds account anyway I keep having to delete and reinstall tinder to read your messages add me on snapchat I won't be fuming that you're not the real Stephen tries you realize I'm the real bona fide Steve tries yeah yeah obviously because I haven't seen ten other accounts for him not interest why people pose it as me you'll fall you'll fall flat on your face when then you have to meet up yeah and it's clearly a sore better look at babies man with a blonde hair really low why not have you seen his [ __ ] mug my ass Oh leave them alone he's cute Thank You Jade Olivia long at that he's gonna hit like funny as [ __ ] though and making a lot more money why do I say Dumbo sir fake natha man's man's real as they come and if my dad's only funds account is anything to go by and often this is defo not Steven he's got a girlfriend I don't like to eventually figure felt like a beautiful steak that's looking for a side of fries though you dig hot steamy fries just 203 covered in sauce ffs good effort though what source we saying though daddy sauce the brown sauce love it not a fan myself mate that is by the bucketload YUM depends on their daddy though la oh yeah come just be randomly random err that would be weird that's why it's good to get to know your daddy low no but for a few years now getting that bread trust it cost like 50 pounds to subscribe to him as well setting the bar high there 80 hey he's got bye-bye he's making the moolah more like he's making my boy video I'm weirdly the conversation stop yeah I see you representing the o16 one hummus on my lap more like I want six one I feel a twinge in my lap low doesn't quite have the same ring but I'll give you it for creativity I want six one pair in my crack ooh smelly love just two people finally found some like a connector what's better than this just guys I'm seeing feeling the rhythm amazing not the only thing I'm failing yes therefore mention laughs is making goods well a little minks and yellow that's going strong what's it been like 40 mins I accidentally accidentally took some of my dad's pills last night turns out his white pills if you had hurt some blue to make and squirt that so shanna milk milk lemonade around the corner fudge is made [ __ ] off maybe we just think that belong we want a bowl of the good stuff knock-knock mole who's there how's will by the way and how Zoey well I'm still slipping what the old flash didn't let me know it that and the others fine though I'll let you decide to sue so Siobhan picture thank Matt that bio is totally something I should message him having an early fans account is the bane of my life Stella you're not Steven are you hell yeah boo you are well max think you might be hurting his feelings max is doing fine did the babes above the model he's getting bad chicks love like 24/7 they couldn't respect him for that let me guess this is Taylor yes called me someone with awful fashion advice because I need a tailor to come over though like sex in it though a great attempt I mean finding love I mean there were certain people that I think definitely would do there were conversations that was still going also guys if if there's anybody that you want me to take over their tinder that I know of then please comment it down below I would like to do that anyway thank you for watching stay safe stay humble ocupado
Channel: Stephen Tries Less
Views: 993,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stephen tries, stephen tries less, tinder, tinder video, funny tinder, tinder prank, how to be, max smith
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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