I Went Back to Middle School for a Day!

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today i went back to middle school for the entire day and became a student again at my old school we have a crazy day planned but i'm actually running late to class right now and i have a test i kind of have to lay low because i think a lot of the students here know me but let's see if i can pass the sixth grade all right guys we're back at my old middle school and we're late i got my tardy pass right here i'm so mad because i have to take a freaking test first period i didn't study at all if i failed this test there's actually a consequence that the students are going to do to me so i really have to ace this yeah it's kind of early for me i'm more of a 30 minute late kind of guy i'm 15 minute late yeah have fun though yo do good on that test i'll meet you in there i'm gonna go meet up with some friends this sucks man i don't know how i'm gonna pass this test but oh yes i'm so glad i made it for the pop quiz five minutes later you would have missed it should we go yes i have to go to the bathroom i'm pretty sure i'm going to ace this test so and there's a back side dude ancient civilization i thought what class is this and you're not that social i'm not that socially you should speed run it bro i'm not gonna lie like i'm don't do this in school but i'm gonna cheat get that on camera what's up yeah it's definitely [Music] seriously actually this goes back to the beginning of the raise your hand year you need help what's the answer for four what's the answer you're supposed to know this right dean thank you just don't give any answers to anyone else advising students you're done got two answers about that one dude he's really covered i'm new here he's on his football you're on your phone googling no i was just taking a picture to sense my friend for the next period we've heard that before i'm really confused because there's another phase rug in here it says i love faze rugs i know it's really confusing who is that it's that one over there in the sandbag hey my god how'd you do on the test do you think can i see the name again i think their names on them they may have not all the way down there oh yeah you're right okay look at him quickly thank you bro i got you you're good can i help you oh yeah oh you're a student here too don't put phase rug as your name we already have two no yo that guy right there he's crazy he's smart or what yeah hey bro what did you write for your name can i see you king tut appreciate it yo i heard you was trying to flip your watch i'll be selling it this is how i finished most of my tests i told brian to speed run it yeah for me oh buzzer beater buzzer beater bro what is that i got a gift from a student since um i've been had a second to grade these and this young sixth grader named faze rug cheated and pulled out his phone and talked to some of my best students i think i'm gonna have to fail him i don't know what else to do okay you know what guys since i cheated i want to make it up to you guys i got you all some gifts no way that's so nice really i got a name we'll start over here i didn't cheat off you guys but you all get some little christmas goodies there you go maybe let's all open them at the end she's already opening it but you think we passed right yes okay thank you for the hookup with the pencil and some answers happy holidays guys yeah no problem yeah you guys can go ahead and open them let's show them what we got we got 10 gift cards and some candy there you go guys i'm just a student why do you want my autograph i don't know what's going on [Music] all right so since i failed the test i'm gonna randomly select six students to throw water balloons at me first student kyle hey don't go easy on me okay daniel daniel let's go man mayo that's a big name bro ryland ace [Applause] last one manuel if i picked your name follow me to the field let's go oh honestly yeah that would be great guys this is actually crazy because i went to middle school here so for three years i would be here it's just super dope coming back surprising fans so i really do appreciate you guys and i gotta get hit with some water balloons by 36 students guys brian went from ditching school every day to being no i'm just kidding i would get schooled he jumped that fence right there and here's a picture of me in middle school would i do that this is an army of water balloon pelters are you're trying to buy this though all right for sure let me know don't buy this i don't have any money okay we're gonna do a back flip do you know anybody don't want to buy it or not ask her do you guys want to buy it or not can i have it for free no i'm sure if i just pull it off your hands i'll steal it i'll run away i mean bro look at this dude's height over you and you're what 22. how old are you bro 12. oh my gosh you're 12. dude look at this height difference yeah okay let them know what's up everyone has a water balloon yeah all right ready set go why did i agree to that punishment all right everyone look over here guys say cheese did you want to buy this that much like 20 bucks i want those teeth do you want to buy this you can have it for free not bro i'm just trying to sell it to you though just let me know i'm supposed to sell on school campus just don't tell them though so it's passing period right now principal fallon said i should tell everyone to get to class i think they'll listen to me guys get to class i love you you got to get to class i still can't deny it all right guys oh my god oh my god this is actually nuts thank you guys for your support look at that look at that [Applause] yo what the hell thank you guys seriously [Music] we are in pe class right now and we're gonna do make the basketball trick shot you keep the prize and we got four students here are you guys gonna win some prizes yeah okay we got prizes around the court whoever wants to go first can go first and you can choose where to shoot from so do you want to go first oh okay oh here you go my man these are yours take a look what is it oh it's airpods let's go first prize of the day man good job will he win another gift come on oh that was good you got this oh come on give me some luck all right oh my god let me try this one more time that counts that counts wait wait principle principle how we can determine all right guys so i won this prize for one of you guys but you need to answer a question right about me raise your hand if you know it so sherman and i have had our fun adventures in the past which was the most famous place we've ever went to it was haunted the haunted house no haunted mansion oh my gosh no the answer was the haunted tunnel what was the name of the movie that i made [Music] you know what we're going to do a different way ryan stand right here again close your eyes okay close your eyes right now do not peek spin around three times and point someone one two okay one more spin you're done there pick who you want anywhere you want right there okay one dude you won yes sir here you go my guy open it up merry christmas this is a good gift that's probably the best gift vr can i just get a vr you just got a vr bro all right who's next you got this oh let's go yes you got it any guesses a gift card gift card for a hundred dollars yes of course good job guys we have two more gifts you don't have a gift right all right you got to go next oh yeah take it home be the ball be the ball you're this right now you want to go in there that's good this is a game-winning shot right now let's go back yes dude guys any ideas what this is a giant iphone products oh what is it oh wait what what is it ipad mini yeah one more gift i think i'm gonna shoot for it principal i have a good idea you want to come over here what do you think these four students already all got amazing gifts yeah if me or you make this then you give this away to someone in the school that's a great idea okay do you want to go first well that's a lot of pressure no you got this all right oh buzzer beater hey that was crazy i appreciate you guys you guys did amazing yeah that's me right there they found my eighth grade picture 2010. i'm right there oh my god dude my hair i literally was like rico from hannah montana i just remember like um the kids who nobody wanted to sit next to you would always volunteer to sit next to them you were always like very very kind thank you and you were a cracker really like you always had miss gizzle nine stitches i have to say you were a little bit goofy too was i yeah you always had like a funny thing to say about everything always a funny thing and no wonder you went into youtubing like this because it was just a segway from middle school right into what you're doing yeah because i started making videos in high school like are you dead yeah right after middle school let's see sixth and seventh well i had you in sixth grade right sixth grade six oh yeah there you are so this is seven you like stripes i noticed yeah my mom would make me wear those i have a question in middle school was he like popular well you seem popular because a lot of kids liked you kids just gravitated to them because he was just so likable really likable kid yeah yeah now can we talk about my hannah montana obsession for those who don't know well um yeah in fact i have a little gift for you whoa what you got me a gift two gifts in one so this is my gift to you no way yeah thank you so much of course so we should give a little back story about my hannah montana obsession some people know that but i used to be obsessed with her i went to her concert i bought her merchandise well you had the lunch box like people would be like hannah montana really and you'd be like yes love hannah montana there was this one time where i went to her concert i bought her merch i wore it to school by the end of the day the shirt was flipped inside out because so many people were like making fun of me and i'm like oh shoot all right should i open this gif yes we'll do this one first oh my gosh no pixies this is amazing so this one's you're gonna open it first okay okay okay stop it stop it stop it i'm hanging this up in my room i don't care she's like where are you this is amazing thank you this one is another one no way oh my god dude it says my first crush wait hold on it has a note so proud of you and all your accomplishments miss garrett your sixth grade teacher i appreciate you so much thank you seriously proud of you you will always be brianal honest he's my brian my heart guys oh my gosh thank you so much guys you're gonna see this in my new house [Music] miss garrett is gonna take us to our class a lot of the students are fans and we have the last gift here that she's going to pick a student to give to you so you're watching it no i still have to sell it miss gary do you want to buy this just let me know what squad spot yeah [Applause] [Music] so guys i actually have an early birthday gift for aiden so nice to meet you dude here you go thank you happy early birthday merry early christmas thank you whoa we got an apple lunch happy early birthday bro hey thank you guys for all the support by the way i appreciate it seriously yo so i think there's a kid over there he's interested in buying the watch yeah do you want to buy this though yeah you do want to buy it yeah do you want to buy this or no it's fifty thousand dollars not that it's nice i think we gotta call it though yeah i don't think i've ever signed a macbook [Music] all right guys so we're on our way to the next class but i've never done anything like bad in middle school and now that i'm back in middle school i'm feeling kind of naughty i'm gonna try to sneak into the principal's office we're gonna go on the speaker system on the school and try to promote my youtube channel and it's gonna go around the whole school [Music] michael he's one of those students yeah we're talking about my sick dog yeah we'll be right we'll be right there we'll be right back into the restroom real quick i don't know how to work this thing wait do you know how to do it i'm going to say that i'm like an up-and-coming youtuber and to subscribe to my channel [Music] are you kidding me you know what made dozens of classrooms you just interrupted i'm so sorry i just wanted i i just yeah i'm not i can't believe we're just gonna go i'm giving you lunch detention come on get your stuff we just wanted to sneak in and yeah not okay dude not okay attention boys i'm chilling there's like 50 kids running for p.e to see you guys we just snuck in through here we got him now he's done oh he's not going nowhere get in there dude i didn't know that that would actually get us lunch detention i just wanted more sucks this is like my classroom anyways i'm lunch attention bro you get lunch attention every single day this is new this time you're shaking it's not that bad bro i'm a good guy bro like this never happens i know obviously like what are you eating i don't know just hand it to me by the principal is that good oh you got the teriyaki bowl you're so lucky you guys are not supposed to be socializing this is a consequence well we can't like talk to each other and stuff or it's a consequence it's supposed to not be fun i'm sorry we're gonna go old school you guys need to write a hundred times a hundred yeah i will not self-promote you took advantage not even no ah we're not talking about this i'm not my instagram you're the students no what social media no started writing all right this is y'all you brother you know you're the reason you told me to say that you said oh i think it'd be funny because the school has a lot of people you'll get new subscribers that would be a promotion now we have to write this down a hundred times bro your hand is about a cramp up right now you know what i'm gonna say i will self promo love face thank you yeah guys i had such an amazing day at my old middle school i met so many supporters reconnected with so many of my teachers and this is what i love about doing youtube and making videos for you guys you all make me so happy and i really just appreciate it i will see you all with the next video peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 7,383,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: z-qyizoS5-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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