I Watched (almost) EVERY Version of Pride and Prejudice - a Tier List

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all right here we go i've got my red threaded regency stays project to work on while i watch every single version of pride prejudice that you can currently find still intact this is gonna take a while i just have a feeling [Music] hello all and welcome my name is margaret i'm a historical customer and textile conservator and training and today i will be ranking 21 versions of jane austen's pride and prejudice i have spent the last month watching these adaptions taking notes and deciding which i think are the best and which ones i think you should avoid we'll go into the selection process for these films and the criteria a little bit later but first i just wanted to give you an introduction about pride and prejudice in general pride and prejudice is of course a novel by jane austen it was published in 1813 but she started writing it in 1795. it is of course a very well loved classic novel that follows the story of elizabeth bennett and mr darcy falling in love it has been put to the screen many many times as we will see some of which are good and some of which are not so great so next i just wanted to talk through sort of the selection process for these movies because there are some in here that you might be a little confused why they're on this list but i will explain so this was sort of the ground rules for the media selection number one they had to be in english there are a lot of great foreign adoptions of pride and prejudice i just unfortunately had to cap it somewhere and it ended up being english language adaptations partially this is for me i like to sew while i watch these movies i actually sew this corset this beautiful red threaded long line regency stays while watching these films and so reading subtitles is just not something that was going to happen additionally i am in the united states and it is easiest for me to find english language versions because i'm on united states streaming services i did find a k-drama that's called pride and prejudice although i'm not sure if it's an adaption of jane austen's work number two no single episodes of tv shows partially because this was going to be really hard to research really hard to find and also we'd be here forever number three no sequels the exception to this is death comes to pemberley because that's technically a sequel of pride and prejudice however there are there's one sequel to a hallmark movie and then the sequels to bridget jones which i just didn't think um made sense within the context of this video and number four um no theatrical productions that are just on youtube there's one theatrical production in this list but it is on a streaming service and it was professionally filmed but let's get into what we are actually reviewing today so i've broken up these films into four different categories there are a couple of pride and prejudice adaptions that no longer exist and i just wanted to run through those really quickly those include adaptions from 1938 1949 1952 and 1958. obviously these don't exist anymore so i didn't review them but they are worth noting that there were quite a few pride and prejudice adaptations um between the 1940s movie and then the 1980s television production so in terms of movies that we're actually reviewing because they exist the first category is the straight from literary adaptions these are the versions of pride and prejudice that are obviously set in the regency era those being the 1940s version the 1967 version which you'll see has an asterisk because only two episodes of that series actually survived so we will be reviewing that but just note that it is not the full series the 1980s version which is bbc television the 1995 version iconic and the 2005 version i also put in this category pride and prejudice a new musical which is streaming on amazon and that is from 2020. then there are the modern day adaptions we have bridget jones diary which is loosely based on pride and prejudice from 2001 pride and prejudice a latter-day comedy from 2003 bride and prejudice from 2004 the lizzie bennet diaries which was an interactive web series that ran from 2012 to 2013 unleashing mr darcy from 2016 before the fall 2017 christmas at pemberley manor 2018 pride prejudice in mistletoe 2018 not sure why we needed two christmas pride and prejudice movies in 2018 but we have them crying prejudice atlanta in 2019 and pride prejudice cut also called becoming mrs bennett pride and prejudice 2019. then we have the what i call the flipped period adaptions um which are adaptations that exist in the regency era but have some sort of augmentation to them so that's lost in austin from 2008 and pride prejudice and zombies from 2013 and then we have the category that i'm calling pride and prejudice adjacent film and media um these include death come to pemberley pride and prejudice having a ball and austin land so these are films that either deal with the subject matter or characters of pride and prejudice but aren't necessarily adaptations of the original novel one more thing we need to talk about and that's the ground rules for how i will be ranking these films obviously this is very subjective if you have a different take on this if you love some movies i hate it if you hate some movies i love i would love for you to comment down below and start chatting about it i love to hear everyone's different opinions on these forms of media and i would i would love to hear yours um so please don't take it in any personal way i'm totally fine if you have a different opinion on this but you're here to watch my opinion so hello um but i just wanted to give you a little insight about how i ranked these movies because i tried to be slightly objective so first off i do take into account the overall quality of the movie this includes production value acting costumes music editing etc whether or not it's an actually good film which of course is still slightly subjective but is a bit more of an objective measure number two is how much i liked the movie personally how much i enjoyed watching it and number three is if i would watch the movie again those two kind of go together number four is reverence to the source material i'm not super concerned about them going plot point by plot point or you know hitting the characterization bang on the head what i'm really concerned about is if the makers of the film actually enjoyed the source material and it's evident that they took care with the source material in their work and of course overall iconicness honestly this is a very obtuse sort of parameter to set but i think that cultural cachet is important when talking about these adaptations because let's be real there are two on here that everybody would like to know my opinions about and i think that that should weigh heavily on their overall ranking because frankly if a lot of people like them there's something to that so i will let you go over to future [Music] maggie all right hello everyone so i just quick wanted to run through sort of the categories before we started with this particular part of the video so first up here we have our est here at 1 000 a year these are movies that are completely iconic and are definitely required viewing for anybody who loves pride and prejudice and then we have fine eyes our a tier these are movies that i particularly enjoyed watching would watch again and definitely think you should watch too then we have a parsonage of no mean size these are movies that i thought were enjoyable probably don't necessarily need to watch them again um but would recommend to anybody who found them interesting let me have the category tolerable i suppose these are movies that i did not particularly enjoy watching but i think still have quite a bit of merit to them i wouldn't necessarily recommend them to people but if they sound interesting i wouldn't dissuade you from watching them either and then of course we have are the shades of pemberley to be best polluted these are movies that i very much did not enjoy watching that i think are certifiably bad films and i would not recommend to you in fact i would dissuade you from watching them so those are our categories today and we have down here are 21 film television um and other sorts of media that we will be discussing so let's just start right now first off we have bride and prejudice this is a bollywood rendition of the classic jane austen tale and this one is going into a parsonage of no mean size so here's the scoop on this movie i liked this movie it has a lot of life it has a lot of color obviously it's bollywood there are beautiful dancing and singing numbers that i think add a lot to the story and and really bring a new fresh take to pride and prejudice it was made in 2004 so it has that y2k feel however i think it can be a little cheesy at times a little bit cringy at times and all in all just wasn't like the best film ever made which is totally fine it also has one of my least favorite pride and prejudice tropes which is the double wedding i don't like the double wedding trend i'm probably alone on this island of not liking the double wedding and i'm probably gonna get some comments that are like i love the double wedding and that's fine i don't like it i think it's cheesy alright next up we have lost in austin and this is a story of a woman who goes back into the regency era into the jane austen novel and proceeds to sort of muck things up this is also going into a parsonage of domain size and here's the reason for that i liked it i thought it was very innovative i thought it was very interesting but it just i don't know it just didn't quite capture me and that's honestly a me thing this is like a me feeling um it had the it had the ubra of like david tennant era doctor who because it's that same era of like english television that late aughts english television i think it was made in 2008. i wouldn't recommend it to everyone because it it certainly does flip jane austen's story onto its head if you're a purist and you really love pride and prejudice this might not be the this might not be the series for you because it it definitely subverts jane austen in as many ways as it possibly can let's talk about prime french's having a ball so this is a film i believe it's like a tv documentary um where our presenters and a cast of very talented people um recreate the merit and ball from pride and prejudice using um period techniques in both the food and the dancing and the lighting and the costumes this one is going into fine eyes and here's why although this doesn't necessarily fit into this ranking very much involves prime pressure it's a volkswagen i think this is a really good palate cleanser if you are doing if you are doing this gauntlet like i did this one really takes you out of the fictional story prejudice and centers it and grounds it in the historical regency era in a very material culture sort of way and as a person who works in material culture i am a textile conservator in grad school at the moment that was very refreshing i really really liked that um and i think that if you love pride and prejudice this is a great watch again it's not in 10 000 a year because it's not an iconic piece of media that everyone needs to see um but i definitely enjoyed it a lot and i would definitely watch it again in the future when i um forget the information that was presented to me next we have bridget jones diaries this is of course a 90s romantic comedy starring renee zellweger hugh grant and colin firth very very popular celebrities in the 90s and it tells the story of a woman in her early 30s looking for love it is going into a parsonage of no mean size i really oscillate between these two categories with this movie because it is an iconic film it was a very very well liked film in the 90s obviously my mom really likes this film um and it is it is a classic 90s rom-com it's up there with four weddings and a funeral in notting hill although i do like notting hill quite a bit better um but the reason i'm putting it into a percentage of no mean size and the reason i oscillate between the two is because looking at it from 2021 eyes there are some aspects of this movie that are slightly problematic from um the particular treatment of a japanese character who is not shown on screen she's just talked about um which with all the with all the recent talk about the stop api aapi hate movement um that has been going around that sort of that particular few lines about that asian character left a bad taste in my mouth and then also hugh grant's just atrocious behavior in the workplace um which obviously is his character this movie definitely centers on having a darcy character and a wickham character and that's sort of its only pride and prejudice contribution this is a very loosely based pride and prejudice for those reasons it's not it's not up there but i do enjoy this movie i think it's funny i think uh the its reigning men scene is great that scene is fabulous frankly i will say this movie is very very loosely based on pride and prejudice and there are a couple more movies on this list that i say are bad because they use very few tropes of pride and prejudice but then they take on the pride and prejudice name while not really giving you pride and prejudice this one doesn't really give you pride and prejudice but it also doesn't take on the pride and prejudice name this is bridget jones diary this is not bridget jones diary retelling of pride prejudice but it is on this list because it has aspects of pride and prejudice and it is loosely based off of pride and prejudice i re i have mixed feelings on this one and i probably will change my mind on this one later so who knows speaking of movies that aren't pride and prejudice but say their pride and prejudice let's talk about the hallmark films we have unleashing mr darcy mr darcy and elizabeth meet at a dog show we have two count them one two movies about christmas that were both released in 2018 we have christmas and pepperly manor and where is it where is it oh pride prejudice and mistletoe no that's what i have for this no these movies are bad these movies are horrible and that's where they're going into the shades are the shades of pemberley to be dust polluted and here's why here's why all of these movies without fail use the iconography and names and loosely base their characters off of pride and prejudice characters while giving us none of pride and prejudice so they're using the jane austen's work essentially as a marketing tool and that's it like homework movies are bad i think we can all agree that homework movies are not classically good films and if you like hallmark movies more power to you that is not why i do not like these films i mean it's partially why i don't like these films i don't like homework movies but that's not why they're so low on this list the reason they're so low on this list is because they take parts of the names of these characters they take parts of the story the only parts of the story they take is like sometimes they'll do that sometimes they'll do the jane bingley thing like a little bit like maybe um and then they'll also have mr darcy is like rich and kind of haughty and elizabeth is a free spirited lady and they don't like each other but they end up liking each other like girl that's every romantic comedy like tell me a romantic comedy where that is not the base plot of it okay i bet you can think of one but besides the point these movies take that aspect of pride and prejudice and that's the only real aspect of pride and prejudice they have they might throw scraps at us of something else i might name a character catherine and make her kind of a to be like lady catherine burke you know they might have the jane bingley thing but in all intensive purposes these movies are not pride and prejudice and should not be using that name to sell me it if you catch my draft and that's why i'm mad at these movies they're also bad films they're also really boring and have no dramatic tension and have really contrived plots and i don't like them they make me a little bit angry can you tell they make me a little bit angry no if you feel that you need to watch one of these movies i would say pride and prejudice and mistletoe is the way to go it's definitely the best ones the mains had the main characters had the most chemistry in this one the plot was the least annoying the i don't know it was fine it was the best one of the bunch christmas september manor was the worst one of the bunch because it had zero dramatic tension zero goose egg dramatic tension literally did not make you uncomfortable at any turn really really not good next we have pride and prejudice a latter-day comedy this is a mormon film interestingly enough i thought i was gonna hate this one but i didn't it goes in a parsonage of no mean size and here is why this film is a lot of fun and this film unlike the hallmark movies we just talked about has obvious reverence for the source material the little easter eggs that they put in there are just so much fun pretty much follows the plot of pride and prejudice however instead of them being a family they are in fact roommates so i think some of the familial relationship aspect of prime prejudice which is honestly some of the funnest parts is missing right of all of them you think the mormon one would have the familial aspect but no that i that that's the part i didn't like about it and the plot can be contrived at points and it needed a few more rewrites oh yeah it needed it needed a little bit more time in the oven before it was birthed into the world but all in all it's a lot of fun it's very colorful it's very spunky it's funky it's very like y2k nostalgia if you are into that this is a great film even if you don't like pride and prejudice the y2k nostalgia factor is like off the charts and it's essentially tried to be clueless clueless is a better film but i think it works it's funny i laughed in this movie i it was weird and wacky and wild and you know what they went for it they went they did the full fits william they named him fitzwilliam darcy and i'm like you go no one else has the balls to do that frankly for that i'm definitely putting it into a person of no mean size i like this movie a lot and i think that i i would recommend it if you like y2k nostalgia and you like kind of weird wacky movies should also say quickly pride and prejudice a latter-day comedy does have one of my least favorite tropes of these movies in it and that is what i like to call 11th hour charlotte lucas where the character of charlotte lucas shows up and we're like who is this and then lizzie bennet's like this is my best friend charlotte and then she leaves she evaporates all right let's get into pride projects 1940 this is our first straight adoption of pride and prejudice and it is going into the fine eyes category it was a lot of fun this was a lot of fun what what takes it out of the top spot is that it's not quite pride and prejudice it's decidedly decidedly set in the 1830s from the costumes and it doesn't quite give you pride and prejudice it gets there it has all sort of the plot points you know the familial relationship is there it's very cute but it doesn't quite get there in terms of the plot i don't know lady catherine turns out to be good at the end the ending is very confusing to me the ending is just like we don't care what jane austen wrote like we're doing our own like happy ending i saw this written somewhere and i think it's very true that this movie is more of a victorian comedy than it is a regency romance on the note of the costumes because i do see a lot of people sort of ragging on the costumes of this movie i loved them i loved these costumes they were designed by adrian and if you are not familiar with classic hollywood films of the 30s and 40s you might not know that adrian is like the costume designer of that area their costumes are collected by major institutions for their fashion element like they were designing like fashion pieces not just costumes like high fashion so these costumes are high fashion they're gorgeous i want caroline's dress from the netherfield ball oh my god the sequins on that thing gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous i also really like greer garrison as lizzie bennet i think she does a wonderful job she's spunky she's sarcastic she's she's really fun in the role and so i really enjoyed that about it overall i really like this movie and i highly recommend it if you love hollywood classic hollywood films this is great all right let's talk about pride prejudice and zombies this one is also going into fine eyes this is a retelling of jane austen's classic work with the added layer of a zombie apocalypse over top of it it's very fun i really like this movie um i really like the warrior princess trope like that badass girl trope and this movie has that in droves and i that's my trash like if you give me like a badass like warrior princess who also gets to wear pretty dresses but gets to like do awesome sword fights and gets to like pull a dagger out of the sheath of her like her like a thigh sheath thingy i will find the technical term for that one day i'm there i'm there i'm there okay so i'm here for this movie granted it's not gonna be for everyone my mother who is my pride and prejudice buddy in this world hates this film because she does not like gore this movie does have gore in it so if you don't like gore don't watch it i loved it and i probably will watch it again and i'm really excited for the sequel the only thing technically speaking about this movie that doesn't work for me is it is fast this movie keeps it going does not give you time to breathe and i i understand you have to tell the entirety of pride and prejudice which they have done six hour long mini series of while also giving me an alternative history of england with a zombie apocalypse on top of it like that's a lot to do in a one film i understand that but it also has a double header of the tropes i don't like for pride and prejudice it has the double wedding which we discussed i don't particularly like although i'm i'm less mad about it in this movie because i kind of get it it's like you're in a zombie apocalypse like one wedding is enough to plan frankly you've got other to do um and then the second is that it has 11th hour charlotte lucas it has the worst case of 11th hour charlotte lucas we literally do not meet charlotte lucas until she shows up to marry mr collins so then elizabeth's like charlotte my best friend and we're like where has she been and my thing with 11th hour charlotte lucas is it's fine because i know the plot of pride and prejudice but if you didn't know the planet pride and prejudice that would be really confusing again would highly recommend it if you can do the zombie thing all right pride and prejudice 1967. so as we discussed previously this version of pride and prejudice is not complete this is a 1960s television series and most of the episodes have been lost there's only two episodes you can find them on youtube if you're this goes into tolerable i suppose because frankly it's just it's 60s television it's not particularly well produced it's just okay it's just okay and that's what i'm gonna say about it if if you are a completist if you feel like you need to watch all these films and do this gauntlet with me like it's fine it'll take you less than an hour of your life but it's incomplete and also just not particularly um lizzie bennet diaries let's talk about it lizzie bennet diaries is going into a percentage of no mean size full transparency i did not rewatch the entire series for this review specifically although i did watch it while it was coming out and the reason it's going into parsonage of no mean size is because i feel that although it's very innovative although it is very good i did really enjoy this it it was much better when it was coming out weekly and you were watching it then on playback on playback i feel like it can get kind of saney it can get kind of stale because you are kind of in that static vlogging format you're on youtube you know what that feels like that can be a lot for i think the run times like 300 minutes if you're interested in the vlogging format and you've never seen it i think it is worth a watch but i don't think it's going to be for everybody and i also think that like some of the fun of the series gets lost in the playback good innovative honestly fabulous but not necessarily something that i think that everyone needs to see i don't know i have mixed feelings about this one all right let's talk austin land so this is the story of a woman who's obsessed with jane austen and she ends up going to like this jane austen camp for adults and weird wacky stuff habits um so it's not really a retelling of pride prejudice but i am going to put it in a parsonage of no mean size it's a fun movie i think this movie is really fun i think that if you like jane austen if you like pride and prejudice you are going to get a couple laughs out of this film but it's also not for everyone my mother does not like this film which i will keep saying when my mother doesn't like something it's good it's good i like it it can be kind of cheesy kind of cringy at points but i enjoyed it that's why it's going into a parsonage of no mean size let's talk about pride prejudice and cut also known as becoming ms bennett pride and purges so this film is what the hallmark films should have been so it's going into tolerable i suppose it's not the best made film it's obviously kind of a low-budget movie the plot can be kind of contrived to points but it you know it's a hallmark quality movie i would say but instead of the hallmark films which we talked about previously this film actually tries to be pride and prejudice um it's a story of an actress who who gets a part playing lizzie bennet and she goes to set and the people who are playing their characters are sort of analogous to those characters um and they do use quite a few of the plot points in pride and prejudice to actually tell the story in a cohesive manner and it makes sense and i'll be honest with you it wasn't a complete bore it was kind of interesting um it wasn't good i didn't particularly enjoy it but i think that if you like hallmark style movies and you like pride and prejudice watch this movie over the actual homework ones this movie's much better all right now let's talk about before the fall it's going in this one it's going into the shades of pemberley to be thus polluted and here's what i have to say about before the fall this is an lgbt retelling of the classic novel and i just want to say that i think an lgbtqia plus queer retelling of pride and prejudice could be so good i think that could be a great way to modernize the story i think that there's a lot there in terms of you know familial relationships and sort of this will they won't they of like you know do we know do we know if the darcy character is also gay do we know do we know this like i think that could be really fun and really cute and really um interesting this is not that moving this movie is obviously a lower budget film which i'm not gonna knock them for but the color palette is gray and the story is very depressing and there's a lot of legalese and the way you make me go to sleep is to give me legalese like i not my thing but it just it doesn't capture that that core that soul of pride and prejudice it just doesn't get there and i think that the reason for that is because it doesn't quite dive into the story so it has elements of pride and prejudice but they're kind of clunkily fit into this other storyline that they're trying to tell and to be honest i think this would have been a much better film if they just dropped that pretense altogether and they were just like you know what we're gonna make a story about a guy who's down on his luck who falls in love with a lawyer you know what that makes sense to me kind of wedging pride and prejudice in there makes this a worse film it just does to me and i don't know it was just the movie was gray in tone and it was gray in color and i just overall really disliked this film actively disliked this film and um you know i think that a queer pride prejudice could be awesome it could be so good this is just not it this is not it um and i honestly think that a studio or somebody somebody needs to make a good clear part and prejudice because i'm going to be there for that i'm just not here for this particular film it's going into the shades of pemberley to be thus polluted not because it's a lgbt retelling of the story but because it's a bad film i just want to make that very clear i want to make that very very clear let's talk about pride and pride just a new musical this is our only musical on the list because it is the only one that was on a streaming service it was professionally filmed and i'm putting in a too tolerable i suppose and i feel bad about that it could go into a parson of genomian size but it was okay he was okay i don't remember what because i don't remember any of them i can't i can't tell you a single song that was in this musical like in when you're out the other um which is not a good thing because i normally get musicals stuck into my head so the music was not memorable um the costumes were just distractingly bad as a person who spends a lot of time with historic dress and who isn't particularly a stickler on movie costumes because i think there's an art to movie costumes that doesn't necessarily represent historical accuracy which is totally fine these were distracting to me there were belt loops there were belt loops there were belt loops um and with theater you can get away with a lot more because there's you know there's 20 feet between you and the audience and so if i was sitting in the back i wouldn't have been distracted but because i'm up close to the camera i'm distracted but also just like i don't know it's just okay i just if the music was a lot better i'd probably put it higher on this list but if you like musicals and you like pride prejudice and you have amazon prime like put it on it's fine it's just yeah everything intolerable i suppose it's like it's not bad it's just i didn't particularly enjoy watching it same with this movie this is pride prejudice in atlanta this is a retelling of pride and prejudice with an all-black cast and it's also going into tolerable i suppose the other thing about this film is that it was obviously not made for me i'm as white as a sheet of printer paper you can obviously see this the sun hates me it will burn me instantly there are aspects of this movie that might be lost on me because of that because i'm not in that culture again i don't want to this movie this movie okay so i feel like it's really only contribution and it's really only innovation on the story of pride and bridges is that it had an all-black cast so if that's something you want to see and you want to see you know pride and prejudice with an all black cast like this is a fine movie it's okay it's fine um again it's of a tv movie quality it didn't quite innovate enough on the story for me to be super interested however with that being said it does tell pride and prejudice in a a very authentic and true to the book sort of way so i don't have anything bad to say about its plot structure in terms of print purge the one thing i do have to say is they make wickham good and i'm just like i feel like that diminishes the dramatic tension of the story of pride and prejudice additionally it has a double wedding and we know how i feel about that so let's talk about pride and prejudice 1980s so this was a five part tv series um that premiered on bbc in the 1980s and it's going into tolerable i suppose this is one where it's a straight retelling of pride and prejudice so there's really not much to say about the plot structure it's pride purges it follows pride and prejudice the thing that i didn't like about this movie was one i felt the dynamics between the characters were just sour you know i really like when the when the characters of pride and branches have this more congenial sort of tongue-in-cheek relationship especially mrs bennett everyone's i like how it's a little bit more like you know she's crazy but we love her kind of um situation going on this movie mrs bennett like legitimately just dislikes lizzie and mr bennett legitimately dislikes mrs bennett and when i was talking to my mom about this film my this was the first rendition of pride prejudice that my mom watched um she watched in high school when it came out and she was like i like i feel like it's really true to the book because in the book it's like people really don't like each other and i was like yeah but i as a i just like that warm fuzzy feeling like personally um additionally the costuming for this movie was like very late 70s laura ashley which like that's not it for me for that reason i'm going to put it intolerable suppose because i'm never going to watch it again and i don't want to watch it again and to be honest i didn't particularly enjoy it when i was watching it i don't think it's bad like i don't think it's really bad i just don't particularly think it's good so if you feel if you feel the need to be a completionist and you really want to like watch this version of prime pro just because you want to watch all the versions of bread and bridges go ahead however the 1985 version exists and that one's much better so just watch that one you know it's where i'm at so i'm out with this one additionally we have death comes to pemberley which is going in fine eyes this is a sequel to pride and prejudice it's the only sequel on this list it's not a sequel to anything that exists it's just a sequel it's very confusing it was a book that was written obviously not by jane austen it was turned into this three-part series i really enjoyed this it's a murder mystery so it's not quite the satirical comedic fun that pride and prejudice is but it the relationships and the characterizations between the characters are really really good um the only character that's sort of expanded on is of course um colonel fitzwilliams who doesn't really have a character in the original prank bridges other than plot plot driver so i really enjoyed the relationship between lizzie and mr darcy specifically i thought their relationship was really cute and i really liked it and overall it's just fun watch i would recommend it if you're a fan of pride and prejudice and you like sort of more murder mystery stuff it is it's really good two thumbs up for that one now here we are folks here we are we've got the last two and these two are the ones that are the most iconic for that reason they both get put into ten thousand a year i don't know i know i know i know i like these both equally i really do and i feel like people have very strong opinions either way on whether the 1995 bbc mini series or the 2005 movie is better and to that i say why not both i love these movies both for different reasons and i know that feels like a cup out but that is how i truly truly feel the 1995 version was the first version of pride and prejudice i ever saw i watched it with my mother i was like 11 years old and i fell in love i love that film and it's you know it's so it's such a good true to form adaption of the classic novel it's got confirth which who i think is the best mr darcy who is so good he's mr darcy twice on this list frankly um and it takes jane austen's source material and it puts it to film in this very just beautiful way in this way that it makes sense that is true to the novel but also very you know gives the film goer a little bit extra you know gives us a little bit more into the psyche and mind of both mr darcy and elizabeth the costuming is fine it's good i mean it's very it's very regency it's you know they use like original lace it's like it's good um and you know it's 90s bbc tv so it's got that quality but it's good enough for me and i really enjoy this film pride and pedro's 2005 on the other hand is a blockbuster hollywood film so it's got absolutely gorgeous sets of absolutely gorgeous music and the music alone is so beautiful and i love keira knightley as elizabeth and it's just such a romantic retelling of the story it's the movie i go to when i'm sad or anxious it's my comfort film and it means a lot to me specifically just as the 1995 version means a lot to me in a nostalgic sense um and for that reason i think they're both asked here and i think they're both great and i don't have anything bad to say about either of them they both have their place i think in in this canada films so i know that's probably not gonna be we're not gonna be the most popular opinions um i would add the 1995 version does have the double wedding and we know how i feel about that so it is a mark against it but again that's just me that's the final list wow i can't believe we got all the way through that i can't believe i got all the way through that took me like a month to watch all of these it was a lot of viewing let me tell you um so if you would like to make your own tier um tier list of all of these films i will have the template up on tearmaker.com if you feel the need to do so um additionally i would love to hear your thoughts down in the comments did i get this right did i get this wrong what's your favorite what's your least favorite tell me down below did i miss any if i missed any please tell me and i will do an update additionally if you would like to follow me here on youtube please hit that subscribe button and please like this video if you liked it i normally don't do videos like this i normally do videos about my study collection about topics in historical dress i find interesting and also a bit about my sewing adventures but i might dip my toe back into this realm of period films because i do very much enjoy period films as well it's called costume and conservation we talk about costume and conservation here so additionally if you'd like to follow me over on instagram that's where i talk about my sewing projects on a more regular basis and you can also follow me on tick tock at costuming conservation where i talk about my study collection objects as well as sort of my everyday happenings in this apartment it's very active right now i'm on bug duty i found a carpet beetle on my person and that freaked me out so let me tell you there are pheromone traps throughout this one bedroom apartment right now otherwise if you've gotten to the end here thank you so much for watching and i hope you have a fantastic day see you later bye [Music]
Channel: Costume And Conservation
Views: 74,682
Rating: 4.8322883 out of 5
Keywords: tier list, pride and prejudice, mr. darcy, elizabeth bennet, Pride and Prejudice 2005, Pride and Prejudice 1995, Colin Firth, Kiera Knightly, Austenland, Bride and Prejudice, Jane Austen, Regency, Bridget Jones Diary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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