DJI OM5 smartphone gimbal with iPhone & Android | IN DEPTH REVIEW

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Ahoj! This is DJI OM4 and this is DJI OM5. Is it  any better? How is the stabilization? Should you   upgrade? Can you use extra filters and lenses with  this? Has the app been improved for Android users?   Would I recommend this for advanced filming?   If you don't know me, my name is Zdenka Darula.  My channel is all about photography and video,   tutorials, reviews, vlogs, hidden giveaways and  camera challenges. If that is something you are   into, consider subscribing. One of the most  requested reviews on this channel. I cannot   tell you how many of you were asking me if I'm  going to be reviewing DJI OM5 gimbal. This is not   a sponsored video. As always I purchased this  gimbal myself. OM5 has changed. New design looks   quite sleek and modern. There are positives and  unfortunately also negatives to those changes. I'm   going to start with a clamp. When you're looking  at the magnetic clamp, at first it looks exactly   the same as the previous one. Well it's not the  same. The graphics are simplified but that's not   the only thing. That's not important at all actually. As soon as I place my phone in and at   the moment I'm using an iPhone 12 pro with Moment  thin case, soon I'll change it to iPhone 13 pro,   I noticed a much better grip. They made the grip  deeper and just a bit better. You can see it quite   clearly when you put those clamps side by  side. The angle has changed. My phone fell out   of the clamp on the DJI OM4 a few times  throughout the year. OM5 has improved clamp,   it is two grams heavier than OM4 clamp. Now the  phone is holding. Let's continue with the body. It   is smaller and lighter and yes you can literally  fit it in the pocket. Here are dimensions when the   gimbal is folded and unfolded. Gimbal weight  is 292g. OM4 was a bit heavier, it was 390g.   What hasn't changed is the maximum payload,  compatibility phone thickness and width. All   measurements are displayed on the screen. Battery  has been downgraded, that's a negative for me.   DJI OM4 has 18650 lithium battery. Capacity is  2450mAh which lasts a maximum of 15 hours. This   new DJI OM5 uses pouch cell 1000mAh battery  which lasts a maximum of 6.4 hours. You can   charge it faster. Battery can be charged  in 1.5 hours. OM4 was charged in 2.5 hours.   Charging port is the same USB-C. Another minus is  that you cannot charge your phone with it. DJI OM4   has an external device charging port but this  one doesn't have it. You can use it in the same   temperature 0 to +40 degrees Celsius. DJI OM5 has  this extendable selfie stick. You do need to apply   a little bit of a force to pull it out and you can  actually tilt it and then you need to apply quite   a bit of force again to push it back in. Now, some  of you might say, yeah, we've seen before those   you know stabilized selfie sticks. But those were  only 2 axes. This one when the preview picture   came out was showing at first 2 axis but luckily  now I can see that those are actually 3 axis. So   it's a 3 axis gimbal on extendable selfie stick.  That means this should be a lot more stable.   We will definitely test the stabilization. Let's  look at the buttons and what they can do. DJI OM5   has one new extra button. Power button is on the  side. By default it is button where you can change   modes from photo to video or in the menu you can  enable quick menu. Then you can change gimbal's   modes here or access other shooting modes like  panorama, slow motion and so on. Modes and zoom   buttons only work in DJI Mimo. You are not going  to get that a native camera app or Filmic Pro.   Zoom is the same as in the previous version and  it is changing lenses from ultra white to wide and   telephoto. It kind of jumps so it's not as smooth.  You can absolutely change the zoom speed in the   DJI Mimo settings. I like the way the joystick is  responding and seems to be a bit more comfortable   in a hand and it seems to respond much better.  Next to it is the record button. Record button   works in all apps. Native camera app or Filmic  Pro. Below is a button which will switch the front   and rear camera. As soon as you select the front  camera, the selfie camera will automatically track   you. To cancel tracking just hit trigger 1x. That  again works only in DJI Mimo. If you press 2x,   you will be able to switch from horizontal to  vertical mode and back. Trigger is in the back.   When you press 2x, it will reset the gimbal. If  you press and hold you will enter all lock mode,   all motors will be locked and you will film in  one direction. The motors will not move around. If   you're in DJI Mimo, you will get another function  and that is tracking. Press trigger 1x and the   gimbal will start tracking. You will cancel it the  same way. Just press 1x. Let's test the tracking   feature. I want to see if it is any better. I'm  gonna put it through some good tests. And now it is   tracking me. So I'm just gonna go slowly at first  and see how it can handle this whole tracking.   This is pretty good.   It's not losing me. That has  been definitely improved.   I want to talk about the extendable selfie  stick. That is absolutely a bonus because you   are going to get such a better view of yourself  and you're recording yourself as you're walking.   First of all, you don't have to hold your arm as  high anymore. You can have it comfortably down and   the angle will be just so much more flattering.  Now, when I have it sitting here on a table, I   extended it made sure it is just pointing a little  bit down at me and you are definitely getting way   better angle. It's time to test the stabilization.  I'm going to be using iPhone 12 pro. There is a   regular walk, ninja soft walk and full speed  run. This is when the gimbal was contracted.   Let's extend the gimbal, let's extend the selfie  stick and let's just do another quick test.   It might be different as the arm is now extended.   Modes are exactly the same. Nothing changed there.  For those who are not familiar with gimbals,   who are new to this, let's run through them  very quickly. All follow mode, tilt lock mode,   all lock mode, sports mode, fpv mode and spin  shot. Although it's fairly fast to click and pull   out the menu to change the mode, the only downside  is that you have to do it only in DJI Mimo app.   So if you are filming in a native  camera app or if you are filming   in Filmic Pro and you want to change your  gimbal's modes, you have to go back to DJI Mimo,   click the quick menu, change the mode, close the  DJI Mimo and go back to Filmic Pro. So you have to   go back and forth. This is unfortunately a  minus for me because all the recent gimbals are   reviewed on this channel such as Zhiyun Smooth  Q3 or Hohem iSteady V2 or other Moza gimbals,   they all have the option to change the modes  directly on the gimbal. You don't need to go   to their appropriate app. However, if you know  that you will be filming mainly in DJI Mimo,   that doesn't apply to you. I've been filming with  smartphone gimbals over 3 years now and I know my   style of filming and I know exactly what type  of range of movement I'm looking for. If you're   someone who just needs something very quick on the  go, just need some quick filming for family stuff,   reels, shorts, Tiktok stuff, Instagram, this is  really more than what you need. If you are more   into very complex filming type of b-roll stuff  with filters extra lenses and all that, we'll   get to that a little bit later. Let's review the  range of movement as I noticed that it has changed   a bit. Comparison of mechanical range between  OM4 and OM5 will be displayed on the screen.   Tilt movement is now way smaller.   Look at the tilt on DJI OM4 and take a  look at the DJI OM5. Drastic change there.   Roll movement was way better on DJI OM4.   Take a look at DJI OM5. Now it's just  even catching a view of the gimbal.   Few of you asked me if I can check if you can  see the motor while filming with ultra wide   angle lens, so let's check. As you can see, there  is no more motor being shown in the shot when you   are in a video mode with the ultra wide angle  lens. If you are taking photos, yes you will see   the motor but if you take photos you really don't  need to gimbal. What is important is that you   cannot see the motor when you are filming a video.  DJI Mimo is exactly the same as it was before.   Only a few things have been added. So let's  start with Apple. You can film an automatic   or manual mode in 4k, 1080p and 720p in 24, 25,  30 and 60 frames per second. Beauty feature is   also available. However not in 4k, only in 1080p  and 720p. Story has 20 pre-designed templates.   Panorama allows you to take 3x3 or 240 degrees  view. You can also clone yourself here.   You can take photos a video, 8x slow  motion which is 240 frames per second,   so no there is no 120 frames per second.  Dyna zoom, time lapse and hyperlapse.   You can use a built-in video editor with either  pre-designed templates which saves you so much   time, you can select clips, it will edit it for  you, you post it on social media, you can continue   with your life or if you want, you can select pro  editing mode to have more control and edit the   way you like. So, what have been added for OM5  users? FT feature enables you to turn on or off   tracking. Meaning, as soon as you select the  front camera it will automatically track you.   You don't need to select yourself to track you.  You can select auto HDR10. If the scene allows it,   auto HDR10 will be automatically turned on.  Lastly, you can enable a shot guide. This   is an amazing feature for beginners who are  just learning how to actually use the gimbal,   what to film, how to find the shot. It is also  great for those moments when you freeze and   you don't know what else to shoot.  This might give you that little kick.   I see this app being very powerful for beginners  and for social media and leisure filming.   For someone who just wants to pop in the phone  and film in automatic mode. Android users,   what you are not getting? There will be  limitations as there are always limitations,   not only with DJI. First of all, I had a very hard  time connecting DJI OM5 to Android. The bluetooth   was connecting in the settings and it paired with  DJI OM5 but the DJI Mimo did not recognize it.   So then I had to do a lot of research online and I  found out that right now, today is September 20th   the DJI Mimo in Google play store is an old  version. You cannot use that. You have to go   directly to DJI website and download the app there  or scan the QR code on the box. This is where it's   going to take you, to DJI website so you can  download the new version of the app. I'm pretty   sure the DJI will update it. I'm pretty sure a lot  of people already told them that. Unfortunately   the app they have in Google play store  is old right now. Once I did that,   it was working right away. What Android users  are not getting? It's exactly the same as before.   You can only film in automatic mode, no manual,  only in 30 frames per second in 4k, 1080p and   720p. No slow motion. With DJI OM5 you are getting  FT selfie which means that it will automatically   track you as soon as you turn the front facing  camera on. You are also getting auto shot guides.   Auto HDR10 is not included. With Samsung Galaxy  s10 plus I can see the motor in the shot with   ultra wide angle lens in DJI Mimo but I cannot  see it if I'm filming a native camera app. So   you have to move the phone and use counterweights  to balance it properly. Can we use filters and   extra lenses with this gimbal? If you watched  Moment guys review, then you already know that you   cannot use the heavy Moment lenses with this type  of a setup. The gimbal simply cannot handle it.   Maximum payload of this gimbal is 230g plus  minus 60 according to papers. Let's try   iPhone 12 pro with the moment filter and  counterweights. I've added two of them and   it seems to be working fine. I think that you  can absolutely film with this type of a setup.   The only thing I'm noticing is that the  pan motor is not as smooth. It feels like   there's a little jump in it and it's also  making sound. So let me try to record the sound.   And when I have it in the vertical position I  hear actually more sound right now in this axis.   I'm pretty sure that the microphone was picking  it up. I don't think it's an issue though as long   as the sound doesn't get picked up when you are  recording, I think it should be fine. I don't see   an issue. I think it's gonna be okay for recording  anyways. Either way I'm gonna be filming with it   very soon so I'm gonna definitely test it out. Now  I have an amorphic lens on it and it's pretty much   the same thing. It works just fine, I don't see  a issue with it and I have three counterweights.   Now so let me put it to vertical mode and try to  record the sound if it is any louder. So that's   what it gets but I don't see an issue. I think  it's going to be fine, you can totally use   it with anamorphic lens and those filters. My  conclusion is that this is an excellent gimbal   for iPhone users and for beginners. It is great  for someone who just wants to pop in the phone,   film in automatic mode family stuff, social  media ...... If you want to film in manual mode,   it's great as well. You just have to use very  light filters and light lenses like anamorphic   lens. This is good option for Android users if  you're okay with filming in automatic mode and   only in 30 frames per second. A bit complicated  if you're going to be filming and Filmic Pro or   pro mode native camera app as you have to  go back and forth between DJI Mimo and the   app you are going to film in. You cannot  switch the modes on the gimbal otherwise.   I hope you like this video, give it thumbs up  and don't forget to subscribe. Let me know in   the comment section below what you think  of this gimbal and what you are currently   using and I'll see you my friends  in the next video. Cau.... Ahoj...
Channel: Zdenka Darula
Views: 118,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: osmo mobile 5, dji osmo mobile 5, dji om 5, dji osmo mobile 5 review, dji om 5 review, smartphone filmmaking pro, dji osmo 5, dji om5 with iphone, dji om5 with android, dji om5 in depth review, dji om5 review with android, best smartphone gimbal 2021, best smartphone stabilizer, smartphone gimbal 2021, dji, om5, iphone, android, in depth review, how to use dji om5, om5 vs om4, osmo mobile 5 vs 4, om5 android, osmo mobile 5 android
Id: X32KAh9Opjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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