I was NOT expecting THAT voice!!!

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on the agenda tonight we're going back to the 1970s we're going to be taking a look at Tiny Tim and he's going to be performing Tiptoe Through the Tulips [Applause] hello Phil here from wings of Pegasus and welcome to another analysis video If you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe so full disclosure I didn't know anything about Tiny Tim about his music or his singing before watching the video that we're about to analyze tonight so he's not very well known if known at all over here in the UK but I can see that he was very well known over in the USA so we will jump into this performance and we will approach it in exactly the same way that we do with every other analysis video but Tiny Tim is up on screen so let's see how he gets on for this song [Music] by the window s [Music] oh from the garden by the garden hello Matilda forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the garden in the Moonlight hello hello [Music] and there we have it so a bit of a light-hearted video for tonight because I mean the way that this is sung and delivered it is a little bit tongue-in-cheek but there's a lot of vocal technique going on here I looked into his singing and other performances and when reading about this singing style or how he knew that he could do this is very much the case with lots of singers who have a unique ability never worked at him they could just do it and this is exactly the same thing with Tiny Tim that he just realized that he could do this that he had a lower register which actually we will look at in this video as well but he had this really high pitched falsetto sound that he could go to and now when I say falsetto this is the other thing it is really difficult to place this sound because I know that a lot of people think that falsetto is just a term for a high note especially when guys are singing But when we're talking about vocal registers falsetto is a vocal register as is head voice and when you hear somebody yodeling that is them flipping into their head voice so with Tiny Tim's voice I mean it is such a clean connection that he's getting it is like a female voice the thing about falsetto as a vocal register is that it's characterized by its breathy sound so you know that somebody's gone into falsetto because the vocal chords are now further apart there's a lot more air going through the sound and it sounds very breathy so it sounds like falsetto but a head voice is a high note with the vocal cord still connected and it can be blended with chest voice you can go up into your head voice so the thing about this sound yeah it's really difficult to place because the sound is so clean but then you think well how can he get these notes so clean if it is falsetto and again it goes back to the fact that he said that he could just do this he doesn't know what he's doing so if he wanted to have lessons to access this part of your voice he wouldn't be able to tell you how he does it it's just something that's natural and this is the thing about not only singing But us as humans we can all do things uh personally that other people can't do but we don't really know why we can do them or how we can do them for example I can I can bend my arm the wrong way and I don't know how I can do it I don't know why I can do it but I can do it and it's something that I can't teach somebody to do because generally their arms stop at a particular point so I mean I don't really want to demonstrate it because especially if you're eating is not very nice to look at but because it looks like I've broken my arm so and it's my left arm that goes very far past it's called I think hyper extension or being hyper mobile something like that I mean my joint doesn't stop where most people's joints do but this is the point that I can just do that I haven't learned to do it I haven't trained I haven't done stretches for every day of my life anyway back to relating it to singing Because vocal chords are just part of your body and the way that people use their vocal cords varies from one person to the next and one person can have control over them to do particular things other people can have control over them to get you know really low notes for example and you know some guys can do this they can access notes that are really high up but in this case the reason that it is comical is because of how genuinely female the sound is he's got no body in his sound so we'll just have a listen to this forever interestingly there at the beginning of that phrase yeah she starts with the lower note and then almost allows his voice to flip into his head voice and it sounds more like a head voice there than falsetto when talking about vocal registers but anyway what we've got here is a what a C sharp five or at least here the G sharp four going down down to the E4 and the sound we get is like me those are the that's the pitch but of course when I do it sounds like a guy doing it because obviously I am a guy and I can't do this with my voice I can't make it this thin and this is why it has that comedic sound to it because of how thin it sounds it's not a guy's voice singing these notes even though the notes that I'm hitting are the same foreign that is me hitting exactly the same note there and even if I tried to go me okay I still can't get a thin sound that sounds female with my vocal cords and just with my resonance and everything that makes up my voice my sound and makes me unique as a human another thing that makes this really stand out is the speed of vibrato that we've got because there tends to be a particular speed that is funnier to listen to and you know let's have a listen to it and listen to the speed of it while looking at the pitch monitoring software yeah see how closely knit together these lines are so the vibratos being you know so quickly executed that it has a bit of a funny sound to it the only thing that I can think of to relate this to is in The Wizard of Oz where Butler who plays the Lion he's singing about or at least the song is If I Were King of the Forest I believe but in that particular vocal that Bert delivers he goes from having a really fast vibrato to then a really slow vibrato for comedic effect and that is what happens so going from this really quick vibrato so then you know a really slow one and if I was to do it going oh yeah it's so over the top that that it becomes funny and the same with going ah and doing something that's really fast uh you know doing a fast tremolo it's it's now not registering as much as singing to the ear it's sounding something a bit different and when obviously you pair it uh with Tiny Tim's voice not only the notes that he's hitting but the tone of his voice when you pair that together with the fast vibrato it just makes it funnier and and you can hear people in the audience laughing as soon as Tiny Tim starts singing just to give an example of what I'm talking about that speed of vibrato can be funny when it's really fast it can be funny when it's really slow but if you hit it in the middle between the two extremes then it's not really funny let's have a listen again so if I went with me and applied of vibrato in the middle foreign more serious and I don't know more musical more like singing so by doing it really fast it takes it away from that sound and actually thinking about yep the real old time music and especially in France where the vibrato it sounded like this it was very fast I don't think you'll actually hear somebody sing a ballad or a composition with a slow tempo using a fast vibrato it tends to be with ballads the vibrato is more on show and it tends to be more controlled to slow it down talking about control we are going to be having a listen to not only the lower register of tiny Tims but we're going to be having a look at his vibrato on the pitch monitoring software [Music] thank you all the time [Music] I'm Just a Fool a full love with you Earth Angels so I mean we can hear the tone is totally different obviously because he's now using his chest voice the voice that he would normally talk in you get that male sound to it and he has quite a covered sound and a little bit Elvis ish with that approach of rather than going Earth Angel I'm being quite open Earth Angel he's kind of going Earth putting it in that kind of place just covering the sound a little bit but most importantly have a look at his vibrato this is a good example right at the end he's got exactly the same vibrato even though he's singing yeah a slow tempo number a lot of people will know this from Back to the Future but having this vibrato was something that wasn't by Design so when he would perform in this light-hearted manner and he certainly did that just physically putting that into the performances the vibrato was again a natural thing that he didn't know how to do it he didn't train this he just automatically had a really fast vibrato so it's like pairing these two things together made it sound yeah they're only unique but had that comical side to it and obviously when he does all the Showmanship that all adds into it as well and everyone can feel comfortable you're listening to this but appreciating it for the comedy sound of it rather than him performing really seriously and you know going into that really high female voice and having the fast vibrato because he's approached it in just the right way it means that yeah it's I mean it's great to be able to hear the voice because it is so different it's so unique being able to do this with your voice but just the fact that these things like vocal technique control of vibrato he's not controlling this speed It's Just Happening automatically and I haven't seen or heard him sing with a slow vibrato another thing to just take stock of at this point is how funny this sounds when he's singing in his lower register is now automatically become a lot more serious because of that male sounding voice and the faster vibrato doesn't have as much of an impact in this range change or with this tone than it does when he gets into the female sounding voice son it's something that really does show how much of the comedy is part of each sound so a lot of it is just to do with a high voice and the tone and then adding that fast vibrato in there just if anything just exaggerates that female tone and makes it stand out even more but anyway let's listen on [Music] I'm Just a Fool s [Music] [Music] okay we're getting it cutting out a little bit I think that's probably because of the backing singers coming in and the pitch monitoring software or should I say the isolating software can't pick up his voice but let's get the accompaniment going again the babies [Music] especially in this phrase here it does sound very much like a head voice [Music] and it kind of goes up into that um measure it's actually more connected than I did that would be ah more of a falsetto sound even though I can't do falsetto that's a head voice with air in it which I kind of used to pretend uh or get a falsetto sound with head voice but this sounds like head voice going up into this space happiness [Music] and you'll be able to see in this performance from the Ed Sullivan's show that you know he starts hitting the floor he's doing a lot of Showmanship in his performance and the crowd react to that the reason that I'm not showing the video footage from The Ed Sullivan Show is because unfortunately it gets blocked worldwide so we can't look at it anyway in one performance I saw him go up to a B5 something like that so that's I mean that is that is well way and Beyond you know that's obviously an octave almost within a semitone of being an octave above C5 us which is just crazy for all of those people that watch the analysis videos in the past uh the male 10 are high C is a high note for guys so yeah thinking about hitting almost an octave higher than that this is why it's just totally unique and Standalone is because this guy can get his voice up to that point but with this tone this this female sound to his voice so an interesting one to take a look at tonight and I have looked into Tiny Tim and seen how popular he was over in the USA and just the fact that he was a multi-instrumentalist and showed a lot of talent for music as a kid and we he was certainly encouraged to do that by his parents and his dad so yeah performed throughout his life and sadly uh he was performing in 1996 and it was in September of 1996 that he had a heart attack and is performing at a ukulele festival and obviously after that um the doctors told him to have a bit of time off but he was back out there in November so just a few months later still in 1996 and he did say to his wife that he wasn't feeling too good before going out on stage but he did want to let any of the people down that had stayed there to see him so he did go out and perform and it's actually during this song that we've had a look at I mean the first one that we looked at the Tiptoe Through the Tulips that he had another heart attack and when he was being helped off stage by his wife sadly he lost Consciousness and never did regain Consciousness and died so a very sad end and a sad story but it really shows how much he gave to the public and gave to his fans that he didn't want to let anybody down by not performing on that particular day so yes a sad end to the story but certainly a unique artist and one that I now know and definitely won't forget and I suppose that is the point of being a unique artist is to be memorable and Tiny Tim uh certainly is that so anyway thank you guys for suggesting requesting this particular video for me to take a look at as always keep those suggestions or requests coming in the comments section below and let me know what you guys think if you did enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe and I'll catch you guys at the next one rock
Channel: Wings of Pegasus
Views: 44,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny tim earth angel, tiny tim tiptoe, tiny tim tiptoe through the tulips, tiny tim song, tiny tim vocal range, tiny tim vocal coach, tiny tim singing, tiny tim singing tiptoe through the window, tiny tim singing earth angel, tiny tim singing live, reaction video, wings of pegasus, wingsofpegasus, british guitarist reacts, rick beato, british guitarist analysis, british guitarist analyses
Id: FOvVGmnnxmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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