I Was Hired to Pressure Wash a Crime Scene? - Heavy Duty Power Washing - PowerWash Simulator

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well hello there everybody dre here and welcome back to our little cleaning empire and power wash simulator today's an exciting one because we should get enough money to get the heavy-duty power washer don't get me wrong this medium grade one was a huge upgrade but we're starting to get into like rust issues it's looking like even on this house we're gonna have a hard time a little bit so yeah i'm really excited to get that final power washer in the current version of the game so we can deal with the rust on that vehicle and also uh we'll start working on the skate park as well i don't know if we'll do that before we buy that or after it all depends on if we get more jobs or not as we're doing this one this is a cool thing though this is a massive little forest house yeah what the hell oh god uh i'm clearly cleaning up a murder aren't i why is why is there a light here can i can i open this all right i can't seem to use it or anything but i'm i'm morbidly curious hopefully we can get in there am i supposed to use this scaffolding holy what am i the hulk okay this house is much bigger than i thought oh god looking at the incline of this roof i don't think i can climb on that that kind of makes sense why the scaffolding's there i'm thinking because i think i'm gonna have to stay off of it anyway slowly working on the back it's looking much better as you can see it's not so horrifying once they're clean so yeah as per usual i'm just gonna do a deal with the bottom first and then we'll grab the scaffolding and go from there uh oh what the hell are you trying to tell me a robber lives here or something i mean i honestly don't get it wow that blood is on there i have to figure out how to get inside because there's this light here and i can't seem to figure it out i should also mention there's a sign over here i can't seem to see it but i feel oh i just noticed the gnome too i feel like it's a wanted sign clearly a murderer definitely lives here oh no i just realized i gotta do the whole outside why why would you make me i mean i guess that's part of the house but oh dude that just got way worse well it's not a good power washing day unless you're covering up for a murder so we're doing that today okay this is ridiculous like this is why i need heavy duty look at this rust look at how long it takes me to do even the smallest of things when they have rust on them no stop where the hell is the dirt oh it's right there okay oh i got a snipe shot hold on and come on there we go god windows are the worst especially on this stupid house cause they're so bubbly and annoying anyways we're nearing the end here well they're not hearing the end we're 33 we're nearing the end of my roundabout of this ugly house i don't really know what i want to do next i think i'll move on to the fence i feel like that's going to be an easy one to gain a lot of money i don't even know how much money i get for this job i hope it's like a million dollars because that would be great and there we go so the whole bottom foundation's done to about six feet up i guess i could get rid of the graffiti as well i'm too lazy to do that right now let's get to the wall here this should be some quick money hopefully okay what the hell's wrong with this oh don't tell me those are attached oh my god that's the biggest rust job i've ever had to do yet maybe i should just say screw it to these we can always come back to this job once we get the heavy duty because i just i do not want to deal with rust moss is bad enough whoa did i do the i did the whole fence i must have zoned out man i felt like i was like halfway done that's the thing you get into the zone and you just kind of zen out okay well we don't have to worry about that anymore look at that we're up to 46 it doesn't it feels like way more than 46 there's got to be so much up there all right let's try and climb the roof first i don't think this is gonna go well then again oh damn i'm just a natural mountain climber so what the hell is that for you know what that's probably easier because of the heavy incline i can stay nice and close to the wall without having to be on it because being on that angle is very annoying for power washing so yeah this is a much better idea so we'll do a first pass like this obviously we're a little far away so there's going to be as you can see a lot of spots that aren't perfect and then we'll go on with the ladder and pinpoint those spots and get nice and close to them i feel like that's our best option why why is there blood in the chimney did you kill freaking santa yeah see what when i'm on the um the roof i just slowly slide down god this would be a nightmare without that scaffolding screw this we're going back on the scaffolding oh my god i'm so dumb i've been using the stubby this whole freaking time i forgot i had my extender which definitely helps as you can see oh well that was 20 minutes well spent using a stubby from 50 feet away like an idiot come on you stupid roof i just want to finish this oh my god they'd really know how to troll you thank god that's done okay so i'm just kind of quickly going up here there's some really bad moss here as you can see so as long as i dangle on this roof and drunkenly try and power wash it should happen sooner or later oh you know what big brain move if we go to the stubs um we should be able to do it right by our feet so if i just go like this and slowly fall down oh i have figured out power washing look at that i mean i'm gonna throw up by the end of this but hey as long as i just slowly fall down and go slowly across the roof this might actually oh no that was too steep look at my fault pattern is that a roof or you just happy to see me well first pass of the house is done um yeah as you can see i mean honestly i didn't do as bad as i thought looking over here yeah we definitely missed a bit as you can see um i don't know how much of this i'm going to need to get this is all cleaned i think everything on the bottom is done we just gotta deal with the crap we did at the start this one's probably the worst so hopefully by the time i do this it should be basically done ah there it is i found it once i saw that big dark piece i knew that was gonna be it god that roof that hole was that everything that was the whole no that was just this little roof okay now i'm a little more nervous though because i mean if i press tab here you can see the smallest of pieces everywhere i'm thinking is it underneath oh look at that look at that little lip oh well that was random i i just started spraying because i was gonna hit this piece uh that was the main roof so is that considered these things as well i think so so we still got the doors we have to do what are we at 99 of course we're at 99. i saw that this wall needs a little bit as well we should be able to get it right here done sniped let's check the details of this and see what's going on so door uh yeah gates yeah post i missed the post timber frames i have no idea what that is i'm only at 21 out of 28. what the hell is a timber frame all right well let's do the ones that we know that we have to do i know i said i was gonna wait but i know you get a bonus if you complete the whole level and being that we're almost done i'm just gonna bite the bullet here and slowly lose my mind okay there's that done ah there's the post okay that one was pretty obvious too i don't know how i missed that now the timber frames i'm wondering if it's referring to these things because i'm pretty sure ah maybe not maybe not okay i think it's these frames yes i don't know how i miss those i thought i got all the bottom ones but i was rushing it oh this is great it's gonna be easy okay so it's the bottom ones the ones that are basically in the ground there might even be some dirt in the ground so i'm just gonna go over them just like that aha that's the this stupid little one oh my god that that was that was fun i gotta say was really hoping to earn a little bit more money but uh yeah i it was a really fun house to do regardless and i was really hoping why i thought i'd find something by doing this maybe at the end it would unlock the fact that it's glowing tells me there's got to be some way to get inside but i didn't see a key anywhere and trust me i was looking all right well i'd be lying if i said that was fun but i feel accomplished and that's the important part why did it start slightly clean did you see that that was so weird what the hell is going on with the scaffolding oh really screwed up at the end there okay is there any new jobs my god oh it's a fire station okay what would be easier i only need 250 dollars i'm thinking we should probably go start going to the skate park i think most of this is going gonna be metal though let's just check it out oh my god oh no i i am regretting my decision already look at th who does this this is such an awesome looking skate park let's just see how bad it is okay you know what i'm getting kind of excited i think we're gonna have to deal with graffiti we still got some hard to deal with dirt the important part is the backdrop isn't brown it's nice and bright so it's extremely easy to see the dirt i don't think this is gonna be as bad as i was making it out to be so yeah i guess we'll just slowly go through it here and hopefully soon we'll hit that big 2000 so i can really do this quickly so yeah it's just graffiti we have to worry about oh looks like this is some of that crappy graffiti too i can actually take it off with my yellow oh this isn't bad at all why is the graffiti so hard at the other place the stupid hobbit home i just did i had to go all the way down to red so that just makes life even easier oh okay i i want i wanted to get rid of it fine i guess i'll take the money oh dude i'm having so much more fun here i regret not doing this sooner there's an extra 15. god this is so much easier well cm and fr your love doesn't matter to me get the hell out of here all right so far so good as you can see oh dude this park is going to look so freaking cool when we're done with this i just realized how the hell am i going to do that loop well we'll worry about that when we hopefully get a more powerful washer just gonna slowly make my way down here i think i might head back should i do this piece over here this should be an easy one to do let's just finish up this first and then i think we'll head back over that way look at this next level strat cleaning the wall and the bench at the same time i'm kind of professional at this point look at the reach i have right now this is some light mud clearly oh this just feels so great when you can do you know a 20-foot wall in seconds obviously not including the graffiti which is freaking everywhere goddamn skater hooligans and they're tagging everything five dollars did that just say five dollars for a whole skate park wall like it's basically from one side to the other i got paid twenty dollars for this stupid freaking pinch oh god i don't know if i should be angry or not because everything else has been extremely easy but i thought that was my pathway to this stupid freaking upgrade i got 15 for this 15 for stupid little i don't know why i'm yelling but i i'm just still mad about that stupid wall all right well i'm glad i went this way because there's a million freaking pieces of graffiti over here so i thought we'd try some of these ramps it seems like they pay the best they don't take too long at all and we're extremely close now i'm getting very excited a little nervous though if i don't get paid enough here with this stupid little pink pool i don't know where the hell i'm gonna go next oh my god i just realized it's a freaking watermelon this is actually adorable really 15 was this not 20 this god the pricing here is so confusing oh there's a ramp i'm so close oh what do i do you know what this is all clean as you can see let's just continue going here this better pay me actually you know what i know one thing that will pay me and it's not too hard it's these things all i need is like six bucks this has got to be six of course the one pole i choose has like piss stains on it or something like what is that why is it so hard to get rid of oh my god this is gonna take forever this is this is some caked on piss i'll tell you that much let me see that money there we go was that enough i don't know why i didn't do this before isn't this a thing that pays me 20 for a flat surface ramp oh 15. close enough there we go let's not think about it get right to it and finally we are professional well we're not professional yet because there's no professional duty in the early access version but we're heavy at least the prime vista 3000 here we are just out of curiosity it doesn't have a big upgrade for surface dirt it's the encrusted embedded and tough stubborn things actually stubborn's exactly the same interestingly enough but everything else is at least up by a few still not high for oily i i don't think we're gonna have to deal much with oil oh my jesus christ but yeah i don't think we're gonna have to deal with oil too much in this version of the game so i'm assuming that's what the professional one would do with later this is so loud oh my god like let's just okay the range is actually not that good mind you i'm using a stubby right now i don't have enough money to buy the upgrade what i'm more curious about is how good is the wide one and there's still some dirt hanging out i will tell you this is a huge upgrade though yes yes this is gonna be so easy to get done crying on the wall though like even its spread seems to be a bit wider so it is just i'm doing a whole wall and a couple swipes yeah safe to say this is a good purchase not that i can buy much else in this game all right guys i think i'm gonna take a little bit of a break here i honestly didn't expect the grind to get to this thing to be so rough so i hate to leave it on a cliffhanger i'm sure you guys want to see some more of the best power washer in the current version of the game but yeah you'll have to wait to the next one and obviously we'll buy all the attachments for it to see its true potential as always guys thanks for watching and liking and i'll see you in the next one we got the old school s that's great [Music] so you
Channel: Drae
Views: 415,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powerwash simulator, satisfying pressure washing, power wash, pressure washing, power wash simulator, power wash game, pressure washer, power washer game, powerwash gameplay, satisfying games, jet washer, jet washing, surface cleaner, pressure washing house, cleaning dirty, powerwash simulator tutorial, oddly satisfying videos, powerwash simulator gameplay, power washer simulator, power washing, power washer, power washing videos, Drae, Draegast, satisfying videos
Id: xlyzm1UTOhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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