I Was Conned By a Love Fraud (Money-Laundering Documentary) | Real Stories

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paper was light gold in medieval times [Music] i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] every year millions of pounds are stolen from unsuspecting victims under the guise of love the type of crime we're investigating is a confidence trick call it what you will romance scam blackmail gold digger whatever the name it doesn't begin to describe the horrific impact these crimes can have on the people who have been targeted as well as being life-changing these crimes are very much on the rise with victims losing an average of more than 11 000 pounds well we are here to stop the scammers in their tracks and as we get to the bottom of how they were able to pull off some of the most audacious cons we'll have everything you need to know to make sure you and your money stay safe coming up how this man's search for love saw him dragged into a criminal scheme that left him at risk from the law the scammer is effectively using you for money laundering that's not good the woman scammed the second time when she thought she was bringing the fraudsters to book i don't know how they sleep at night it's hateful what they do and a woman fighting back to help others after scammers left her at her lowest i had no money no food and i was really at rock bottom so kim we've been contacted by a man called andy he says he is in touch with a lady called christy cox who he believes might be scamming let's take a look well i'd um split up from my my ex who i have a child with i i probably would say i was probably still a little bit vulnerable but felt it was the right time for me to possibly start looking again um so i enlisted myself onto a couple of date insights well i had a lady who introduced herself to myself just a simple hi and asked me how i was basically she told me that she was in the u.s military she was widowed she had one child there was a number of requests in relation to parting with money for supplies for the store for food in the sort of first month alone i think i gave her 700 pounds i'd like to find the truth this person was who these individuals are and they make you believe they ask about your family they ask you personal things and they're very clever and he's given me all the details he has on his scammer christy so i'm going to do some digging and see what i can find out and i'm off to meet andy to hear exactly how christy cox caught him in a web of lies there were over four and a half thousand cases of romance fraud reported in 2018 and it's not at all unusual for the fraudsters behind them to claim to be in the military it helps explain away any difficult communications or an overseas location and creates the impression of a job you can trust she was nice she was a little bit younger than myself the eyes made the first attraction for me christy told andy her daughter was away at private school in the states and that she was currently serving in afghanistan so she told me she was in the u.s military obviously just trying to work my head around that and then she's been in cardiff for the last three years i began to believe and with her being in the military everything must be genuine i i i took everything as being everything she was saying was true and so was she telling you about herself was she being did you feel that she was being open with you and you felt that you were just having a normal conversation between a man and a woman at the start of a relationship i believed it was sort of 80 sort of normal um with her being in the military she used that as being i can't really tell you everything about my job i'll tell you about that when we come you know when i come home we can talk more so she wasn't giving me full story within a couple of days christy suggested they swap numbers and chat via whatsapp rather than through the dating site and it wasn't long before the pair was swapping pictures and romantic messages i had a picture of it in a military uniform it sort of made everything right for me thinking well this is a genuine person yeah and so you were very wary of that you were kind of wanting to make sure that that was who you were talking about yes i was yeah because obviously anybody can put pictures on there and i guess also you know this kind of thing wasn't even in your head you know you weren't even sitting there thinking somebody might try and i never never even thought about it never even into my head at all the couple chatted non-stop for three days and when christy asked for 50 pounds for an itunes voucher andy was happy to help did she give a reason as to why she couldn't pay for that herself uh bank accountant card was blocked so that was the first time that you were asked for money correct and then presumably you carried on just chatting as normal getting to know each other it was the usual chatting as the what you've been doing today because a lot of the time she was on patrol so i have to wait for her to come back from patrol before i could speak to her but over the coming months with her account still apparently blocked christie requested more money for clothes supplies her daughter's school fees and then eventually her flight ticket back from afghanistan i did questions i'm thinking well surely the air force took you out and surely they would bring you back but once again you get sweet talk et cetera and you get told stories as well as the cost of the flight christy told andy that her daughter's private school fees which cost her almost 1600 pounds a month also needed paying [Music] so she asked me then to see if i could get five to six thousand pounds to do that i had to get a loan so the five to six thousand pounds would cover the flight a daughter's education and other bits and pieces that's a lot to me that's a lot of money here it is a lot of money to anyone that is a lot of money especially because you've gone on here genuinely looking for well love let's be honest yeah and you know and you think maybe you've found that with somebody and you know you're excited at the prospect of her coming home yeah most definitely yeah my heart tells me it's genuine so i follow my heart rather than my head christy sent andy photos from all aspects of her life to convince him she was a real person so finding out where these pictures have come from may help me get to the bottom of who christy cox really is i'm looking into stuff for andy he was sent quite a few pictures so i'm going to check them out and see just where it all takes us so i'm now going to reverse search an image just to see what it shows us by uploading some of the pictures and he was sent to an online search engine i'm able to see where else that image has appeared on the internet which could help prove if she is who she says she is okay so there's pinterest l'oreal and it's not christy is it right so we've got a name i'm gonna google that name to see if i can find out any more about who this person actually is yes there is a facebook page oh wow according to this facebook page she lives and is from virginia in the states you can have a look through the photos i mean i haven't added her as a friend but everything is public i could easily crop an image from her page and use it if i wanted to so i think that i have found the real person that this image belongs to and it isn't someone called christy in one of the pictures that christy sent to andy she had a military outfit on with the surname cox but on her facebook page she has a different surname things just don't seem to be adding up so i'm now going to search for laurel and cox u.s army see what we find i've typed in that name and link's come up with a video which i'm going to watch my name is laurel cox with l-a-u-r-c-l the woman in the video laurel is definitely the same person i found the facebook page for i actually just retired two weeks ago so i'm specialist retired so while the scammer may have used a different first name when creating the identity christy cox it looks like they stole both lowell's photographs and her genuine military career in order to create a convincing story so these are real pictures of laurel and clearly what has happened is that christy is not a real person whilst ashley is unravelling the truth behind so-called christie's photos andy's telling me more about how she extracted all she could from him still believing they would be together before too long over a period of months andy sent her more cash mobile phones and gifts he even took out a credit card for her to use that credit card is for two and a half thousand pounds which i'd sent to her to raise more money for other items as well i sold my coin collection my gold sovereigns and stuff so i raised another three and a half thousand pounds from them that's sounds to me like a lot of money over the months that you'd sent to her in total what what was the sum it's going to be between 24 and 25 000 pounds which is a lot to me i was saving for somewhere to live and to take my little five-year-old daughter to uh on holiday to disneyland that's a lot of money it's a hard lesson to learn by now 11 months had passed and andy simply had no more cash to give most scammers might have gone quiet at this point but christy had other ideas about how she could exploit andy even further she explained she had a friend in the uk who had money all andy had to do now was open a bank account where this friend could deposit money which he would then transfer on to christie stupidly i set up an account for her in my bank but very shortly after that sort of account was set up with a lot of money then started passing through that account okay and where was all that money coming from do you know it was coming from individuals um i i would classify as being private people like myself which in my mind i started to think to myself well she told me this chap had a company so why aren't they in company company names yeah but i thought well it's her money i see her finances i'll just shut up but andy should have questioned it large sums of money from unknown sources going in and out of his bank account would indicate that unwittingly andy was helping christie to launder money and with money laundering a crime being involved with christie in this way put him at risk of criminal prosecution there was times when she wanted to set up other sources and avenues to allow people to put money in for her so i separate set up a gmail email address for her and i set up a paypal account for her but setting up that gmail account soon led to a clear sign things weren't all they seemed because andy had created it on his own computer he spotted a message notification meant for christy that appeared to be sent from another man that she was also in a relationship with this message of i love you came up and i just wanted an explanation and what did she say to you at this point she led me to believe that it was probably drunken banter it was a mistake and why would he or this person send an email to an address that we both had access to hmm and of course then because you gullible i took it when you feel you're in a relationship with somebody that you think you're the only person in the relationship with that girl when that message came through yeah my heart sunk if i'm honest you know i'm thinking my gosh you know where's this come from who is this person i even toyed with the idea of emailing this chap as well but i i refrained basically i thought let's just bite your lip and let's see what explanation i get off and who do you think who do you think that person was i believe it's a person that was being scammed um by heard by her but soon afterwards when andy's bank spotted a dodgy transaction and froze the account christie was using he was forced to confront the likelihood that all along he'd been being scammed too i had a call off my bank the one day to say that there was a somebody who's put money into my account or in this account i set up for her has claimed that in a military scam and from there my bank throws all my accounts literally even my own accounts so i couldn't put money in i couldn't take money out the bank they gave me 14 days to prove that money was mine i couldn't prove it was mine no so after about 10 days i just rang them cried i told them everything wow so you've lost all that money your bank account's been frozen what then goes through your head at that moment in time i'll be honest i felt quite relieved i did feel quite relieved because the amount of pressure i was possibly putting on myself in trying to keep her happy just tumbles down in front of you you're thinking my god i'd be i'd be speaking to this person over the last year on 12 months and everything has just been just one big lie i should have asked more questions so is there anything that you would like to know about the person that you were talking to certainly knowing who these people are it certainly would i suppose being closure for me i've already uncovered that the pictures christy cox and andy have been stolen from someone else [Music] but i'm concerned that the way christy was using andy's bank account could land him in some serious hot water so i've come to see paul carroll from the national fraud intelligence bureau to find out about the risks of having your account used in this way we do see occasions where where foresters they want to move their money around okay so it makes it more difficult to trace funds ultimately we know that they will use unsuspecting people to house money for them in their accounts and then to move it on to another account and they may use a fabricated story in which to achieve that and we know that through dating frauds this can be the case also ultimately you're assisting that force though in moving around their fortunate funds what should someone do if they're worried that they or someone they know is caught up in online romance fraud absolutely address it as quickly as you can certainly always report to action fraud if you are in an online relationship discuss your dating choices with your friends and family okay run it past them as you would with any relationship offline you know we all take our other halves and meet family friends um and we do listen to their advice around the dating choices that we make and really that should be no different online those seeking advice from family and friends is a good way to check for signs of a possible scam it isn't always that easy a misplaced sense of embarrassment can prevent people confiding in others even after it's too late when you realize you've been scammed one of the hardest things is telling someone else that you've been taken for a ride but when it dawned on patricia clarke that she'd been targeted by a fraudster she was determined to fight back businessman dominic hoffman first contacted patricia clark over dating site match.com i was quite excited i've been on my own a long time and i thought it would be nice to meet someone even if it was just a nice close friendship you know he said he was a widower working in london making jewelry and he seemed to be exactly what patricia was looking for over the next three months their online friendship became romantic he was a nice-looking man and very charming used to send me flowers send me lovely poems every day then one day dominic told her he was heading out to dubai on a business trip after a few days of being away he called patricia he explained that he'd met a sheikh who was selling some rare gold which he wanted to buy and turn into jewelry the problem was he didn't have enough money in his bank account so he asked patricia to lend him two thousand pounds i agreed to do this and he promised me faithfully he would repay me as soon as he returned but just days later dominic asked her for more money this time to pay off customs who were holding his gold he hadn't got the cash to have that shipped over so it was being held there they told him that well he told me they said they could only hold it for seven days so we had to get the money within seven days because i help him out with it by now patricia was caught up in dominic's story and she began regularly sending him money even paying for his medical bills he gave me the name of the doctor i sent it to his bank account then he had the operation and he recovered and all was well for a while but while cash flowed out of patricia's bank account romantic messages flooded her inbox he kept telling me how much he loved me and you know how i made him so happy after six months in dubai dominic told patricia he was returning to the uk he was leading the conversation so it was really going to happen you know he was coming back to me and we'd be together but dominic failed to turn up at birmingham airport patricia heard nothing for three days and when she did receive a call it was from a woman she didn't know with terrifying news i went into shock i think i think i just froze hard to describe i was believing what she said the woman claimed dominic had been kidnapped on the way to the airport and was being held for ransom she said she'd already seen two men being shot and that they would shoot dominic if i didn't go along with what they said having already paid out over 12 800 pounds and fearful for dominic's life patricia called the police it was former detective mark cresswell who investigated her case when i spoke to patricia on the phone she's actually very much believing uh what appeared to me to be a lies and that she was totally convinced that this person did exist these scams are incredibly complex and complicated with a lot of planning for mark patricia's case bore all the signs of an elaborate romance scam they research psychology books to work out what to say to somebody to make them fall in love there's always someone there who'll reply straight back to you it's as though they work around the clock 24 hours a day working in shifts and then there's a lot of emotional pressure if you don't help me out we will never see each other wisely patricia had kept a record of every email phone message and bank transaction she'd made to dominic hoffman which was vital to mark's investigation the breakthrough came by looking at a uk-based bank account that patricia had made payments to the one bank account was based in the uk it was a business bank account in south london the money had gone into his accounts and effectively been either moved on to different bank accounts or withdrawn as cash so there was reasonable suspicion that he was involved in this romance fraud the bank account belonged to a ghanaian national living in the uk and further checks revealed regular payments coming in from two other women who it turned out had been targeted in the same way as patricia she now had to accept that the man she'd invested so much in was actually a scammer it's unbelievable they make you believe everything that you're saying i don't know how they do it even if you suspect they they get into your head and you really really believe that it's going on and this could be you know the man of your dream sort of thing in october 2018 the scammer was convicted for fraud and money laundering and received a suspended sentence he was ordered to pay back a portion of each victim's losses which in patricia's case was three thousand pounds i don't know how they sleep at night it's hateful what they do they've got no consideration at all for the victims who they take the money from a few weeks later patricia was contacted on a dating site by another man who said he was from ghana the coincidence prompted patricia to reveal how she'd been scammed by a ghanaian national and the new man called ray suggested he might be able to help her get her money back by some little little little ray of hope there might be a chance that he could know or find out about the people that had scammed me straight away ray put her in touch with a female friend who worked in ghana as a private detective i was over the moon i thought great you know do something about it at last and within hours the private detective contacted her to say they'd found the people involved and had them arrested but to guarantee a successful prosecution patricia would need to hire a barrister and pay off a number of local police and other officials so i did this i was willing to pay to get the case i was just happy that he would be there and you would poop up behind bars the private detective assured patricia that a conviction would mean the court in ghana would award her enough compensation to cover all of her previous losses 12 800 pounds so to make that happen over the next few months patricia made a number of different payments totaling more than 10 000 pounds for mark who only heard about these developments after they happened the payments are proof that sadly she'd been targeted by scammers for a second time it's uh known as a romance recovery fraud and these are relatively new uh phenomenon going on at the moment ultimately in any case where you have to pay money upfront first that should be a warning sign that you are potentially being scammed again to this day patricia remains adamant that both rey and the private detective are genuine she even has a certificate supposedly from the court in ghana informing her she's been awarded 116 000 pounds in compensation hello patricia how are you she's meeting up with her former investigating officer mark in the hope that he can confirm that the paperwork is genuine it was really nice i'd like to thank you for the way you supported me it was quite traumatic it takes a lot of courage to come forward and tell tell the police what's what's happened marx agreed to take a close look at the authenticity of patricia's certificate it was meant to be an official document from a court in ghana but usually you'd see the seal for ghana the top right hand corner there the font um it looks like it's um aerial which is more custom to you know when you send emails or whatever on a computer so it looks like it might have been made on a computer the says office of the provincial director i'm not sure there are provinces in ghana so i don't think there is a provincial director um but there's no name which goes with the signature either so i'm looking at this document i'd say in my in my opinion i think it's a fake document so the detective is fake there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing you've told me or there's nothing produced that suggests that this detective exists and i was quite positive about this last night i thought really it could be the thing i have my doubts but yes you know i'm very sorry that i think you've been a victim of another fraud i know it's difficult because you've put in so much energy and emotional energy makes us feel so silly really and stupid for falling for it but these people are so sophisticated they're so clever in what they say and what they do and the way they put things across to you you really believe them they're very bad people extremely bad people the more vulnerable you are the more they play on it you know horrible horrible horrible people though uncovering the truth can be undoubtedly hard it's an essential step towards being properly able to move on but in the case of andy the discovery that it looks like his scammer was using him in order to launder money could leave him at risk of prosecution i'm going to see paul davis from lloyd's bank where andy had his account to see how they dealt with his case and what the implications might be so paul what were the signs that led to andy's account being frozen well in the case of mr mills it was simply the fact that we received a report of fraud from another bank so naturally we take reports like this extremely seriously and in normal situations where people are allowing their accounts to be used to receive the proceeds of scams or block the account close it recover as much money as we can and then almost certainly disclose that to the to law enforcement so that perhaps criminal proceedings can commence but that's not designed to apply to people like mr mills who have been duped themselves and as much of a victim as the people who've sent the money for us it was a priority to make sure we give him the right education awareness to stop him falling victim again and to make sure that he wouldn't have any adverse impacts for example on his credit file or his ability to take out any financial products in the future how as a bank are you able to find out someone's intent how do you know that andy didn't actually have any involvement in this well we have a team of highly trained colleagues who speak to people who let their accounts be used in this way and they're trained to assess and establish what happened what we typically find for people who engage in allowing their accounts to be used as money meals knowingly is that they don't speak to us at all and from that we can usually infer that they had that intent behind it [Applause] it's good news that andy isn't likely to be in trouble for unknowingly playing a part in a crime even bigger than simply romance would but there's one more part of his story that's troubling me to do with the message he stumbled across from another man this message of i love you came up and i just wanted an explanation i want to know more about the man whose email andy saw and whether it means he might be being scammed too i'm gonna email the account and see if the person is aware of anything going on here hi raymond my name's ashley i'm concerned that you could be the victim of a military romance scam let's see if raymond gets back in touch before he's handed over any money [Music] the lies and deceit in a roman scam are devastating both emotionally and financially and although our next case learnt the hard way they were spurred on to never make the same mistakes again the journey that brought elspit wilson to her war against the scammers started in 2016. it was a year she'd rather forget she got divorced had a brain tumor removed and she began dating with devastating consequences after being divorced i started looking on dating sites because being on your own it does get lonely and it's an easy way to find somebody else bit signed up to the free dating website badou and within just a couple of days she received a message from a british army officer called brian walsh he told elspert that he was currently deployed in syria but was about to retire and was looking to make connections back home and it wasn't long before brian upped the ante sending her roses before going on to declare his love for her it was nice for somebody to say in the short time that they wanted to get married and afterward it was a genuine person swept up in her whirlwind romance she didn't object when after just five weeks of chatting brian unexpectedly asked her for money to help pay for some important documents to be shipped back to the uk he was trying to get this box back to the uk for me to look after and he said that he would pay me the money when he got back brian told her he needed two thousand pounds to pay a diplomat to bring his documents home and he said the reason he couldn't pay the money himself was because he was on active duty in syria and wasn't able to access his uk bank account i got this law note and he gave me an address to send it in it was germany i felt pressured into helping him because he wouldn't leave me alone more requests for money followed and in the end elspit transferred brian nearly 10 000 pounds all on the promise that once he was back from syria brian would pay her back in full he was charming to me i had no reason to doubt what he was saying but elspit then received an alarming email from brian he said the diplomat supposed to be bringing his belongings home had been shot [Music] and then he was asking for even more money after that because he needed to pay the hospital bill having already sent nearly ten thousand pounds to brian elspit simply didn't have any more money to send [Music] so she called the foreign office but they told her it wasn't aware of any british soldier serving in syria with that name and that she'd most likely been the victim of a scam i just broke down completely and i was really at rock bottom i kept on saying no it's not a scam and we're going to be married [Music] but deep down elspit knew that the man she'd fallen in love with simply didn't exist i had no money no food [Music] and it is an awful place to be [Music] three years on she's got her life back on track and now volunteers at the food bank she used to rely on i do it to meet new people to make new friends which i have done good afternoon the venue and last year she answered an ad in her local paper to become what's known as a scam marshal with the help of national trading standards she's now telling other people the warning signs of scams today along with pc tony murray who investigated her case they're spreading the word she's become a friend of mine when i first met ellsbert i went to a house and she didn't realize she'd been a victim of romance fraud i mean these romance fraudsters are really sophisticated they're professional sounding they're well scripted but they are criminal monsters elizabeth when did you actually realize that this was fraud and this chap wasn't true i phoned up the foreign office and they were the ones that told me it was a fraud how long did the communication go on for about three months [Music] as a scam marshal elspit gathers scam mail phone numbers and emails to pass on as evidence but it's her own powerful story that she and tony hope will enable others to enjoy internet dating without being conned it's about doing it safely bring your real world behaviors online and be really protective and let's stop this crime of romance fraud i'm very proud of her yeah and her story is immense and it's been it's been an emotional journey elsewhere yeah it's been really emotional i've been on the trail of christy cox who not only scammed andy mills out of 25 000 pounds but also put him at risk of criminal prosecution wow that's outrageous today we're presenting andy with everything we've uncovered about his case andy the extent to which you have been scammed is quite shocking and we have some discoveries for you you ready to hear them i am a djs one of the most shocking elements of andy's case was that christy was using his bank account to launder money a fact that until now he hadn't been aware of first of all we believe that your bank account has been used as a mule account now the scammer in this instance is effectively using you for money laundering [Music] all right okay yes that's not good is that shocking yeah it does yes they've used me like that and possibly well they could have led me in a lot of trouble as well so i'm not very happy about that at all but you're not in trouble it's important that you know that it's not you that has done this okay so you are not accountable for that it all rests on the intent there's no intent on your behalf so you're good you're okay that's a relief so that's something that's that's a bit of good news so the next question is who is christy cox andy was sent numerous photographs of someone who appeared to be serving in the u.s military who had the surname cox fox reverse image search has led us to the facebook page of a woman called laurel based in the united states what's happened here is that the scammer has stolen this person's identity you can see that the real person who these pictures belong to has a family i'd like this person to be sort of made aware that they are being used for all this scamming well andy we have been in touch we have informed her via message that her account has been used for fake profiles now that andy knows the identity of the real person in the photos we're keen to find out more about the person who scammed him we're here to bring you the truth and it's tough but part of that process is us trying to confront the scammer for you and that's what we want to do okay should we attempt to call her [Music] i'll do it for you should we call her i don't know what to say let's do it let's do it yeah [Music] unavailable so we're gonna text her instead that's fine yeah i have said christie my name is ashley john baptiste and i'm messaging you as part of a tv series i'm recording with the bbc we believe christy cox is a fake identity you've created as part of a scam what do you say to that what's interesting here is that only one tick has gone through which would suggest that we have already been blocked yeah i'm not surprised we may not have heard from the scammer but i have had a response to the email i sent to raymond the man andy fed may also be being conned by the same person you will recall that you received an email from a man called raymond to an account that you shared with christy cox yes well we emailed him and we believe that he may be being scammed by the same person raymond shared some photos with us that she sent him and we want you to take a look number one to see if it's the same person but also to see if the pictures that you've also received okay here you go i've seen that one i asked her where that picture was taken she told me that was up in scotland how does it feel to know that she's also sent that to somebody else it's it hurts but it's also disappointing at the same time and um it's useful to know that these people exist raymond actually lives in ireland and he knows the scammer as payson cox now he wants to talk to you via video link definitely you're up for it i'm up for that yeah raymond wants to keep his identity private but we're hopeful andy's call can put a stop to any scam that might be happening to him hello hello raymond hi mandy pleased to meet you how did you get in contact with the payson cox listen cox i found her on facebook when you first met her how did she what job did she tell you she had u.s military i had the same i had the same story if i offered you any advice would you take it yeah i would okay now i believe with what i've been through myself okay you're being you're being scammed i've i've lost a lot of money myself personally i took out a loan for this lady i took out a credit card i also gave a use of my bank oh all my contributions would be true western union are itunes cards last money i sent her a 700 euro for her daughter to get some medical treatment raymond please stop please please okay don't get into the situation i've gotten to sounds like you're in there already but please stop for yourself for your own worth but you will not get money off me i i would cut strings all together with this person i wouldn't talk to this person at all because they will they will get back into you into your system and they will get you to part with more stuff again okay hey raymond it's been a pleasure you take it easy take care bye-bye bye the scammer has made up this identity and used the us military for both identities what do you make of that it's easy for this individual to remember um and it's one they're obviously comfortable in using so they may well be using that more than just myself and raymond as well i fell for it whether or not he will take the advice i've given him i i don't know i know how easy it is so thank you for being great coming out and talking about something like this it's not an easy thing to do thanks so much and wish you the best of luck thank you cheers it's quite emotional if i'm being honest i feel that now we've reached closure i can draw a line now in the sand and just get on my life if you think you've been scammed in a similar way or have been asked to send money to someone you're talking to online then we'd like to hear from you email us at love or money at bbc.co.uk [Music] well all the stories we've heard today highlight the really shameless levels of deceit not to mention financial damage that these types of scam can cause at least in andy's case he was able to prevent raymond from being scammed by the same fraudster that took his money yeah and that's got to be a good thing so if you're talking to someone online and they're asking you for cash ask yourself one thing are they in it for love [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 272,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catfishing scams, criminal behavior analysis, deceitful love interests, deceitful lovers, deceitful partners, digital deception, exploitation tactics, financial deception, financial deception tactics, fraudulent relationships, illegal activities, illegal relationships, love fraud, love fraud investigation, love scam victims, monetary exploitation tactics, money laundering ring, romance fraud investigation, romance scam alert, romance scam victims
Id: EgZ8LB5O_n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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