Life Savings Lost to Fake Lover | Romance Scams | ENDEVR Documentary

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every year millions of pounds are stolen from unsuspecting victims under the guise of love the type of crime we're investigating is a confidence trick call it what you will romance scam blackmail gold digger whatever the name it doesn't begin to describe the horrific impact these crimes can have on the people who have been targeted as well as being life-changing these crimes are very much on the rise with victims losing an average of more than 11 000 pounds well we are here to stop the scammers in their tracks and as we get to the bottom of how they were able to pull off some of the most audacious cons we'll have everything you need to know to make sure you and your money stay safe [Music] coming up this businesswoman confronts the man who conned her out of 60 000 pounds you stole my entire life savings and you're still saying right now no i didn't no i didn't you're just a liar and i don't know how you live with yourself where is pets money how this model caught out the man who'd stolen his photos so he could pretend to be him and scam innocent victims i said don't lie to me mate you know you've been caught red-handed now you could have cost this girl life and a sophisticated romance con that played out like a real-life spy story complete with dramatic finale i don't even think there's words to express how i was feeling i just wanted it over with we've been contacted by a lady called pat now she thinks she's being scammed by a man called morgan giovanni let's take a look i have tried online dating in the past and so i was sort of used to it i just wanted some i want companionship i really liked his picture what connected me to him was how different he was you know i have lots of money and we can go off and i was saying great i can quit my job the problem for me is that the scam started really really really really quickly and i just fell for it well we're determined to uncover the truth behind this scam so i'm setting off on the trail of morgan giovanni using all the evidence that pat has gathered to start me off [Music] and i'm on my way to see pat roman scammers stole a total of 50 million pounds from their victims in 2018 so i want to know exactly how she ended up being taken in hello hi pat how are you i'd been made redundant from my job that i really liked my youngest daughter had gone off to university and i had this feeling that finally i could maybe form a new relationship because i'd been a single parent for 17 years pat signed up to an over 50s dating site and it wasn't long before morgan giovanni got in touch from his photograph was he your type in the beginning yeah i thought he was really attractive and he started being very very very nice [Music] morgan told her he was an italian-american boxing promoter based in oregon he was divorced and had a daughter who like pats had just gone off to university he quickly asked pat to carry on their chats on the phone messaging service whatsapp and as things progressed he asked for her home address he said i just want to send you flowers and so i suppose when you've been a single parent for 17 years it's really nice to get flowers yes and when you've just been made redundant from your job of course right yeah so that in itself to me you know if somebody says you know i want to send you flowers and do send you flowers you think this is a person that's genuinely interested in me and is you know and is is keen to kind of forge a relationship but the messages morgan sent soon moved from romance to finance he asked me to send him 6 000 pounds why did he say he needed the money why could he not pay for it himself all of this is i need this money uh because i'm bidding for this tournament and they've frozen my account and my colleagues account because we have to have a hundred thousand pounds in our account in order to do this pitching i was suspicious and i said oh you're just trying to get money out of me and you know you're a crook and all of this stuff and then he sent me uh through whatsapp his passport his daughter's id from university of portland in the states he sent me pictures of his daughter's credit cards to prove that he was a genuine person that he was genuinely who he said he was and all of that so i sent him the six thousand wow given the situation with his bank morgan asked for the money to be paid into his door to tonya's account but while pat was convinced by the documents morgan had sent her when her kids found out what had happened they saw things very differently what did they say when you'd said oh i've sent this guy that i've been speaking to for two weeks six thousand they said it's a scam they said to you then yeah i just ignored them i was because i wanted it to be true that's why of course pat only parted with the money on the promise she'd get it all back when the two finally met up but having made plans for morgan to come to london he cancelled at the last minute telling pat he had to go to amsterdam on business said i'm going to go to holland because i'm pitching to promote a boxing tournament and he sent me through his plane ticket with his name and all of this so he's always sending me backing up you know documentation yeah and i'm just very um gullible i suppose and naive but you know like you say if he's being charming and you know seems to be the real deal yeah [Music] at every turn morgan was sending pat documents that made him appear legitimate so i want to know if they're quite as genuine as they seem varian hi good to meet you ashley nice to meet you too sit down i.t expert and journalist darion graham smith has agreed to cast his eye over the documents morgan sent starting off with his passport so this is morgan giovanni's passport well there's a couple of rather suspicious things about it the first one that really leaps out at me is the quality of the text you can see united states of america here and all these little words like nationality date of birth those are all a little bit blurry a little bit soft the words giovanni and morgan absolutely as sharp as you like that's been added afterwards no doubt about it and if you have a look at this passport photo here as well i'm not quite certain but it looks like someone's cut out the existing picture the real picture of whoever's passport this was and just pasted their own face on top it's crazy the thing is if you've you know spent months building a relationship with someone online they send you this you're not necessarily going to notice that are you no absolutely if you already feel that you know somebody and you're building up a degree of trust you're not going to be looking for these kind of things and honestly i guess you're not going to want to find them and once you know what you're looking for there are similar clues with the student id if you look along the top it says student identification it's a little bit blurry it looks like it's been scanned in it certainly doesn't look like it's been professionally printed whereas the text below it absolutely pin sharp it says portland university and all of this this looks like it looks like it's clearly been digitally layered on afterwards and also if you look very closely your spot these are actually different typefaces as well it doesn't look consistent you mean different fonts that's right yes also down the bottom if you look at this signature here that says t woods you'll see those two letter o's are absolutely identical oh my god i would never do this but it's true this looks like it's clearly been digitally layered on afterwards yeah i don't think there's many people whose handwriting is that perfectly consistent so that again is very much a red flag i would not spot the points that you've just raised i would i could be convinced that that is someone's legit student id no absolutely while ashley gets closer to the truth about boxing promoter morgan giovanni pat's telling me that shortly after she'd lent him six grand he came up with reasons why he needed more but the only way she could help was by raiding her redundancy he started asking me for money for his taxes i don't know you know and i just wanted to believe him at any other time i would not have had this money i just wouldn't have had the money um so anyway i did send him it turns out it was about 52 000 pounds wow yeah that's a lot of money yeah i'll never have that money again and still then i believed him i believed him [Music] having pocketed the 52 000 pounds morgan giovanni didn't stop there six weeks later he told pat he needed to borrow even more he'd won big money betting on a boxing tournament but with his bank account still frozen he asked pat if he could transfer the winnings to her instead the only catch was she'd need to pay money up front first to get the cash released he asked me for another 38 000 he'd said he'd want to bet he gave me the login to his bank account and there's a big picture of him and there's about two and a half million pounds in the bank as far as pat was concerned this was proof that morgan already had plenty of money in the bank but getting the 38 000 pounds needed to release his winnings wouldn't be easy then i started to try and borrow it and i decided i'm going into my bank to ask for a loan so you then went into the bank and they said to you she said to me you know you'll owe us 40 000 pounds if i give this to you it's a scam well that's when i gave up that's how i'd say it i gave up you know gave up the dream yeah and admitted um oh dear oh dear what have i done but up until that point you hadn't wanted to admit it but no no you kind of had well i always had doubts but you know i was but they could have willing to be persuaded i was willing to be persuaded despite being conned out of 60 000 pounds pat still hasn't broken off all communication with morgan the reason i've been in contact with him is to well i want to find him yes you know well maybe we could try and help you find out some information that might end this nightmare for you that would be great [Music] well that was a story um the thing about pat is that she is not the kind of person that would really be taken in by this kind of thing she seems super intelligent and switched on but i think what happened in this case was the guy was so convincing sending flowers and and really kind of making it seem like he wanted to have a relationship with her um prior to asking her for money and then all the documentation that he had to back up his stories the passports the flight tickets the id it's actually really scary while ash and i look into who morgan really is all of this raises the question of how you can tell if someone online is who they say they are scammers troll the internet every day looking for profiles they can steal to win over their unsuspecting victims now having your identity stolen and used in this way can really take its toll and when model matt peacock found out this had happened to him he decided to take action matt peacock is a successful model with over 25 000 followers on instagram i've been doing it for about 17 years now i work for people like range rover bentley purdy adidas [Music] matt uses instagram to promote his work and keeps his settings open so anyone who wants to can follow him at the click of a button a fair share of whom are women almost you've kind of got to look accessible because people kind of want to kind of buy into your lifestyle a bit uh certain brands will book you because they they like that i'm a family man or they certain brands will put me because they see that i'm good with my dog and so you kind of got to be open [Music] but matt's openness on social media provided a gateway to scammers to misuse his image he found out that scores of men had helped themselves to his pictures so they could poses him on dating websites to entice women a practice known as catfishing i was getting messages off girls saying why are you talking to me under a different name and i was like oh hang on and that was kind of my first kind of baptism of fire into into the whole world of catfishing it was weird really because i'd never come across anything like that before someone was pretending to be me at first matt didn't see any reason to be unduly worried about the misuse of his instagram photos they'd never usually call themselves completely matt peacock because obviously i have those social media handles there was one guy called matt peake and he obviously put a lot of thought into that but i mean at first i just kind of laughed it off but a worrying pattern soon emerged as a growing number of distraught women started contacting matt and his partner it got to the point where it was happening every single week i was getting lots of message off girls upset some not believing for one minute that it wasn't me some people messaged rachel and said your boyfriend's talking to me online pretending to be somebody else matt discovered over 60 fake profiles using his photograph but it was when a young mom called kirsty contacted him that he decided he needed to take action a young girl messaged me and said i've been talking to this guy for six months i thought it was you uh he's taught me into sending nude pictures of myself new videos and it's got to the point where i'm going to take my own life she was quite a vulnerable person and i thought right i'm not going to stand for that i've got to do something about it i can't have that on my conscience matt hired a private detective who quickly tracked down the man who had duped kirsty the detective advised kirsty you need to speak to him and say i found out that you're not matt peacock but we've got a connection i don't care what you look like i'm not like that please can we meet up the scammer took the bait and arranged to meet kirsty at a hotel car park but what he didn't know was that she would be nowhere to be seen matt and the private detective would confront him instead he pulled into the car park i went and knocked on his window i said i suggest you get out you know exactly who i am so anyway he got out he's crying shaking and everything and i was like what you doing and um he was uh i'm not doing if it's not me it's not me i said don't lie to me mate you like you've been caught red-handed now you could have cost this girl life next matt read a statement from kirsty to the scammer telling him the full impact of his lies she said you've broken me as a person you've destroyed any kind of confidence i had and it was just it was heartbreaking absolutely heartbreaking certainly i made him listen to me when i read it to him the scammer told matt he'd never meant to cause any harm and blamed his behavior on the fact he got bullied at school and never had any success meeting women shook his hand i said swear to me as a man it's time to be a man now do not do this again but he soon did there were 20 other women on the scammers phone that he'd catfished using matt's photographs the private detective contacted all of them saying that the man responsible had been caught and he wouldn't be doing it again unfortunately he already had one of the girls said well i spoke to him last night and he sent me this picture and it was a picture of me and my dog barney that he'd renamed and i'd taken it the night before so i was like that's it i'm going to the police but matt was left stunned when the police told him that because the scammer hadn't done anything illegal they were unable to take any action there's lives at risk and it needs it needs addressing and we said right you know what we're going to try and change the law matt contacted his local mp ann coffey who agreed that the law needs to be changed to make catfishing illegal [Music] the digital charter and the green paper offer an opportunity for a real partnership between legislators and technology to be developed to protect users from aggressive and harmful predators and while it is already against the law to pretend to be someone else for financial gain no such law protects victims when it comes to matters of the heart something that anne and matt are campaigning to change [Music] you should only be able to have an online social media profile an online dating profile if you can prove who you are simple as that we've been looking into the case of pat who was sweet talked into handing over sixty thousand pounds to a man who wasn't who he claimed to be we've already discovered that the documents he sent through as evidence he was real are actually fake i would say this is well within the reach of any scammer who's going to even bother making the efforts so next i want to know if it's even him in the pictures he was sending and if not where has he got them from pat has given me photos ids documents all sorts from morgan so i'm going to check it out to see what i can find out i'm uploading one of the photos pat sent me to an online search engine this will scour the internet for anywhere the image may have appeared it then reveals a number of identical related images which will give me a better idea of who the person is in the photo and hopefully lead me to a name i'm going to pull out some names from these links to see if i can find who this fella is [Music] attila right so i'm gonna google that name now [Music] okay he's on facebook the pictures that morgan has been using are on this fella attila's facebook page with attila's facebook set and set to public his photos are readily available to anyone who wants to see them or use them we've got to the bottom of who morgan's picture belongs to but what about his daughter tonya she is all over dating sites oh my god i mean this image has been pimped i want to find the real person where is she oh my days i wasn't expecting that okay so we have got a name for her she appears to be an actress i'm on her twitter page it's her verified twitter account her pin tweet says this i don't have facebook or any other social media account if you've spoken to anyone that says they're me or using my photos they are lying don't get catfished so she's aware of course that her picture is being used many places i'm so shocked by that it's clear that everything that morgan told pat is based on a lie but the one thing we do know is real is his phone number so with pat's permission it's time to give the scammer a dose of his own medicine i text him a few minutes ago and morgan has been messaging back non-stop he's manipulative he is keeping me interested he is saying that he wishes he could see me today i mean he is doing everything he can to keep pat's interest he's saying to pat i tried many times to call you but your phone wasn't working are you working busy so i'm gonna reply and say yes it's been a busy time but i've been thinking about you he's just text back super quick saying i've also been thinking of you since you left he's just said there is so much we have to talk about the dialogue is relentless he's still typing this could go on for a long time for pat scammer stealing this innocent man's identity and forging documents wasn't enough he also used manipulative language in his texts to get what he wanted so i'm going to meet a forensic linguist who can tell me how a romance scammer would get an intelligent woman like pat to develop such strong feelings for someone she's never met they start out talking and having kind of loving dialogue how does it go from from that to asking for money it's a grooming process where you start off in a normal relationship you give information to the person they give the information back but then slowly ever so slowly the norm changes into a situation where you don't even recognize it anymore and it's through that manipulation of language and you end up in a situation where your normality is is completely irregular elizabeth has picked out some of the scammers messages that showcase this technique so here is some interaction between pat and morgan and you can see here that the the scammer is trying to invoke this reciprocal trust he's saying i love you why don't you love me the same way back to try and almost shame her into doing what he wants her to do so pat goes all right i believe you but i'm not giving you any money she really puts her foot down here but this is how he manages to manipulate pat he then says you know things went wrong i'm not the type of man who likes asking help from women so here he's really provoking this protective response he's saying you know i'm putting myself out there now this is a really important point you're challenging them because you are feeling vulnerable and you need reassurance the person on the other end of that if they react in an angry way either they're a scammer or they're not the type of person you want to be in a relationship with this is typical of an abusive relationship of coercive control she's apologizing for trying to protect herself she's apologizing for her vulnerability please give me another chance don't let me ruin this relationship so he's switched the whole thing round you don't realize you know what goes into it and how much they're obviously manipulating a situation and how they are picking up from their constant conversation their little vulnerabilities absolutely those are the exact kind of things that scammers will use against you [Music] like so many others pat was duped in part by the language her scammer used when he emailed or texted her but some of these frauds are so more elaborate as this next case shows at the heart of it is lynne who had no reason to doubt her new partner as they'd met in person several times but the scam took her halfway across the world crippled her financially and ended up with her working with the police in an undercover sting [Music] when john an intelligence analyst from liverpool contacted lynn on a dayton website they immediately clicked and quickly met in person at a plush local restaurant he took me for a meal proper gents i just thought you know this guy is a real nice guy and i can't believe i met someone that actually likes what i like and you know we had a connection [Music] after several weeks of seeing each other john told lynn he'd been asked to work in israel for the next six months despite the long distance their relationship continued to blossom messaging every night we'd spend hours talking sometimes i'd have two or three hours sleep be that tired in the morning it was in one of these conversations that john broke the news to lynn that his father who lived in dubai had died and he needed to go there to sort out his estate he said would i like to come over he'd pay for me to go over there put me up in a hotel i had about three days notice so i thought yeah why not i just got on a plane once but when lynn arrived in dubai it wasn't jon there to greet her instead a man who said he was his cousin whisked her off to her hotel i did feel a bit i don't know you but he'd messaged me to say i'm sorry someone will be meeting yeah this is what he looks like for the next 24 hours the cousin drove in around dubai showing her the sights but then john sent news that because of his work situation he wouldn't be able to leave israel any time soon so he asked lynn whether she would be able to help his cousin sort out his dad's will without him and he told her the estate was worth a staggering 7 million pounds when he told me the amount i went wow that's a lot of money but he wanted to bring money over to england and i was like can you do that john told her on the phone he wanted to use some of the money to buy a house for the pair of them and he also said that he donates half a million pounds to the local hospice well in volunteers so whilst in tel aviv lynn and the cousin went to see the solicitor who was executing the will and arrived to an eye-opening surprise it was like this big case opened it up and it was just full of money millions millions american dollars maybe a bit i felt a bit on edge actually to see that much money lynne was given a special certificate that she was told to keep safe so that john could legally bring the money back to the uk without paying tax despite feeling uneasy she agreed so i'll put it in my passport you mustn't lose that he said because that's that's vital otherwise these four days i've got here are will be wasted so don't worry it's in my passport it'll be looked after two days later john's cousin asked for the certificate back but there was a problem [Music] so i was literally hunting everywhere i thought no it's got to be it's got to be there put it there it looks everywhere i remember them saying to me oh that's not good john's not going to be very happy i was like oh dear mate i said there's anything i can do at this point lynn had no idea that the cousin had secretly taken the certificate a replacement would cost ten thousand pounds but john told her on the phone that he had to have one i went back to the guy and said what if i give you the money then you can get it sorted as soon as you get your money back give it me back no he said no we can't do that so i said no please please take the money john told lynn he would pay her back with the inheritance i transferred the money over to that way i said it's all a bit bizarre this i said but it's not not every day you meet someone that you know has has been left so much money in the world lynn returned to the uk confident that her money had helped john release his inheritance but there were more surprises to come john asked her to meet a security consultant called doug who'd now be taken over the legal side of his dad's will but at that meeting the security van pulled up and two men carrying a suitcase joined them when the suitcase was opened it was stuffed with us dollars and doug wasn't happy why is this not done this was meant to be changed into english money do you realize that now we can't do it blah blah blah blah big quite quite big argument really this is going to set things back we need this now and all this and i was like oh my goodness the two men left with the cash but a visibly upset doug told lynn that he now feared for his job he said he'd now need to pay 500 pounds a week for however long it took him to get the money converted into sterling cash that lin felt compelled to help contribute i think because i'd put so much money into it i felt i need to get this money back so i've got to give money to get money back you know i don't like seeing dog upset we sort of got this far i get five hundred thousand pounds for the hospice and i'll get my money back and everything be hunky-dory by now lynne's son had found out about the elaborate fraud that she had been drawn into he contacted action fraud and then the police who assigned detective kevin green to the case at the time when we met lynch she was 18 months into this fraud we had a lot awful lot of catching up to do in terms of a reactive investigation lin was still very much immersed in that fraud and actually this story read like a movie script as i got to know lynn a bit more i realized lynn plowed a heart and soul into someone who she'd formed an emotional attachment with she'd been manipulated in a very sophisticated manner but when the police told her that lynn couldn't accept that neither john nor doug were who they said they were i said well that's not true and that's not true i've met them i've had conversations that's not true i said so no i'm not getting scammed i think we've got to understand that lynn was probably a time in her life when she was open to manipulation she was looking for a real emotional bond and actually the people behind this scam really exploited that but the police's theory had sown the seeds of doubt and when lynn caught dug out on where he was living she realized she had been duped after all i felt humiliated embarrassed thought do you know what i've had enough forget the money forget everything that's how i felt but with lynn still in contact with both con men kevin hatched the plan to catch them out lynn would arrange to meet them with the next payment they'd requested we knew that he was incentivized by money and the promise of more money and he'd never failed to attend previously lynn would be present in the hotel we fully anticipated that he would turn up and basically the police operation was to ensure that we were there to arrest him when he did for lynn this meant potentially putting herself in harm's way if anything went wrong he'd already pre-booked a train for me he said five or six police officers are going to be in the train you're not going to know who they are that's for my protection obviously in case i bumped into him or something when you get to houston go into the toilet and the lady will put a tracker in your bag an understandably nervous lin made her way into the hotel lobby one of the hardest things i've ever done i don't even think there's words to express how i was feeling i just wanted it over with as doug made his way to greet lynn she gave the pre-ranged signal for the police to pounce [Music] it was something as simple as her putting a handbag on the table at which point we were able to identify the correct person and our officers were able to move in and affect an arrest [Music] i think he's probably been there so many occasions with lynn he was fairly complacent and just thought it was going to be another payday for him and that was a real nice moment is just to watch that switching power that balance of power where they had been more than happy to exploit lynn for 18 20 months and actually that was the moment where she was really integral into taking our life back doug real name ajibo ladalu was eventually convicted of fraud by false representation and sentenced to three years and nine months i think aj baladal did really misjudged lynn he thought she was vulnerable but he didn't realize that she was incredibly courageous and not as weak as he actually thought though police never caught john the man who started it all lynn can now see how she became so drawn into the scammers lies [Music] it's like your brain takes on a different dimension and when you get out of that sort of reality you were in and you see that a lot of things are so much clearer i was definitely well and truly groomed for months [Music] i've been on the trail of the con man who jupiter pat into parting with sixty thousand pounds and the evidence i've uncovered makes it clear exactly how he did it wow okay today kim and i are meeting pep to reveal the truth behind morgan giovanni to help her draw a line under the experience once and for all so we have been working hard we've been investigating just what's been going on and we've made some discoveries and if it's okay we'd like to share them with you yeah i'm really interested cool first we're showing her the details that make the passport he'd sent to her a fake if you look at how it's been cropped if you look at the background yeah that is not an official photograph that would be used for a particle right as well as that if you look at his name yeah you can see the font is sharper than this bit of text yes it is that's a pretty good sign that this has been faked did you spot any of that in in the beginning you know when he first sent these documents no and also when it comes over whatsapp it's really small yes of course it's really small i think the point for me is it felt like because he was sending this stuff he was legit and actually every bit of it was false which yeah you will recall this image that he sent you yes we did another search on that yeah and we found this image belongs to a man in turkey called attila attila now wow so he's used his facebook profile photo yeah as the passport photograph but you can see here that he has actually you can see his photos in a boxing ring so not only has he taken his photos he's also decided he's going to make himself be this boxing promoter because he can take his photographs and it can look yeah all very legit next we show pet the evidence that morgan's so-called daughter was bogus too do you remember that morgan sent you this yes university photo id of his daughter if you look at the o's if you take a careful look what can you spot oh they're identical okay yes they are they are actually yeah that suggests that this isn't handwriting but use of technology to manipulate the signature right but it's important to say that you absolutely did the right thing by asking for this form of id but clearly what's happened here is that he has used technology to try and pull the wool over your eyes and as with morgan's passport the person behind the photograph wasn't called tonya at all it is in fact a picture of an actress really an actress wow if you read her pins tweet it says if you've spoken to anyone that says they're me or using my photos they're lying don't get catfished yeah it's just uh disappointing all of it is disappointing but i'm glad to hear it i'm glad to have it picked apart i've been texting morgan pretending to be pat we're going to give him a call but what he doesn't know is that it won't be pat he's talking to hello hello morgan is that you yes embrace how are you i really have no bad intention for you i really have no bad plans to take money from you all my plans all my focuses i knew you were the person i love so i keep telling you just be patient don't listen to people because if you listen to people it's going to affect your relationship but you never listen to me well you know morgan i'm really sorry but i'm not actually pat but pat is a friend of mine my name's kim marsh and you're being recorded for broadcast on the bbc and we believe that morgan giovanni is a fake identity that you've created as part of a scam using photos that you've stolen from someone's facebook account morgan we believe that you are a scammer and that you're only speaking to us now to try and get more money out of pat isn't that right no no no you want to talk to pat yes right morgan you lie and lie and lie and you stole my entire life savings and you're still saying right now no i didn't no i didn't you're just a liar and i don't know how you live with yourself you're just uh an evil evil evil man no i do you need to talk like that it's not true well then return my money immediately and stop your web of lies i'm not lying to you where is pet's money the passport picture that you had the passport that you send we've we have shown pat the evidence to prove that you have lied we have shown pat the real identity of the man that you are pretending to be she knows she's seen it all bad what's your real name because your name your real name is not morgan so what is your real name hello he's just amazing isn't it i just find that shocking he is a professional at this you can tell yeah yeah he certainly seems to be are you okay yeah yeah i still well i'm just shocked by the world and i shouldn't be i know i keep saying that but i am yeah has this given you a sense of closure well it's definitely over yeah definitely i really appreciate it thank you pat thank you thank you for telling your story because it's really important it wasn't what pat wanted to hear but now she knows the details of how she was deceived i'm hoping it will help her start to move on when you have it laid out in front of you the level and the depth and the layers of you know how horrible people can be he was no longer him it was no longer morgan giovanni that i was talking to i was talking to a scammer you know though my mindset changed through that process which is good [Music] if you think you've been scammed in a similar way or have been asked to send money to someone you're talking to online then we'd like to hear from you email us at love or money at bbc dot co dot uk well that wasn't the last we heard from morgan giovanni a couple of hours later he sent me a message saying well done god bless goodbye i think he got the message yep and pat has definitely drawn a line under it all she told us that she's finally deleted all of the scammers photographs from her phone and is putting the whole thing behind her now everyone we've met knows it's unlikely they'll ever get their money back but hopefully they and you now know how to spot the signs that things aren't always what they see because you just can't be sure who's in it for love or money [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: ENDEVR
Views: 311,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free documentary, documentaries, full documentary, hd documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), Business Documentary, romance scam, online scam, dating site scams, romance scams, online dating scam, online dating, online dating catfish scam, dating scam, romance scam documentary, romance scam victims, romance scams 2022, online scams, online scamming methods, romance scams victims
Id: rPOa9_X6Dns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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