I Was Born In Prison and First Used Drugs At 8 | Minutes With | @LADbible

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tried the cocaine and it was like uh it was like all the drugs combined with icing on and a cherry on the top the taste of it i was married to the pipe it was just the most beautifulest feeling and taste and sensation you can imagine [Music] marine where were you born i was born in hmp-style women's prison in women's law in cheshire my mum was a prisoner a teenage prisoner my mum was undecided whether to sign me for adoption or not so she got released from custody and was unsure whether to give me away um so then i was seen by a welsh woman and a jamaican man they looked at me seeing my big beautiful saucer shaped eyes they said and uh they chose me so my mum told me from very very young that you didn't your mum didn't want to give you away she wanted to keep you but the circumstances what was going on around her and i her home life and whatnot she couldn't keep me she said um it was born in distress as well i never knew that what that meant so i used to think about that a lot and then at nights i tried to sleep but i couldn't sleep so i'd be banging my head off the pillow and hold my breath to try and not wake up the next morning because i thought wherever that place is that's where my mum is so i used to try and get there by holding my breath and my dad he got raised very tough so his mum and dad apparently didn't like him he'd let him move he lifted it and he had to run away from home and whatnot so he was a very tough man so he used to go to town on me a lot beat me a lot with her belts bamboo canes so my mum obviously my adoptive mum she was beautiful towards me but when my dad used to hit me she used to say don't hit him around the head so that used to confuse me a bit she won't say don't hit him she does say don't hit him wrong head anyway 11 years old there's these blocks of flats opposite where i lived and he was this lady was about 16 and i got speaking to him and stuff and i had this games console like a computer console and um he told me he had some games for it so we went to his house and he he he said no i haven't got it my mates got it over in the other block of flats so i went over with him and um it was some old man like in his 50s so i just didn't think he was right anyway what's in the house the guy just pulled me straight into the bedroom pull his big wooden toolbox behind it and started just tearing at me with his tongue or licking me and stuff so he tells me clothes off and raped me anyway so i was 11 i got raped i went home shocked like couldn't speak next day come home from school he sat in my mum and dad's house so like i'm i'm mortified so he started talking to him he's talking to my mum and dad saying him oh yeah my mum thanks you very much for helping her go shop going shop for yesterday do you mind going shop for us i was like wow i'm a mum and dad not said anything just like talking to him like you know him so i just thought wow so i started this was happening for a little bit hopping for all over the summer couple a couple of couple of summers i got i was getting raped till i was about summer of uh two years i didn't feel i couldn't normalize it in my mind i didn't feel normal i felt like uh i was from a different universe i didn't feel worthy of this earth because i've never been no one had ever treated me with any love and respect so far with genuine love and affection what were the ways you found to cope with all of that i used uh butane gas i started on butane gas when i was eight years of age um i went into an empty house and it was loads of these glue bags on the floor and a tin of glue so i've seen the glue bags so if i'm going to try it so i put the bag inside the glue and scraped it round and started sucking on it and it just sent me to like it was it felt like the place where i should have been when i was born not this place so it was a beautiful place it was hallucinogenic it took me away uh it was an escape so i didn't think anything of it but i knew it was wrong i was very confused growing up uh i was trying to find my mum i used to run away from home a lot to try and find all i could think about was my mum growing up so then the the drugs were sort of taking me there to try and meet her like we have this we have this invisible card what binds us and i could feel a pulling on it when i was like 14 i started taking lsd started taking ecstasy started taking amphetamine my drug use started getting a lot worse as i was getting older um i was taking more and more drugs so when i got to 15 i was playing up in school i've been expelled i've been sent to a school like where you need a bit of extra help for being a bit of a nuisance in the classroom so i went and i went there a couple of times but by then i was selling drugs for a girl after school so i was doing that after school for money to buy over drugs and experiment with other drugs and then i was out in a club one night we used to go to like the ascendant conspiracy and all these all these clubs and i was out in a club one night and uh seeing this girl and dancing on the dance floor and she looked really pretty and dead fun and i started chatting to her and then she offered me to go back to where so she lived local to me she said to me um sat in her house she said you've ever took cocaine so i said yeah yeah but what i only did is i've only tried it in joints in nightclubs before because he'd like a little spliff coke had been passed around so i've never really tried it but i was to kind of i was only 17 trying to show off saying yeah i've tried it and she came in with a pipe with the photo with ash on it with a big piece of crack on it it was white cocaine to me so i tried the cocaine and it was like it was like all the drugs combined with icing on and a cherry on the top so i quickly became addicted to crack cocaine i don't understand how how it's gripped me but so much it was so nice it was so the taste of it i was married to the pipe it was just the most beautifulest feeling and taste and sensation you can imagine i was stealing i was stealing out the city center i was shot lifting i was going in and out of prison getting recalled getting arrested for thefts and whatnot so how many times all in all you've been in in and out of prison i've been to prison probably between 25 and 30 times i used to go to prison many times for thefts and um i'd get very short sentences but in in fact it was very good for me because i was a crack addict i was skinny as a rake so then little six week sentences used to help me put on weight get my physical self back in order and soon as i'd walk into prison anyway i'd know everybody everyone would be like yes you're back on the wing buzzing so uh i'd be selling drugs on the wing for people um selling heroin selling anything tablets cannabis how easy is it to get drugs in prison oh it's very easy yeah very easy to get drugs in prison i um i was hanging around with the gang who was at all the links and there were always the right plugs and we was getting throw overs off over the wall so he was anywhere up to a kilo of cannabis resin coming over six mobile phones uh steroids needles subutex crack cocaine cocaine and so it does come over the wall it was very very easy a lot of people in prisoner spend a lot of money in prison as well like there's people who go to prison who have got money and they start spending so what happens is you give them say a quarter of cannabis they give you 200 pound but their girlfriend passes at your girlfriend on the street so it's very easy to get in a lot of debt as well so they've been times when i've been asked to go collecting debts in prison as well like what um say hot watering people and whatnot but um that didn't happen often and uh also doing like people say they want to see blood so uh if someone says they want to see blood off the head so i and i knew that person who was doing the hit on i'd say to them look i've got to do a hit on you these wages on your head um just let me let me tap your eye over here like you're doing raptures with your knuckles like that i'll pop your eye open there'll be a lot of blood it won't hurt and um sometimes i'd have to do that it was necessary so the guy the kid would get out of trouble and i'd get paid the wages as well so yeah i did that a few times um not very proud of them situations though what do you think were the worst experiences in prison um i've watched someone's head get squashed in a door killed and someone hold some of the 10-pound canteen so the lord punched him as he punched him the light fell on the floor and as he's fell on the floor the lad who punched him so i said get out my cell and but he fell on the floor and he's headed caught between the door and as he's pushed the door he slammed the door and he crushed his skull on the floor and he was dead so when i got out of prison when i was 20 i'm just stopping people in cars saying my mate in the park's got the best drugs and i'm getting paid for that so that's how i'm carrying on my crack cocaine addiction and then i've got the working girls coming to me and saying marv who's got the best crap but i wasn't really a drug deal i was just a crackhead i was just trying to get a little bit of shekels off everyone who's selling drugs you know i'm trying to get customers for them and whatnot so how long your crack addiction lasted for i had a 20-year crack addiction i fell in love with it there was nothing like it on earth it's the most strongest drug in the world it's the most addictive drug on the planet for a reason what happened when i was 33 i was still a raging crack addict 33 years of age new year's eve i'm riding down the road i've just come out of prison i see this guy we know and this guy punches girls puts them on the beat forces them to smoke crack forces them into prostitution so i see him with some young girl and i say to him yeah what are you doing with her mate don't you dare take her onto that beat down there so he's going oh no whoa i won't i'm just there i'm just having her drinks because it was new year's eve bear in mind so he's gotten in the news agents in the shop so i said to the girl yeah take my number if you need me for anything phone me like because he's trouble stay away from him so um she takes my number half an hour later rings her back and says you're all right so she's crying she said okay he's just beat me up in a gay village you need to come and help me so i went and rid on my little bike so i'll go and get her uh start talking to her and find out that she's only 18. she's having a bit of trouble at home and stuff and she's with this guy and this guy's much older i said so he needs to get away from him he will get you addicted to drugs and he will get you on the beat before you can even realize what's happening so uh that was that leave it next day i rinser again say i will you what you're doing so she said he's beating me up i need to get away from him he's beat me up because i left with you last night so i've oh i'm somebody's staying at my niece's house i've just come out of prison i ain't got a secure address i'm in a little spare bedroom so i throw my niece up and i say look i just met this girl and she's only young she's not a drug addict do you mind if she stays in my room with me she went don't you dare bring no scruffs here so i said i want a promise so anyway bro brought her to the house so she's staying at the house i get recalled to prison i'm wanted for a license breach so i get recalled to prison while i'm in prison she phones me up from prison and says he's just levered me in on a bus so i say to her go to the police so she said no it's grassing i said it's not grassy so i convinced her to go to court against this man and get him five and a half years so we got locked up for that so that was very empowering and i've been with the girl ever since and now we've been together for 15 years so every time i'm smoking crack for hours i can't wait for it to go so i can go back to living a normal life because i won't smoke crack in her house i won't smoke crack near her so i'm going to the house i've got no crap i'm waking up the next morning all i can think about is crack so i'm running away i'm running and running all the time and she's following me to crack houses saying you've got to stop you've got to stop doing this like you're not happy and i knew i wasn't happy but i was working with an adoption agency because i was adopted and they wouldn't open me adoption file for me she kept saying to me um when you get off drugs we will help we will go to the next step so i wanted to get clean so i could find my birth family when i was clean my adoption agents at work i said right you're ready to open your adoption file so i went away so happy thinking yes i'm gonna find my mum finally at last two weeks later she phones me up i walk in she gives me my mum's death certificate she says i'm so sorry i couldn't tell you before so they said to me we've got the best news in the world your mum's gone but we have found your birth mom's family so i said all right then somebody said we're going to have to send all your previous convictions to them and then they've got to decide whether they want to get to know me or not so i wait so i'm dead nervous thinking they're going to want to know me or not and my auntie contacts me my auntie contacts them and says yeah i want a relationship with him so what had happened was when my mum gave me away how much how my mum how my auntie found out about me was she started seeing them a lot called marvin and moon found out now my mum called me marvin at birth so my adoptive mom never changed it out of respect for her she put lee at the front but she never called me lee she always called me marvie and that's how they found out yeah i i have just had the most amazing time like they've been beautiful towards me really nice people greek cypriot very family orientated loving family very tight-knit looking back at your life and everything you've been through if you could change one thing what would you what would you change [Music] my mum signing that certificate to give me away yeah that was it i would rather with my mum then whatever happened to me because whatever happened to my mum is a sad tale but my my life was i needed her i needed my mum i went searching for all my life i just couldn't find her i tried so hard and i wanted to find her when i was on drugs but i didn't feel i felt i didn't deserve to look for a while i was a drug addict you know what i mean i didn't feel like she'd want to know me or anything like that so i decided i wouldn't wouldn't try and find her while i was on drugs but the minute i got off drugs i was ready i was ready to do this i missed out on living a normal fam normal life i wasn't a member of normal member of society when i was stealing and committing crime i used to go into the city center and i wouldn't walk down the main fur affair i'd be walking down every little back street and entry possible because i never felt worthier to be a member of that humanity i'd never felt that it'd ever give me anything good it treated me really bad so i never felt like it i was part of it i always felt like it was a different part of it i'm at peace i've just had a baby my girlfriend had a baby two years old he is now happier than i've ever been in my life [Music] and as they were walking around me one of them would punch me headbutt me as this was going on the guy was looking down at me asking me questions and i became convinced that i wasn't going to leave there in one piece
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 1,868,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lad bible, lad bible, lad, bible, videos, viral videos, viral, documentaries, exclusives, interviews, unilad minutes with, minutes with crack addict, minutes with drug addict, interview with drug addict, interview with crack addict, crack addiction, butane gas addiction, raped as a child, prison and crime, drugs and crime, drugs and prison, adoption stories, born in prison, drug addiction recovery
Id: AHXj82EIb7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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