I Wanted to Make an ENTIRE BeamNG Mod in ONE DAY

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today I was thinking that I might make the greatest automation mod of all time and this is the base which we're gonna start with this thing that's not like any other vehicle in the world whatsoever now I could go over everything about this car from the sort of suspension it has to the big lumpy push rod V8 it has but none of that really matters I could even show you what this thing is like in BeamNG with how much power it has the great sound that makes the breaking the turn in the lovely amounts of oversteer this thing creates and just how controllable it is but once again this does not matter see the big issue with automation is the fact that they're just one simple Collision mesh you can have certain things breakable but it's not a great system to be honest there's a reason why automation has its own category and yes it also has just by Far and Away the most amount of mods but that's because they're easy make mine today not gonna be quite so easy what I plan to do is turn this into basically a full-fledged BeamNG car now you may be asking Phil what do you mean by that what's the plan well I'm gonna take everything here and kind of transplanted it into everything it basically take the mesh and then grab a vehicle like this and put the body just all the flex bodies in there well what car options do we have I wanted to be old so it's going to have to be something like this or the gavel Barstow the problem is is well we get into suspension issues that's a solid axle that's a solid axle solid axle because this is the sort of suspension it has now this is a weird sort of setup and the most that this would be close to is what we would consider a double Wishbone the problem is there's no double wishbone for suspension on the rear of basically any normal vehicle in all my searching this is seriously the only one that has it as we go under here we can see we've got a lower Wishbone and an upper Wishbone perfect um well it's also got push rod weird it's also a transaxle which is not like that other car it's also rather new and if we go in and have a look at how much this weighs we can see it's nearly 1500 kilos and the Shelby Cobra waves are there a little over a ton so this is not a work so I'm giving up on the independent array suspension issue the plan is Miramar so let's go into our unpacked folder and make the perfect automation mod don't ask questions hey new viewers how many subscribers do you think I have well go have a look we're also going to call this like an AC underscore KO then we're gonna go to the Miramar and we're gonna start off with not so much this right now but instead we're gonna go down and grab the main J beam to start with then we're gonna grab our new mod which is gonna start dragging things across first no don't need the docker uh all of the Dae sorry the DDS files my brain is not working very well and if we go into here we can grab the Dae file now let's go ahead and call this the uh they underscore C since that's what we're gonna call this car I reckon replace all of the author names with mine change a few of the other little details here and this all looks good we should probably change everything relating to this now we're gonna go in and drag across the mirror my body do the same little tweaks and change everything Miramar with Bassy we are however going to be keeping all of the nodes so that'll make our job a lot easier this is where we're gonna get a little bit more technical as we can see here under Flex bodies which is where the meshes are drawn from whatever uh we've got a whole bunch of things in here which just don't exist at the moment if we have just a look here we have the body the like the wrong names and all that sort of stuff yeah we also probably want to break this up so let's go select all by trait loose geometry and you can see that there's they just gotta hidden everywhere delete them then we're gonna have to start dividing this in into vehicle parts and this is going to get a little bit messy so let's grab the body change the name with that to be a little bit more consistent we're going to then go in we're going to select just the dash area you know what we can grab all of the Interior just to make it a little bit easier to move everything eventually then with that selected we're gonna duplicate it we're gonna go in control I delete vertices go back to the original delete vertices and now we have the body and the interior as separate objects perfect job's all done right no not yet we're now gonna have to do that for the the hood the door and the door liners the trunk uh lights are gonna have to go as well the exhaust is gonna have to be modified uh oh I just realized I've also deleted the exhaust shoot damn it later that same evening and just like that I've separated every individual party could ever want to realistically separate and this has taken a little bit of time so it's not you know nothing and then hopefully default dragged the body out look at that it's back to front rotate 180 degrees and now it's all going to be perfectly done yes good except it is too low so I mean we're gonna be editing the nodes but we may as well get the mesh done easily I think we might actually you know what screw it I am going to run the front suspension in the front and rear and I'm just going to edit a version of the suspension as well so let's grab the Miramar Dae uh for now we're only going to take the suspension and then in here we're gonna control V it in then we're going to go ahead and duplicate this and move it to the rear front suspension a wide track it dependent front suspension hell yeah man except no wheels uh uh we might look into that next we're going to grab the Bonnet which is misnamed the hood give it the correct name and then replace all Miramar with our new name and this is where we're gonna get into things in a little bit more tricky because we're now starting to deal with hood latches and whatnot if we go in here the hood lifts forwards oh well have no fear turns out that the AC Cobra also has the engine Hood go forwards or Shelby you know what I haven't actually looked into the difference between AC and Shelby but I probably will at some point but yeah you get the idea when I say either or put the Bonnet in and would you look at that do we have oh this is going to be a little bit tricky to find isn't it because uh if we have a look at the Collision mesh the latch should be right there oh no good it works perfect um now this is something I completely didn't think of I'm guessing the latches yeah attached on a radiator support which is not here at all but that's fine we can at least have the uh radiator support in here without any Flex bodies and perfect in every conceivable way there's nothing wrong with this so clearly yes there is issues we will get to alignment later though can you go back down good thank you let's try to figure out why these wheels are not coming in oh okay we're missing a thing for wheel data wheel data does exist here I suppose I could just grab will data from this then under our suspension we'll just kind of stick it in the middle somewhere uh I think right there front spindles oh wait that was called spindles weird hey look at that it's worked and do we have steering yes we do fan Fantastic it's all good well let's go do that three yeah okay I'm sorry suspension front control C control V is going to make it a copy let's make that an ah and the only thing we're really needing to change here for now is get rid of steering change the variables all to be rear related I'm gonna use node offset to move everything backwards a bit start do that I just realized what I did wrong I'm an idiot uh all of these notes got the same name uh so let's go ahead change all of these with ours and now with all of those changed hopefully I mean the beams will be connected in the wrong parts of the body but Ctrl R we have ourselves independent resuspension let's bring up beams yep okay so beams are there they don't mind being long but they don't like being short that is that's weird and then we're gonna start looking at uh which nodes go where in fact actually you know what hold on we I don't think we need you at all so goodbye to you make the body invisible and then we're gonna start comparing nodes this is all of them connected to each other then we've got the attached to body section f10rr ah F10 is about here so that's right in the middle uh we have R1 okay so F10 will become F1 or R1 if you can't quite tell this is gonna take a really long time ah and every single time I have to find it so I can find a Rel well here we go relative one so that is in front of the axle instead we'll go the f4r oh it's another one that's directly above uh you know what no this one's gonna be attached to tb1 okay that's done oh that took a lot more than what it should have let's go ahead put in the front suspension because I'm headed out to make it a little bit easier to see what I was doing then rear suspension uh doesn't look like it's attached no it is attached oh that's right because I did the steering thing in me Bobby let's move all of this forwards a bit close our suspension then all we want to do is grab all of the nodes in here and move them forwards and maybe even these that could actually you know what hold on we can drag in the body if we go ahead export this now as an obj then in here no hold on editor editor uh open the new obj that we have it'll there we go good so now we know what we want to grab and how to move things now if we hit Ctrl R we won't have the wheels obstructed piff oh broken babes you know what for now that's fine everything else seems to be sticking fairly well well I was able to stop the suspension from breaking what I ended up doing was just removing a few things eventually until they uh stopped breaking so I think I removed like four things and that got it to work uh what we might do is start by I think we we really don't need that so can I delete those good that seems to be just about as dangerous as what we want it to be we're now going to I mean I'm going to try this one I don't know if it's gonna work but if we select maybe we'll go into quad view for this because I don't want to grab the stuff around the wheel well I just want to grab basically this part [Music] here I'm thinking here a little bit there hopefully holding shift nope holding shift in Quad view does not work God damn it so let's drag you back into place Dragon down into place now let's hit Refresh on the Bonnet and hit Refresh on the body and then drag the note section over again then back in BeamNG we refresh uh Okay then if we're lucky hey it looks like it's working but where is there it is I see it it's making it difficult then select that look at that oh well that wasn't meant to happen uh the other thing is I want to change the pivot point I wonder how it pivot does it pivot on just those nodes can I move that back to here uh it does seem to Pivot along h4s all right well I suppose that's fine uh we should grab those nodes and move them back much much later it is the next day and if we have a look at my clock down here you can see that it is the middle of the day because I was up until about 4 a.m last night getting this thing to the current state that it's in as you can see it has uh like a working hood for the most part it's got working doors it's got a semi-functional trunk but yeah uh no engine it's because I've not done the engine yet and that's because the engine in this one was kind of special it was the big 427 from Ford now we didn't really get this engine in Australia so I don't really know much about it all I know is that it's like a 6.9 liter something uh V8s big engine and luckily I don't have to make one I don't even have to use the one that was in the car that's because it already exists basically this by default comes with a 4.5 liter but if we have a look inside here a 6.9 liter a good thing ruined by a period anyway here's the engine looks exactly the same now all we have to do is make sure that this thing has the right amount of Power by default it has 262 PS which is basically horsepower but it should come with 355 approximately and 420 football hey blaze it except I don't want this to actually plays that would be problematic stock long book what about like a performance long block wow okay that did give me a lot of power in fact actually like way too much power can I like reduce the amount of power we got in this is ridiculous there's too much of a power jump between stage one and stage two so we're gonna go stage one then we're gonna go a race exhaust manifold we're a little bit short there but we're a lot short on talk so even though I want this intake manifold I think we're gonna have to go something a little bit more powerful and immediately too much power after lots of fiddling we're able to be just a little bit short and a little bit short again but these numbers are fairly equal in their uh shortness of their main goals so I feel that this is probably the best lineup I mean it's not a huge amount of power when we're talking about a vehicle that's about a ton this is not too bad but now if I want to put this in here well there's a little bit of a trick because this engine is not for this vehicle it is a common vehicle engine so that means all I have to do is put that engine name into the slot type for this vehicle if you go into the pickup frame JDM that's where the engine slot should be and pick up engine now if we go into slots for our vehicle engine will be right there perfect then it pops up and we got ourselves the 6.9 light of the eye no problems whatsoever and now I am just trying to figure out why it won't drive so let's go into uif we're gonna add in power train visualizer and I see that we have power going to the clutch to the transmission to the transfer case to the torsion reactor whatever that is uh then a drive shaft a differential and then the wheel axles which don't go out to the wheels themselves half shafts go out to wheel axle RL uh that should go to the wheels I don't know why it doesn't let's try to see where else the half shafts are drawn from it's also in suspension apparently okay and here we have it okay I reckon if we just copy that go back into our differential which we've put into our car and paste that in there this should work after a quick refresh hey oh my God please oh it's driving big yes oh my God this is glorious after all of this work it's been I like I started this 24 hours ago oh my God it's amazing and also that like Hood Shaker I ended up getting rid of the carburetor all together and just decided to run this Hood Shaker which I uh made from default he gets a little try adding a um uh super charge drone but I still think it's pretty dark cool oh my God this thing is oh really hard to drive if only making that uh Napier Railton from scratch was as easy as this thing but I reckon I can probably pump that one out a little bit quicker now much like the real thing this thing is actually really hard to drive the only thing that I really have a bit of an issue with is the fact that the back end doesn't really pinch up very much like the real car I think we've busted the rear suspension it's a little bit wacky uh also along with this there's going to be another mod that I'm going to release and it's all these grilles and as you can see this Grille kind of like goes inwards like that there's gonna be a new automation model up in the workshop it's gonna be these girls I probably would have had a much uglier looking car if I didn't make this mod uh so I'm glad I did that and you guys will get to try it out I'm not really happy with the boot what I might do is get rid of the stripes altogether and then make a uh skin thing instead that's fine I want to give this a proper try at something and for this I'm thinking I'm going to do a race against other cars now I've not done this in a very long time and I get the feeling that some of these cars might be a little bit faster than mine so let's see how we can do stutter up get her into cabin mode get it into gear even if we're a little bit late there I don't know where my red line is I haven't dialed in haha the gauges oh hello oh this thing loves to oversteer [Music] lots of power did they just no I have some like completion physics on damn it I don't know if this car is really drivable to be honest it's seemingly problematic I'm also getting pondered around like right what is even happening what are you guys doing I've given myself like three laps so I have time to overtake them and safely oh my God what the hell what a what if oh my God he just pitmaneuvered me this guy sucks I'm not gonna lie oh I'm in sick now and that's not great uh six back it to fifth then into Force because that guy ain't got nothing on the big block oh my God all right you know what this thing needs more tuning let's do a little bit of tuning whilst these guys get a little bit of practicing because seemingly they need it more than I do except they don't go off on their own whatever strive driving is just around the track at all right now lots of wheel swim but already with two degrees rear toe in this thing actually becomes very controllable already okay I've not actually driven this at all so I thought I'd push it there a little bit and that was a mistake okay let's instead bring it out to the old Lamont track which is something that this vehicle might have seen a few done to the very least let me switch into a cabin camera there we go all right powering it over here through the Dunlop tunnel or start breaking they're doing okay you know what nice and easy Glide down on the brakes a slow turn in and a slow turn oh I'll try to power on without losing control and we're gonna see if we hit that rev limiter or not okay now going on to the more sand Street and then we're just we're gonna push it I know we're running like oil starvation not highly sure why but uh into Tokyo now this thing should not be reaching anywhere near 200 miles per hour which is 320 kilometers an hour but we should be getting to the high 200s Maybe 260 270 oh we're overheating [Applause] [Music] to 80. no that's about 1 8 just shy of 180 miles per hour oh this thing is dangerous and I love it oh my God all right well I'm going to show this to my friends and say hello to my new car that is Flawless in every single way oh sick do you like you want to see something cool well they're a little bit jammed at the moment buy it yeah that's cool that's really cool uh yeah uh even hold on give it a second wheels on it yep I mean BeamNG Wheels you can do by default uh now that's a default thing but this mod is actually a lot more complicated than that got doors yep it's even got a BeamNG engine very very similar to the actual thing so what I've done here is I basically exported from automation well turn the turn your game audio down nah anyway I exported it from automation then took the 3D model and chucked the rest away and made it all with uh BeamNG stuff what do you think I really like it I mean I I was thinking you know who would like an American like kind of flawed vehicle Vans venswood yes oh God this car is hard to control yeah it's as if it's not a great vehicle no I mean this vehicle is is the perfect automation mod nothing is wrong with this whatsoever oh I just got I just got sucked into a fence I got sucked into the fence and all my textures went away yeah I'm not actually sure exactly what's happening now I'm gonna have to look into that one but yeah for some reason when the tires go they change material oh my God I can't drive in a straight line for God's sake oh my God got sucked into a fence too is there gonna are you gonna have a race with these like uh like a specbury like an AC Cobra spec race I mean I'd have to fix what's wrong with the car I reckon first but this mod is probably going to get released as is like as janked as it is right now I can't add to it this car is out of my skill range I'm surprised you were able to drive so well what's that supposed to be the car sucks that's what it's supposed to mean oh this sucks this is pretty good compared to some of my vehicles that I built I mean it's not really an automation car to be honest I mean you remember my uh oh remember my ovaries cars you are remember my race car is like the Pikes Peak one oh God we're talking years ago now man I don't remember yeah and you're like man Vince your car sucks that sounds about right about how bad yours were yours was and then you drove mine and you're like wow yours is way worse it was in 1916 right oh my God yeah Wipeout yeah I died you've got a bit of a speed bonus oh my God I can't accelerate in a straight line apparently why would to me oh my sister clipped me and yeah somehow managed to destroy my suspension not on my screen man my bad want me to slow out I mean you are quite a ways ahead of me so what are you overall out of 10. compared to say like the Bastion what do you give this car out of 10. 10. I like the wonkiness as well it's realistic thanks for lying and uh I hope everyone else has enjoyed this video that has now taken me well over 24 hours I am exhausted I'm gonna go now but in the meantime I would like to thank my channel members and that specifically includes all my mid-tier channel members you guys are all very much appreciated for the rest of you I'll catch you all next time and bye watch out for filming 85. yeah that guy's uh he's he's an imposter [Music]
Channel: fillman86
Views: 37,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: automation, the car company tycoon game, mod, modding, beamng modding, miramar
Id: JzdHOfAqx1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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