I Waited 235 Days to Catch This Pokémon

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on May 22nd 2023 the master ball was released in Pokémon go and after 235 days three countries and hundreds of daily incense attempts I finally used it what you're about to witness is one of the most difficult Journeys I've ever embarked on for a reward that really isn't that hard to get and it all started in Alaska good morning from Sitka Alaska where our adventure begins today and most importantly our research breakthrough box which will have dust balls no remote raid pass and all right whatever this is not what we're here for today what we're here for I think is this let's go research it's time to get the Master Ball in Pokémon go grab the XP and the encounter with a with choke and we will move on to the next phase of This research we get start us we get XP okay we have to catch 25 Pokemon defeat three team go rocket grunts make three Excellence of all five battle in gy but first we're getting on this ship this ship right here and uh catching some Pokémon and fish okay and with this teig just kidding with this temp pull we will get 25 Pokémon oh there's so many right here we have 25 Pokémon caught we get the Stardust from that now make three Excellence oh we got this right here one two that's done and that gives us an encounter with farfetched and now battle in a gym three times luckily team Instinct and Valor is taken over here uh in Sitka Alaska boom there's one bam there's two going to claim this gym for the boys in blue that rhymed in the next gym here which we're going to take out immediately boom battle in the gym three times check and then from that we get five revives and now defeat three team go rocket grunts we've got one right here let us clap this and Bam one defeated and actually as we sit down for breakfast we're going to do the Evolve five Pokemon task real quick as I evolved the Pokémon to reach the next step the family and I grabbed a much needed meal before heading out into the Wilderness of Alaska welcome to Totem Park here in Sitka and welcome for some 12 km eggs we're going to hatch these bad boys obviously we are hunting down team rocket right now and that's going to pretty much finish off our tasks to get us the one and only Master Ball in Pokémon go and we do have a Team Rocket grun ahead of us as you can see here actually in the woods there's tons of Poké stops this is actually a really good place to play here in Sitka because of all the totems that are all Poké stops so we just need to get to that one ahead of us and we'll be one grunt away oh we have to come with claim the Stardust let's get [Music] that what a pretty place like look at this there's like a big grassy field right here with a totem pole it's beautiful out here in Alaska even more beautiful is there's a gym here which your boy is going to claim for the boys in Blue Team Mystic we got to leave a flex though I'm leaving the shiny Heracross that is definitely flexus Maxim okay and right here we're going to spin this stop it's another totem and we do have another team rocket to battle and this is the third and final Team Rocket that we need use some fire type Pokemon for this and of course it's Shuckle with the highest defense in the entire game oh it's a rock type no Pokemon go not making this master ball easy also too we are if I didn't mention in be country right now so we do kind of have to be careful which is why you'll see me looking over my shoulder the entire time we're doing this good thing Jake's here though you're supposed to stay in groups of [Music] four what in the world okay it's noon you're also supposed to make noise to scare Bears off so that just scared all the humans off as well so we should be good cool team go rocket defeated we will see it right there check defeat three team go rocket members which is a monumentous moment in Pokémon go in my personal history because that means we have unlocked and can finally get the first ever master ball that has ever been released in Pokémon go this is a huge deal sweet Shuckle down and then now we can do it all right we can do it we can claim the last the he snper potions the let's go research is done and here we are we're going to hit the rewards let's see it nice you have received a master ball so cool I know I'm way late to the game here sorry I've been offline here in Alaska and there it is the Master Ball in Pokémon go the very best Pokeball with the ultimate performance it will catch any Pokémon in the wild without fail we get the XP we get the Stardust we get Professor Willow yes it is snazzy thank you good sir so cool and then uh yeah wait so what when I enter into a Pokemon encounter and we go in here do we have it yes we have it the master ball now I have a masterful plan to use this brand new item and it's well it might take us a while oh and Jake is about to get his master ball as well hit it let's go nice Jak what are you can use your master ball on we already know but you're going to have to stay to find out master ball in hand it was now time to embark on the most difficult part of the journey a challenge I was completely unprepared for that would take me an amount of time time I'd never imagine so after enjoying a bit of what Alaskan Wildlife had to offer it was time to begin that what's cool also quick tip if you're ever in Sitka Alaska I would highly recommend coming to se Daddy for some fish sticks this place is fantastic I mean look at this beautiful lump of fish this place is good okay so now we have a problem well now we have a master ball and the big question is what is the master ball good for is it even worth using in Pokémon go well we're not going to answer that question because we're going to use the master ball you see I'm the self-proclaimed leader of Team Mystic forget blanch it's me and as the leader of Team Mystic it is wrong that when I search gallar and legendary and go by number the only Garian legendary birds I've ever caught are two gallerian zaptos which are still great that I got these but I don't have the gallerian legendary Articuno Articuno being the legendary bird of my team team Mystic so starting now we're going to use our daily Adventure incense every single day until we get a gallerian artic Kuno which we will catch with 100% certainty so in rainy Sitka Alaska let's drop the daily incense on day one and see what we get starting with well look at this the Alaskan the regional Pokemon up here oh my god oh stop no no no oh my God I muscle memory the Ultra Ball and almost used a master ball I actually almost accidentally used the master ball thank God there's an are you sure screen oh my God I was well it would have been on pisu which would have been cool but okay ply wagon Psyduck drifloon pry what the temple these elements are too harsh for these garbage spawns I had no idea at the time but this daily incense would be the first of hundreds in a long journey that would test both my patience and my determination to catch them all which gives us a grand total of 24 Pokémon on our first attempt and using our master ball here in Sitka Alaska luckily for me I leave tomorrow so it's not going to be cold the rest of the video okay we try again another day okay so we have left Alaska we're here actually at the Seattle airport we found Jake and Jake we're not going to the same place place right now as we Sprint to my gate because my fight board's in 15 20 minutes we're going to use the daily incense and see if we can get the bird that we're looking for so we can use the master ball that we're looking for I was finally back home in Los Angeles and over the next 2 weeks I ran my incense every day trying to get any bird to spawn I even went to the happiest place on Earth Disneyland to attempt to get some Disney Magic flowing into the game unfortunately with no luck until I received a spark of hope not from the incense but from an egg I decided not to film this I'm an idiot look shiny rockruff oh my God we actually hatched one that is insane I had the 10 km eggs and I was like ah we'll skip him hatch past them we got a rockruff that's incredible even more incredible cuz I just transferred one of these uh in a Pokemon card video check that out if you haven't seen it already that was painful the next few days went by without a bird spawn so I decided to use a different strategy okay here the next day of daily incense to be honest with you I haven't ran it in a couple days so I brought my one only good luck charm I'm Sydney Goodwin okay we're going to see if we get with today wait can you tap that run okay Sid just pops her daily incense for the first time ever so we're going to see if we can get some like beginner Birds luck also what was the question you just asked me said how have you not gotten mugged playing this before I I have no memory of where we've walked I I was not paying attention to anything pay attention while you're playing it's the you know it's the intro screen oh maybe maybe sit is good luck I just got a Charizard on The Daily incense I don't think I've ever had that before and it could be shiny I should have had you click that okay well nice it's pretty good have you found anything cool in your daily incense um I just tried to catch this like aggressive City you catching city city city okay we're back we're winded we got 25 spawns but it's really cool one so good luck charm thank you you get anything off your inent did you just call me good luck charm yeah I have a name H I got an Abra and then I got the what was that called the she found a pat rat in Daily incense and did the wait the pat rat walk you wanted to show the does he want like that yeah really we'll see you guys tomorrow and after only a day of engaging the girlfriend luck charm the first bird of the adventure spawned oh my God we got a bird we got a bird it's the wrong bird we got a gallerian Moltres on The Daily incense do we do we use it do we use the master ball 2300 CP Garian molis well yeah I'm going to throw an Ultra Ball a a golden raspberry down and the question is do we use the master ball on our first gallerian bird we've seen in like a month of looking they have definitely nerfed the spawn rates on the gallerian birds since the master ball has been released for I guess logical reasons I I'm annoyed by it but it is what it is do we use the master ball I have decided no I'm going to try to catch this by hand with an Ultra Ball and an excellent we hit the excellent I hit the excellent golden raspberry excellent no dude this didn't even it didn't even Shake bro it didn't even Shake it's useless what oh we still have 8 minutes oh pain and suffering today 22 Pokémon on The Daily and one garan Bird That Got Away even though that one got away it wouldn't be much longer until we got our next shot oh my God we got another bird we Jake's the good luck charm we got a gallerian mol tap it thank God a gallerian molis listen I don't have this bird yet we're looking for Articuno all I want is an Articuno ra M ball m m we're not using the master ball 758 although I do not have a gallerian molc in my Pokédex yet so getting this would be huge so this would be massive if we get this uh but also at the same time I don't want to waste too much time on it because this is not what we're looking for this is not the goal of the video so we're going to have to wait until we get another Articuno but if we keep walking we might find one so honestly I think I'm just going to wait for it to dodge and then I'm just going to launch a ball watch this Jake excellent dang it EXC that was so bad you're the worst from hell all right we're going to keep going that is a painful day well sort of at least we got a bird spawn so like you know the hope is there but 22 Pokemon on did you get anything no rough day in the office rough day in the office I have no idea what day this is I'm lost I'm broken we're going to try again this lucky streak was far from over because what happened next would change the game there's no way look what we just got a garan Zapdos we got another it's 49 CP oh my go okay so obviously obviously listen I've got two gallerian Zapdos already in the bag caught these both uh or caught this both times we're not going to use a Master Ball in this that would be a waste just because we already have it but 49 CP this might be my best chance ever at catching a garan bird and unfortunately it's the one we already have and you know what I'm going to keep walking I'm going to hit it walking watch this excellent one hand no no yes no I blew it I blew it that was my bad oh my God I'm so stupid oh well I we have more spawns still we have time and an unfortunate 23 Pokémon caught with the Garian zap just they got away we get the Articuno tomorrow today is a huge day because today begins a week of 30 minute daily incense as part of the 7th anniversary event since I already got my shiny Mew I now get 30-minute daily incense so we don't get the bird during this week we'll never get it the next few days were filled with big incense sessions including a random shiny at Disneyland the next few 30-minute daily incenses flew by with the most exciting moment being Sid getting her favorite Pokémon and her Pokedex a cute little Totodile and at this point new feature routes was being released and I was hoping it would bring with it a spawn there's also another major update to talk about Community Day and it's going to be oh my God wait wait wait never mind forget it forget it it's going to be a gallerian molis oh my God I do not have a gallerian moles I have the Zapdos but not the Moltres and we want to catch this kind of quickly because I want to see if we can get another one to spawn on the same incense that would be insane imagine we get this with an Ultra Ball oh walk 5 km okay run a route right now technically maybe I don't know routes equal Birds okay dodge dodge please Dodge don't go up I'm way too afraid to oh there's the Dodge excellent excellent excellent he's getting good he's getting better molus no don't do it no dude on the excellent what a jerk huh wait we found real life Pokemon chickens hey hello sit quick catch one catch one catch one catch one what would you do if I just like threw like I literally went through the gate and like stole a chicken we'd be eating good tonight woo oh my God no shut the okay not gonna lie it took a couple days off of the daily incense we're backing in today I'm going to cry and 27 spawns no bird another day another daily incense oh would you look at that no Articuno I'm currently on a route right now in Pokémon go and we're going to drop the da incense and see if maybe I don't know using a brand new feature they incentivize it with glarian bird spawns that checks out to me let's drop this down and see if this uh Theory Works fingers crossed 20 Pokemon of pain not today okay this is what's happening Tom I'm on a mission to find the Garian aruno I've been trying for like I think two months now I want to use my master ball I just have to get the Articuno okay you have found countless Birds yeah time and time again and none of them have been taught except those but I do see Articuno a lot so okay can you just touch my device yes are anywhere just like that and then maybe one of these W maybe later I got to run thank you no problem good luck you got this thanks well 26 PS didn't get the uh Tom blessing today it was then time to leave the country I had to travel to South Korea and Japan for some major Pokémon go events in August of 2023 surely I'd get lucky there oh the journey now takes us to Los Angeles International Airport it is nearly August right now this video has been spanning for months I cannot find an Articuno I'm going to freak out and now today I'll be flying to Japan to go to Pokémon go Fest Osaka and Pokémon worlds so we're going to use the daily instance here in the airport and we're going to pray that we can catch this Articuno and use the master ball before August and the summer ends after several extremely hot days on the island in South Korea I was still birdless although I was able to get some super cool shiny Pokémon throughout the weekend but the trip was far from over hello from Osaka Japan the adventure continues to attempt to find a gallerian Articuno it's never going to happen this is Osaka this is is insane do you see how crazy Pokémon go is here bro this is mindblowing so we're going drop the daily incense we're going to see if we can get a glarian bur spawn if it's going to happen anywhere this will be it so this is also the last day of Adventure week the last spawns for adventure week so fingers crossed on a shiny and that is it for the dant s here oaka with the boys and we got uh 11 Pokémon no birds he got a bird though so check his video out that was awesome see you tomorrow welcome to Pokemon go Fest Osaka as you can see these spawns and the place is just insane and we're going to try something risky we're going to drop our daily incense here and hope that if a bird spawns we can actually click on it but we'll probably get some shinies let's see what happens 15 Pokémon of the daily incense here at go Fest oh shinies shockingly um and obviously just no bir welcome to the final day day three of Pokémon go Fest Osaka going in again with the daily incense let's get a shiny on this one shall we god dude it's go Fest no shiny no birds game's broken this video will never end welcome to yoka Omit Japan today is the Pokemon world championships event uh here in Yokohama and I'm going to drop my daily incense and walk to the World Championships we're in Japan still aruno please the Japan luck today and 25 Pokémon here at the Pokémon World Championships no boyss it had been months since the start of this adventure without a single gallerian Articuno spawn but today I'd finally see my first and also experien the first major tragedy of the video on August 12th I hopped into a taxi in Tokyo Japan heading to some Pokémon card shops not thinking too hard about it I dropped my daily incense and turned my Pokémon go Plus on which I was doing a ton at the time because the spawns in Tokyo were insane well to my surprise my first gallerian Articuno of the video spawned after my Pokémon go plus had already identified it and attempted to catch it which I'm sure you know what that means after hitting it with a berry it didn't register which meant it had either already been caught or it had already fled and after throwing an Ultra Ball at it and watching it flee the only thing I could do was check my recently caught Pokémon and prey safe to say I didn't get lucky after this happened I completely quit using my daily incense until I got to New York for Pokémon go Fest it is the final day of Pokémon go Fest in New York City I'm about to hop in an Uber drop the daily incense which is going to maximize spawns maybe we get a bird last time we got one it was in a taxi in Japan so let's see and we got six Pokémon I tapped everything I could I didn't really catch things no birds no shinies I then made my way back home to California where tragedy struck once again hello back in Santa Monica today is I don't know what day it is August 24th we're back in America back in California back in Santa Monica for a while so maybe this is where we get our Garian bird we're going to use the daily and since it's actually Global go Fest today maybe we have some go Fest luck but back in La well 27 Pokémon no birds oh my God no no no no I don't know why I did it but I stopped the recording to restart a new recording just to make the editing easier and the gallerian Articuno which we've been looking for for months now spawned and I didn't click it and the moment my screen recording started it despawn I this video has broken me after my trip to Dallas in September I flew to North Carolina for collaboration with whatnot South Korea again for a Pokémon go event and New York for my birthday then to Disneyland for Timber Community Day in October which brought with it the next bird spawn oh wait this isn't a dude look at this we got a garan zos wait let's freaking go okay gallerian Zapdos on The Daily incense we are obviously going to use the golden raspberry Ultra Ball I actually already have two of these in the Pokédex uh or in my account so this is the easiest one to catch out of the three so I'll take a third I guess for like a lucky trade I really need Articuno I'm actually filming a video over the last like four months trying to find a Garian Articuno to catch with my master ball cuz I now have two of them and and I want to use it so I can't get the Articuno but I keep getting zaptos bro okay let's see we got to catch this fast though cuz we still have the daily incense to use excellent do you think I got excellent Jake don't eat it no it shook twice my God it shook twice oh dude if we got the excent we would have had it 21 seconds that's it for the daily but not it for the shinies after this encounter my love for Pokémon go just began to fade I became less interested with it I played less and pretty much gave up on the Garian Articuno hunt it had been months since the start of this video and I began to believe I'd never complete it so I just stopped I stopped using the daily incense altogether until a new glitch was found that guaranteed a critical catch on any Pokémon and during a video I was filming that tested this glitch I dropped a daily incense that would change my life oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God it finally happened bam Articuno on The Daily incense for context you know what no context needed if you're want you you've seen the struggle since Alaska I've been looking for this months three four months we've been trying to catch this bro oh my God after almost getting it twice freaking running from us the whole thing this is this is what dreams are made of this is what dreams are made of I am so I am so done with this hunt you have no idea dude I only have one Master Ball cuz I already used my other b ball in a challenge we only have this one and as the leader of Team Mystic I feel like I'm obligated to use it on on this on this bird right here dude oh my God finally bro funniest thing is I I I I honestly thought this might happen I'm on a I'm on a 7-Day daily incense challenge for a different video right now technically I'm supposed to try to hit a a excellent with a Pokeball on this and get the critical catch through the glitch not doing it not doing it we're using the master ball my last master ball and technically my first Master isn't that crazy in the time that it took to make this video a second master ball came and went and we finally got it 1338 CP it's not weather boosted I don't care we're going to launch it and there it is my first ever second ever master ball throw goes to gallerian Articuno the one and only this is awesome and we finally get this Pokemon after months of searching for it this has been one of the roughest hunts I have ever done but 1338 CP in a master ball terrible IVs who cares because that is our gallerian Articuno Master bald oh my God and that's now my third legendary bird now we just need Moltres but that's for another day in another master ball for now though we've got a Garian Articuno setting this as my buddy flying out of the master ball we freaking did it thank you for watching I cannot believe we finally got this
Channel: MYSTIC7
Views: 691,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokémon, Pokémon GO, pokemom, mystic, mystic7, shiny pokemon, shiny Pokémon GO, Pokémon GO shiny, Pokémon GO event, Pokémon GO song, new shiny pokémon, new pokémon, new pokémon game, pokémon GO community Day, Pokémon GO Fest, Pokémon GO PVP, Pokémon GO trading, pokemon go tips, pokemon go tricks, pokemon go tips and tricks, tips and tricks
Id: kcIC-PcKbSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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