I used ChatGPT 4o to practice my English speaking (Cambridge IELTS)

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where can I find a tutor to provide whatever materials that I'm asking for and practice with me today we're going to introduce our new friend chatti 4 but does it perform well and is it a good [Music] teacher the gbts these are custom chat gbts for specific today I'm going to try to use chat gbt to practice my oral English for my I speaking exam with my Kon accent I really want to see if chat can perform well and follow exact inst instructions that I'm asking for and then I'm going to share with you my conclusion after using it and in this video I'm going to share with you the prompt so that you can get the best results when you use chat gbt to practice your languages so here's the instruction I'm going to give to chat gbt the first one is who you really are and your language proficiency level and then I'm going to tell chbt what I want to practice along with the reason why I want to practice this language and of course I'm going to tell chat J how I want to practice this language and how I want chat to respond to my answer before we continue there's one more thing I like to mention because I'm in China right now so I have to use a VPN to connect to the chat gbt and there will be a slight delay when I use it all right let's begin now I'm going to connect to the chat [Music] gbt okay it's connected hello chbt hi James how's it going what can I help you with today hi uh my native language is Kon so uh I have because I want to save your time here so I'm just going to show you my prompts and if you're interested you can take a quick look if not you can just skip to the next part absolutely James I understand your requirements let's get started here's your first question what are some of the benefits of living in a big city go ahead and give me your answer when you're ready wow uh that's a very good question I think Big C is good because I can enjoy a uh I can enjoy food different restaurant and uh I think it's easy to find uh jobs uh in a big city thanks for your response James now let me provide you with some feedback based on the I speaking bench six criteria feedback fluency and coherence your answer was clear and easy to understand but try to expand your ideas a bit more giving examples or reasons can make your response more comprehensive two lexical resource I'm sorry I think your speaking is too fast I don't have time to write down my notes I'm sorry about that James let's slow it down a bit here are your notes one fluency and coherence your answer was clear and easy to understand try to expand your ideas more giving examples or reasons can make your response more comprehensive tole resource you used basic vocabulary well try to incorporate more descriptive words or phrases for example instead of saying good you could say beneficial or advantageous consider adding phrases like variety of Cuisines instead of just food three grammatical range and accuracy your sentences were generally correct but simple try to use a mix of simple and complex sentences for example instead of I think big city is good because I can enjoy food you could say living in a big city is advantageous because it offers a diverse range of Cuisines to enjoy for pronunciation your pronunciation was clear keep practicing to maintain Clarity try to add more intonation to make your speech sound more natural are you ready for the next question let's take a pause right here so apparently I think chb really gave me a great answer because it fully follows the instruction of the B description from I speaking test and then uh it analyzes my answer for each criteria but there's one thing I think chbt is going too fast so I didn't really have time to write down all those notes and as I can show you here you can go back to the screen and take a look at the exact feedback that CH gives you now let's take a clear look here and it tells me the exact things that I can improve but as an iOS teacher I think there's one only one thing that I would like to add to this Fe Fe feedback is that in terms of giving a a good answer expanding your ideas more is so crucial for people who want to achieve band Six in speaking so right here I'm going to add a little bit more to chat gbt's answer and uh make sure it gives me a complete feedback let's connect back to the chat gbt hi I think you gave me a great answer and uh great feedback by the way thank you very much so you told me to expand my answer my ideas a bit more right so in the next question I want you to explain exactly what the problem was and how to expand my ideas got it James I'll be sure to explain how to expand your ideas and provide specific guidance on that here's your next question how do you think technology has change the way we communicate with each other take your time and when you're ready give me your answer answer how technology has changed our life wow I think it makes our life so much more convenient for example I can talk to my fan whenever I need uh I can use uh uh WhatsApp or or weat so it's very helpful thank you for your answer James now let me provide detailed feedback and explain how you can expand your ideas feedback fluency and coherence your answer is clear but it can be expanded start by giving a more general statement about the impact of technology on communication then provide specific examples and explain why they are significant for instance talk about different ways technology helps in both personal and professional communication so right here I skip the lexical resource grammatical range and accuracy and also the pronunciation because they're pretty much the same thing as before how to expand your ideas one start with a general statement technology has revolutionized the way we communicate making it faster and more efficient two provide specific examples for instance instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and WeChat allow us to send messages instantly three explain the significance this is particularly helpful for staying in touch with family and friends who live far away as it eliminates the delays of traditional mail or even emails four add more points moreover video calls through platforms like Zoom have become essential especially during the pandemic for both personal and professional communication this has enabled face-to-face interactions without physical presence would you like to move on to the next question or do you need more time to take notes I would need more time to take notes okay guys if you like the result of this prompt I will leave it in the description for you all right so after testing this guys it's my mind blowing uh I took some notes here now let me share with you generally speaking I think chat gbt is a great tool um doesn't matter what you want to learn either is language or math or physics whatever you want to study the answers are right on spots and think about this I used to charge students 100 bucks an hour on one1 for one1 sections but with this tool I can guarantee you one thing some private cuters are going to lose your jobs and secondly I think chb follows instruction pretty well I mean I would say 95 90 to 95% not completely but it's done a good job in terms of the answers I think it's well structured and the tips are also very helpful these tips are exactly what you need to get a band Six in I speaking test and of course you can imagine using this to help you mark your assays or help you with readings and listenings right but of course it's not perfect there are three things I want to talk about number one is um chat gbt doesn't really follow instructions completely but with time and training I think it will get better for sure uh secondly it's it was going too fast as you can remember right so I basically didn't really have time to do any notes taking even though I asked specifically to slow down when you give instructions but the speed was still really fast number three is that it still needs us to ask specific detail questions for example uh can you explain to me how to expand my answer my ideas but other than that I think it's a perfect tool and and guys if you don't have a yet make sure to get one it's only 20 bucks a month imagine how much money you can save from buying language courses or hiring your private tutors okay that's everything for today and uh thank you for watching if you like this video please make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and I will see you guys on next time
Channel: James Guu
Views: 6,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AIforLearning, IELTSSpeakingTest, IELTSPractice, IELTSPreparation, IELTS2024, IELTSExam, IELTSTips, IELTSCoach, ChatGPTReview, AIReview, LanguageTeacher, LanguagePractice, SpeakEnglish, EnglishLearning, EdTech, ArtificialIntelligence, StudyWithMe, LearnEnglish, IELTSJourney, TechInEducation, EduTech, EnglishExam, AItechnology, EnglishSpeaking, chatgpt4o, chatgpt, chatgptforeducation, use chatgpt to learn english
Id: JejHURMu9gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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