I Used BLUE MAGIC GREASE On My Natural Hair. It. Was. EPIC!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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hi I got a star to take you like to hear it here go so I am at home scrolling Twitter minding my social distancing business again and I see the following tweet and I say Faye don't you do it don't you do it don't you I'm gonna do my hair with blue magic today and either this is gonna be their very epic or very very horrible but either way goes you'll be entertained so of course I can't stop with just applying blue magic I got to put on the whole show so let's see what corporate will have with this little star today here is my stash pair supplies I got rid of a lot and I put everything on this table and if it doesn't fit on the table it ain't meant for me to use anymore so what am I going to use today then today uh let's see what's this this right here yeah I'm gonna take this right yes will give you that will give you that okay let's get started Hey and we're back it was time for me to apply my deep conditioner for those who are interested I'm using TDI a miracle or ex repair repair art chop this so anyway listen I'm a little bit nervous not about the application cuz you know I know how to handle my hair but about the comments because anytime you do something outside of what's the natural air police tells you to do they get upset oh you don't use petroleum on your neck hair don't use mineral oil on your nerves where listen Sally you are not the boss of me and I would do whatever I want you to my curls go ahead and put this over here right here just like that right there do a little bit of swirling around and that's the benefit of me being brought here to chat you don't take me much of nothing so go ahead get this stuff apply and so now I'm gonna put on my good friend my good Judy my bestie boom Sam bam thank you man also known as Samantha this is she right here if you new here say hi to Samantha she's everywhere so I'm gonna leave this on this big old bag with a whole bunch of no hair on for about 15 minutes and I shall return I'm back and we're back the deep conditioner has been completely rinsed out I'm going to apply a whole lot of leaving and here's why the oils and blue magic no matter how wonderful they are they are silly and so if you put them on your natural strength whatever level of moisture you have it's gonna lock it in so if you put it on dry hair you're gonna lock and drop this and your head will be dragged from the inside out if you put on moisturizer is no lock in the moisture your hair gonna be moisturize on the inside out and so I need this to be moisturized okay we don't want to dry hair around these four so I'm gonna take a lot and I mean a lot of leaving and really literally apply that to my hair Chad make sure I get the crown honey forgetting about that alright so my leave-in is applied and I'm gonna put my cap back on if you don't do this I said this in every video and I mean is from the bottom of my pot put your cap on top of your leave-in I promise you it will soften your hair it'll feel amazing it is like trade it put a cap on you leave it on him all right let me go slow cuz I ain't trying to have the medic heal me today all right I'll be back all right the time has come this is gonna be very very nostalgic because me like most black women grew up on blue magic my mama used to grease my scalp my granny used to grease my scalp so I'm solid and forward to this like that okay so what I'm going to do is because I have a hefty amount of leaving on I'm going to apply some of the blue magic on top of my hair to lock in that moisture right but listen listen Linda blue magic is not a holding formula it is meant strictly to help balance out your moisture so of course I got to put my booboo on top y'all know what I'm using for ho you know what I'm using for hold but in case you're new to my channel my favorite Jill of all time is wet line if you're new here wetland is a inexpensive jail it's amazing for holding my short hair you can get it at like Target Sally a lot of other places in this like $3 so I like to use it okay so let's start with this blue I can't get over there this thing so I'm just take some of this right here do just like that right there and I cannot believe I have blue magic in my hair and 2020 but it feels so good cuz I'm trying not to go over boy cuz the more you have on there the harder it is to get out of your head but I do want to have like this good experience of what it was almost take my fingers and rub it in like that like that right there you put that on top honey I use a hefty amount because the game is three dollars I don't care so I'm just put that on there just like that right there rub my finger Stuart to rake it in it's not supposed to look like okay so let's try that again okay okay alright so let's do that it okay I mean my curls are poppin let's try a new section okay okay let's do that let's do that okay cuz this gots it alright okay listen and the memory of my granny this got to be right so I'm gonna use a smaller amount with a blue magic this time I'm taking this much through my fingers rub it rub it on my hair it really does feel cool and then I'm gonna take some wet line jail hefty amount and put it on top rake it in with my fingers chat oh we might be onto something Mike it actually looks really good look look oh [Music] okay I'm gonna do the rest of my hair and I'll be back okay so the hair grease gel combo has been applied all over my head ain't gonna lie I'm a little bit worried cuz I'm wondering is the gel well now the grease is preventing the gel from really grasping onto my strands because it felt like it was kind of slipping off kind of weird to describe but he did feel like maybe the grease is preventing the Jill from really grasping onto my hair to get the holes that I want but either way girl we don't see what happens so I'm gonna actually get under the dryer and just let it dry and then I'm gonna come back and show you how I stretch my hand get the style and everything else but yeah right now it felt good to go down memory lane I don't say it's a staple in my house right now but I will say it felt good to go down memory lane you know it look like girly music Jason so I'll be back what's where's track all right so it's time to stretch my hair my hair's not totally dry by any means I will say if I was using a percentage it's probably about 50 to 60 percent dry but the rest of the way as you drive I want to stretch it so this is what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna ban my hair it's simply that some take a section of my hair take just a plain elastic look around twice I'm gonna be looking real crazy don't you judge me now you know how to judge bangs I'll say it in this video but you know who you can judge okay so I'm just take another portion wrap it around twice at the root okay so my bending as you can see is kind of just like lifting after the afro this portion of my hair is where I wanted to be really elongated so what I'm going to do take my last seat my wrap it around twice at the root like usual then I'm gonna take another elastic is really just that simple and go up the ponytail but making sure I don't ban the ends that make sense so that's how I'm I draw the rest of my hair I might do one more section with your child and then I'm gonna the dryer take this section of hair take the elastic wrap it around twice at the root take another elastic and wrap it up ponytail but making sure that the ends stay out so I'm gonna do that to this patch right here and I'll be back once my hair is totally dry all right so for the most part my hair is dry so I'm gonna go ahead and take my bands off and just fluff the curls out being oh honey come up alright okay so it's pretty much stretched old I still went I can't do anything with it I'm gonna get my diffuser and defuse at the rest of the way use my pick to pick it up and then I'll come back and show you the final results and here is the finished results of my hair and I cannot express to you how much I love it first of all let me turn around bouncy wow I don't even know what it look like I hope he's cute and then here's another side and we're back to the front all I did was I took my bands off and the places where it was still damp I just pressed a diffuser there with the blow dryer and then I lifted my hair from the roots really more so here I kind of did like mid stranding left ends alone and I lifted the roots around the side in the back and y'all I love my hair first of all I can't express to you how moisturizing my hair feels I don't know what it was what the combination of the grease and the leap in but it really liked any moisture my hair feels so freakin incredible God does have a little bit of a greasy feeling tonight I definitely have some shine on my fingers but it's nothing that I'm mad about now I will say though the grease did do what I thought it would do which was cause like a greasy nurse up against the the jail so the jail did not hold as hard as I usually would when I do it but it gave me more of a fluffy look than the fire and honestly I like this look on me okay I'm not mad that it's not necesarily as defined but to me it still looks good now it does still have a hole it's not as hard as you usually would be when I'm using wet line but it does have a hole but y'all I just cannot believe I got these results using some blue magic and some gel like honestly I love my hair so if y'all have any questions looking down below I once I make this video just to chill out for a minute pulling on some old school see how I work on my natural hair and honestly I really do like it so with that being said I'm gonna get out of here oh let me make something real clear okay I did that video using jheri curl activator honest I did not believe that I would have to say this but I do I only use the activator I do not have a jheri curl this is my natural hair okay I did not process my hair okay the only thing I did was put a black ones on top I don't have a jheri curl I don't have a jheri curl I don't have a jheri curl so with that said I'm gonna get out of here have a good week stay safe be safe and he's run a street and stay hotel home as much as possible now see you next time bye
Channel: Faye In The City
Views: 111,087
Rating: 4.9610038 out of 5
Keywords: blue magic, blue magic grease, blue magic on natural hair, hair grease on natural hair, natural hair, twist out, on type 4 hair, s curl, tph by taraji, kenya moore hair care, the mane choice, mielle organics, moknowshair, carol's daughter, pattern beauty, sephora, ulta, target, walmart
Id: yYq1lYskzTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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