I Upped My Bet To $50 AND THIS HAPPENS!!!

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[Music] alling on my best had them flip it while I sit back and collect triple digits when I'm staring at the chair 777 hit the jackpot 777 hit the jackpot what's up guys andj SL guy here with jar from Resort Casino Atlantic City New Jersey at Thomas top dollar old school $1,000 in $10 to spin let's spin let's win oh my God a a couple things here first of all jar Spa the wheel uh the spun the thing secondly we're back to play KN can't really see it play next it says next no big deal that's things that get us going there it H and H go H the uh hit the play Max bet yeah play Max yeah so we're looking for Thomas on the third line there old school top dollar jar we need that symbol just to fall on that third um line there no more wheel wheel wheel crap right yeah this is simple we finally ate chair tell the people jeez okay that was bad do you do you post them in order or now you have to so if you're following the Atlantic City city somewhat in order somewhat in order we uh we were over at the Hard Rock we were starving we had some food where did we go for that food that was the the luxury Lounge wait what was the name of the place the Icon Lounge Icon Lounge very good all you can eat and drink and now we're over at Resorts someone was saying a little birdie to that Resorts was paid we will tell you that in no time that bird might stink how's that sound we say J there he [Music] is who needs dinner doesn't happen I know they took it from you at least you have the handle jar so that's good that's fine K's get a handle yeah little old school touch you know what I think I'm going to sit back relax you know what you need yeah play Max sit back here oh my God he hit with the drink we take it at 40 right [Music] 40 no [ __ ] jar says F this try again doesn't matter 400 bucks 200 bucks coming [Music] up it's going down you have there's 25 you got you have to take offer Jerry's taking the offer you have to right winner 450 there ladies and gentlemen I think you all agree with jar there we got lucky to get that back jar we should have got half of that you got five I've gotten five credits on $50 spin before that's great they that again you need to hit it with the drink again that's what you with you're right you're right play next this happens again no no way no way it could have came out just so we could have had some fun but that's all right also guys we get the live coming you have to get some bullets in the wall I know wait no you're done you're done you know you're done I was wondering where you were okay hold on good luck right here oh oh it's Johnny John all right good luck have have fun and uh I mean it's always fun a great place always always I donate my money to the Red Cross he donates it to he so that's it it's all donation I can I can write mine off though it's all getting donated regard right exactly [Music] right aent take care good luck we will be Jo what am I missing thank you what the hell am I missing we need more free play who's that I be watching and then I'll be back tomorrow morning was he a comedian like he's got yeah yeah we'll be back that took longer too did you hear the drum roll when it comes out or no okay little drum roll that's that's it's a nice addition to it J you got a m money right put well that the bonus that didn't exist doesn't exist now like the bonus is gone right say [Music] that but it's back kill offer all right pass it obviously 15 credits 15 credits should we wait to see if they tell us to take 25 one I think 20 credits John's guy that's why I got to go to the bathroom offer 15 credit 25 I said if it five you cancel the machine you have to the video's over guys if five comes out final offer our highest wow we're back in the game here jar with that one Thomas top dollar coming through again what that twice twice I'm getting confused we're getting so many bonuses here tonight ladies and gentlemen you've never seen over a thousand yet no back to back watch this no I'm just kidding [Music] J where was that triple diamond before with the double [Music] bar play next ladies and gentlemen that's what we're doing here it's right here get it one time uhoh we're crooked again here that's what we do jar there we go we're back we're back in Action let's get you centered let's get you apprciate service had come over here who is that guy Dad it's bad I keep beating you to it let's throw it off hold on let's throw I'm going hold this down yall ready your time and I'm going to hold it the whole time hold it don't let go of it J that might be the difference as hell they get tricked quick one [Music] more God for bid look at this oh what a big miss that is 9x $450 there if it decides to drop is that right got to be at least one more [Music] B on these re how many top dos one one how many total things most likely how many total does anybody know the answer to that leave in the comment section below for us ladies and gentlemen there you go only one of those $75 there keep us in the game r at I see top doll mic he might know he top doll mic wouldn't [Music] up what was that money in here you did something here change hit the change button that H service know we heard something going on J's hitting the service button genten all right J we're going to kick this up a not you [Music] ready changeing the I might I didn't realize I could until now [Music] never mind's doing $170,000 a spin wait look at the sorry guys that's good we got to get rid of that extra five jar that's the problem do a couple pokes at 10 right just a couple 100 200 bucks see what happens maybe we can get it I wanted to get rid of that five but so we got top dollar to come out twice so far right first spin too that was a first spin was it that was that one that was the other you in the first spin here was it the first spin getting bad now [Music] jar mach's calling you you should do live right now switch to the machine here would they like that you're you're not far off jar jar jar you might you might be all right J let's do it j keep this as keeping it Al same thing just a little upgrade just a little upgrade here double print that to ticket You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet jar yeah they haven't seen anything like this let's go ain't seen nothing yet what singing us I know it really what you're right I'm feeling a chair on this one I think you're right all right here we go SP SN oh that's loud je that's a winner is this it this might be a clean machine too like you could see the reflection behind me that's that's how clean your head look at those Double Diamonds though Double Diamonds Are a little off but that's okay you get the cherries here which people want the cherries are what people love jar cuz you got to love them oh there it is the old Diamond I think has it came out got a love J there it is with the middle right now the [Music] middle seeing it a [Music] lot seeing it a lot [Music] J oh my God it's got it CH you never see it that much the double cherries though for the Savior that's why you got got to love them jar double cherries always save it got to love [Music] them double cherries again now for 50 yeah could be double nothing right it's going well get it one time man [Music] there's going in oh my it has to it cannot just keep popping in the wrong [Music] line baby see nothing yeah don't you hate the two come on black oh my God got the exercise going for you it's got to do nothing it doesn't even work anymore right it's trying to save me like idiot 27 it says 27 does say it never mind yeah look nothing works there you go this is bad now J there we go even them out finally jeez Lise was waiting for you all even out smells good in [Music] here got to love those cherries where to rest from his chair blanket up for the old Double Diamond got to love [Music] them good song and as well be walking son I was just about to say that let's do it Jer let's kick this up a notch what do you think Jer $10 domination $20 spins I'm down for another one what I'm down for another one down for another [Music] one's nobody there's nobody up here yeah I don't blame her give us one that's all just one right 300 bucks [Music] m is walking on Cherry loves the Cherry got to love man you said right this point in the at this you got get Cherry tattoo right I know somebody said that what somebody said that to me they're popping out now at this point right got to love them hey oh my God almost did cuz they're going to put you in a grave soon shout out to 420 right now when 420 would be [Music] it this is not real come on did I get it oh yeah you go imagine that's when it came out though that was stin would have even worth the content or no oh no they can't see my credits I just realized that get it jar double timeing there you go people sorry yeah yeah got you can see the cash number but I couldn't get this number there tell this is bad seven 7 seven hit the jackpot hey there's that top dollar symol remember that from before featured in such films as double top dollar how much is in the machine six where $600 300 now we going down going to slide down the line we had over a, remember slide down l oh yeah slide down you got to get this top doll there I got to go to the bathroom this is bad we haven't even gotten like a single bars you know like a double bar couple cherries how about a seven double double right for a freaking monster 3200 go doesn't jar we got seven single bar we got 20 spins left oh my God no that's not true 10 spins 20 20 spins 10 10 10 is 100 10 10 spins yeah a 20 bucks yeah you're right got a love how much is this 200 bucks I'm not be walk sun no no no it's not worth it right would be if it came out though it's that much more exciting cuz you need it but no for what you to let it go quicker you know got to love them I was just about to say let's make a deal if this gets back to 20 which is not going to we go to 25 is that what you want it's not going to happen it's not going to happen fine it's just money it's not going to back not getting back to 20 no chance so that's that's a p [Music] dream we're back jar we're back you should get two of them I know it should be doubled you're right five credit 20 it's 20 CR two TR again 10 credits times two they made it a big deal right there's your five credit okay if we went to 25 would that second offer 25 what what do you mean 15 if we went the $25 spins would that came out oh I don't know I don't know a I didn't think about that until now though 45 credit $800 that's $450 you're taking it you want me to take it what do you want to know boy you're a I'll take it we're back now we can do $50 spins like you said we have to do $50 spins like you said you going it yeah a degenerate this you promised the people we got to we got to keep our word still sickening we promise the people oh my God first offer 30 credits no we got the um yeah for us though it is for us second offer right 25 credits third offer 30 credits you got to be kidding me final offer 35 credits boy you're a winner I love know she won an excitement she's not EXC nobody's excited after that one $1300 ladies and gentlemen come back you're still on that same one yeah we're staying here take it the Thousand oh my God J the Double Diamond the 7even Double Diamond drops will it come out again will it come out [Music] again oh yeah I'll be here soon yeah yeah M Mike's coming Jersey Mike's a good sandwich oh my God he's coming Mike will be down here a little bit yeah oh my God stop first offer shout out to top dollar Mike 25 Jersy Jersey Mike second offer good thing we stayed jar go go come on third [Music] offer you're a winner 11:25 ladies and Gentlemen We Can't Stop Now J We Can't Stop Now jar I heard your voice say jar before I watch that that was it was that it hey man I'm John by the way John Dam Damen pleasure to meet you Casino man on Instagram I love it I gamble a lot but I don't I play poker for a Daman I love it man thank you for saying hello all the time that's it there that was it that was it and he heard that get two of the 25 you J that was that was all you big shout out to Daman for coming and joining us and enjoying the fun with us and the excitement of course all right CH hold on I we can't go too hard into this go ahead no get you got to leave on this thing this is yeah you're not staying here one more one more what one more on the 25 go yeah all right here we go we're not done yet jar we still got a $10 denomination to run through what the hell's wrong with you jar Amateur hour it's got to come out one more time it's scientifically proven proven Good Start J just pressurized p drop come on do it for Damian for being here what's what's his name what's your chat what's your page AC Casino man AC Cino man on in did you say Instagram y Instagram ladies and gentlemen go check him out he came up here live joining the excitement joining the fun we're really Li room tell them tell them Dam the boys together we got the boys are back the boys are back in town this will start it 2 * 2al Z we're finish it jar two more jar we're out of here I've been down this road to too much right wa do I get that's not how it work Jar's got a mess with you J Jar's got a mess with you that's what he does d this one or the pull whichever one you want old school or new school they they call this the the one armed Bandit the one arm bandit Daman get him we still have other arm bandit Dam that was good jar Daman thank you for the celebrity guest poll ladies and gentlemen Damen joining us here at Resorts Hotel Atlantic and we are here thank you very much for joining appreciate it guys we'll have some more videos soon thank you how much did we catch J's right ladies and gentlem $700 we were down to three spins left we did not have a lot left when we went up to $50 to spin now I got to do a new closeout we got flood warnings at home thank you very much for watching please subscribe if you haven't already hit that Bell to stay notified like comment follow and share and I'll have some more videos here soon thank you all it while I sit Backle triple digits when I'm staring at the chair 777 H the jackpot 777 hit the jackpot
Channel: NJ Slot Guy
Views: 37,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: njslotguy, nj slot guy, nj slot gut, slot, slots, high limit slots, jackpot, handpay, old school slots, nj slots, casino, slot machine, high limit, old school, massive, win, travel, diamond, quick hit, wheel of fortune, frenzy
Id: IRs2M8-0VQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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