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alling on my best had them flip it while I sit back and collect triple digits when I'm staring at the chair 777 H the jackpot 777 H the jackpot what's up guys and J slacky here from the Hard Rock Casino Atlantic City New Jersey with top dollar Mike say it again I don't think I'm beating the last pause that's why so I went with the hard no that was top dollar thank you Mike I I love how you appreciate those 16 what is this King cash whatever uh Dynamite Dash here you go hry there's Henry with the gold tooth All Aboard gold Express somebody just hit that grand actually right right don't matter y 1250 a spin spin twin nope that was 625 a spin ladies and gentlemen there oh he insulted him a little bit there with three I do need this water badly actually this game's good man I enjoy it when it comes out I mean oh yeah look at this is that Ricky the reacher did you see that one great Earl extension Ricky Ricky the rubber band did you see that did you see that I had to like I had to call in I had to call in extra Powers there for the extra stretch all right come on I'm hot with the pure Focus that was I was very focused I was really [Music] focused line up those CS look at her she's no joke other Voda it's his right behind you thank you so much you go ahead and free barking or what Dolores Dolores Dolores Dolores how you doing damn not even like a follow-up to there one time for the PE I I I need to hear jar go nuts when these trains come out I got it or the dynamites whatever yeah there's the third one Mike imagine this look this maybe I picked the the wrong one here it's you think so yeah I gave up quick there huh what the hell's wrong with me hit on the last spin how many times need help no I'm not the only one come on one let's that's for son right there good you're in the I we came out this [ __ ] Wednesday now say that all right chair here we go yeah look at this rat laughing $13 J [Music] hold onam fix up everything wait there was here already this guy stinks Mike yeah yeah whatever I pick you pick whatever one I'll take the other one they could come out on this how many more we got here Mike four video the video yeah great J $71 bonus so far I want to shatter this we just h a $7 bonus the worst thing I've ever seen my life that guy that guy's good $100 maybe $200 Allard oh come on too much noise Mike shar's here he got the witness Dynamite Mike I came over and I hit oh man Shar I'm tired man this is bad you're allowed to be wasn't there a CER people want you to see over there did he just say you're allowed to be I remember at one point in time he almost stabbed me in Tampa he almost shanked me in Tampa I almost jumped over to the balcony remember cuz I I almost jumped over I was bad go what the [ __ ] no no no it's classic story it's good stuff like right now if we're going to wake up and not run out the building he gets he can go early but if it's a night where we're leaving at 10:00 a.m. no you got doesn't matter up at five doesn't matter I was up at five I actually right I'm TI I'm doesn't matter right we haven't got more than than four of these things what's going on here come on don't you take my king C 20 gives me three it gives me three to shut me up imagine see it did you that's what I got you're going to say is we have down please 1875 a hand little bit a little bit little bit just a little bit for a little bit down to 1,000 down to 1,000 [ __ ] it back what you put in there I don't remember Joe 1600 black son have you anything luckily if it whacks hopefully it'll be our biggest one yeah no hand oh you rap bastard you gave me five he's I'll be right back don't miss me [Music] oh come on Mike you don't do that you don't do five out of work [ __ ] six like that want think about that though let trying it's really trying that really eat you up right yeah gave us the dynamite but the dynamite just wasn't enough for us tonight let what was that the way double up D the double Sammy The Spill guys we're going to keep going here we got a that's literally what I was going to say with Samy Spiller Samy the Spiller over here Victor VOD coulding Ian Dago's long lost cousin what was his name in Creed in Creed 2 was it Victor forget it Victor Drago as ask Jerry about Creed he loves Creed he went he went to see I think he went to see every single one in the movie but then again shocker he sees everything in the movies I said it was going to a th you hit the button I'm just falling up now we're got to go to 900 can you imagine it comes out on the next couple spins it won't but imagine if it did 9:02 it is I guess live to fight another day oh you rat this is this is this is this is sorry guys couldn't get it done for you there thank you very much for watching though and please subscribe if you haven't already hit that Bell to stay notified like comment follow and share and I'll have some more videos for you soon thank you all 10:30 o what's up guys I'm SLA here from Resorts Casino Atlantic City New Jersey at the new Monopoly cash wheel we're going to have some fun here Jar's on the phone taking a call we got 810 and $9 a spin we need three of these across I don't know if it needs to be across the pay line but we need three of them let's just put it that way let's just put it that way start it up J are you ready to go $9 a spin here let's SP someone said walking in res paying no way it's Monopoly smoke smok them smoke the button to start the you can hit it let's spin let's SP sorry guys J smoked the the entire tripod I don't care 100 bucks jar well done congratulations thanks for playing that was fun last time the lady ran in that that would have been the perfect one with the Jammy right for sure yes it would have that would the end of it well now you know what's good jar there's really not a lot so you know what if it come oh no cuz then I won't get it yeah that's pointless I got to figure this out I'll figure it out so J three of those Monopoly jackpots will get us on line 9 284 Grand so here's the best part this is Monopoly right a little fun fact Monopoly is based out of Atlantic City New Jersey we just left the boardwalk we were out Park place and Pacific before sure the people need this and we're going to go to Tennessee Avenue on on the way out there you go look at it spin drops amazing we do not plan to go to jail and you don't get $200 if you're passing go do not pass go you're not going $200 I can't even get $200 in the casinos I spend you know what's the worst spot could I pay you to take Bal a Mediterranean no no stay away triple any 7 for 30 did they change a color of B Mediterranean I don't it was purple at one point is it not purple anymore first two spots all right purple purple here we go back to to [Music] it J we need three of those spins again started off great didn't it how much you play with nine I'm not going to lie jar I don't remember mean we it was a weird number I think it was like 810 jar 3os come out oh it's 10 grand it's not going to come out 3os is 10 grand jar no shot I'm thinking like we got a chance the spin Jam yeah anyone you want anything you want that's 7 everything's in Play Jar here you go let's let's get that VI going $7 a spin nine don't do that you scared me for a sec what we can go up more it could go up or down you could bet 1 2 3 5 [Music] seven look at that board you got every symbol you needed fun thing is that now people can just turn the video off because your head corre yeah yeah don't even bother watching the rest what are you going to watch the rest for you missed you know you got all the action you're going to get out of this one you ask me this one look at this you see This Disaster punch the machine yeah do you see that forearm friend they call her she got her all arm and [ __ ] you see that probably collic in [ __ ] disability though all [Music] right nothing like the loudest music in the world this get C hey you think someone 60 bucks 10 wait you said 60 went to 10 yeah I was way off on that was I what was I even thinking you need come on what I need yeah I do I do you're right yeah I'll keep it [Music] going we need another bonus boom three [Music] now do with like the the two spins right I thought the mar the mar G white was expired screen actually it looked like it though I tricked them don't touch the don't touch the I didn't touch it disgusting that's unsanitary actually probably more unsanitary than but [Music] Brown there he is if you heard that lighter he's burning his money come on lot of people here [Music] today hey chair triple regular s 60 bucks ladies and gentlemen 63 to be exact I like to call that bullets bullets over the boardwalk only here you're getting 60 bucks for triple fire sevens right good start Good Start what's the cheapest one7 $45 we'll probably get that one next time I mean that's saying we get another spin you got a better chance of Pat s Jack walking out [Music] here uh that's Wheel of Fortune oh yeah same game this is Wheel of Fortune it's I mean it they got the concept right obviously crazy did she did she ever age white no no white her 's on there now right I no I D watched in yours my favorite though Pat Jack are The Simpsons with the big check I still have his face in my head you know what I'm talking about I do know exactly what you're talking about she there a shot oh you $13 we're throwing it off you go Jack one more you like that now huh no I hate it but I just it's my way of not breaking almost got it J they going to be on different lines they got to be on the a pay line it's good to know the best button to hit on this machine right now John it's a cash out button right I knew you were going to say that actually I was ahead of it only it's that triple drop there we're looking at $250 that would help that would be a nice little Jam you know probably break even for the [Music] day I got you do 19 bucks do ah 250 there's the old spin blocker why can't those be wild there you go it's Monopoly cash whe Monopoly Quick Stop button to start the spin here we are hold on ni spin it right did you see that ladies and gentlemen he tried to physically spin the wheel I know but at least you could have assum though no 45 65 good says thanks for playing this guy said good yeah Rich let's try that again if we get back to back I'm kicking some go ahead no I didn't mean I I didn't mean Jerry got me double fire SS there up top though that was fun Jer likes the Quick Stop ladies and gentlemen he likes it it cuts the anxiety out for him that was a break G how would you get $9 on that yeah [Music] middle oh big Miss there 54 bucks however big Miss but 54 bucks it's still nothing to shy away [Music] from metal all right I can't believe you got the spin yeah was fun that was fun he's back ladies and gentlemen he's back I'll go to $9 a spin I'll go down to 500 this [Music] way it's like a slot tournament this what you do in a slot tournament I know you ever see them there either cigarettes wait we're up a lot of money jar you crushed it you it doesn't make noise like you're doing hold on should I stop it then how we up money somebody has to stop the video and watch where we hit it's good it's oh that was almost a banger too I'm watching it I'm watch it's monopo cash whe press the button to start the spin got to if it's what' you get the first two 165 going to go lower 45 55 nicely congratulations thanks for playing this is J we are back man we're going to keep this for a little bit that working I I don't think the machine knows about that code no doesn't know about that code so you should keep doing it okay J has figured it out ladies we're going to keep going we're not I'm to do this down to 900 go ahead J 900 give it to him oh nice I'm up I'm no no I hit some you got yeah you got a little some oh J you might hit a massive Progressive and 800 or no am I go eight keep going just keep going slot tournament style ladies and gentlemen I'm back over nine nine even nine even we're going to go to eight and that's the end of this 88 88 quicker $200 run you'll ever see ladies G oh almost got the spinny this is too much fun jar one more last one all right oh my go how do you feel tell the people my figes HT I got my workout in stop we tricked the machine Monopoly cash tell tell tell them what we did here we tricked the machine resource is about to come for us right now it's got to go above 250 right now yeah okay wow go we'll get rid of him 7 to five all right thanks for playing you're welcome let's get to work need that jackpot CH there's a lot of progressives up top too um not progressives H to find that the money was it was going up and no one knew anything I can't can't wait for the comments tell Jerry not to do that anymore you know like it matters oh no all the only time we want any [Music] money we got to make this more entertaining than it is I mean what do you want from us ladies and gentlemen you want to watch boring BS slot play look thank you jar right there right there he's going that's the one so we're three spins we got three Cash Wheels going for us here Here Comes Ry he's coming in he's coming on and he wants to he he he wants to [Music] middle that would have been nice right 6X [Music] middle that's got to be it that did go a little bit longer you you saw that you saw that that's SP a little longer I'm going do three of went a little bit longer than it should have there right that I thought something was going to come out video we're going to rewind the tape I thought something was going to come out too jar a little bit of me that made you think it does it is a scam it's all scam well at least we figured out how to trick this machine your quick spense remember when we had a th000 that was fun all right have to be down I think if you get the 700 KCK out of it seven seven run might not happen though but we might not I was going to say J we got to get back to seven what do you mean yeah we're chasing though we got some Fun Machines up there to place still don't forget remember the the walk around middle watch how long it takes never [Music] mind there it is separated shoulder Sherry over there [Music] how is that possible every time pay attention there always one in the middle middle there they are aren't those our friends from when we walked in that's them jar that's the girls May young and a they were nice we held the door for them they love that and then you dropped the sign right what are you playing this though I don't know I'm just going to keep hitting the Sim button until somebody tells me to stop until this guy comes along you taking anything out or no I I would like to I'm stop oh my God we might get two more on mind three more for 20 seconds this is his method he said it's the only way to win one more 500 take it on the D you got to take it out got to take it out thanks for playing Monopoly C right tell them thank you very much for watching guys please subscribe if you haven't already hit that Bell to stay notified like comment follow and share and I'll have some more videos for you soon thank you all hope you enjoyed the cash wheel alling on my b had them flip it while I sit back and col triple digits when I'm staring at the chair 777 hit the jackpot 777 hit the jackpot
Channel: NJ Slot Guy
Views: 8,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g5k1nq_h1wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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