I Upgraded This Tower To DESTROY REALITY

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so do you see this little Tower right here our objective today is to level him up to insane levels and we do that by killing these little tiny squares and every time we kill a square we get XP and then we can sell that XP to get things like attack speed which we're going to need right now because these things are ruthless and they only eventually kill my tower but that's totally okay because we got 87 Town resources which means I take them back to my Derpy little town over here and use them in the construction firm to turn them into wood I can convert 100 making one wood block and that's not quite enough to buy up a workshop so I'll head back out to these testing fields and kill endless amounts of these little cubes again but this time I'll buy some hit points and now it takes them longer to kill me so I'll get more attack speed and a little bit of regeneration I'm not nearly as squishy as I used to be at my little blocks I've also collected 196 of those things this time which is so much better than last time unfortunately I'm hardly doing enough damage to keep ahead of them so I need a little more base damage I'll do 11 they have 11.6 hit points I'll do 14. and we're gonna go down really quickly come on there we go a little bit hit points everything's working oh barely okay a little bit more base damage 17 to their 14 hit points I am barely struggling to survive this but I do have 540 of these which is great let's get a little more attack speed hopefully I can survive a little longer we're getting a little bit of regen happening this is good ah but our Tower blew up on Wave nine that's fine that's totally okay because we'll just convert that to four more of these so we have five of the wood blocks and 432 there we'll build up our first workshop and there's our beautiful Workshop What A Derpy looking town now the fun thing about the workshop is we have blue blocks and if I convert all of my things to Blue blocks I get eight of them those eight blue blocks will help me raise up my attack speed if I had 25 but it also helped me my base attack we could also get a little bit more regen and stone foundations and then dump the rest here into base attack now if we test out our Tower again I'll have the base hit points of 22 and my base attack is significantly higher as well so I can easily dump all my points back into attack speed and kill everything that comes by Direction so I'm probably going to take a little bit of damage from this wave but it'll be okay because I should regenerate enough to make me full health at the end of it okay yep yep yep full health next wave that's perfect okay I need to kill two more actually I need more base damage because they do they have more hit points than I'm attacking get more attack speed too all right everything's okay we're good doing 20 damage they have 15 hit points I need a little more regen a little more Foundation I want to reach in get it back we're staying alive they're doing a lot of damage 2.3 per hit but I'm regenerating faster great oh and check this out we have a big chunky boy coming this way he's probably gonna beat me up I'm gonna take my lunch money oh no I actually killed him very good and I killed all of his friends until the green people showed up I don't like the green people oh boy can we take them out if we can this is huge all right and oh wow we actually did that's awesome but the question is how much longer until the green people take me out oh here it goes but I did unlock a new module so that's amazing now if I remember yep it's the basic bouncing module yay and we can research that in here but one thing I want to do is convert all of these points right over here 100 percent Demi 20. basic bouncing starts at one this attack speed requires 25 which I'm not a fan of but I could level these other things up and now my tower is even stronger we'll go into fast forward mode and maybe we'll see a bounce happen here maybe not because things are going so fast I just want to dump all my points into attack speed not care one thing all right big boys back he's probably gonna kill me but that's okay because I can convert this now to 40. 40 allows me to get the base attack speed up and leveling up a little bit more regen these waves are going so much faster in two times speed mode but we're hardly taking damage let's get a little more hit point and regeneration that boss died almost instantly and I'm doing 58 damage per attack great give me some more attack speed now we only have three more to go until we have Max attack speed the green guys are disappearing quickly and attack speed has been maximum mated that's my new word I just made it up maximum I made it you have to do the mm in it too so we just hit wave 20 which brings us to a green Blobby boss oh dude we got a good bounce on there he's dead all right oh they do a ton of damage though 20 okay well we did unlock a new module which is great Elemental resistance I'll be honest I don't really care about that but I think I probably should what I care more about is transferring all of this to 118 blue blocks which gives me more attack speed now hopefully the green slime and his friends will die quicker so here comes this little fella uh he died quick uh we're doing a lot of other damage which I'm not a huge fan of maybe we should slow it down and evaluate what's happening we're doing 32 damage per hit which is great because they have okay we need a little bit more let's buy like three of those we'll get a little more attack speed because we're almost maximum level attack speed and now we're gonna put our points into bouncing because the idea of hitting two Targets at the same time is way better than hitting one target at a time seems that we're doing 69.8 damage which is pretty good there they have 56 health so we're fine now we could start getting some Elemental resistance too but that seems like an entire waste when I'm not taking any damage now I am concerned this is the wave that as the big green blob that we died on last time but 93 damage per hit should be pretty strong to take him and his friends out especially when we get good bounces in there and now we have a bunch of red guys kill the red guy make them dead guys okay everyone's gone good so they have a 115 hit points I believe I'm doing 122 now I am so we need to make sure that we can upgrade our base damage again if we need to okay they have to do 124. we have to keep ahead of that that's really tough maybe I should take some resistances I mean we are eventually going to take damage right all right here we go all waste all my points and Elemental resistance mainly because the game just gave it to me we'll get a little bit more stone foundation we do 171 damage they have 163 hit points I'm very concerned about that because this is going to be another Boss Wave yep we have the Red Cube boss now I'm gonna try to put everything wow 192 damage okay we killed it I am surprised that we actually killed it this is a pretty good run we have brown Blobby boys now they have 184 hit points we do 192 damage we could upgrade our bounce again why not okay we have to hit him twice 212 damage 207 hit points my goodness I feel like I just have to keep putting base attack points in also something I just realized they do 67 base damage I need more resistance if they hit me it takes out half of my health 70 damage more than half of my health now uh oh but I did make it to wave 40 and I don't even know what happened so we get another Brown boss which is concerning 291 damage per hit is it gonna be enough oh we killed him we did 30. okay oh wow they do damage but I did get 16 789 points which gives me the multi-shot and Nature's Touch I don't even know what that means but is this like nature damage sure oh and I have to upgrade these if I want another one over here I feel like multi-shot might be better than basic bouncing or what I can do too is make a whole bunch of these points maybe like a hundred two hundred three hundred I have 200 now I used up a lot but 250 will give me another Workshop upgrade that takes three minutes some of you are probably mad because I didn't build headquarters but there's something satisfying about watching the workshop get upgraded so when my workshop was upgrading I decided to go back and uh get like 21 000 more points now if I do this I can create 200 and 200 will go a long way in adding multi-shot there we go multi-shot let's get attack speed number one Multi Shot number two and I mean it seems kind of fun just to put the rest of my points all into this attack speed but I think that's kind of a bad idea so let's dump a whole butt load into multi-shot and then just you know what convert everything to 238 more we'll do one more attack speed and buy one more I totally mean only one this time get our basic attack up to I don't know a couple hundred base damage and then we'll dump everything else into multi-shot and basic bouncing who needs defense not me I'm not gonna lie I am kind of excited to see what multi-shot did oh my goodness yes attack speed is far more important now I feel like uh maybe that defense is also important though so I'm wondering if it does the multi-shot and if the multi-shots can bounce because if that's the case then that essentially could make nine bullets at any one time oh we've already made it to the first Cube boss and we shot him three times and he died that's good we've also matched up attack speed on wave 10 which is even better and now I could probably keep putting it into multi-shot because that sounds really good I just need to make sure we're doing more damage than the enemy's base health so I'm gonna try to keep multi-shot and basic Bones the same I want them to be leveled up about the same time because both of these are extremely powerful skills look at that we just wiped out wave 23 in like a matter of seconds so wave 30 is here with the big red block I'm very scared of him he has 1700 hit points but he's dead all right we are also taking damage because now they're starting to catch up with their base damage but that's okay 192 versus 148 and if I put a bunch more points than that I don't have to worry about it for a while I should probably worry about this though I need some regen going a few moments later and now wave 40 brings us the brown blob I really don't know what's gonna come after this one but 290 damage and he's dead but we did take a little bit of damage but we're surviving ho-haw ding oh we're back to little white cubes again wow they have a lot of hit points okay 310 each that's insane my poor little recharge bar is not recharging very fast hopefully we can do this one come on yep okay it's easy with the multi-shot basic bouncing I wonder if that means there's a more advanced bouncing like for real talk wave 50 means we have the large white Cube again how many hit points four thousand all right we took him out thanks to the multi-shot this was easy can we make it all the way to a wave a hundred I kind of doubt it like to be honest okay the green glob is here again with 6 000 hit points and we have to hit him 10 times okay wow he died I'm kind of surprised we just need to keep up with the base damage because everything is really high hit points but I'm also doing 733 per strike wave 69 was easy I'm curious about wave 70 with 951 damage oh my I made it somehow I might make it all the way to level 100. if I don't I still have 44 000 of these other blocks I can trade over now I have the opportunity to level up my base of damage again to 12 30. okay the boss died at wave 80. I'm very concerned though because these have so many hit points just the basic ones have 1150 now I'm trying to get my Multi Shot up when still holding enough uh points to get the basic attack 1460 damage They're All Dead they have enemy a health of 1300 so I feel like I can get in another multi-shot to bring over 30 chance but I'm very concerned oh we're still doing so well I just don't want to use my points incorrectly here especially when everything is on the line wave 90 brings The Big Cube again 14 000 hit points I have to hit it nine times oh he's dead it's dead we totally have this let's blast our way to level 100 keep our base damage up 1 300 hit points we do 1 800 damage I'm gonna get another multi-shot for That Sweet thirty percent also I changed the color of my tower to red if you were wondering I don't know why I just thought it would be fun so we're doing 1879 damage they have 1 600. I'm so concerned because this has been a long time okay multi shot's good I'm gonna do another base damage because we're probably gonna have a large boss at the end of this wave maybe we'll get all three bosses at once I don't even know what to expect here we go wave 99 2200 damage basic bounce I could I'm gonna do it because wave hundred okay we have the green Cube and we have a bunch of greenlings oh he died instantly hot dang cool we did unlock a new module as well wave resources I don't even know what that means but it's yellow oh more resources every wave that's awesome anyway my friends if you'd like to see me continue playing this game you'll have to let me know Down Below in the comment section because well we actually did it we didn't unlock a new region as well we could head into the desert in the next video so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including splatter sex Doug rules skunk chess spread Dalton C scatter D Grayson alvora Kyle V Zane W Mr one Peyton please could I know fussy badge written the warrior sniper Noland Kyler J Hank tiger zarnoff maxer Brown BC engineer so cars Spencer T whiskey endless zanius Auto Dave Ben Vicky J Teddy hippies ninja General Harris
Channel: Blitz
Views: 125,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, tower defense, tower defense games, tower defense steam, steam tower defense, strategy games, idle games, tower defense idle, the perfect tower, the perfect tower II, the perfect tower 2, the perfect tower 2 blitz, blitz the perfect tower 2
Id: gFitZroQKmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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