I unlocked THE VOID MECH in Season X...(Roblox BedWars)

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all right boys so I've been waiting 3 months 2 weeks 4 days 23 hours 7 minutes and 2 seconds and one shower later for bedwars to finally release season 10 and bro I don't know how it's such a high number man but it is 7 minutes past the update and it should be inside of the game bro we're getting First Reactions man I literally just hopped on as you guys can tell oh my gosh bed War season six it has the Halo wait do the update get delayed bro why does it say 6 day oh never mind oh my god dude look at the lobby I haven't even clicked out of the patch notes yet bro let's click the X dude what am I looking at we are in the middle of heaven right now bro bro the entire map has transformed and I'm not going to lie this is probably the best looking map that I've ever seen in my entire life look at the atmosphere bro the atmosphere I haven't seen atmosphere like this since SpongeBob dude you know what I'm saying bro this is crazy and somebody's already asking for kids all right let's go to the leaderboard real quick hold on dude we got we got to check this bro the leaderboard dud it looks so sick look at this look at this orange bro why is this so beautiful let's look at the stats dude oh my gosh I don't know why I'm looking at the leaderboard when I should be looking at what's new inside of the godd dang game all right let's see the the bedw Wars news did they add any new stuff uh I mean they kind of did not really season X battle pass over here bro there is no way hold on we're clicking purchase I don't even know what's in there do I care absolutely not give it to me right now bro I'm spending all my Robux today bro I don't even care all right there we go battle pass is now purchased bro what is that kit that looks like a straight up fire bender we we got Agy we got sticks bro this was literally in the leaks we also got naoka we got bezat and then for the tier 50 kit we got the high Tinker dude what is that what actually is that I don't know what it is but I'm spending 15,000 Robux and I'm purchasing it right now I'm using that in our first game I'm not even trolling upgrade your Telos Mech to increase your shield and damage bro activate self-destruct to deal massive damage that's actually wild all right we're going to check the back there's something secret way over here dude and I'm going to figure out what it is the AFK area bro why is it so far away wait what is this side too there's probably something secret over here looks like a whole lot of nothing you know what I'm saying but it's time we are going into a solo game with the tier 50 kit bro we are not wasting any time all right we're inside of the game and dude what is this what what am I voting for you can vote for the map and then a game mode wait What potions do potions I don't know what it's going to pick two people voted this map with dragon dud what even is that dude and why am I so small I'm like a little troll under a bridge dude look at me bro what is this thing I'm not even kidding I have 20 HP and I have a chainsaw yo the bed actually has a pillow on it that's crazy can my chainsaw break the bed it does not all right let me go into the shop what's in the shop dude I have an iron Mech upgrade and a crossbow that is literally it bro what is this bro the team upgrade station looks crazy yo I can get an emerald Mech upgrade I could get a void Mech upgrade magic 2 I don't know what this is bro how do I upgrade this I need six diamonds give me six diamonds right now the bow what the the bow actually looks goofy look at when I build with blocks I'm holding my hand out what the heck I don't know what's happening with this thing yo he's at my base hit him off the map the mech upgrade goes crazy bro you can't mess with it that's what I'm trying to get right now I need to get diamonds right now pass me these things real quick apparently there isn't the capture anymore so we have less diamonds now all right the got the bridge he's trying to lassy me bro what is he doing all right we're going to unlock era I now have the iron Mech upgrade let's go dude what am I right now I have 160 Health dude he's trying to LY me into the void I can't do that can he ly a Mech who knows I'm not testing it out though nah bro I'm doing 20 damage to him 12 damage bro the bow is so weird it's actually terrible can I build up to him what the I'm stuck in the blogs dude what I don't think I can build I literally can't build wait what building is actually so weird with this thing it's terrible and he's actually dead I don't think I take any knock back okay so I lost some Shield right here so if I click R self-repair it literally repairs me so I can just Spam that down every 4 seconds and it'll keep on giving me health I need the next upgrade bro I need the next upgrade the only problem is I literally can't build that's literally the only problem I'm not even breaking anybody's bed I just want diamond era on my Mech okay that's all I want oh my God he actually just LTI me why is the ly so powerful I just killed him I got 13 diamonds I need three more that's all I need seven damage seven damage this guy trying to rush me bro he's trying to rush me I think I just hit him off let's go the bow is too powerful my friend but also boys whenever you're using the mech do not build it is actually terrible I got 14 emeralds we're going to see how much it cost for a diamond Mech do I get bigger bro do I get bigger we're going to unlock this era and then we're going to get this over here eight emeralds I am now Diamond I have 190 shield and I got 30 HP dude there's no way this is real not only did I get that I literally got a diamond chainsaw I basically get diamond armor and a diamond sword whenever I buy this bro like literally this is 22 emeralds I also have an insane amount of iron for no reason oh gosh there's guys here what the heck self-repair dude he's trying to kill me I need keep on repairing keep on repairing that's a strap I can't build keep on on him he's trying to Target me dude he's trying to Target me I know what to do I know what to do bro I actually need to get tele PS he's taking so much damage I can't build up I get stuck every time dude this should not be a thing and now there's two people at me dude cuz I have the mech and they're targeting me self repair I got him off the map let's go shoot this guy off the map come on come on come on he's trying to last me you're not doing that you're not doing that you're not doing that I need to get destruction I need to start getting Fireballs I'm not even trolling we're dipping out of this thing everybody's targeting my entire life there is 99 messages because everybody's going crazy bro I need the destruction upgrade to even buy Fireballs six diamonds what the flippers bro all right we're chilling now boys I can now buy Fireballs with my Mech the whole upgrade system is like so much different I'm just keep on spaming Fireballs bro it works I know he's so much damage he can't stop it bro he can't stop it he can't stop it I'm about to kill him with only Fireballs let's go dude he's trying so hard I'm literally just having fun inside of my Mech just trolling and this guy's over here like I need to kill him he's in a Mech I need to kill him he's all so many blocks here like dude chill out bro we're all just chilling trying to see the new update man you're trying this hard and you're still losing even though I can't even build there's four people still in this game everybody's gearing up to try to fight me we need to return back to base we have enough for a crossbow what happens when I click Q self-destruct what does that do do I end up dying boys should we test it out dude should we test it out I got a crossbow now also whenever you buy the era it actually automatically upgrades your generator so that's exactly why there's a lot more iron boys I think I'm being literally targeted Fireball them off [Music] GG's he fell off the map these guys are actually try Harding wa we just unlocked the emerald era we can now get a void and emerald Mech hold on 22 emeralds for the emerald okay and I pretty sure it goes to void right after that dude if this guy lasses me into the void I'm going to be so sad I'm not even kidding I'm going to take out his bed since he has the lassy all right this about to be the most insane gaming experience that you guys will ever witness Bro Look At Me waddle across this bridge my legs are not even on it 21 emeralds I need one more what is this thing at the top right glitched enchant table the enchantment table is glitched oh this is the uh the game mode that we voted for even though I didn't vote for it I wanted a normal gaming experience all right all right all right we're going to go in here emal Mech let's go what the heck is this whirling death no way this is real bro I have 340 Shield there is no way how much for the void 40 emeralds reduces incoming projectile damage and knockback bro there's no way this is real 40 emeralds for that do I Rush this guy right now I have an emerald Mech dude you are so dead you are insanely dead look at him he knows he's dead keep on spamming him boys Fireballs too get him a little bit scared and he fell in the void and he's the only one in the game I think everybody else just rage quitted we're not going to kill him we're going to save up for the void Mech and then we're going to kill him I also want to test out the whirling death dude and then we're going to test out the self-destruct to see if I die which I'm kind of a little guy right here so I'll probably just start running around as him for whatever reason dude I have 47 diamonds wait how do I upgrade my damage I don't think there's a way to do that anymore all I guess I'm just going to carry these diamonds around for the rest of my life boys we are getting insanely close we have 25 emeralds right now the thing is boys inside of this new update you get so much more iron inside of the game so it's crazy bro there's no way a Titan titans are back give me the Titan I'm going to kill him I got to take him down bro I have to I have to kill the Titan he's so weak I think I'll get enough emeralds to actually buy the next upgrade I think I get like 15 never mind I only got like three what they definitely nerfed it we are seven emeralds away from the void Mech and all are about to break soon he's toring this guy's not messing around dude he's not messing around no more you will not kill me while I have 37 emeralds I'm going to tell you that right now and we now have 40 emeralds and he's about to teleport on me so we got to hurry up and and uh purchase this the beds are literally about to break bro I want to purchase this before he tries fighting me cuz I'm going to kill him bro he better let me get it he better let me get it back away from me bro back away from me come on and we got it let's go whiring death oh he's in the game he's in here he's in here I'm about to die there's no way how did I just get wrecked that fast 10 seconds until I get my Mech back I got to run away I actually got to run away I'm like a little Goblin dude I'm too small we're got to survive I got it back to use it let's go what is happening right now dude keep on spamming Fireballs keep on spamming it he has life steal this might be bad he actually is getting so much health I can't kill him I'm not even trolling I can't kill him we're going to keep on running keep on running keep on running and using the repair the entire map is collapsing he has life steal I literally can't kill him I can't even return back to base no I need to get enchantments I forgot the enchantments bro it's all over I forgot the enchantments the only thing we can do is like wait for his enchantments to like leave cuz he's getting Seven health for every hit and it is wild and I ran out of arrows there is no way I have to fight this guy I have to get up close and personal I got six Fireballs bro I got to win this if this void Mech does not kill this guy then the void Mech is bad I'm not even kidding is this en Champions gone I can't tell I might just risk it I'm not even kidding his enchantments are definitely not gone Go For It Go he has Trinity and life steal and I still killed him let's go bro he had Trinity life steal he had everything inside of the books not only that the enchantments were literally glitched so it was probably a lot better we spent 40 emeralds over 40 diamonds all for this and it is probably the best kit inside of the game not really
Channel: MiniBloxia
Views: 214,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox BedWars, BedWars
Id: x84JnAOy50I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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