"I Understand That A F***** Up Situation Happened, But It's Not Right!" What Happened at Tri-City

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it was Hawaii but that's what he's like oh the flag went through the white twice that's what Kyle said I said it doesn't matter [Music] Larson moved back to the bottom in his pursuit of April the white flags for Rico final time into one or two here for your leader down the back story about collected Justin Sanders crazy yeah tj4s heat race number one and something happened Rico's better than that but we've all lifted on the white yeah I think the only other time you were in here was your Spencer once right yeah probably doesn't even if that was his first race probably my first technical crew chief race almost so um yeah it doesn't really count I mean I was here when it was half my own three times the size of this place it feels like so I I know nothing what I've seen on video I think the only other person that has laps around here is party right so I think I was supposed to run a here like twice and this race guy used to get rained out every year remember Golden Crown yeah used to ran out over here yeah you try to watch videos and try to watch guys angles entering or how they qualify or maybe it's a distinctive line they might try to choose or or where guys are making up ground or making up speed so we just try to do that um watch them you know Wayne County video and then watch a couple videos here and this place looks really wide and racy and looks like you kind of move around a lot of your car speed so I think we have a good car I'm driving right I think we should be able to move around and make some speed I always looked at it it's like you you come to most these places and you're going to run wide open first level hot laps like regardless if you know where you're at or not so it's it's usually not that hard place like Wayne County take a minute to figure out the gimmick to it places like this I feel like it's just a circle so you just don't overthink it you say no split stop I'm honestly that's what I thought like going over I'm like well I'm like you're gonna have a hard Choice like 16 cards per group here just add a powder or anything like if you're gonna rank everything anyway like you should almost just sit there and like just your average finish as you're powering I feel like that might be fair like like for a pillow well for how they just split the groups up maybe two groups like just do heat based groups a lot of work no one it'd be good during the week for people to talk about imagine that we won't hot lap twice I think we will I just don't see it being run in enough I bet it can't be but like three groups of hot laps probably is it yeah yeah you good there Hunter how's the methanol taste I don't taste it I just put it on my lid three socks here [Music] [Music] what'd you say I said you stopped so brakes must have been okay yeah they're better it's really tight no it doesn't even it doesn't really even enter uh left it's kind of just tight yeah it's almost like the track's gonna race low right now is that enough gear for that you think I don't know it almost looks like no no no the other way yeah okay were you able to get a judge for the gear at all see City wasn't sure I figured we'll just go faster right here would be my assumption yeah and I couldn't tell by to tell back picking them up knocking them down here 12009 the new Mark to be as Justin Sanders rolls onto the speedway from Aromas California scrap metal number 39 for Justin Sanders foreign [Music] here's your lineup on the pole pepper jack kennels number 24 is Rico Abram on the outside from Aromas California to Swindell speed lab Victory Fuel Jay Davidson scrap metal number 39 is Justin Sanders top two to the sander engineering Dash RPM starting to rise Rico and Sanders waiting green flag and tj4 gets out on him as they race into one and two they'll sort them out back through the field but boy Rico wasting no time getting away Kyle down to the inside looking for second in turn four battle for the dash spot here Larson tries to take the line away from Sanders and he does so we go to the lead Larson second by lap one Justin Sanders in the Hop Farms 39s go right there challenging Kyle Larson for that Dash transfer spot top tier of the dash as they work down Australia now the top run to the four spot Zeb wise is fifth Chase Randall won out in the sixth spot as the line start to spread out through three and four Rico begins to pull away again with already five laps to get Larson move back to the bottom in his pursuit of Andrew the one flag lies for Rico that way Rico off the throttle Kyle Larson just missing him oh and I think he may have thought the race was over and the black man did wave the white so Rico will blend back in sorry yeah no you're right they'll blend him back in as to where the caution came out where he was when the caution flew is where we believe he will blend back in but and it sounds like it's going to go 57-39-24 and indeed that's what's gonna what it's gonna be oh they're gonna put Eliason ahead of him too so Rico goes from not only a heat race win spot falls out of a dash spot and now Larson is stopped I think maybe trying to get an explanation here of what's going on all right yeah we're trying we're trying up here to listen to sprig and figure out where exactly everybody's gonna line back up here so I think the way it's going to be Larson should be the leader still and then I think it's going to be Sanders and then Abreu so they'll put the orange cone back on the racetrack no passing before the cone going below the cone or hitting the cone here on this restart lights are going out oh no Rico's back in the lead so we're going to call that an inadvertent yellow and it's going to be Rico Larson Sanders and Eliason we're coming to Green This Time by with the green and white out together one last shootout 5 next time Larson still in the second spot down the back shoe for the final time Checkers in the air Ringo Hebrew gonna get a lucky break here through three and out of four he'll hold on and win tj4 number one Kyle Larson second he'll end to the dash Justin Sanders Corey Eliason and Zeb wise he top five craziness here and TJ forged heat race number one but Rico Abreu comes home with the checkers [Music] to then get me knocked out of the dash like it's all right like I understand that a up situation happened and something happened Rico's better than that but we've all lifted on the white yeah I mean I should I should have put it I mean I mean that's I got overruled they've about killed everybody is what they felt did in reality like and then he gets a spot back [Music] but like the fact that Kyle stops this morning I talked about it but when Kyle stops to tell you like to say to do it it's a black eye for this deal okay it was the white but that's what he's like oh the flag went through the white twice that's what Kyle said I said it doesn't matter it literally doesn't like it does not matter I said these guys are raising for money that doesn't make a matter to them I said I'm raising a guy for points you just let stop on the front straightaway and talk to you and change a call and knock me out of the dash like I got to I just ran into Brad before I ran it like right away because I could get to import y'all went green I'm like and he was like nah and then Tommy's like well I was gonna put him second and it's like one second because that's where he was on the yellow sure that makes a little more sense but like still well they said it first it just did it like it sucks yes it sucks but like we've all up before Kyle said 57 39 24 yeah all right and I should draw I mean I just I feel like that's the call if they started drawing and I understand [Music] just get ready that's that's me acknowledging that I had a long conversation with Kyle he he feels like he saw two white flags and understands he thought that they said something about this guy throws the green if that's what ended up being what he said with the sun it looked like a white and then it looked like he said he honestly thought the Checker was out too but he looked at the board I've run second in heat race because I lifted yeah totally you know I totally agree and I don't think it was great it's just one of those deals where like he brought the yellow out and that's something I totally agree I was getting we were gonna run third I understand you know what I mean but like hey I'm I'm not mad mad I just you know what I mean yeah I just gotta fight for my own you know what I mean I'm so proud I'm like we're gonna run through like I'm not I'm not even mad about it but I'm not like I'm honestly was more worried about this sheer fact that like it was just people were gonna take it really bad by the Optics of it you know what I mean yeah he's like looking around it from the outside they just see the guy that owns it stopping and changing a call and it looks bad you know [Music] [Music] foreign I mean I was gonna drive around him on that last lap but I mean [Music] it does it drops but then it tries to bring it so like it doesn't stay and I don't know why it doesn't stay [Music] straight away you have so much time to like really pack and do this like here you're almost having to like they're bad [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign okay here's my my one dumb thought that we figured out at Chili Bowl there's a chance that like you get at a certain point and then that gets at a certain point and if your height isn't right that thing like cries does that make sense and it's like maybe because that got low and then we got the car low we were too under it and we were spending time that's what I'm saying was like I think we're something's like we got to be in in the attitude because that's like literally from practice day to like race Champions with that deal like that was everything we spent time on was that and I moved that up and stuff to try to get it to to we would do the same thing like we would be like just do this you know what I mean I mean it was it was had a little tweak at Wayne County after winning counts worse like this is prettier than we've raced the last year races and we were undrivable foreign that's like a nipple but like my whole inside skills so probably the the flowchart if you think back to Wayne County was actually like what we thought we needed here which was to roll it this way it's like you really needed to do the opposite more and then just scan it up so that you got out of your record getting in you know what I mean said unhooked we put that quarter in we put fuel in and we solved it up and then it was stuck getting in and then it would roll into the shock and then you're gonna skip it you know what I mean whereas I thought I could put the bar in and let the chalk down and then we'd get in on the bar and then land in the shock and then drive down the straightaway but you know also they don't want to Freedom if they don't go wet it we probably had at least a half a chance well the only way you're gonna probably make anything happen just to figure out how to actually get name on the top and just never slow down cloud in there to where you just stayed slammed when we landed ago because because like going into three later in the race like on the straightaways would get we're starting to get that little bit of like slip a little bit and then like I could start then I could start arching it like for two years I've been trying to get the thing to go forward and yeah we're in good shape on that side so hey congrats you made it to the end of the video you know a lot of work goes into the content here at speed lab and to maintain the consistent flow of quality content myself as an editor I have to stay hydrated whether I'm at the track shooting driving to the next track or just at the gym Victory Fuel is my go-to drink to keep me moving just one can a day gives you your daily vitamins and electrolytes use code Dylon 10 at drinkvictory.com when you purchase your case of Victory Fuel to receive 10 off and if you watch this entire video today you earned it thank you for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Swindell SpeedLab
Views: 54,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: racing, motorsport, swindell, race car, sprint cars, dirt track racing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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