I Turned My Daughter Into a BABY FACTORY To Repopulate the Purge Megacity - One Hour One Life

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so I get born to a mom and she's going towards the bell tower back to the city alright so he's at the same city I was in the bell tower says top left oh he's in the last life we had a Khmer slaughter and I don't get somebody's think mom good boy snake that's good there was a mass slaughter and it ended unfortunately I kind of want to go back there because I see like a bell nearby and I I can definitely make it you know because it's other words hospitals and I'm going in the wrong direction though she's probably in to a different town but what's a little bit older I'm gonna just try and run over there I don't we care about this I mean I care about this town but I want to go back there man it was such a great place I want to revive it if possible the problem is no one's gonna understand me because we had red lights decades and we had hundreds of years all cooperation between the two families and then we had the bravery incident and everything just went ballistic man that chain reaction still blows my mind it's it's great it was like a few minutes ago for me I'm still under the impression I just respond immediately hoping it would get spawn maybe nearby and I think I might be there were multiple bell towers that's very possible but that one definitely was there there's a high chance of me be able to make it and just survive there mom what okay that's a ghost a from nowhere I didn't expect at all I didn't even see her spawn in so hope I wrote home soon and you see some fruit over here that we can eat if we get hungry I think she's looking just fine I'm gonna run over bear over there I'm gonna run back there might take me a bit but I believe I can make it do we have two babies now could be an issue my name is Adele by the way just so you know I'm gonna grab some food over here it's better than nothing and we might have a hard time getting there you are give her a name um that's all you gotta do any food nearby any like berries or whatnot your Lily need food I need food as well okay you could take my my fruit if you want to and eat it if you need to I'll just carry this with me you can feed me if you want to if you just say yes okay I'll okay no problemo for you hopefully we are really close as you said okay there's more food over here we'll get more things in Savanna I will need more food soon I'll just make sure we get that F button ready faces to go don't know theater yet me alright good be good mommy good you need this for you to eat right you go eat that okay they just give it did you feed the baby with that she fed the baby with that that was my food it's my backup food just in case for me and for you but it doesn't really matter hopefully we are really close man cuz we've been walking here for a while I'm already like oh four years old I don't see it down inside anywhere and be going further further away from the counter but I really want to go to mom are we there yet we're walking for so long mom I just wanna be there mom I don't know who's the mother to be very bad don't lose mom mom hello like my sis is already old enough this is madness mom don't you see this is like total madness we work here for ages look for like five minutes straight he's just like come on keep me keep me at home man is there even a home there might not be a home at all she might actually run you away from home I mean that's boss maybe she has a different ball tower it's also relatively possible be careful not to die here we gotta like manager food a very very carefully without actually losing her okay let's go eat this right away there we go should be able to manage until we find some more well foods also chances we don't find anything which would be a disaster I don't know where she is I can follow her I can hear her walking we can wish mama don't worry mom oh how much how much longer how much please just give me give me something I gotta keep walking you know mom can't stop here this is Wolfe County I that's how it just said like ten minutes ago mom I don't believe I don't trust you anymore you lost all my trust I think we're just running into nothingness this might be like the weirdest experiment ever I think we all get more babies she was getting baby left and right man like only Lilly is not even moving at all she's kind of brain dead never mind she's not my bad but she she was not being smart and not coming out of her hands we have a way to get Alec how like a basset or something I could really use a basket let's see let's let's get a basket here if you can we gotta get some more some resources mom this is just nothing I'm good enough no we just can't keep running around in circles like crazy we gotta get some burdock you gotta get a basket or two just please give me a give me a chance to get a basket till I ask all right no not gonna happen all right never mind does she want to show us believe I understand that just give me give me one week please thank you lord or a gig was gonna basket that's all I want please don't run away from me we're gonna leave without me don't leave me daddy I want a bath there we go awesome oh it's all I ever wanted in life you know we'll ever need it in life that's all I ever wanted all I ever needed death and a Burke home I got so hungry I have a hunch that she's just going I don't think she has like the destination or any kind I think they just abandoned me mom oh no mom oh no oh no hey hey hey I'm safe I'm safe I'm safe we got to be gotcha we got to be safe what man is the problem right it's gonna go keep on money I don't know here we go I just want my mom line they could have just settled somewhere and had a life there instead but my mom please just tell me we're going somewhere what she my guess is that she was actually in the Thunder town and now she's going back home I honestly just don't know what to think anymore yeah now we're 1,000 dollars away from does alert data where I want to go that's like it doesn't bode well cuz I'm gonna have to make this an exact same trek back I do it'll get a horse that's kind of my plan right now I don't my god mom please mom mom mom are you messing with us I don't know what to think anymore no okay just can't we call my god okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let's just go feed to feed the babies your best I'll I'll manage on my own you know I'll manage on my own I just gonna like let you keep following me just far yeah I see it's far checks it might have like been in the murdertown where did she go now let's talk up oh I see a dead body in there hold on this thing stuff I know off my chain I don't really care right now I can't really help it you've iron alright alright let's let's go let's let's hurry let's hurry up please okay let's hurry up I can handle myself I just don't know where to go that's kind of the main problem I Oh were you in bail in Belltown were you in Belltown oh no those are bros dead you're Omar hi Omar I've seen the Beltone that's kind of what I want to know right now come please I'm by the way she might have been when I asked her all about it I think I lost them it's so easy to lose people in this game man I hear them coming and in nibbling and whatnot I got you this a miner there's your mom so we know there's a mine there I got you I'm following you seal I trust you I don't know why I don't know it's gonna find indeed on the road but what I know I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go get a horse like ASAP and run back to the bell town and just well I just want to see it man that's all I want to do well actually she might be from like her town might be the bell town Eve hey bird hybrid her thumb might be a bell town yeah I'll take this don't worry about it yeah let's take it now this is Eve mom this is Eve over here she might be from a bell town of her own and she's going towards town I was just in like in my last life that would be interesting because you guys are homework I'm a teacher I don't think she went all the way from there she was uh she was younger right when she gave birth to me she actually had shorter hair which means she was like 13 or so and there's no way she would have made the track from from this time to the belt oh so I think we actually might be going there it's kind of like she's near I don't I don't know I don't know anymore mom just hear she's alive you still kicking I'm waiting baby for some reason it's no Gucci food he's feeding pies rarely pies need it okay she doesn't want to stick with us all right let's go please make it the city I was just in I want to go back there I really do want to make things right I want to find my old body wanna learn the language of the people again that's all I want to do you lost them I hear them nibbling I hear them on the right there we go over here but I did lose them for a sec all right row Rosa you keep why to give me any so many papers it's insane like so many babies oh my god like how is it even possible just keep getting them non-stop dude that's very lucky and lucky at the same time I just a seal could get some seal skins if we had time but we don't have any time gotta keep running I'm guessing it's under one thousand tiles because she would have said something oh is this a bad a random a bunch of stones I don't know what you're gonna find there man III just I just have no clue oh no okay just a baby it's it's okay so what was Mama's night it's okay you know as long as you don't like mom that's okay cuz if you die we are we're bound cuz we I have no idea where to go you know you have you own the whole marker with the bell tower if you die we're we're done for we can put it down for you know so just just don't die that's your only job stay alive mom and and lead us there please I can't believe no one got killed by an animal so far like we add some people starve we have some people get lost but I don't think anyone and got killed by like a random tree snake or anything like that Oh some [ __ ] Oh bear okay sound civilization that's that's a door just keep on going I see trees chocolate trees okay it's good mom lost them again mom mom okay you gotta be close got eight okay I got you I got you mom okay I see some civilization where do we go north I guess ok we'll we'll make it he's up my daughter over there Miko oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I was I was here I was here a minute ago I was here minutes ago I was here mom mom I was here a minute ago there was a war there was a war yeah yeah hold on hold on hold on hi hi I'm back I'm back I'm back this is me where's my body says I'm back son Jessica hi son I understand them even my eighth mine no no hi where it was Bravin hi I remember this place remember bodies we're gonna bones at is that Bravin over there that's Liam oh god I'm so happy I followed my mom we did the right thing mom it's a job list over here oh my my body's my my bones amiko it's me mom mom mom pretty wishy mom where's she mom mom we're moving mom just please don't murder with me where's my mom mom mom my bones my bones look here a Miko Miko that was me that was me was me hi Duke me my bones my bones hold on yeah it's crazy yeah it is crazy it's so crazy man there's a boot here as well uh you don't understand this kid we have uh let's make paper let's make paper we have paper over here for for communication okay everything when you ever hear some kid look at Comerica be these people you know I got any problem at all we don't have any any raw paper to a problem but we could just manage I'm so happy we're back man I'm so happy we're back it's amazing all right let's go find some kindling that's all I need right now oh boy okay we can use this now I don't want to exact that just were forced to wait I'm so happy I'm back for the coolest sound ever I made it I'm so proud of myself I don't even need a back but right now you know me I could use a backpack that was are always good I should not say no to a backpack really it's a silly thing to do we have any needles and around there was a needle and thread over here for healing right a sesh Liam don't be sad ohhara t oz whatever you say girl whatever you say uh we need some kindling man that's all I want a little bit of kindling a little bit of killing in my in my life alas right now it is the rope from here from before just looking Abel on this right now no need to worry about things I'm so happy man so cool we can excuse any of these for kindling we have so many of them and I just hope one of these down there's more than enough let's let's start a fire get some paper and spread our life you should get a fire you know she has everything over there but you know single axe right now man or or a hatchets just hatchets right here there we go the hatchet right here mom we got you we got you we got you need something need some plates as well we have wood shavings in water over here we'll need some plates there's one one thing right here and I'm gonna borrow this over here from the grave I mean that's for the the paper alright it's gonna be the fire oh no mom oh man oh man sucks so sad man it's just sad they just please don't kill me we're gonna learn your language and everything I just want to tell them who I was go back inside go inside here that's all I want when I get a long shot just don't murder as in please okay we have a shaft over here we just use this for a sec I'll make my paper all I want to do right now you know just one make a mistake wait away okay the killings right here I'm a baby hi baby hi he doesn't like it okay I'll hi you are 20 you are Winnie please don't murder eyes me I don't know what did they mean they just saying I don't know what they're saying man it's scary stuff I just dress you and feed you inclusion but not oh man just don't kill me please no murder ization until I ask all something some food like for right now that pie over here my other babies over there hopefully like she's gonna go down I won't actually boss my chain even looking one she doesn't matter at all oh my god please please gonna baby babies boy he's not a baby did you die okay no give me the baby back you know my baby back baby back you let me in the back you lay back okay I got you I got you I got you baby don't worry I got you guys forgot forgot forgot forgot I got you a guy so I'm gonna feed you okay feed you okay it's it's it's Ricky because like oh my god okay baby which are you savings in water we need multiple water things multiple times my tanks is sure hopefully someone feeds the babies like I just want to write to run on a message man you do it like this how do we do it how do we do this stone I've gotta get a stone as well man okay I gotta feed my babies I feel fidgel feed you don't worry no I got you I got your babies the stone for me here I got you I got you I don't know how to make paper is to think here we go all right get some water get some more wood pulp over here as well so to make a bunch of paper you know gotta do that I've gotta use a stone to flatten out first it's been slow so it's my paper you know okay hold on I was a Miko Miko last life I was a Miko Miko all right there's a paper right now please read this please read this that touch my body right there all that hold on read it read it please read the paper oh my god okay something hope we're gonna read it oh we gotta get something to eat there's no there's not no time it's it's so hectic my babies are hopefully alive push your mark I love it I want to fed them in the meantime I guess I'm up for sure I'm busy with paper you know I got here when I spread them to my message I was a Miko Miko that's a message not a very interesting message sir do you understand this please someone read the message please look look read the message read the message you dummy please please read the message there we go yeah I was a Miko Miko this choo-choo Chang this is me this is me right down here that's my body that's was my body very recently it was a good life it was a great life I was a Miko Miko can write stuff down okay let's communicate just communicate man we got a cup I chose soo-chang they're gonna say the same thing [Music] no I was not I was a dude I was a dude I [Music] was a dude sorry I never agreed to that yeah I think he's happy about the way things are going right now get more paper we gotta communicate somehow you know that's what matters to matters most right now this was this was me this was me this is my body here right here I don't accept being your wife I was like only 18 when I died man I think I was actually exactly 20 when I passed away so that's really cuz why did you take my plate dude I need that needed that for making more paper oh lordy Lord okay I gotta read it in a second well one sec one sec I got my bit more paper here what does it say Maiko mica was my no no no this Emmy code this this was me not not Maiko amico I think I misunderstood things Oh God not a baby oh boy bad timing I need need need need some need some foods need some food things like right away there's no food just carrots carrots are my only my only solace here please McCarron just give me an oh my god there's nowhere to put these things hey give me a carrot single care that's what I asked for okay you are amico that's the name amico that's the name that's name we chose all right make more paper this was me in a previous life there was a Great War but I came back came back stronger than ever alright learn languages learn the languages learn languages please say stuff relational say things please give it to my baby poor pulse polska no nuts not not not that language wrong language kid not not at all what I meant please don't kill my kid bong-gun didn't kill my kid while I'm gone I just need a bowl but that's for the sweet kraut that's why I asked please no motorisation of babies that's all ask the simple life simple job making more paper over there which is awesome if you've read anything you over here hold on Maiko Mika was my wife well I was a me cuz sweety was here I was a Miko Miko that was me that was a dude my wife talked to my baby so she learns talk baby so she learns please that's all I ask of you right now I gotta get more proud just talk to my baby all right we can communicate we can we can reestablish the multifamily I'm afraid you're here awesome oh just a card there say stuff taint thank you thank you so much for teaching my baby how to do things I'm going to make sure you're quite fed let's go find this thing to movies suck my baby so she'll learn that's all I ask please yes please please do that there she is she's right there talk to my baby please a man talk to my research learns that's all I ask of you right now please do that also don't kill her teach all my daughter's we can reestablish peace in this town I think the swords are like not as prevalent I think I want to teach her multiply anguishes she's young enough to learn things the problem is she I think she I she might the sky oh that fact the mind if I do that was lame so here I am I kind of so happy I made it back man you feel real good 12 khan pls emergency that's all I ask dogs Myra so she learns please please talk to her teach us how to do things Jessica toughie I don't understand your no comprendo but she's talking to her awesome thank you thank you so much thank you so much for teaching her I think she's just like not alive I think she's just afk or something but as long as she like says things I'm happy I'm gonna lose my chain again gonna be the last time I lose again I like revived it in a second here actually even said friend base our that makes kind of sense some kind of sense right it's still feeder which matters a lot so she's gonna learn things I'm gonna keep her alive and I'm gonna keep her babies alive as well again I think she might behave here or something as long as she doesn't like die I will be fine I'm gonna keep on feeding her non-stop I'm still old enough I'm still young enough to actually say hey there hi you are never mind she did she's gone so there baby it happens hey you are scholar nevermind you're not that babysit happens alright a Miko I can't feed you anymore like that they can't pick you up anymore that's a big problem actually it's a big ol problem I could kind of be fed I'm gonna bore one of these things and there was a where was that okay there's a you have some things over here as well let's go get this going it's over here maybe like sub please please do is you're gonna learn stuff just have to give babies that's all that's that's the only job right now cedar make sure you shares more babies that's gonna be good where's the fire please someone get get to fire in here come on slowly ask hi son hi you are you are lanky welcome Langdon where's my where's my secret message I think they're they're talking to him non-stop talk to maybe social learn please read the message push him around [Music] yes yes love I agree hi hi hi do you understand me I'll feed the baby make sure like it is little nice little good learn yeah yes yes okay I'm teaching understand we are the yard cure a beasts I gotta find cdef th not just like to say random letters maybe they're gonna help out to say just talk a lot that way babies will learn things better I gotta feed you if that's a reason we'll get him did you glad we was talking yep plea please do making good progress here I got I saw the chain going again this is just nonsense I'm just like eating the same thing all over again I don't like doing that you know that's very very very very well but I'm it's it's it's kind of hot to focus on like teaching babies and feeding the baby okay hold on Peter okay she's human fat make sure she doesn't die she's the baby factory no she's just like drinking all this knowledge and her babies are gonna be so well educated it's gonna be insane exactly dresser and just my my son here bit more we're fine we'll love each other here very very much I make sure we dress her as well as possible and my son as well shows you're all very very much fed there's a long time like before she goes goes away so we'll be fine it's Jonah love I don't know him at all I don't know where Bravin is that bastard is probably long gone gonna have equals shoes makes a lot more sense if you ask me there we go let me dress you I cannot risk you I can't a can dress you awesome baby factory please stay alive that's all I ask I keep on keep on mass feeding you know feed you as well I got you I got you know where he's no worries no worries I know you're talking about their learning though I won't be able to speak their language but my kids well and that's what matters I get these things cycles around let's look at that yeah I'm Shane going making life a lot easier to do my best Langton take this keep your sis alive he persists alive all right she will have babies that will know the language all right okay she is our baby factor that's a long message the long-ass message come on second I don't use in the wild old Fraser your heart once Oh many people learning stuff my grandkids are gonna know this language so hard it's not gonna be funny man I don't know it's so well it's gonna be awesome all right let's take a look around see what we can do to help out I didn't see my baby so we're safe for a bit come on just like get this over here I just want to eat that instead and get some popcorn as well you know just get the I'm chin up with simple food for the time being not be that big of a deal we have a lot of resources here not even a problem at all like we don't have to do anything here really like we're so good he's so good we have so many things for us right now we have a very bitter oh hell not okay we're gonna have to feed her less often it's gonna be better I gotta go get some more I know where the oil is actually cuz I will have been there but I don't want to abandon this lovely young lady here if she can't eat she can really eat a lot I don't know it I think she's just like went afk completely maybe because I quit the game cuz if you could the game who cared just stays in the game you don't actually get out at all but you gotta like she's been around so many people they all talked a lot over here he's language by talking yeah please please do do that and there's one more message that I kind of really care about it's over here there we go here this one this one this one this one it's more important more shoes shoes can now give your shoes I guess I can dress her fine this this is what I hear about this talk maybe social learns plea please do that everyone please do that the problem is she is not that warm she's a fire here I'm gonna get her a fire actually that's not a bad idea right I mean it's not the best idea I've ever had but if she has more fire so gonna be warmer and since we can't move her like we literally cannot move her right now we can't move the fire to her which is gonna work out not the best thing is gonna be a bad location for a fire but I just want to make sure she gets many babies as possible we gotta like revive this town I mean town is alive and well but we gotta get more babies in this town please don't kill me please don't don't don't don't don't give me a have a baby hold on one sec baby one sec baby one sec hi hi you are superb superb that's when your name now kiddo I don't know who I'm gonna feed with this I think I fed her I'm sure that is her just in case okay we got mercury which is awesome good good good stuff oh let me apply for a bit just make sure we have things you know it'll be okay I'll get you some real clothing because we do have some stuff around here give your shirts as well and teachers like Miss box exactly welcome baby so she learns she'll learn so many things you have no idea we're doing good we were probably in town quite well F oh my god he was starving baby I'll feed you no worries use some hats here as well what hell not Oh God complaining babies okay they can't leave him alone for a minute not a big deal at all I think I think I think the surprise I don't think I had that in this currency because I did we started with the berries right yeah let's take that back over there and we'll be good we'll be good right I'm 40 now please no murder ization please no please no please no motorisation stay safe kids if you have shooting supplies she has a poner right here it's scary man she might just kill me I mean I I understand that people might be maybe I'm afraid of things going south again and that's like perfectly understandable but I don't wanna wanna I don't want to die baby the disaster you oh she's just like roaming around with a bow and arrow like she's staying very close to me I think I don't like that all right she's old enough to have babies now just fancy here that's good hi baby hi baby teach talk to babies to learn languages wait where'd all the messages teach them all teach them all the ways of the world teach kids language by talking teach them all make everyone know things no relation there's more gingers in town where did you come from oh hello there interesting very interesting I had no idea like we have no relations we had also have like no last names here okay Miko gotta keep eating man okay a lot of hug your babies around here we gotta keep the feeding of always forget the chance I feature don't worry don't worry don't worry I got you I got you I got you the stay a baby that's my grandson oh hi you are no why would you die we had such a bright future ahead of us such a broad pursuit you could have understood everything supreme knows what's up he knows what's up she is our baby factory she is afk but we keep alive she's been but this its birth blow oh yeah yeah yeah you made she make good babies make a really good baby she care cheek we're queasy crazy crazy who is is crazy who is crazy I'm not crazy I'm not crazy we're just different it's just a way of life I see a psycho is that Adele amico Mikko I don't know ma'am I don't know she's not crazy she's a good baby ski but my social learning it's just bowed to her please that's all I ask of you all right gonna go feed her again now doing that well with her young shame but oh well it's it's it's difficult you know she's just like if I am [ __ ] on different person I don't even know what I like to think about that honestly it's just so so much work can we go inside here can we cook more pies lady has a boy ever again I don't like that please don't have a bow and arrow I just so don't don't enjoy that I just don't oh well baby hi hi hi hi hi you are future your future now I'm surprised I got you I got you I got you we got you we got you fringe bring facts told bring fact oh I don't know what that means I know what from fact old means bean just say Menem think that's actually good I love you sing random things everything actual word but you are you're good your mom is super afk has been since birth don't run away David whoa we turned her into our baby factory [Laughter] yes yes yeah then I get so many babies going those few her as well she's fully full that's amazing I'm loving life right now Oh is so good I'm so happy the way things are going my kids also like cooperating like so much with this I love that example with the pies I do with the pies you know what a hell not let's go do some help over here we might as well you know how I should done anything stick in here Mazal do some help that's because all right baby do you understand these people because I do not wait it really baby go future yeah nice it worked love you all should love you ball alone I don't understand anything I moved here from from far away it's so cool I love this man where they care together I don't understand her at all like she could understand them though I do sorry they wanna feed you my bad I won't drop you down but you like moved at the very moment I'm so sorry I'm so sorry now that's they've never had in mind don't feel do you I'm Shane my bad my bad I'll make it up to you somehow one day maybe but it's plenty of pies here just ready to go also the potato here that's the one I use for my I'm Shane I'm already old man it's kind of insane right you're right stuff on the paper yeah that's actually not a bad idea right stuff on the paper coming up like leave a message the future generations what's 105 a mom's body I don't know where she she died like over there in the North right I'm thinking about moved her in the meantime at all see that's my mom I taste my mom they have a lot of paper here all right I've been fairly old so I can write a decent message you might actually want to do that we have plenty of paper as well and we do have a lot of pencils here Oh as for our friend fry it's not fully what I need really it's better than nothing okay there's a pencil my dear they're taking care of my babies that's awesome I can I can relax for a bit now gonna leave a manifesto too nervous right there well I'll leave my manifesto okay I Adele the mom Rosalind came here I Adele and my mother Rosalyn nosing came here from the from from from West came here from west from far work have type in Far West our West butter Roslyn my mom my mom and came here from far west I had the only mom Rosen came here from far far west that's my manifesto alright there we go and now I'll leave this message to anyone that can read it out and people could maybe seem to learn even more words I think these were work for learning as well we'll just read them with name you know what that means now go feed her again as well sure she stays alive hi Adele and my mom Rosen came from for the far west snail yeah it's very smell hey read this but was actually that what the hell's coming with the camera let's actually talk to this dude he well he's good he's the king man he's the king man we read it read it read a message with the message son Jonah wait Jonah Jonah Jonah Jonah Jonah wait [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait read read this read the message please I did it please read the message it's a message Jonah you're a good man please read this please it's not for me to talk to him read the message I'm getting it to you sir I'm getting it the message to you I just want to share my story read read the message read the message please Southern Chickering yeah there we go there from far west now you know as well West fess I don't understand I don't understand you at all I have no idea what you're saying there sorry lady right these are fire on it's not good I should get to fire to be on in a second not a problem at all it's because I should go do that that really allows my chain it's not a very big chain but it is a my chain and I'd be very sad if I lost it I don't know if I can actually do it in time um because things are kind of hearing over here very close to actually dying out when I get this potato I think I can do it I think right I can make it there's a lot of pies to be come over here as well did baby sad sad day for everyone we could eat both of these immediately be pretty all right just please there we go it's both of them while we're about things too much those are some bread we can even flavor if you want to maybe we just cook all these things I'm hoping my daughter is still alive I'll go check on her in a second just wanna make sure we get all these cooked and she's still alive man that's crazy good job good job son you are a good man you're a good man son very good man little bit my message again do you think I read it finally please leave a message please in the message my god Jonah read the message message it's my story story of my family and how we came to be people please listen to me see we actually started to slowly dominate to town as there's a lot of us now here I think we are slowly kept coming to majority my mom would be very proud it should be super proud oh no Brad love why why the bread love died okay Ireland please read the message pleasing the message play ask please Arlen a message a message please read it read it that's what I wanted to do there we go not that difficult isn't it let's just say joy yay hi Arlen now it's gonna be safe over there oh oh yeah oh yeah indeed can I just want to hear this on my backpack when I do actually die people will read it and actually won't forget her my sister died that I said over here uh hold on hold on hold on where's the other messages here I was a Miko Miko I was my wife no that's not not relevant all right not to moment to me as well I cleared these things out of it get this out of the way your being in love what are these messages what people kill nope that's that's not but hey I think now if it was brave and the Sun it is right take it was a brave and that started all the troubles here no that's Mako different person all together and these are job postings they're not to some other messages I have my two notes in my basket now so I'm gonna stick with those for the time being bring out like crazy daughter you were did a great job even till you are really completely brain dead you still turned our place into a lovely thing Oh a tree I don't know what tree are you from oh okay thanks Oh tree I know what Oh tree is it sound like a lonely place down trade no no one killed me here cooperation can exist it was a bit of a calling previously and I think actually my my maker family I think we were I think we're all gone it's free longer over there I think we're all literally gone if I remember Chris because we were the Browns can done right I think word the light brown I don't see him anymore my assumption is that we probably got all killed in a purge oh well you know not not great but not a disaster case I'm not I don't wanna mess with the sort at all I don't even want to have this sword you are you are ma Mac your Mac I'll tell him your name Mac that's a national name that's kind of crazy yes take it speak with the baby okay your mom is a baby factory factory Mac [Music] oh well my own guards don't fault it is he's a baby factory yeah just keep feeding her she's gonna die of old age it's gotta happen like you know you're standing there next to this fire I made and it's just like Oh amazing hi Mack yeah hi Mack good babies good babies good babies you're all good babies Bryce ayaahs it's a Bryce er exactly what I took Mac which it's still lady Oh Lord Emiko still getting still getting them babies also I got a big bed for more sauerkraut actually hasn't doctors over here I'm old I don't care I do what I want Ike this was a great life I don't think I'd shoot anything except like we we traveled so far to get to this sound where I was in the last video found my old dead body made some notes thoughts on people I mean my mom would be super proud for sure like no doubts and very said she died I don't know she she disconnected or something she was just standing there and then just died of hunger sorry mom Julie am I kind of want to bury her I want to bury her okay that's the state same name amiko Miko over here but I want to find a wisdom if I get the chance we'll get there though no rush Rozlyn there we go and Miko Miko sir all my my people a brave great people they'll get to get these tombstones over get these tombstones going lovely could also get paper I don't know when I get the paper it's fine as it is we had some Torito cuz we are super starving you know life without a young Chinese a hard life it's it's hard where's the Barry give me a bear thank you some things here just just so we can eat it you know not too much birthday in the world so wanna find uh want to find the wisdom very and like that we're gonna find her victory Gail cuz there's like so many bodies I don't have much time like a minute or so remaining before I die completely I don't know where she might be she did not get stabbed in the great stabbing while I was alive so she might have actually made it and ran away would be my guess maybe perhaps I don't think that's the case though everything is very lucky at all hey [ __ ] man are you doing yeah I'm gonna just die I'm gonna just die and that's okay with his sister it's okay I didn't get but enough with him to just keep him alive I think Liam love odds give me the basket back please hey yo I carry with me sure make sure we eat these bad boys Liam Brad love Twila still alive and kicking it's awesome still don't know where she is okay hold on there's a lot of this is the always graveyard love okay hold on D'Amico August soos olga ginga miracle love it well it was wisdom Quinn right wisdom Quinn wisdom love it was wisdom mystical it was the Quinn family I might be wrong about that I think it they were the Quinn's mile long yeah the nameless people over here August is there's so many different people man can't find wisdom I wanted to like have her next to me cuz she was my mom from another mom because it's not gonna be the case all right I gotta go dad anything so my grave look I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm too slow I'm too slow slow I'm just slow I'm just slow no wait no no that's wrong one oh no wait Bella bury them over here I'm gonna lie here next to them and they're gonna take my backpack see the messages and didn't realize the great story of our people I love being buried next to my myself and my previous in my a my mom I think it's great I'm scared of wisdom is not there oh well at least Bravin is nowhere to be seen that's that's what gives me joy but yeah I'm gonna just aim this suit here thank you all so much for watching my name's been twisted from honey-bunny games now we'll see you next time
Channel: Twisted - HoneyBunnyGames
Views: 103,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one hour one life, one hour one life game, one hour one life gameplay, survival game, life game, 1 hour 1 life, one hour, one life, ohol, ohol gameplay, one hour one life advanced, one hour one life update, one hour one life download, one hour one life biggest civilization, twisted, hbg, kid friendly, family friendly, honeybunnygames, ohol cult, one hour one life cult, ohol apocalypse, ohol altar, ohol update, ohol new update, funny moments, and this happened
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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