I turn a Stainless Bolt into a Combination Lock
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Channel: my mechanics
Views: 11,642,079
Rating: 4.8072457 out of 5
Keywords: my mechanics, I turn a Stainless Bolt into a Combination Lock, combination lock, how does a combination lock works, how to pick a combination lock, turn a bolt into, knurling brass, how to etch brass, copper, how to make springs, spring steel, polish stainless steel, how to polish, lathe, milling, tig welding, how to weld, diy, i make a new one, my mechanics restoration, milling machine, diy crafts, lathe projects, lock picking
Id: OyhfQYHnJuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Hopefully it's not against the rules,as it's not technically specifically picking related, but I figured anyone with a general interest in locks would find this pretty interesting!
Edit: it's not my video, just found it and thought it was cool. Just to clarify.
Qualified: I haven't finished the video yet. I will.
Eh. I was excited to see if they'd cut gates into the threads or cut the threads to clear gates on the dials. There are many interesting practical considerations down each path.
Step 1: remove the threads and head. Oh. Ok. Now it's just round stock. This video is how to make a lock from scratch. Still interesting, but the title is gimmicky.
Such a peaceful video. Killer job!
I just saw this video the other day. Is it your video?
This keeps popping up in my suggested videos and now it pops up here. I just can’t escape this video’s advertising team lol
This is just amazing work dude !