i tried to solve an Agatha Christie murder mystery | Death in the Clouds

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hi guys welcome back to a really exciting video i am so looking forward to doing this just to let you know this video is 100 inspired by one of emmy's recent uploads she recently uploaded a video in which she simultaneously listened to and try to solve an agatha christie mata now i loved that idea maybe you know about me that i'm an agatha christie stan i have read quite a lot of her novels and i absolutely love her she must be one of my favorite authors of all time so i thought this is such a good idea i also want to try it because yes i have rhetoric for novels but i have never like actually like seriously tried to solve one of the um like mysteries as i was reading it i mean of course you kind of like think oh okay i may maybe he did it or i think this or that happened but i never like wrote down all the information and actually tried to solve it before i finished the book kind of but um that video first was so neat i thought i would give it a try as well so of course what we need to do first to do this is go book shopping for a new agatha christie and madam mystery [Music] ready oh good take your time so so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] now as you saw i went to two bookshops the first one was a secondhand bookshop but unfortunately their collection of arithmetic christie at the moment was quite limited i either already knew the novels they were tommy and tobin stumbles or short stories so i couldn't find anything there but in the other bookshop i did find something and i actually decided on this one right here death in the clouds now i absolutely hate this cover i think it's awful but um i like the synopsis of this most of the three that i had picked out in the end and because this apparently takes place on an airplane and so i thought that would make it a bit easier maybe to solve this because when when you have a murder happening i don't know on the ground somewhere it's kind of hard sometimes to fully wrap your head around okay where like who was where at what time talking to whom etc does all of that add up with i don't know timetables of trains and all of that i don't even know so having this taking place in a very limited space within an airplane that might make it easier so i will be starting to read this now i have my notebook right here i will start to take like notes as to who the characters are and stuff like that and once i have some more information we can start to like draw maps like with a suspect list with like a timeline and all of that good jazz i'm really looking forward to this let's go i just opened up the book and apparently one thing i already don't have to do anymore because there is a setup of the actual cabin already in the book i mean i will maybe still draw it out somewhere to um well show it to you better itself like going like this all the time but that comes in really handy thank you [Music] [Music] friends welcome to another part of my room that you have not seen before i'm not entirely happy with this setup but i kind of need you to see this board i have this ridiculously big pin port but it comes in really handy right now so i just read the first i think three chapters and i have a ton of notes so as you can see i have replicated the um the layout of the airplane right here and i have little cards with the names and we're gonna put them in their seats right now so obviously um at least i think so this um mod mystery is only gonna take part in one part of the airplane because obviously kupo is traveling first class he ain't chilling with the homies back in economy eew so i think these few seats that we got right here is everything we're gonna need so let's start now the first one that i have right here is okay see this danielle clancy he is a detective mystery novelist and he's sitting in spot number eight here's seat number eight um what might be important is that during the flight a wasp has been bothering him but he has shooted away plus he went into the back of the cabin to retrieve a wait what was it called a bradshaw now i'm not sure what that is is that a type of cigarette though they're not allowed to smoke on board is that a typewriter is that what is that i don't know i still have to look that up next up we have madame gizelle i put that red bar at the bottom of her name card because she's the one that dies and she was killed in seat number two that's where she's found now at the bottom of her seat on the floor there was found what first appeared to be another wasp but what then was recognized by our detective novelist to be a thorn shot as it is allegedly used by certain tribes you know those things that are like shot through like a blue pipe now next up we have the honorable venetia cut in seat number 17. now the honorable you can already hear my gosh how do i do this me and she's like part of the aristocracy or something like that and right next to her we have the countess of harvari horbury um but they are our fake friends they pretend to be friends they're like all nice with each other on the outside but um in the book we also like hear their thoughts kind of and we know that they actually don't like each other because apparently back in the day they had a common love interest and he ended up marrying like he's called stephen and he met ended up marrying the countess of hobbery or like by marrying her he turned her into the countess of aubry but apparently she used to be a common chorus girl shocking so they're sitting opposite each other but what might be important is that the countess of harvard she switched seeds with um our detective er who apparently sat there but then they recognized each other we're like oh my god yeah we want to sit together as they're like such good friends right um and so they switched seats and so f cooper our detective now says in seed number nine so right there right next to ecru pogo we have dr bryant who whose struggle apparently is that he wants to be a musician but he's a doctor and he's apparently right now thinking about whether he should give up being a doctor for becoming a flutist and he's the one that the stewards called when they found out that madame giselle is dead they called him or like they called for a doctor and he came and recognized that she was dead such a good doctor right now next up we have james ryder about him we don't know anything yet but he's in seed number four so right before madame giselle next up we have aroma and [Music] the father i should maybe write that write that down i will forget it they are sitting in seats number five and six and they're apparently really interested in like prehistoric pottery or something they've been talking and arguing about it okay and now we only have two people left and that is first jane grey she's a hairdresser from london and she won a hundred dollars on like a lottery or something like that and she took that money to spend a week in france and she's sitting right here number 16. and then last but not least we have norman gail who's sitting opposite of jane gray and a young attractive man and apparently they have seen each other before just to give you the rundown this is the setup of the airplane called prometheus they're on their way from paris to croydon but we already know that jane grey she spent um the a week in le penae um and norman gail was there as well they met each other and he was being nice to her and she's being old china though and like refusing to look at him and she's not speaking to him um and she recognizes the two old ladies that are sitting right here opposite they apparently also spent their week at le penie which is apparently also like a gambling city like they're like casinos and all of that stuff there so people are gambling money now what else you already know is that um the countess of hobery that as i just saw used to be a chorus girl and stuff so it's not actually like from noble birth and she's also a cocaine addict she had her made from the the front car come over and bring her something and then she she wants to smoke but the steward was all like fish you can't smoke here and she we heard it in her thoughts like she's getting really jittery because she's a cocaine addict apart from these people right there and the two stewards are important because they are of course also moving around all the time and those are henry mitchell and albert davis if they become like actually important i will place them here somewhere as well for example in the pantry or something and last but not least on madame giselle's neck there was found a little punctuation mark um and first it was believed that maybe it was the wasp that was like flying around that was later killed by uh i think the sun jean du pont but then they found this little like thorn shot kind of thingy um at the bottom of her seat so now they believe of course that she might have been mad at with that now to give you a close-up shot this is the setup once more okay guys excuse the angle but this is kind of like the only setup that is working out right now so i have mapped out this little timeline now to explain it to you so on this on this hand side we have arrival five minutes before arrival madame gisele or like the victim was found dead now um the doctor says that she has been dead at least 30 minutes so 35 minutes before arrival is like the minimum time that she had been killed but we know that like roughly like 60 minutes which would have been two o'clock before a touchdown um the main student has last seen her alive as he was handing out coffee and then 15 minutes later so 45 minutes before arrival um he handed out the bill to the passengers and thought that she was asleep and like he didn't yet shake her anything so we know that she must have been killed with at least like 60 to 35 minutes before arrival now all the passengers have been evacuated as i predicted like the people on the front card are irrelevant they were allowed to go and now inspector has arrived on the scene and is now questioning all the people and like searching like his luggage and stuff but something has come up like he is looking at all the passports and he has mentioned like the the inspector is mentioning now a marie um [Music] um like the the passport of her but like we don't have in our character list but the way they're talking about her it seems like that she is the victim but then again why do we know her as both madame giselle and marie morisseau what is going on there or am i misunderstanding this isn't that supposed to be the same person this is like the alias of another person so right now i'm going to put a big question mark on her name tag um and i'm going to put her here next to madame gizel because i think it's supposed to be her but who knows this is weird that our victim has like these two names that she's operating under traveling back and forth between france and england a lot what's going on okay friends i have once more gathered all our information so here we still have our seating chart here's our timeline and here i have created little personal descriptions of the individual characters what we know about them how they're interconnected to the other ones etc etc but the thing is all of them like right now all of them have been interrogated for the first time by puerto and the inspector but all of them claim that they do not know our victim mother mujiza and that they have never seen her before or only or have only seen her for the first time at the airport so right now we actually have no connections whatsoever to madame giselle the victim and over here i have gathered information of whom has seen the wasp because apparently this wasp is going to be important it is on the cover and cooper who keeps asking about it and it's almost 50 50 like um the nishika ahmed dupong mr ryder and mr clancy have seen the wasp um but sicily of hobbery norman and both of the students have not seen the wasps and all and some of the others like for example vinicia she only said that she saw people like swatting at a wasp or something but she hasn't actually seen it so apparently since it's going to be important i think that um as the um the victim she has this punctuation mark on her neck so it would make sense if for example the killer had pretended that where i was by like as i just said like swatting around and stuff um and like killing her with like a syringe or something and then pretending oh yeah that was just like a wasp there was this wasp all around right um but we have the fact that there is a wasp like jean dupont killed it but of course he could have come on board with like a dead wasp and pretended all of that i say but um at the feet of the victim madame giselle there was found this like fake wasp this error thing that um suggests that it was like shot out of a blowpipe as the south american tribes used them you know this is all quoted from this so don't give me any about that and now a blowpipe was found beneath the seat of aircon pro none other plus mr clancy the detective detective story author he admitted to owning a blowpipe but he says that he hasn't seen his one in six months or something he says he only got it because he was like researching on this detective novel that he wrote and so on and so forth so yeah kind of suspicious everything right now but as none of the characters have an actual connection to the victim yet we don't really know what's going on of course it's really um weird that she has this like double identity which makes which which makes one thing that she was probably um involved in some sort of like illegal activity or like blackmail or i don't even know what we will know more soon okay the inquest has now just taken place and a man could testify that madame giselle's actual name is marie angelique morisso like the passport that was found right um and apparently she was one of the best known moneylenders not only in paris but also had a lot of upper-class english clients which of course makes us look at the countess of hobbery which by the way she's apparently supposed to be young i thought she was like an old lady i don't know i hear counters of harvard anything of gray hair but apparently she's supposed to be a young woman um and also like her fake friend they're like both upper class people right so that's suspicious also the police surgeon um and like a toxicology expert have now revealed that madame giselle died from having a powerful toxin um inserted into her bloodstream by this error that they found that was coated in both korres which is an error poison but more importantly with the venom of the boom slang or tree snake venom a south african snake so of course kind of kind of hard to get plus a dr bryant he as i said he's also a musician and not just any musician but a flutist and he had a flute with him and of course a flute could very easily be used as like a blowpipe and the angles i think would make sense for because dr brian is sitting here and like there is our um is our victim so he could have used his flute to shoot the error all the way over there i don't know i don't know okay very important we have just found out that our deceased woman had a daughter and morissa who is now supposed to be around 24 25 years old she hadn't like mother and daughter haven't seen each other in a long long time so the mother would have not recognized the daughter basically so that lisa was asking is either jane gray or cecily of hobury or vinishaka is one of them the daughter we don't know how old they were supposed to be we know that jade is young and now sicily is supposed to be young as well and since sicily and vinicia like are friends i guess they're also like same age maybe so it could be either one of them i guess you guys i think i have a really good theory and this is really early on i think i'm only like 30 percent through maybe so there's like lots more to come so maybe in like a couple of chapters i will revise my entire opinion but um what happened within like the first chapter cecily von hoper she had her maid come from the front car to bring her something that was the only time that another person who was not sitting in the um in the back car where like all our protagonists are entered that crime scene basically and i think what if that mate had something to do with it because as i just said she's the only other person that entered who is now not being interrogated plus everyone's like the um the police inspectors they're like wondering okay why did nobody see someone murdering this woman they're like only 11 people in this tiny room how could no one see that and so i'm asking myself like whom do we see but not see kind of and like the question and these kind of mysteries is usually like servants they are not being paid attention to that would also mean of course the stewards maybe they are also somewhat um involved because they can move around and you would maybe notice they're moving around but you're not actually paying attention to them but that made as well oh my god friends it is the next day and so much has happened i now need to like give you all the rundown of all the details we now know and all the clothes that have popped up etc and then i'm going to make my final guess before i read the last chapter okay so let's do this somewhat chronologically maybe so first um question the dead lady's housemate um elise she burned all the confidential information of madame giza like all the black male information details papers and so forth because she was um commissioned by her lady should ever should ever something happen to her the maid was supposed to burn everything which she did but a little black notebook um was left over she didn't burn that and she gave it to per hole and in that they were not like full-on informations but little bits and pieces that pogo and the investigator piece together and basically we have five different kind of kind of like allegations that we could connect with people on board the prometheus there would be one like apparently madame giselle had information on an english purest concerning a matter of her husband so that of course leads us to sicily of then we she had information on a doctor in holly street that which makes us think think of dr bryant furthermore she knew something about forged antiquities and we learned that the dupont they before they became archaeologists they apparently were in the antiquities field so did she know something about that plus she needs something about an englishman and embezzlement which makes us look at mr ryder because we learned that he went to paris to france to get a loan for his company which he did not get but maybe he did get the money after all and he embattled it and the last one is attempted murder and again concerning in english man not that one we cannot so easily connect to one specific person but we learned all of that plus we learned from the doorman at madame g zeld's house that um sicily of holbury visited the madame the night before the flight now speaking of the devil basically we learned that sicily of february she did have an affair with an american actor called mr raymond veraclow they had also been photographed together in lipini and apparently madame giselle knew of her infidelity and because cecilia forberry had borrowed money from the madame because she's a gambler basically the madame black nails threatened to blackmail her with sad information about um her infidelity because cecily's husband stephen like they they don't get along actually he wants a divorce but he's kind of old-fashioned traditional and he only can get a divorce he thinks when he has like a good reason but if he got to know about his wife's infidelity and had like actual proof that would be really good reason it could kind of set him free so of course cicely did not wanted to come out that she's cheating on her husband because she she needs his money and his status and all of that now furthermore we learned that um elise so madame giselles made she booked her plane ticket via telephone and we learned that this clerk at the telephone at the airplane company had been bribed with 5 000 from to sell madame a ticket on this 12 p.m flight instead of the 8 45 am flight and this was done by an american called silas harper who booked who booked a ticket for himself as well but obviously there was no person called silas hopper on the flight plus that american also bought the blowpipe at a antiquity stealer in paris three days before the murder but we suspect of course that this was not an actual american but was just like someone impersonating an american like put on a beard put out a pair of glasses and speak in a big american drawl and nobody will notice i wonder how many people are just offended by that anyway so that happened at the same time both norman gail and jor dupont have been kind of making their advances to jane grey um norman gail like his dentistry office is affected quite poorly by this entire another business like his patients are basically running away from him and she thinks about going to either canada or new zealand and he wants to take jane with her because she's so in love with her right jean du pont on the other hand fuego had jane make the dupont family believe that she would come with them to persia though as like an assistant etc and i'm not entirely sure why at the same time we learned that jane grew up in an orphanage in ireland um which of course made us make me think okay is she maybe the long-lost daughter of madame giselle or is it after all sicily or forgery like both of them would like fit from the ages but then believe it or not the actual daughter of madame giselle popped up all the way from quebec apparently she grew up in quebec i was now working at the ladies made but not any ladies made but peru recognized that she is sicily of hobart's ladies mate i told you the maid who brought something from the front car she would be important and apparently she is because it is actually madam shizel's daughter so she was on board and of course she has like the the best motive as in she inherits all the money now so that's important but now at the end of the last chapter said daughter mrs richards was killed she was visited at her hotel by again an american and we learned that she spontaneously left for the garden to go to england but she was found dead on the train and it is believed to be suicide but we don't believe that and like now here comes my i guess final theory now i think that it was for sure mr richards aka the daughter of madame gizelle's husband because we learned that they have only been married for a month aka i think that said man found out that madame giselle has a daughter found that daughter wrapped her around his little finger married her killed the mother and now killed the daughter so he would inherit all the money plus we learned that mrs richards she met her husband first in nice and then they married in rotterdam in other words like our playboy is a man of the world apparently and who better to fit that ball than a flight attendant now he would be all over the place i suppose and i'm still somehow convinced that the first stuart henry mitchell is somehow involved in all of this but i also think that we could make a strong case against dr bryant because um he now also wants to leave the country to go to kenya with like a his lover basically so it came out that he has an affair with the patient and maybe that's also what madame giselle held against him plus with him we have this entire business with the flute and we have discovered that the blowpipe was actually not used to murder her damaging cell it was just like there as a distraction and with what else could the start have been blown straight across the cabin with the flute so it could have been also him that because maybe he was in contact with madame giselle maybe he needed money to like keep his practice going and she knew that he had this affair with a patient but then he found out that she has a daughter and he got to know the daughter they became married and he planned to kill madame giselle so that he would then in the end get the money by also killing the daughter plus she would not be able to blackmail him any longer so maybe he came on board the aircraft with a wasp and a blowpipe and the flute and he set off the wasp so it would bother some of the other passengers he shot madame giselle with the flute um and later like dropped the uh the blowpipe somewhere to divert suspicion and actually maybe it was his plan to when the stewards would call him to the dead woman to pick up this like fake wasp error kind of thing again and to just say that madam jizel died of natural causes or maybe as an allergic reaction to the wasp and no one would have ever like investigated further but only because found this fake wasp error on the floor all of this happened but maybe it was the doctor's plan all along to just like seriously pick up that arrow again and no one would have ever noticed i think that's a very strong line of reasoning but i am i also don't want to again dismiss the first assured because he would have also had a good chance of killing the lady when he brought her because he was the last person to see her alive when he brought over her coffee and wouldn't have been so easy to be like use your coffee and then prick her with the thorn like no one had to blow out of a blowpipe or flute or anything but he could have just pricked her as he was giving her the coffee but then there's the question why didn't he take this thorn error thing with him but let it lay on the floor that's i can't really explain that and i also i wouldn't know what the connection between the stuart and madame giselle is but i think you also had like a really good chance of murdering her and like the the daughter mrs richards who turned out to be the maid who was also on board the airplane of course but like now she's dead so yeah i'm very sure that she wasn't the one who killed her after all but like that her husband is the one orchestrating everything because he he just wants the money he only married her to get to the money of her mother in the end by killing them both i'm very sure about that and i think that dr bryant fits the bill best of all that doesn't quite explain that whole business why um perrault wanted to make believe that jane would accompany um the duponts to persia and would not go to together with norman gayle to like canada or new zealand or somewhere else that doesn't really explain that i think that is my best guess i'm gonna go with that yeah and i'm gonna read the last chapter now and gosh let's see by the way i forgot to mention something else that came up was that um on madame giselle's coffee tray they were found two teaspoons and i cannot wrap my head around that either like how that plays into everything but obviously the only persons who could have given her a teaspoon were like the students because everyone else would have needed to like get up and go over her ticket for a teaspoon which would have been super suspicious and people would have seen that etc only the students could have done that but again why but it's gonna be relevant somehow so i need to tell you about it we also learned that norman gayle he once worked at the farm in south africa okay pearl is now starting his final speech maybe i should read about this part on the other hand as medical evidence was to show the cause of the death was undoubtedly the poisoned thorn i shut my eyes and asked myself what is the surest and most reliable way of placing a poison thorne in the jugular vein and the answer came immediately by a hand so maybe it was this year after all because he was so close to her and that immediately relied on the necessity for the for the finding of the blowpipe the blowpipe inevitably conveyed the suggestion of distance if my theory was right the person who killed madame gisele was a person who went right up to her table and bend over her okay so definitely the steward was there such a person yes there were two people the two stewards either of them could go up to madame giselle lean to water and nobody would notice anything unusual so if it was mitchell then maybe that maybe he is also mrs mr richards and stuff let's continue i next turned my mind to the possibilities of the wasp it was suggestive that it was to begin with no no one had noticed it until about the time coffee was served that in itself was rather curious i constructed a certain theory of the crime our murderer then approaches the victim's table inserts the thorn and releases the wasp the poison is so powerful that death would occur almost immediately the poor woman had been stung that as i say was plan number one but supposing that as actually happened the poison thorne was discovered before the murderer could retrieve it the theory of the natural death is impossible instead of getting rid of the blowpipe through the window it is put in a place where it is found where it is bound to be discovered when the plane is searched and at once it will be assumed that the blowpipe was the instrument of the crime the proper atmosphere of distance will be created and when the blowpipe is traced it will focus this vision in a definite and pre-arranged direction i had now my theory of the crime i concentrated on the problem of the wasp if the murderer had brought the wasp on the plane and released it at a psychological moment he must have had something in the nature of a small box in which to keep it the flute box thingy hence my interest in the contents of the passengers pockets and hand luggage there was an empty small-sized bryant and maze matchbox in mr norman gale's pocket but by everybody's evidence mr gale had never passed down the gamewear of the car he had only visited the toilet compartment and returned to his own seat nevertheless although it seems impossible there was a method by which mr gail could have committed the crime as the contents of this atashi case showed i was convinced that mr gail was the murderer that's why he didn't want jane to go with him to canada or or new zealand or something like that but still i think dr bryan i'm telling you bro gosh if i'm like wrong about everything but i i was right about the maid at least she was important and the flute i want to hear the flute mentioned one more time at least once i determined to cultivate his acquaintance it is my experience that not that no one in the course of a conversation can fail to give themselves away sooner or later everyone has an irresistible urge to talk about themselves i try to gain mr gail's confidence it is true that you became a dentist to please your uncle john gale you took his name when you came into partnership with him but you were his sister's son not his brothers your real name is richard it was as richard's that you met the girl and mauricio at nice last winter when she was there with a mistress you realize that there might be a large fortune to be to be got it appealed to your gambler's nature it was from anne marie saw that she learned of lady hobrick's connection with shizel the plan of the crime formed itself in your head gisele was to be murdered in such a way that suspicion that suspicion would fall on lady hobbry your plans matured and finally fortified you bribe the club and universal airlines so that giselle should travel on the same plane as lady horbury there was another complication to your plans at lupine saw mademoiselle jane grey and found madeleine loprether your passion for her drove you on to play a much more dangerous game you intended to have both the money and the girl you loved i will tell you exactly how you committed the crimes of pearl what about the contents of your dispatch case you were on a holiday why take a dentist's linen coat that is what i asked myself and the answer is because it resembled so closely a stuart's coat so he disguised himself as a steward how the am i supposed to know that a dentist coat and the steward coats look alike what because these days what a dentist look like and what a stewardess looks like doesn't look anything alike okay when coffee was up and the students had gone to the other compartment you went to the toilet put on your linen coat patted your cheeks with cotton wool rolls came out seize the coffee spoon from the box in the pantry opposite hurried down the gangway with the stuart's quick run spoon in hand to gizelle's table you thrust the thorn into her neck open the matchbox and let the wasp escape hurry back into the toilet change your code and emerge leisurely to return to your table the whole thing took only a couple of minutes nobody notices a steward particularly as i have just said in the cause of conversation a man gives himself away you were imprinted enough to mention that for a while you were on a farm in south africa what you did not say but what i have since found out is that it was a snake farm you were there under your own name of richards a photograph of you transmitted by telephone has been recognized that same photograph has been identified in rotterdam as the man richards who married anne marisot okay so i guess i did not solve this matter oh what about the flute though what about dr bry um okay [Music] um so at least i kind of got the thing with the sewers right only that it wasn't the actual steward but somewhat impersonating a steward but honestly that thing that was kind of unfair though like again how am i supposed to know that the dentist cloak and whatever the students were at that time looks anything alike like okay so that was that i guess better luck next time but can someone please tell me what i'm supposed to do with this now i even connected them like with strings and everything i kind of feel sorry for myself right now i'm not gonna lie that was my attempt to solve agatha christie's death in the clouds um i did not succeed but we're not gonna talk about that i hope you enjoyed this i know this is a very long video but if you're also like into solving agriculty madam mischievous maybe you enjoyed this if you kind of like solved it along the way tell me if you got it right and with that i thank you so much for watching i'm still sad about not having solved the mystery and i want to see you in the next video bye
Channel: kinderegard
Views: 16,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6SxEola6IOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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