I tried to recreate this mansion in The Sims 4

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i was just browsing floor plan websites last week you know as i do and i found this house that i really wanted to build in the sims i mean look at this is this not so beautiful it's a little bit funky and that's kind of why i like it so much like this part with the garage super weird like it's going to look super weird in the sims 4. well i know it looks weird in the sensor because i've built it already but i really like this house and i wanted to try and recreate it in the sims so we're going to do that today but speed build edition because this house took me hours and hours and hours to build so welcome back to speed build sunday like i said this house took me so long to build it was like a 45 minute speed build when it was fully sped up so i had to cut out a bunch of things i was like you know what this build has no business being this long it's not that good so i cut out the whole upstairs furnishing but i'll show you the finished product i think that the outside is more important because we are trying to build this house from the photo right so i think the outside is the more interesting part i don't think i did the best job with furnishing i'm not the best person to furnish in general i don't think it's not my best work this isn't my finest build but i was pretty proud of the outside it's kind of a weird house and that's kind of why i liked it like they have this whole front part where the garage is obviously i did not keep a garage on this house because there is simply no point in having a garage we don't even have cars in the sims 4. so i turned that room downstairs where the garage would have been into a big bedroom for the parents of the house all in all it's a five-bedroom house there's also a gym and an office so it's a really really big home it turned out way bigger than i was expecting but i guess that's not a bad thing but i think that's why it took me so long to do is there was just so many rooms to furnish that i was like oh my god more still how much more can there be and i don't think the furnishing is my best work i had a hard time with the floor plan as well because i was trying to have this like older house that's been renovated so i was trying to have like a sort of traditional looking floor plan and then like renovate it so i was trying to think like what sort of updates would this family possibly have made i'm not sure and we had photos of the back of the house this time but the real photos of the back of the house the real floor plan absolutely horrible the back is so ugly i think this how it reminds me of texas this house and the back just did not fit my vibes so we did not copy it i had like a big like farmhouse style porch and it was like this doesn't match the style of the house at all so we we totally winged the back and just did our own thing with it and i think it looks a lot better this way and also the floor plan in general i did not follow like i mostly just looked at the picture of the outside and then used it as a basis for the front of the house and then totally just did my own thing with the floor plan because their floor plan of course i have the garage and honestly the scale is always off with these things it's just it's impossible to do and plus the whole back is different so it's hard to base like the floor plan the real one and then the house on it because it's just not the same anymore and just in general like building real floor plans in the sims like hallways in real life are usually like maybe like one and a half tiles but we only have two tiles you can't ever get the scale right it's just never gonna work when you try to copy a floor plan exactly you can sort of get the same like idea but it's never gonna be right especially when you're trying to make it look good on the exterior it just never matches properly this house also uses a lot of packs just the exterior obviously has a lot of get together i ended up using a realm of magic brick also discover university windows which i have not used much of but i really enjoyed using in this house it kind of worked i feel like they fit really well and i tried to have this like gray color scheme which is a little bit different than what i'm used to so it took me a while to figure out the color of the paint on the outside of the house but you'll see it kind of come together and it starts to look a lot like the picture to be honest i was pretty proud of this one it took me a bit to get there and of course like the stone doesn't really match exactly like the house kind of has a combination of like this brick and this stone and this paneling and we don't really have those exact colors that's kind of why it's so frustrating to ever try to build something like an exact recreation in the sims because again the scale's always off you never have the right swatches and colors like you just can't get it to work the way you want to it's just not possible and so when you try it just ends up frustrating you because it's like ah this could be so good but we're just lacking this swatch i don't have the one thing that i need anyway i kind of have a story for you i don't know if i talk let's get on youtube i remember i told a story on twitch but that's the thing i'm like did i did i mention this in a speed build yet i don't remember but i got a new chair recently it's been like a few weeks now you might have noticed that i used to have like the bigger like gamer chair but i i got this chair i've had some back problems for a while and i was like you know what it's about time i need to buy a better chair like those chairs are just not that good for your back and one that i had was actually a gift that was sent to me i did a lot of charity streams for st jude this year and they met they mailed me a chair and i was like this is the coolest thing ever my old chair was kind of broken so i was like this is great i have another chair and it was really good i still have it i'm gonna put it at the other desk in my house but i just i've been having these back problems and i sit in my chair for so long every day because i like sit here and stream and work all day and i was like 90 i need to get a new chair so i bought a herman miller desk chair these things are kind of expensive right they're like nice like fancy chairs that are good for your support and blah blah blah whatever so i bought one and it comes it finally gets here i bought it like two months ago it finally comes and i get like a notification it's been delivered and i go i open my door there was two massive boxes on my porch and i was like does the i mean the chair is not that big like why are there two of these giant boxes what is in these boxes so i was kind of like hmm that's not huh so i brought them in i opened one of them and the chair was fully put together like just in the box like it just rolled out of the box and i was like okay cool but what's in the other box like what's that and so i was like checking the addresses like they're both addressed to me okay so i open the other box there is a second chair they were both mailed to me both addressed to me so this point i was like freaking out like did i buy a second one by accident how did how did i manage that how did i not notice i spent doubles so i was like freaking out checking my cards checking the confirmation emails no i only bought one i only paid for one but they sent me two so i got a second of these really expensive chairs for free this two of them just showed up at my house so i gave one to my mom and now she's got a nice desk chair as well obviously it's a pendant she's working from home a lot and so she's been sitting like a plastic chair at my old desk in my old bedroom well now she's got a herman miller chair so you're welcome mom i i really splurged on that for you clearly yeah they sent me two of them that is the mo like the biggest like stroke of luck ever and my mom told me that she recently bought a mini fridge to like put in the garage and they sent her two of them as well the same thing happened to her different company but she tried to buy a mini fridge and then she got two of them sent to her and then she contacted them and they were like oh just keep it like whatever and so she's got too many fridges now which honestly that kind of thing's kind of annoying because like you don't need too many fridges and now what like we're gonna put the second one who has space for that but now they have too many fridges but isn't that bizarre i've never been sent like double of like a kind of expensive item like a mini fridge too to get sent two of them like what kind of mistake has happened here but i i checked the even the email the confirmation email they sent me that they're like hey it's been delivered quantity won and i was like are you sure your order quantity one has been delivered i'm pretty sure it's quantity two but i'll take it i'll keep it i mean fine by me i guess i mean if you insist that i have an extra of these nice chairs i will certainly take it now if i have mentioned this story before on youtube i'm really sorry like i said i can't remember but if you wanted to hear it twice now you have not much exciting stuff happens in my life these days like i just sit at my house so this this herman miller chair thing has honestly been the coolest thing to happen all year to be fair it's a pretty cool thing to have happen like it's kind of lucky but that is honest to god like probably the most exciting thing that's happened in months so i you can't blame me right like yeah this is that's all i have to talk about what else am i gonna tell you about oh i went to the grocery store today oh i bought some fruit like that that is all i have to say to you i just i just build in the sims and then that's it working on the backyard now as you can see sorry to to move on but the backyard i think turned out really nicely i was trying to have this like nice patio sort of area and so i was trying to use like the rounded pieces to make something interesting it kind of looks like a butt which wasn't my intention but it kind of looks like a butt on the patio which honestly isn't a bad thing there's no harm in that there's kind of a funky shaped pool there's like beautiful landscaping there's a little garden outside like i think the backyard turned out really really well god i would love to have just a fancy backyard like this i always say this but i don't want to deal with the upkeep of it i i have no interest in that but wouldn't it be so nice to like have someone to clean your pool for you and to have this beautiful backyard wouldn't that be a lovely place to live in this beautiful home with this beautiful yard and and view i just we don't have this kind of thing around these parts i live in florida you would never find a house like this you would never find a view like this perhaps i need to move to texas if i want a mcmansion type of house like this one there are so many neighborhoods i feel like in texas i know because i spent a lot of time on real estate websites but there are so many neighborhoods like this in texas i swear that's like a bunch of these like beautiful like giant seeming houses like these like manor type houses but in these neighborhoods where they're all like super squished together right next to each other and like made with cheap materials and rush built like that's that's the definition of a mcmansion i feel like is one of these like it's like this illusion of grandeur right it's kind of pretty though and i'd like to live in one i'm going to be honest i just i want a pretty house i want a house that looks old i hate to say it but that's what i'd like to have doesn't have to actually be old i just want a house that looks old oh speaking of old this sounds really bad but i do have one other story for you so my mom's parents my grandparents are really old my grandma turns 90 this year in march and they're very not techy like they they do not use technology at all they share a flip phone between the two of them that they used to call if they ever have like a an incident they need a cell phone for but they're mostly landline people you know my grandpa has my uncle's old laptop and he tries to email once a week they're really not familiar with technology like at all and so the past few months because we haven't seen him in a long time i live in illinois so we can't go visit him obviously because of the pandemic we've been trying to do like zoom calls for events like for thanksgiving and christmas we like called them on zoom and my uncle was there and he like set up the zoom call on his laptop but it's really hard to like see and talk to them because you know they don't know how to use this stuff and so my mom and i have decided that we're going to buy them an ipad and we're going to like set it all up for them you know turn off all the apps they don't need just delete them put our contacts in it put some photos on it for them maybe i don't know and then hopefully we can use it to facetime them because my uncle can be there to like set up the wi-fi forum and like show them how it works and i'll write out like a tutorial and give them instructions so they have it to reference back and they should be able to figure out how to facetime us or at least like answer our facetimes and then we can talk to them more because we can't see them so hopefully this is a happy medium i don't know i hope that it works out but that's the plan we're gonna buy my grandparents an ipad that they will have no idea how to use but they should be able to figure it out right plus if my uncle is there to like show them really fast and i'll have the things all written out for him oh my i could like print out instructions i could like type it up and print it out with screenshots maybe i'll do that give him like a booklet of instructions to use for it i might i might do it if any of you have any advice for my my grandparents ipad let me know i was thinking i might also like load up a shortcut to like safari with my youtube channel there because they don't really know how to like see my youtube channel they always ask and they always want to see but they don't really know how to get there and so if i like load up a shortcut on the ipad that just goes straight to like youtube.com lil simsy not in the app i think the app is too there's too much going on in the app there's too many places you can end up that are wrong i think that would be too confusing but if we just get like a shortcut to the website on safari like that'll at least let them see that's what they want right i don't i just i think the app would be too in like twitch there's just no point in trying to load up twitch right but i don't know i'm trying to like oh like over over simplify it because you guys gotta understand these people can't even really use their their like flip phone old cell phone you know i think they're kind of scared of it so we need to like simplify to the most extreme but anyway we're furnishing the house now into the kitchen see i wanted the kitchen to be kind of closed off from the rest of the house partially because it's an older home but also because i didn't know where to put the fireplace on the tv because this house it's kind of this just big open downstairs area and i wanted it to be a little bit more closed off because it kind of is hard to figure out floor plans when you don't have like some walls and the house is like very large and very open and there are no walls so i ended up putting a wall to close off the kitchen because then i could actually put a fireplace on that wall it's not exactly where there'll be a fireplace maybe it's like an electric fireplace because there is a chimney in the front of the house but there is not a fireplace in the front of the house but listen like i said it's an older house it's been renovated they're not gonna get rid of the chimney but they took out the fireplace because it was old and broken like you know they couldn't use it anymore so they got an electric one instead when they renovated that that happens that makes sense but i had a very hard time figuring out the color scheme of this house too because i wanted to use that like gray toned wood floor that's just a base game flooring but i wanted to use it so badly and then i was really struggling to figure out how to match furniture to it so i i hate to admit it but the house is blue the furniture it's it's blue and it's white in the house i know this every build i do is like this i told you i'm not that proud of the furniture in this one it's not my best most creative work with the furniture here i tried to warn you i told you i didn't do that good of a job i did my best it's not that good though i'm kind of disappointed in myself but i didn't know what to do with it like i wanted to have that like purpley brick tone that we have on the outside but i didn't know how to like pull that in and tie it in and like match the flooring i just so i didn't and i'm sorry for that i know i just it's not that good i need a do-over i think the entryway worked out pretty well i ended up like closing off the dining room as well because i feel like it made more sense to define the space then i kind of just plopped a grand piano in the hallway why is my voice disappearing come back anyway i plopped a grand piano down and then like all of a sudden there was a gym and this office and there just ended up being so much stuff downstairs and i'm not really too sure if it worked out that well i like how it looks but i definitely think i've done better also this pat this house is a lot of the vampires pack the vampire's kitchen stuff it's got the vampires flooring outside like i told you i use so many packs in this house it's not even funny i usually try to limit packs more than this like i try not to use a ton of packs everywhere but in this one we just went off the deep end i guess i don't know i was just throwing stuff everywhere vampires even not a huge fan of vampires themselves but honestly the vampires pack has some kind of cool items like especially just generally pretty usable items like the kitchen stuff is so good doesn't look like scary vampire kitchen stuff it's just a nice like white cabinet with a black countertop like it's very good it works very well i think it's very in right now as well like in real life people just have that everywhere i like that white kitchen look i don't think we have very many good white cabinets in the sims like we have a white swatch on most of the cabinets but there's like no white cabinets with white countertops that actually look nice there's one swatch of the base game like most expensive counters but it's like a kind of bluish toned white and it looks very farmhousey to me like i want a slightly more modern or like more contemporary i should say looking cabinet that's like white on white cause those are like all white kitchens white subways tile white cabinets white granite or whatever it just it always looks so clean and it's so trendy like i feel like you see that everywhere like on pinterest you look up kitchen you're gonna get all white kitchens that's like totally the thing right now i think we need more stuff like that and also honestly like kind of muted like pastely olivey colors are very popular as well i've noticed i follow a lot of house people on instagram that do like interior design stuff and so many of them have that like olive colored kitchen and i think that we need more of that too more of that like olive color a lot of the colored cabinets we have are really bright i think we need some like nice muted toned cabinets of a few colors like that i would enjoy that very much and the only bright cabinets we have really at all is that base game like kind of modern looking one you know it looks kind of like plastic i wish that we had some like painted wooden looking cabinets with some colors as well honestly like kind of like the vampires ones but painted or even kind of like the parenthood ones but painted and just with more color options i should stop asking for colors i'll probably regret it because we're going to get too many bright ones but i want some nice muted colors you know give me some greens and some blues even a yellow i'd take a yellow god speed builds are so all over the place i don't even know what i'm talking about anymore i've i'm not even saying anything that makes sense i also i'm realizing that i don't think i'm gonna finish furnishing this house in this video at all i have the footage i just cut it out because i was trying to save time nobody needs a 40 minute long speed but like i told you it's just what am i going to talk about for 40 minutes cabinets nobody wants that nobody can handle that lil simsy being like perhaps an olive color would be nice like no one needs to listen to me talk like that for 40 minutes i used to do it way better when i was younger i could just sit here and talk about nothing for so long i can still do it but i feel kind of dumb doing it i feel like i'm wasting your time by just sitting here being like just talking about random stuff like ipads like you don't care about this maybe you do i guess if you don't care you probably clicked off right so anyway the house is turning out really nice this is the parents bedroom like i said there's one big bedroom downstairs they have an ensuite bathroom plus a gym next to it they also have an office downstairs and then there's four kids rooms upstairs and most of them have an ensuite bathroom so there's a lot of bathrooms and a lot of bedrooms five bedrooms five bathrooms in this house could be seven bedrooms because there's the two like office and gym spaces could make it into a art studio or something too if you wanted so this house is a lot of space for a lot of things and honestly that like space for extra rooms is very useful in the sims because there's so many times that you need like random skill building stuff like if you needed to have some sort of weird giant cupcake machine for whatever reason there's a whole extra room for that and that's pretty useful and honestly like the gym equipment that's hard to fit into places this house has room for it maybe you want a microscope the microscope is like giant in this game too that fits in here anyway that's enough of me rambling let's go look at the build i placed it where the munch family used to live oh i guess they're still here i didn't evict them this time that's good a lot of times i kick out the sims that live in the lots that i want to build on which is probably kind of rude but they'll be fine so here is the finished product honestly the outside's kind of weird it's kind of goofy but i that's why i like it it's just it's so big i wish the house was smaller to be honest but that's okay back of the house very pretty i love the back garden i just i think this is so beautiful with the like the planter boxes and the space for the kids and like all of the lounging and the grill and like the i of course a chess table every house i make has a chess table and then when you come inside there's this big open living room i think it looks a lot less bad than i thought it would in my head like i think it looks pretty cozy there isn't a tv in this house it didn't really fit but you have a piano and of course there's a whole gym even a yoga mat in here you've got this fancy office and look at the view from your desk it's a lamp isn't that nice but you can also that's the monkey bars isn't it you just watch the kids play while you're working the parents have their own room downstairs they have their own hallway as well and then it comes into their bedroom you got a vanity even nice big space i love this like green color scheme i think the chairs are really nice and then they have their own bathroom there's a hall bath downstairs that everybody can use plus the kitchen is beautiful i mean look at that dining room back here and then upstairs one second i didn't realize this is the unfinished version how did that even happen i put the finished one on the gallery i don't have enough money oh my god this is horribly embarrassing okay how is it not furnished there we go there's the upstairs okay first it's not even in the speed build and now it's just gone okay so as you can see there's four bedrooms upstairs and there's three bathrooms so technically every one of these sims could have their own bathroom because you could have like this one could have the bathroom downstairs or whatever but two of the rooms have ensuites because there's these like dormer bits the hallway also has a nice little desk nook i figured that's pretty useful for the kids to do homework at plus there's a window in the hallway a lot of times my houses don't have that so that's so that's a perk you've got one kid's room back here it's kind of this green theme maybe a younger kid lives here maybe a teens room in this one i i kind of distinguish in my head that teen's rooms have double beds and kids rooms have single beds because that's kind of the only way you can show passage of time in the sims because you can't really do much when you're a child or a teen so in my head i'm like oh you're a teen now let's upgrade your bedroom to a bigger bed it doesn't actually matter but that's just that's what i always do in my own game plan in my head i'm like oh the bigger bed is for the bigger kid but anybody could sleep in this room you don't have to be a team to have a double bed doesn't matter they also have a computer so they must be special this room is shared between two kids maybe younger kids again in this one and then this room also in my head maybe like a an older kid almost a teen they have a teddy bear even so i like this wallpaper i haven't used it before realm of magic by the way but i think it kind of fit pretty well in there i liked this room i thought it was nice and then that's the whole house i'm sorry i cut out the upstairs it just was such a long video i've been recording a voiceover for 37 minutes just the voiceover what have i been talking about i don't know i mean granted i've been stopping and starting again a lot of times but just the voiceover ridiculous this house is on my gallery twice both unfurnished and furnished if you want it my name's just little simsy on the gallery i think it's called like tudor mansion i don't know i'm not very creative with names for lots but i think on that note i will see you all tomorrow bye everybody i like to build houses in the sims i don't know if you all noticed but it's one of my favorite things to do i also streamed this on twitch so if you want to come watch my twitch streams my link is in the description box i'm just saying [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 234,751
Rating: 4.9808273 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: f139QFfBNYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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