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branding where the hell is Brandon Brandon Brandon what the heck why are you in the office what list I guess there's some like new trend are all these like knowledgeable extremely knowledgeable credible super high IQ basketball youtubers are making what is it it's like some new trend make they're making some list like top 40 basketball youtubers so I'm just oh I'm just working on one of my own bro let me see bro I'm on the list yeah I'm still at the bottom but I'm working my way up but yeah you may be why am i 20 second ago have you seen yourself playing Anthony yes oh sorry so if you guys remember last week I shaved my beard you know I'll baby face clean shave nothing on my cheeks you see that the beard is growing back okay I have Middle Eastern genetics dude like our hair grows fast hold on okay wait go back there wait you stand right there okay wait go there alright wait wait wait let's try standing up on this real quick cuz I feel like the Sun would go just stand on their roof just try just try cuz I want to see like the top no you just did what I said for no reason and we just wasted like 30 seconds every day dad do you have a problem with this list yeah I know I'm I'm here but why Anthony is only wait what are you saying about Anthony so I should be like way in the bottom of the list well is it Anthony good at basketball no a 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 yeah yeah and then you know I know I'm better than him I'm gonna focus on basketball 1 B 1 me [Music] they're taking it to the court oh oh I got my money on my dad Bo first point wins whoever scores first wins oh okay okay Anthony with the stop oh oh oh okay papa rut gets another chance Oh deep shot okay no that's their deep alright guys so I'm sure the reason you clicked on this video it's not to hear about my beard or it's not to hear about who's better at basketball between Papa rock or Anthony I'm sure the reason you guys clicked on this video was because the title and thumbnail said I'm going to try to kiss Jackie who's my ex-girlfriend so I'm going to attempt to kiss my ex-girlfriend every hour for the rest of the day so what time is it right now it's 2 o'clock 2 p.m. so every hour for the rest of the day I'm going to lean in for a kiss with my ex-girlfriend dude I have no idea how she's gonna react because I'm not gonna lie to you guys we have kiss after we broke up what what what what but me and Jackie are really closer so I honestly have no idea if she's gonna back away or if she's gonna go in for the kiss comment down below right now if you guys think she's gonna back away or if she's gonna let me kiss her and don't cheat don't wait till the end of the video comment right now if you think Jackie's going to let me kiss her or back away okay guys 2 p.m. and I'm about to attempt kiss number one of the day oh and by the way I can't even say anything I just go you have to kiss her yeah I just gotta go straight you can't say give me a kiss you can't say you look good nothing we just gotta go straight into it make it mean when I kiss you five four three two you did [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so like she didn't like say anything negative but she didn't kiss me though okay so try number one was a fail what do they say F in the chest kiss number one was a fail but we got kids number two and one more our sack that snot a kiss I don't know what it is I've ever been do it look at Booker giving me the look Booker's looking at me like yeah yeah bruh wadis she's giving me kisses and she won't even kiss you okay guys 3 p.m. it's time to go in for kids number 2 what do you thinks gonna happen kiss number 2 do you think she's gonna do or no you guys are like a long I think but it's like you're by your dad I'm sure sure oh it's just regret so but where's Jackie I think she took booger for a walk oh shoot who's coming in hot oh my goodness oh my goodness he has Alicia are you allergic to going on walks [Music] [Music] what are you talking about nobody said we were recording a snap that's all just trying to make the snapshot what I'm singing I am oh for to like what I'm a shooter I'm not used to going over to my Anthony said is that if we're alone then she wants to kiss me that's what Anthony said he said bro if she wants to kiss you but she feels awkward in front of all these people so I don't even know what's gonna happen in another hour but I'll tell you one thing so far this video has been one of the most awkward videos I've ever filmed but guess what this was highly requested by you guys the bra squad you guys really wanted to see it so that's why I'm doing it please drop a like on this video and in one more hour at 4 o'clock I am going to go in but kiss number 3 4 p.m. it's time for another kiss but what am i the kiss monster what do I have cooties am I gonna get the kiss now I know what am I gonna get the kiss now or no yeah I think so just look at whatever one's the best and upload it let me see what the heck you know he looks like Borat dad you know that's weird that's weird what what what are you Oh four three this is pretty awkward I'm not gonna lie why what this is for my vlog this is for my vlog no okay Brandon well if you reading this right now we just get the next one I try we'll be alone to see if Anthony's theory is true but maybe Jackie just doesn't want a kiss maybe in her head it's like you know what we're not dating we're just friends so I'm not gonna kiss Brandon and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that but when this video started we did say we're gonna try it every single hour of the day so we'll see what happens in another hour but so far we are oh-for-three Brandon my bad ro I thought I was gonna die no I love you Brian don't die and just keep watching when I'm gonna do wait till he tries to kiss me one more time do you guys keep watching Jackie Jackie Brennan's coming what it is what's up what's up what's up what's up were you taking a nap with Jackie and I was editing my video and brought in Anthony we're playing really don't know what to do that's all jokes now listen man I definitely could tell meaner feel like I was just like oh you're weird so I'm definitely a step it up a little I don't anything I should keep doing it to be honest he showed that you should just do still one more time actually piss it's still more time later trust me bro just do it one more time no I could tell he wanted to oh you could tell she knows like everything oh so that so that's a sign that a girl wants to can't do it she was like actually I don't know if I should even do it again role boats so one more time trust me he's literally so confused I don't know if he wanted like to not do it anymore and I was like bro do it one more time I think he's gonna try one more time yeah yeah by the way dude I'm sorry I love you she doesn't really hate you bro oddly look what time it is it is 6:00 p.m. April are you sure I should even dude yeah this is one more who knows okay who knows I know 6 p.m. and we're going in for another kiss mom arrived Brenda never stopped oh my god I was saying how we got four hours no okay you can't have that Brandon what are you doing don't try and kiss me you be so don't say he's just a friend oh baby you Fergus friends what you've been trying to kiss me all day okay no I understand like you can chill out a little bit like to like yell and stuff that's all that's fine I understand I'm not gonna try to kiss you anymore if you don't want to be kissed of course know that you don't kiss me but you don't have to like push and yell and like we're cool we're friends like yeah friends don't kill each other yeah so if you don't want to kiss you just go slow okay Brandon don't I don't want to kiss you'd have to push dude what do you do it like this I'm a respectful president you could be respectful person too but you know because I'm Cristin to freaking oh that's fine we're staying together for this quarantine and like I'm literally like I've been hanging out every day and you just made a hell of all for it like like I'm not mad no let's go get food let's go get food there's no point to argue I don't want argue I don't want to make it awkward don't get mad did you see that where does even go way he's playing bad every time he comes to my face I'm like okay just kiss me okay what is this game that we're playing just just need oh he's playing back [Laughter] [Music] yeah while you play basketball randomly when did you see the camera I saw when we were sitting with Ron and I'm like okay this is the third time a little weird what you saw back then yeah sorry buddy I knew about the last like three died said do it again I would have said do it again unless I do you know so when she saw the camera you were gonna come up with like a Brandon both she saw the camera know about how many times oh no I wasn't trying to kiss you just me dude my my anger wasn't like my anger wasn't like Oh Jackie doesn't want to kiss me so mad it was more like yo Jackie like we're still friends like we're still cool if you don't want to kiss me that's fine but like but like but like I never yell at you so don't yell at me like especially like I wasn't mad that she didn't want to kiss me I'll smack of life I was mad at like the push and like what are you doing sounds like that if you wanna kiss we can do more than just kids that's weird okay no all right guys that is going to close out today's video I hope you guys enjoyed I'm here with Carol Baskins I'll be jealous that I'm Carol all day I hope you enjoyed today's video it was highly requested by you guys I hope you guys enjoyed if you did please be sure to drop a like subscribe to this channel if you are new other than that Brandon aka paratus I love you guys all and Jackie and we are out so like do you want to make help there's no way this is real there's no telling you're the right girl so I can only say that it feels right
Channel: Brawadis
Views: 3,646,485
Rating: 4.9448271 out of 5
Keywords: brawadis, prank, basketball, skits, ghost, funny videos, vlog, vlogging, NBA, browadis, challenges, bmw i8, faze rug, faze rug brother, mama rug and papa rug
Id: __F6K4svZ2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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