I Tried To Freelance Coding

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how much can I earn freelancing codes I started by making a fivr and upwork account and applied for a bunch of job postings but no one hired me so I realized I needed to make my page look better I researched a few tutorials on YouTube and started making my pages look more professional after a few hours I got my first client through Fiverr and I was stoked he asked me to build a Discord bot that could moderate a server so I quickly got to work but once I finished the next few hours were totally empty I realized I needed to promote my services elsewhere so I went everywhere from Discord to Reddit to promotee my freelancing but in the end I made fun $5
Channel: Neel Banga
Views: 25,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z3yd-9JZqGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 31sec (31 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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