I Tried The Viral Vegan McDonalds (Mr. Charlie's)

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[Music] hey what's going on how we doing how we feeling what's life how's life what's the meaning of it and where do we go after we die today we're going to be going to a very cool spot I've been wanting to do this video for a hot minute a spicy minute we're going to be going to the viral super viral last year I love an old Trend God I'm so Millennial we're going to MC Charlie's not MC Charlie's Mr Charlie's also known as the vegan MC McDonald's now I used to love McDonald's I used to eat it with my grandma we would go we would get the chicken nuggets and we' get french fries and we get an extra order of french fries so that I could feed the seagulls in the parking lot that was our tradition and I miss her and I miss that and furthermore Mr Charlie's they're making dreams come true hey Mr Charlie what you going to do what you going to do make our dreams come true but actually because Mr Charlie is connected to the Dream Foundation Dream Foundation provides support education tools a place for people in need to jump start their life or to get back on track whatever it may be whether it's somebody who's been incarcerated they struggle with addiction or they're experiencing homelessness or all of the above it only has like 11 employees or at least it did based on the article I read might have more now I don't know but all of them are from the Dream Foundation so these are people who might be overlooked normally so I love everything about this place let's go eat I realize now that I'm wearing workout clothes to go to a fast food restaurant and though I didn't work out today we're not going to eat in the restaurant because vlogging myself in front of people I hate it it makes me feel sick to my stomach and embarrassed to be alive damn look at this fit y'all look at this fast food fit these shorts make my hips look so wide like I'm ready to deliver three children at once okay let's get food look at how dirty this car is oh ah ah oh hot the car is so hot this is not USDA approved 92° it's almost like I live in a desert or something why do I pay the ow Jesus little coin Miyazaki coin purse these little tiny Dobbins whatever the hell that is called that you use to open it that just scalded my [Music] arm okay we did it so I went in I can't lie to you like the stress of knowing I was recording was stressful so I tried to just press record and place my order and I was like well at least maybe somebody will think this is funny and it turns out I didn't record it all you need to know is I got flustered I felt embarrassed and then I accidentally tipped $10 for ordering at the counter I just pressed 20% and my order was 53 bucks sucks I got like everything I could think to get I got one two three meals I just hope it's good it's so hot it's so hot outside okay so much just happened I truly thought I was about to expire in the car it was like cruel and unusual punishment I got a hot coffee because you guys I freaking panicked I was ordering all of the meals thinking I was saving money and then I was like I'll get the breakfast meal what the heck and he was like coffee I'm like uh it's like 1:30 p.m. I'm going to be up all night hey there just interjecting from the edit will let you know that I did not sleep until 2:00 a.m. on this night despite going into bed at 10:30 p.m. because of the coffee I drank in this video so just think about that every time you see me drinking this cursed coffee it burned my hand and it ruined my night but I got it cuz it's included and then so I have a freaking Sprite which by the way I don't know if I've ever seen a glass spray but this is sick I'm definitely going to keep this and use this for like plant clipping we're going to go in the order what maybe we would order okay so here is the deluxe Mr deluxe breakfast meal and it comes with tater tots you know they're going to be good when you can see the like grease on them like that that's a green flag for me here they are those look like some freerange happy potatoes and honestly also all of the produce is organic at mcch Mr Charlie oh this is my bag of sauces this is the m Mr Charlie's Deluxe breakfast sandwich I love the wrapping it comes in I love the taste of like cheapy breakfast sandwiches like cheap you know like cheap cheese cheap meat cheap egg cheep I like that taste cuz it's nostalgic to me check it out I love that the cheese is like sticking to the paper here's our little sausage patty so it's got a just egg Patty it's got a sausage patty it's got cheese do you have sauce I don't know if she has sauce let me just try it as it is this is really tasty this is like really yummy that sausage is so decorated it's full of herbs and spices I can tell I'm literally pulling the cheese off of the wrapper like a wrap even without the sauce is so good I love the seasoning of the sausage patty I can taste fennel oh man I would I'm to wreck this thing I still have so much to eat you listen now I will not waste food you mark my words this will not be wasted none of it it drives me nuts when people do taste test videos and they very clearly just throw everything away I won't do that if you don't like it like okay I get it buying a bunch of stuff taking one bite and then throwing it away it hurts me man I'm going to give this breakfast sandwich honestly I wish there was a sauce on it I wish there was a sauce like a Mayo or something I'll give it an A+ it's really freaking good and as far as like tasting like a breakfast sandwich I think I wish the Sausage Patty was just a little bit sweeter like maybe if they add a little bit of a maple syrup flare to it that's just something to think about so I'm going to give that an A+ tater tots delicious s double fried tater tots let me crack open my Sprite I'm drinking soda and I'm drinking coffee what the hell is going on it being in a glass makes me feel so followed up with a little coffee the coffee is not bad actually you know the coffee actually is pretty good I'm going to say that right up front let's try the chicken nuggets here they are let's try the white sauce smells like mayonnaise it looks like a a McDonald's chicken nugget while we're sitting here eating let's let's let's play a game what's your what's the latest like celebrity crush you have that you feel like makes you interesting stupid question but I'm going to answer it Woody harelson I've been thinking about him a lot lately he's just a good man he's a vegan man and he's such a great actor and he just seems like a nice guy like I want him to comfort me and comfort me you know what I mean please let me know yours below I'm dying to know wow the outside of these are spot on McDonald's there's like that chickeny aftertaste I think it was Jake Weber I saw was reviewing this and he was like saying that the outside was spot on and the inside tasted vegan it might be because I am vegan and I haven't had a a real chicken nugget in like seven or 8 years maybe they've maybe they've even improved their their recipe I don't know I truly believe if you just gave this to someone out of the blue I don't think they would know the difference okay french fries these are like McDonald's fries the fries were not as crispy as usual but I honestly think that's because they were in the car and they kind of like got a little soggy which is unfortunate I'm going to give the fries a bee if I'm honest with you soda just tastes better with fast food that's a scientific fact coffee time let's do the chicken sandwich next shall we I really hope you guys can hear me cuz this is a new setup and I don't know also I'm drinking coffee way past my caffeine hour which is normally about noon so this is going to be an interesting day listen as if you needed any more proof how hot it was outside my camera just turned off because the internal temperature was too high you see what we're dealing with here it's that hot my camera Tapped Out the glare on this is driving me bananas don't worry about it we got the chicken sandwich okay this looks good check her out man that're good at the chicken is that a chicken check out it's good with the sauce I wish I had tomatoes hell yeah did they seriously give me a chicken sandwich with a side of chicken nuggets in this meal it has like a vegan Mayo on it can you see that I'm going to give the chicken s cheer as well damn I love this place on on to the main event okay I want to just keep eating all of these things but I'm going to wait I got this is the like McDouble it has three buns or is that a half Brown I think it's three buns two burgers cheese pickles lettuce tomato maybe look at that that is gorgeous oh and it has like the special their special vegan sauce too dude this is so good nobody could tell nobody would know this is incredible buy it have someone that lives in La buy it this is s s s this is so freaking good this like mcdaddy meal I guess I could quickly try the sauces so this is like their onion sauce actually I don't think that's what it is at all it looks like Cinnabon icing I'm going to give that a d I'm not going to lie I don't like that onion adjacent sweet it's like sweet it's just you can't put your finger on it and with a white sauce you want to be able to put your finger on it you know I liked this sauce this is what I dipped the chicken sandwich in I think this is like their orange Thousand Island that's I like that that's oh it's a spicy it's like a spicy aoli this is the lighter aoli that's Mayo dootle Mayo I'm fully making these up I don't know what these are I'm just like going with whatever comes to my brain all right here's their green sauce I don't know what that it's like a salsa verde okay I'll give the salsa verde a bee organic produce they're paying their employees reasonable wages they stand for an incredible cause and they collaborate with an amazing organization like the money is well spent is what I'm saying it's delicious and you feel good about eating it and you feel good after you eat it S Plus all of M mcch Charlie's an establishment gets an S for me I'm so impressed by this I'm like so impressed by this I really love it all of it the Buns aren't going to hold up as well so I guess I have to eat these now or at least in the next couple hours food safety what's that I leave stuff out all the time and I'm like it's vegan so it can't hurt me okay I'm editing right now and I have to say this please from the bottom of my heart do not listen to this advice this crazy woman does not know what she's talking about I am not going to be responsible for somebody dying because they ate an old artichoke or whatever just be follow food safety don't do what I do don't be like me okay look at me I don't look trustworthy at all do I no I don't okay well that was fun I hope you guys like this I hope that the footage sounds good I hope it doesn't sound like crap I hope it looks okay I hope you're doing okay I hope my camera is doing okay cuz it's had like five heat Strokes since I started this video I'm really happy we did this this was fun I hope you had fun I hope you can try mcli and if there's another like La spot you want me to check out there's Monty's but I love this like gun and go kind of video cuz it's fun for me to get out of the kitchen and like get out there in the world so you just let me know I will go and awkwardly film myself anybody know this book is there anybody else on this planet that knows this book this is my book recommendation for the week it's just people dancing with cats and if you want to hang out with me between videos I have a twitch I have Tik Tok I have Instagram all of those socials are in my description I have a Discord have a beautiful day and I will see you guys [Music] soon
Channel: Merle O'Neal
Views: 54,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: feW0IZEnlq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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