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well hey guys guess what i finally did it i bit the bullet and decided to give the new face trinity a go i've been trying this out for the past couple of months if you are new here i have been highly highly skeptical of the new phase since the start of my channel the ideas behind it just don't add up physiologically i don't think it's worth it but i decided to actually try it out and see for myself like you guys i see the commercials i see the reviews i see the before and afters my curiosity has been peaked so i decided why not try it out in this video i'm going to share with you my experience using it how it worked what i thought of it and do i think it's worth it after having actually tried it new face is a microcurrent device basically sends a little electrical current to the skin and the idea is that you're going to stimulate the muscles of the face to contract you know this type of electric current treatment it's nothing new it's actually used in medicine in something called a tens unit which is for treating pain that came out in the 70s but as far as using it for aesthetic enhancement treatment rejuvenation it's really not evidence-based now new face makes a lot of claims about how this device works they claim that not only does it help stimulate the muscles underneath the skin but it's going to help bring in circulation and it's going to boost up atp in the cells of the skin atp is the energy currency with age our cells have less atp so the idea here is that by encouraging atp production you're going to boost up collagen production and elastin having a wrinkle smoothing effect as well as cell renewal and rejuvenating the skin barrier there is no evidence to support any of that there have never been any clinical studies on any kind of electrical current device to support these claims it's merely just kind of guesstimating as to how it might work now of course new face has done their own industry-based studies they claim that i think 80 of people saw an improvement in facial contour using this device they also claim that using this device is going to enhance penetration of skin care products there are no supporting studies that microcurrent is going to enhance penetration of topicals one of the main reasons i've always been skeptical of the new face device is the idea that using microcurrent to stimulate the underlying muscle bellies in the muscles of the face it doesn't really seem like a logical anti-aging target for facial rejuvenation most of volume loss in the aging face is a result of redistribution of fat changes in the bone and then you've got skin changes loss of collagen loss of elasticity muscle of course there is some degree of age-related muscle atrophy but the rate at which that occurs is far far far far behind the aging of the overlying skin all right so i've been using this device once a day i use it in the morning you can use it in the morning or the evening i like using in the morning because i just find that you know i wake up wash my face and then i just find that that's an easier time to do it at night time i don't want to complicate things and the way to use it they insist that you use the gel primer that comes with it they claim that this will enhance conduction of the current into the skin the deeper layers of the skin okay you definitely do need some kind of a gel on the skin underneath just to allow for good gliding across the surface of the skin i kind of can see their argument about their particular product there are certain salts and things that you would imagine would help with better conduction of the current into the skin whether or not you can use a like hyaluronic acid gel cream or some other product under this they say don't but honestly i tried doing that and it seemed to work just fine and that being said i have no way of knowing how the depth of electric current penetration differ at any rate you certainly need something to help lubricate the skin as you glide this over the skin surface i find it actually kind of relaxing to do it doesn't take much time it's five minutes and i used it on my neck my jawline my mid face and the forehead area basically three passes to the neck three passes to the jawline and the mid face and then three passes to the forehead and then you're going to repeat that on the other side in total it takes five minutes now the device beeps so when you put it to one area it's going to beep and then you glide it along slowly and ideally you get to the end and it'll beep so you kind of learn the amount of time between beeps so you can kind of pace yourself and gliding it over the skin at first i went way too fast so going a little bit more slowly is ideal so you reach that end point right around the time where it beeps that way you get good i guess electrical current distributed across across the surface there i will be honest with you guys like i said highly highly skeptical that this was going to do anything but i did notice immediately like right away with using it i did notice that the side of the face that i used it on in comparison to the other side of the face was definitely more tone for example my cheek a lot more cheek definition after using it i also used it kind of gliding it under the eye area and i definitely noticed an improvement in under eye bags i also noticed that the under eye area was tighter but it was a very very very subtle change now to be clear as i was gliding this on the skin i wasn't putting a lot of pressure so i don't think i was just pushing fluid out of the skin kind of like what you would get with those face rollers that are really popular the ice rollers and those kinds of things i think some of it may have actually been the result of the microcurrent because i wasn't pressing very firmly just gently gliding it over the surface of the skin and i also noticed on my neck it just seemed like the i have some horizontal necklines i noticed that those seemed ever so slightly less obvious [Music] the following morning my face looked exactly the same as it did had i never used the device so no it was not long lasting and it was not drastic whatsoever so to be clear in order to maintain this result you've got to use this device in the beginning five days a week for at least the first two months 60 days thereafter they say you can use that a few times a week two to three times a week in order to maintain the results i'm at roughly the two month mark but honestly i found the results very very subtle and i didn't notice any difference looking back at photographs of myself before using it up until this point i honestly see no difference in my face the biggest difference that i see using this device comes immediately after using it in terms of basically just reducing morning puffiness and improving facial contour and the toning effect that i see with this i think is just kind of a temporary almost pop have you ever done a bunch of bicep curls and you're like wow looks well i look a lot more toned it's just kind of a temporary change in volume of the muscle like i said when you're if you're trying to address the visible signs of skin aging sagging and volume loss this device is not going to target those things whatsoever atrophy of the facial muscles is not a major driving force in the age aging face you can really see that accordion like contraction of the muscles around the mouth the crow's feet so those muscles are still strong and contracting they're not really atrophied at a rate that is going to make a difference really where you're seeing volume loss and sagging in the age aging face comes from a combination of weakening of the ligaments that kind of anchor everything in place as well as redistribution of fat bony resorption and of course the changes to the overlying skin loss of collagen and loss of elasticity this device while they claim is going to improve atp production and ultimately lead to more collagen and elastin we just don't have the data to support that there are other things that can do that and that we do have data for in terms of improving collagen production tretinoin can do that and wearing sunscreen can help prevent destruction of collagen so i personally think your efforts are better put towards those things but chances are you guys who watch my channel you're already doing those things and you want to know is this like worth it is it's going to give you kind of an edge i honestly in my opinion i do not see this device as being worth your money it's not inexpensive it's 339 dollars and for that you've got to use it it doesn't offer long lasting results you have to use it consistently in order to maintain the results that you see in my experience using it personally i found the results to be very very very subtle and very temporary in other words the following day that little bit of improvement that very subtle improvement in facial contour was no longer there and after using it consistently for now two months again i don't see any sustained difference in the contours of my face i always i've been using it five days a week as i instructed and i don't use it on the weekends so saturday and sunday i don't use it come monday morning when it's time to use this my face looks the same as it did had i never used this you know come the following morning after using it even my face really looks looks about the same i think if you have a lot of laxity and sagging i think you're going to be disappointed in this because again a lot of that comes down to loss of skin elasticity plus redistribution of fat targeting the underlying muscle may temporarily just kind of fill in a little volume and help ever so slightly contour the face but you're not gonna get dramatic results here and it's again in my experience using it it's very very temporary i would put this device in the same category as makeup like maybe something that you do before you put your makeup on to even further improve facial contour is it uncomfortable a little bit especially if you don't have a good layer of the gel you will feel almost like a little shock like sensation like a rubber band snapping you it's very very subtle it just kind of makes you feel a little uneasy where i noticed the most significant sensation i guess is when i put it over my forehead there are a couple of settings that you can put this on when i put it on the highest setting and ran it over my forehead it almost feels like there is a string at the top of my head that is pulling so i definitely felt a sensation almost like something crawling under the skin on the forehead it's not warm it doesn't heat up there are no lights that are emitted from this so it should be safe for people who have melasma or hyperpigmentation it shouldn't affect that because again it doesn't generate heat if you're somebody especially with a deeper skin tone that tends to heal with hyperpigmentation this should not cause any issues for you who should not use this anybody who has like a pacemaker or any sort of implantable electrical device definitely would not want to use this if you are pregnant or if you have an underlying seizure disorder epilepsy definitely talk to your doctor before trying this out that is their recommendation they also caution against using it if you have any type of active cancer i think that that is a reasonable warning otherwise yeah it is safe to use um and i aside from a little bit of a tingling sensation i really didn't experience any adverse effects with this whatsoever and i found it's pretty easy to use i was surprised at how i actually kind of enjoyed using it i like the the electrodes have like a cooling sensation similar to those ice rollers can you use it over other skin care products you can you would not want to use it however over like a heavy oil based product because that may impede the conduction of the current but if you're using like a water-based serum like your vitamin c serum you certainly could wash your face apply your vitamin c serum and then come on over with this and you do the new face they suggest that this will help enhance penetration of like your serums whether or not that's true we have no data to support that um you know for whatever it's worth i guess you could try it what are the ingredients in this water propane diol hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid tremelofuciformis which is a mushroom you know snow mushroom rich in humectants betaine glycerin another humectant magnesium sulfate i guess could be helpful in conduction of the current ethyl hexylglycerin potassium sorbate capital glycol phenoxyethanol preservative and sodium hydroxide likely to adjust ph i honestly can't comment on how like this would compare to any other product on the market i think you could also use ultrasound gel uh which you can get on amazon probably less expensive i think this two ounce tube this two ounce tube came with a device but i think the two ounce tube you can buy at ulta for like i want to say 13 bucks and then on derm store you can get a five ounce tube of it for 29 bucks so that's kind of expensive uh for basically what i would label as like a hyaluronic acid serum more or less it seems a little pricey but hey uh it's not a bad product didn't cause any issue with me but i know a lot of you guys comment that hyaluronic acid type products do cause irritation for you in my opinion the microcurrent thing is a bit of a hoax because there's just no data on using it for any kind of aesthetic purpose and there's so many better technologies out there including devices that you can buy on the market that in my opinion would be at least a better more logical investment in your in your money if you're looking for true skin effects that are you know actually improving collagen potentially improving elastin rather than just theoretically you know there's actual science there and actual data there to support for example like red light weak data but it's there the red light masks or in the case of skin tightening radio frequency devices nuface makes a few other devices they have a smaller one i know one thing about this device i didn't show you is the electrodes you know they come off this head and you can replace it with they sell other heads that i think they have a red light one and they have one that's smaller for like the crow's feet area i believe all right so that's my experience using new face let me know in the comments those of you who use it what your experience has been i know a lot of you guys swear by you love it so let me know and let me know if you would like me to test out any other devices i do have videos on red light for anti-aging if you want to check that out in the meantime but it might be fun to actually give some of these devices a go on the end slate i will put my video on radio frequency skin tightening for you to check out but if you like this video give it a thumbs up share it with your friends and as always don't forget sunscreen and subscribe i'll talk to you guys tomorrow bye [Music] you
Channel: Dr Dray
Views: 516,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nuface review, nuface trinity, nuface before and after, does nuface work, dr dray nuface review, dr dray microcurrent, nuface trinity reviews, nuface trinity facial toning device, nuface trinity before and after, how to use the nuface, nuface results, nuface results before and after, nuface results on neck, nuface long term results, does nuface actually work, does nuface really work dermatologist, does nuface really work, does nuface hurt, nuface review dermatologist
Id: rysonLQn6YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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