I tried the 7 BIGGEST denim trends for 2024, and here's what you should buy or SKIP

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the biggest denim Trends 2024 I love all kinds of denim and I especially love to watch how the denim Trends have been evolving year over year for those of you who don't know me I'm 52 and my legs are short in this video I've tried this seven biggest denim trends that you're going to see everywhere this year Trend number one the dark wash even though dark wash is nothing new this year you're going to find an indigo wash especially a prominent Trend this is a regular dark wash and this is the Indigo wash and this is a pair of wild jeans from Old Navy the differences in Deco wash has no fitting no whiskering and that's what makes it look more polished and that is the thing out of the seven trains I'm going to cover today you're going to hear several of them pointing to the one big theme for this year and that is denim is going to look really polished I like Indigo wash a lot now not only these are darker wash of denim but also these are made of thicker fabrics and that gives it more structure and therefore the denim holds it shape better Trend number two the 90s straight leg jeans straight leg jeans have been very popular for the last at least 5 years but what makes the 90s different the number one thing you're going to notice is the high waist yay the high waist always my favorite because my legs are short and these are the easiest to elongate my legs but historically 9s it's the first time when the high-waist jeans became the dominant Trend and this pair is from Levis 724 classic high-waisted slim fit another main thing you're going to notice about the 90 Street fit jeans is the color most of these are going to be light wash to medium wash like this pair is from Express in terms of the leg shape this pair is wider even though this is still this J leg fate compared with the Levis this is a lot lot more volume because of that since I already have short legs I need to be quite careful with the wider leg shape and that's why I'm wearing it with a pair of pointed toast stilettos try number three trouser jeans this year one thing you will notice is that your jeans is going to have some of the dress pants designs for example pin tucks and pleats these are going to make your denim look more polished remember what I was saying earlier 2024 denim is going to become the staple not just for your casual wardrobe but also something you can wear to anywhere you like for example wear your jeans to your work and that's exactly why the trouser designs are going to be so dominant in your denim in 2024 but the opposite is also too the next big trend for the ear is the baggie jeans yes the baggie train is here to stay and I am wearing a pair from Gap normally when something is a little too long for me I can just wear a pair of heels and that will fix it but with this pair because it's so baggy everywhere it still looks awkward even when I'm wearing a pair of heels another thing I noticed is the waste this is below my belly bottom so this is another Trend that's still going pretty strong the M rise to low rise Trend according to Vogue low rise is here to stay what I noticed is this round of the lowrise trend is a little different than 10 15 years ago I bought lowrise designer jeans back in the days and they were extremely low and a lot of these are skinny fit which is quite uncomfortable combination with a lower rise but this time around the lower rise is not as low as it used to be like this pair from abber crumby they're actually just a couple inches under my belly bottom which is is not that bad for those of you if you happen to have a shorter rise this might actually be sitting on your belly button so that may just be your midrise Trend number six the barrel leg this is not a 2024 invention we've had this for a couple of years and what makes it the name is because of the shape of it it's wider in the middle and it's smaller on top and of course it got a taper legs and that's what makes it look like a arrow and this pair is from Old Navy even though this is not my favorite type of jeans after I tried it on there's one thing I do like about it the Fabrics it's really thick and this is stiff it doesn't have too much stretch in it and that's what makes it look more vintage for those of you who do like the Vintage look the way to look vintage but not dated is to pair with something modern for example a pair of pointy tokos and and I always like to throw on my favorite Motel jacket because this makes it look more City and this is going to balance out the Vintage feel and the trend number seven is wear denim to work and this means denim is not only in your jeans but also you can wear something like a denim Blazer this is a faded blazer from Gap I really like it a lot and wearing denim to work it means that your denim whether it's your top or your bottom needs to be quite fitted and that's really one of my favorite things whenever you're are wearing darker wash denim and especially when they're faded they look quite tailored and they can give you a very refreshing look this is definitely something that you can wear to work or even when you are meeting with your clients my number one tip to dress up your denim is to add a structure piece like a blazer because a Blazer looks appropriate for just about any occasion especially when you are wearing it with Cam Blazer or any other neutral colors this is going to be make it very easy for you to wear your denim to work the next big part of it is your shoes whenever I'm wearing denim for a dress your occasion I always go with heels especially pointy toe heels there's something about the pointy toe that just makes them look more polished and more Chic and there you have it the seven biggest denim twins of 2024 as I mentioned earlier I am 52 and my legs are short because of that I have to be very care careful about what kind of jeans I put on myself and also because of that I started my own clothing line for women like [Music] me the take a around your body got me sorry got me sorry losing all my focus I can't even you lien baby meing me like keeping it exciting you know exactly what
Channel: Petite Dressing
Views: 55,534
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Id: WmfpnSHbSCQ
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Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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