I Tried The 600lbs Life Diet

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growing up one of my favorite TV shows was my 600 lb life I'm being serious I'm not lying it's a reality show about morbidly obese people on their journey to lose a ton of weight who helps these people Dr now does based off his name and how he looks I'm not sure if he's more of a James Bond or an Austin Powers villain regardless he helps these people by giving them a severely restrictive 1,00 calorie diet that I'm going to be trying for the next 50 hours I am going to be as flat as a runway model in the next 50 hours guaranteed but it's time to see the day one starting weight drum roll please please currently 197.50 lb okay body fat percentage what's it going to be oh I think that means 0% shredded I don't need this diet two days on this diet is going to absolutely suck but multiple weeks of it I would classify that as torture doctor now makes his patients do this diet until they lose around 10% of their body weight AKA 60 lbs before going to bariatric surgery what one type of bariatric surgery is a gastro bypass the surgeon cuts across the top of the stomach sealing it off from the rest of the stomach the resulting poach is about the size of a walnut and can only hold about an ounce of food when typically the stomach can hold about three pints of food which of course decreases the amount of food you can eat all the recipes that I'm going to be making are from his book the scale does not lie people do I got this for like $32 the actual hard copy was over $160 this guy is watching this video from his very own yacht and then I zoomed in on the cover and his step stethoscope is actually covered in gold and diamonds that's incredible all right so for meal one I have everything prepared because we are going to be making the vegetable omelette [ __ ] well I'm probably going to have to calculate the choric value of my Tears because this is just sad like looking at this is like looking at myself in the mirror cuz all I see is something begging for more meat um I literally could not even almost form the omelet because the ratio ofet vable to egg is just not normal omelette and out of all the volume hacks I've done in my day I don't think I've ever stooped so low to add celery to The Omelette before that is just I don't know oh it tasted like one of those like Chinese pancakes originally and then as it goes down it starts to taste like dedication like if you're eating this this you're showing everybody in your close Circle that this is the time that you're actually going to lose weight like you are dialed in dedicated to go and I don't know if it's just me having a bad attitude or what but one tablespoon of cheese for this entire omelette I'd rather just not have cheese like I didn't think it was possible to get hangry at my own plate of food but here I am like that is just annoying it's pretty crazy you have these 600 pound people who have been eating themselves into submission every single day for years and then all of a sudden they just go to something like this that's like if MC Jagger decided to go Amish like the lifestyle change is just insane I don't even know understand how they do this it makes no sense even though I'm going to be hungry after this I can guarantee you I'm going to feel better after this than if I did the diet I got them to 600 lb that's for sure I made the mistake of having breakfast at around 8:45 and I held off as long as I possibly could but it is now currently 2:24 and I've gotten to the point that I'm so hungry that my first instinct is to actually eat the Cucumber for once so we are going to be making this cucumber yogurt salad that sounds quite delicious you know what I'm actually pretty happy with this meal it's kind of like a a skinny zaziki minus the rest of the slovaki dinner I typically have that I would dip into the zaziki but I love zaziki I knew something wasn't right when I was saying it taziki taziki I thought the tea was silent go ahead leave your comment ments do what you have to do I accept it taziki taziki I don't know why I do that to myself fortunately I get 4 oz of chicken breast on the side so two of the three meals today have to have 4 oz of some sort of grilled meat chicken breast was on the list so voila you hear that oh yeah cucumber is seriously the best food to eat and play with oh things are looking good right now there's something in the book called f a which stands for frequency amount and type does that have to do with how he deals out punishment or food because to me it stands for feeling awful throughout frequency you're supposed to eat two to three times a day amount 1,200 calories no more no less type meals high in protein and fiber and then low in everything else including happiness there's actually so much cucumber I'm actually getting annoyed eating this thing so I would say that's a win I don't even want to finish it flavor fatigue on a diet y'all daddy now one will Zero at the grocery store right now which is a bad idea but I have no choice I have to pick up dinner hey you can't park there okay we're in the produce section pretty much we have to buy every vegetable that they have got the cart of a skinny Legend right now ironically though this is probably the cart that would have people thinking that I have disordered eating we got the goods for the salad but as you can see I'm in the water section because a diet is a game we got to find ways to stay full all the time carbonated water is probably your best B I might also go oh I'm [Applause] sorry I might also get flavor enhancers for my carbonated water I'm getting looks right now I don't know if it's because I have the camera or my cart looks like I rescued 50 rabbits from a research lab I don't know but I'm currently in the snack section on the diet that says there's no snacks allowed I'm on a 1 12200 calorie diet is anything not considered a snack I think having no snacks is a bit aggressive 3 meals a [Music] day I made my way over to the dessert section I shouldn't be here right now but I'm here and I found this so it's a flavor I've never seen before it's very cheap $4.99 I have to get it I'm not going to be eating it for the weekend but I'm going to have it for when the weekend is finished I'm going to use this as motivation to help me push through because I know tomorrow's going to be very hard y'all want to know an elite dieting hack that I even think doctor now would approve of go to a fast food place and just order a large Coke Zero please just large Coke Coke Zero please I'm telling you it works hello bye see I just showed ban I'm still here I'm still alive and I'm not the customer that I used to be you know I showed face change of order see you just feel like you're participating in life now my biggest fear is if they actually screwed up if this is regular Coke CU then the diet is just [ __ ] do you all see this farmers market behind me for this salad the salad we are making has 24 vegetables to one protein that is a strip club level ratio my friends that is absolutely absurd so we are making the low calorie bowel of salad now there's two things I don't like about this recipe one one having low calorie in the title of a salad recipe in a restrictive diet plan just seems a bit redundant like I've already lost you don't need to rub it in two low calorie bowel does he mean low calorie bowl or is he giv me a warning with bowel because if so I took it as a warning and changed my underwear from white to black as this salad has the fiber any Quest Bar has ever aspired to so we have a lot of chopping to do I'm a bit nervous look at this salad so far this is like the salad version of the kitchen sing cookie it's crazy I'm still not even done surprisingly we have the protein on the stove and as hungry as I am right now this wasn't worth it I'm getting fed up this will have to be the most memorable salad I have ever tossed and I'm talking about all rooms of the house and good thing the show actually pays for the patient surgeries because this salad was like designed to Max sell credit cards this was not cheap like no one keeps this much produce like nobody like not one of you just raised your hand considering the dollar per calorie ratio here I may as well God jumbo shrimp like seriously I I don't is this a meal or am I a grazing animal like I don't even know what's in my mouth it's like I'm working at the UN again this entire day I have yet to have a carb if a crouton fell on the ground I would happily fight a pigeon for it I'm craving just something starchy right now I also definitely hit a liquid PR today I've been drinking so much water and Coke Zero to keep me full between meals which is super key when you're on a diet but I have barely made a dent in this salad that cucumber salad messed me up for a bit like it kept me full for a while and considering the amount of calories I've had today I'm feeling pretty good it is currently 10:35 and my God my Hunger has kicked in I feel like I was just like artificially full full of veggies for so long and I was feeling good and all of a sudden it went away and and just I just got hit my body's like yo feed me which is understandable I pretty much ate the bulking diet of an OA Loompa today so not that many calories and this is where I think the diet is kind of all wrong I should be able to have like an apple should be able to have like some yogurt protein shake get some protein in I feel like that's where this diet is kind of too restrictive and I think that by even adding a little bit more calories in protein and fruit you get just as good of results probably even better so currently just sipping on this be I of the wood to curb my hunger and I just know tonight's going to suck last night sucked a lot it was a noisy night for my tummy which is making me wonder in this very moment if the silence means I flatlined am I here right now I had some pretty crazy food dreams last night one of them I went to Tim Horton's for a cheat day and then things took a a really weird turn when I started to fill the Boston creams with a very Personal Touch Boba and I were coming up with today's master plan and we came up with the perfect game plan I I'm going to be doing two meals today instead of three which is phenomenal and I'm very confident about this plan because of two reasons so the first reason is I get more food per meal so instead of three 400 calorie meals I get two 600 calorie meals the second reason why is just there's one less opportunity for this diet to disappoint me so I'll be sad less just about 11: in the morning held off as long as I could and it's time for meal number one and I see protein I see carbs and I see caffeine have I been Stockholm Syndrome into liking this diet I think so like this is by far the best looking meal so far the other meals were torture this is more like ideal apocalypse rations I took one of the meal ideas that he had and I just jacked it up to 600 calories so I added an extra egg and egg white and I doubled it up to four sausages which isn't my best but it's always meant a pretty good night and I'm just super excited to eat this right now I got to start with the sausage oh my God my muscles needed it my my body is shaking I'm very grateful for this piece of toast I was this close to crashing a church service to get myself some communion Wafers I was getting desperate every bite I'm getting a head rush I can't imagine not being healthy with the amount of calories that I consumed in the past 36 hours this lift is going to be inspirational or motivational I think the best outcome here is survival starting off with incline bench press so since I haven't been fed neither will my ego so I think the smart thing to do is just do weight that I'm confident in So the plan is some smooth sets of eight reps I feel like for all these workouts there should be like a do not try this at home warning sign Oh Daddy okay I definitely wouldn't call these sets smooth but we still made it and this is only the first work of the diet and I'm already noticing some performance effects so it had me wondering are people supposed to weight train at all on this diet turns out you shouldn't most patients do some low impact activity like walking water aerobics and even some stationary cycling just wrapped up chest and back overall workout is surprisingly it's good other than the inability to get a pump and feeling slightly laded during the lift but otherwise maintaining most of my weights some of the lifts I actually progressed on can't really complain post-workout pump check time chest back and and biceps I already noticed a significant difference in the tightness in my ab area after only one day which is insane now if you are to crash diet first of all I don't recommend you ever crash diet but if you're going to to get ready for like some sort of Rave or or some [ __ ] like that just know you cannot maintain exercise performance while crash dieting for very long I would say 10 days to maximum 2 weeks and after that you're going to start losing gains extremely quick along with a lot of other negative consequences so these types of diets are like dip in dip out types of things not long-term sustainable diets yo ever since the gym I haven't wanted to go home for an obvious reason that's where the fridge is so I stumbled upon a few websites about weird ways to blunt my Hunger I'm going to try some of them out the first one seeing blue apparently blunts your appetite now I've tried this one before and it doesn't work but I'm going to try it again right now along with a few other ones let's go yeah I'm just seeing sexy avatars everywhere definitely increasing my appetite I don't know who these studies are on mannequins all right next one we got to get some green tea I think that one should work hi you're welcome to Starbucks what can to get for you hi there can I please just get a grande green tea for sure yeah you seem you seemed very suspicious of that cuz I was thinking if you wanted like the matcha orer routin yeah no I'm really I'm really boring today I'm on a diet okay that's nice all right so the next one we got to do is we got to be kind cuz apparently if you fulfill the emotional side of your brain it will help your hunger greatly So the plan is to buy the person's order behind me there's nobody here yet so I'm not sure oh someone just pulled in I'm going to profile him right now can I pay for the person's behind me too of course that's nice what did they get H just a cap just a cap okayo there you go cuz apparently if I fulfill my my like emotional side of my brain I I'm I get less hungry on a diet she thinks I'm on one thank you so much you too one of the more expensive tea baggings of my life I probably should have done this at Dollarama oh yeah you're ging me you're giving me looks I still feel hungry when will this kick in when will this kick in anytime now anytime oh they're still there they're very confused I got you bro yeah look at that you know what that worked I feel good I don't know how feasible it is to do this every time I get hungry but for right now it worked I got a smile on my face he definitely thinks I'm hitting on him after Starbucks I went to the nicest Dollarama I think I've ever seen in my entire life to get a scented candle they had some pretty weird scents but I was specifically looking for vanilla because there's a theory that the scent reduces sugar and chocolate Cravings at this point the only way this candle is stopping me from eating is if I pass out from it burning up all the oxygen in the room because all I could think about was my beloved ice cream in the freezer safe to say it didn't work it's just about 7:00 p.m. and it's time for the last supper we're almost at the finish line and we're going to be making the stuffed cabbage is somebody going to tell this cabbage that nothing on this diet get stuffed like seriously so what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be doubling the recipe plus adding a side that should put us right around 600 calories for meal too I am ravenous everybody but this is actually starting to shape up into a pretty decent looking meal we have the Cabbage here meat is sautéing and then I had no idea what dirty rice is so I just mixed the curry powder and the cumin in the rice and honestly the only thing done dirty in this recipe is me it smells so good I I already know this is going to be the tastiest meal of this entire challenge I'm going to call these burritos I don't know if that makes me delusional or creative either way it just makes me a tiny bit happier oh my gosh so on the side I get 90 calories which is half a grapefruit which is kind of unfair cuz I had all of me this morning but that just puts me right around 600 calories all right I don't even want to cut them open they're so plump definitely a much better ratio of meat to veggies than yesterday's salad m holy [ __ ] you always remember how good food is when you're eating so in the recipe it said 2 oz of fat-free meat and I was like does bro mean chalk like like what the heck so I basically just found the leanest beef I could find and then I strained it up all the fat so it's almost like this is almost a choking hazard which is why I got my my water on Deck but still really good the curry powder and the cumin are saving this thing but today was definitely easier than yesterday to stay on track I think that the less frequent you eat especially when you have a low calorie diet the easier it is the more that you eat these smaller meals it just feel like it kind of spikes your your hunger so much more so if I was to do this again I would do the two meals a day every time dinner done which is bittersweet because you know the problem with eating is eventually you have to stop eating and you have to wait till the next Meal which is kind of sad but on the bright side I get to wake up tomorrow I'm not doing this ever again back to reality I think with how I feel right now like the camera feels heavy my brain I just I feel Snappy I'm in a bad mood for no reason so I just can't wait to be able to to eat again but I could just I I think I'm probably going to be 189 tomorrow morning with with how I feel I have to be below 190 I just have to well I'm not below 190 but I'm still down 6 lb in 2 days and in theory that sounds pretty sweet but if you look at the physique updates not much has changed maybe a bit more ABS in the after photo but overall all that weight loss is water weight being depleted and my body just needing pretty much anything at this point sometimes extreme situations do require extreme actions but within that I always feel like there's a better way to do something so in this case being able to have more protein being able to have a piece of fruit as a snack if I'm super hungry and just knowing that a 1,200 calorie diet does not apply to every single person that's just not how it works Dr now if you're watching this hi and to all you guys thank you for watching and I'm going to go have ice cream for breakfast [Music]
Channel: Will Tennyson
Views: 1,208,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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