I tried taking out $10,000 in cash from the bank and this happened🤯 Is my money safe in the bank?!?

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foreign what's up everybody welcome back to my life in Stacks where we stack all the precious things in life I just wanted to as you can tell by the title of the video I wanted to go over and uh try and attempt to pull out ten thousand dollars from my bank considering all the things that are going on with the banking system right now and I wanted to see because a lot of people are putting videos out saying that oh I went to my bank and they wouldn't let me pull out 250 or I went to the bank and they wouldn't let me pull out a thousand dollars or all these all these crazy videos that really trying to make the baking system look absolutely horrid which don't get me wrong the fact that they're able to loan out 100 of what they get deposited is horrible it's just absolutely piss-poor business management but nevertheless they're trying to make it seem like you can't keep any money in the bank now granted just a disclaimer my bank it might be different than your bank so you can't take this guaranteed that everything that I say in this video will happen with my bank is going to happen with your bank because it might not be they might not let you take out 250 but in my case it probably was different so um I just I'm seeing a lot of these videos where they're going over that you know oh my bank won't let me take out x amount so I'm taking all my money out I'm putting in gold and silver and as you guys know I started I recently started my gold and silver stacking journey and because of that I wanted to one of the reasons I started because I wasn't I'm not too confident in the banking system as far as that I trust them with 100 of my finances that I put inside there so because of that I decided to make this video attempting to withdraw ten thousand dollars to see if they would allow it now a couple things I want to point out um some of the videos I've watched people say um their ATMs weren't even allowing them to pull out x amount of money and to me that's that's pretty insane if your bank like didn't allow you to pull out money from inside and they don't allow you within the ATM either there's a serious problem with your bank and you probably shouldn't be banking with them um just logical thinking if you give someone something and allow them to hold on to it and they can't give it back to you at all in any amount then there's a problem so you probably should logically think about what you want to do because of that and try and attempt to take your finances and manage them properly and diversify a little bit and like I said this is why I started gold and silver stacking because I wanted to protect the finances that I've set aside for my emergency fund and I was at the time I was holding it all in the bank but then when I started doing this some of it started going into this and I still have and then I got some cash and I got some in the bank and stuff like that but nonetheless I'm trying to take the chances and the opportunity to diversify so that I don't make the mistake of putting all my eggs in one basket and then end up getting screwed so I just a little update I haven't added anything to my stack and I'll probably be releasing a video on why but it has to do with my uh the way I I so I trade stocks um and I read the charts and that's how I base my trades off of whether it's a swing trade uh swing trade or if it's a position trade or whatever kind of trade it is that I'm placing and I do that based off of reading the charts in five day ten day 20 day 100 day 50-day moving averages and I go based off of that different indicators the RSI macd all these different indicators that I go off of to place a trade and right now um wear gold and where silver are sitting they're they're not buys uh I wouldn't buy them paper trading and I wouldn't buy them in real life sense of adding them to my stack because they're not in a buy Zone they're breaking out and uh breaking up they broke out and so because of that they're they're not buys I've already if you haven't bought I would like I said I don't want to go too far in depth because now I'm going off track but I will be releasing a video on that of why I'm not buying gold and silver right now and when I I foresee that I will be uh buying again based off of the pricing and like I said that goes based off of reading the charts but anyway I digress I want to come back to the point of this video which is trying to withdraw ten thousand dollars from my bank so um I want actually to hear your guys's opinions of if you're in the U.S or what country you're in as far as if you've attempted to try and withdraw any amount of money or if it's a large amount then I'd like to hear about that too but more so if it's like a smaller amount like our they just totally not letting you guys take out your money if like that's insane I would be like going crazy um so yeah that's why I wanted to do this video because one of the reasons and I'm getting repetitive but I just want to clarify one of the reasons was I wanted to kind of have my uh my emergency fund in my hands and you know something was to happen to it then it's it's my responsibility so I wanted to make sure I was responsible for it and by leaving it in the bank wasn't isn't too responsible considering what's going on and when I say leave me in it in the bank I don't mean a hundred percent of it I'm talking about you know it you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket I wouldn't I wouldn't suggest ever storing all your finances in one place in one safe in one house in one area in One bank account I would never suggest that nor do I do that because that's just not uh that's not the proper way to go about storing any kind of form of wealth and um I I wouldn't do that myself it's just the whole saying you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket because if that basket drops your eggs are all cracked and now you don't get no breakfast burritos so my point being I wanted to really test and see if if my bank wouldn't let me take out and ten thousand dollars is you know I would I see a lot of them they're saying that the videos they're saying oh my bank center they need 48 hours to pull out you know three grand to 2500 bucks and I'm thinking if they need 48 hours for that that's kind of scary so I was thinking a good test would be 10 grand because that's not like an exorbitant amount of money but that's not a small amount of money either so I wanted to test and see if 10 000 bucks was you know on the table as far as they need to schedule it or and or if it's um if it's ready to go and so um that was one and I mean just to cut down to the chase boom hey let me pull out 10 grand so that lick then let me pull it up now she didn't ask the other thing I was saying was on a lot of videos uh they were saying that the people the tellers were asking them you know oh what are you using the money for like and to me like that's none of your business the lady did go oh are you guys making a big purchase today you know I was with my wife and so um they're like oh are you guys making a big purchase today and I'm just like I was like no no just trying to pull out 10 grand and she kind of like does a little crazy but nonetheless [Music] um we were able to pull it out um besides that um when she reached into the drawer to pull out her hundreds to she ran them through the the cash counter machine and um it came out to like 7 500 or something like that and then she like went back in the drawer and tried to find another uh you know the rest of the money to make the 10 and uh she she couldn't find it so it took her like two or three minutes to go to the other tellers and like figure out where the cash was and where more money was so that she could give me the full 10 but I mean she at the end of the day she she pulled it out and got it all taken care of and I was able to get the 10 grand cash so I mean I don't want to block your gold like that because you know what I'm saying that gold beautiful let's put this up here Mr uh Benjamin Franklin and um so yeah so it was mission successful they let me pull out my money they only pull out 10 000 of it at least I didn't try and get any more I could have probably asked for 20 or 30 or whatever and see if they would have gave to me but I didn't think that was all that necessary I didn't want to pull out that much cash anyway and so I just stuck with the tin and it was successful they they allowed me and she asked you know I think it was more of a just trying to be personable as far as you know oh you guys making a big purchase today but it wasn't like trying to be nosy of like well in order for me to give you this money what are you using it wasn't like that and so it was pretty uh it was pretty cool that uh a little uh a little self-insuring that my money is in the bank all right not necessarily that my money's in the bank but that if I did go to pull out you know say 10 grand I would be able to pull it out not a problem no questions asked and um I guess you could say one question I was asked but it was more like I said just trying to be personable than anything and so uh yeah I was pretty uh I was pretty stoked to hear that nonetheless I'm still going to be stacking gold and silver um just because I I want to diversify a little bit and put a little bit of my emergency fund into gold and silver and because of that I will continue to stack continue to add to this small pile that I have going on um yeah that milk spotting really really took over with these uh these buffalo rounds and a little bit on the the philharmonics not all of them it's only like last I checked it was like the first few but it looks like now every now and again they're starting to some of them are starting to get it it almost looks like that's my fingerprints on there I know that obviously has nothing to do with any kind of milk spotting it just has to do with their processing of the the metals but yeah guys I just want to make a quick video and show that they were able to uh have my uh fulfill my request of ten thousand dollars withdrawal and um I don't know if I should say the bank or not is it's a bigger bank it's definitely not a small Bank um and I have two two different banks that I that I hold the majority of my my uh funds in and so this is one of the big Banks I think it's probably fourth or fifth in the country and I wanted to test the other one which is number two in the country you can deal research and see what it is but I wanted to see if they would give it which I'm sure if this Bank gave it to me they would give it something I'm gonna bother with that but nonetheless they were able to do it um so all the bank talk about you know oh my bank won't give me this my bank won't give me that you gotta take it with a grain of salt because a lot of it may be fair mongering um a lot of that's going on right now everybody's trying to scare everybody just so that they could try and get them into gold and silver I think you should have a plan you should stick to your plan if that includes stacking gold and silver as a means of a party or percentage of your wealth or whatever that may be you do that plan you stick to that plan you fulfill that plan and you build it out and you stack it on but if it doesn't have to do with that you do it what the what what's what you're doing according to your plan because the last thing you want to do is fomo into gold and silver especially right now when the prices are really high premiums are really high I would say really high for the prices but the prices are higher than they were just wanted I bought a month ago and the premiums are way higher um you're I'm looking at I wanted to buy some a tube of Canadian maple leaves but they're going for 31 32 dollars a a pop I'm like no way when I could buy when I bought these for 23 or whatever it was I bought them for 23 15. a month ago and I bought these just a couple weeks ago for I think 25 or 26 or something like that it's insane why would I why would I do that right now especially when I consider like I said I trade stocks so I read charts and stuff like that so I can see what uh what stage we're in right now as far as pricing nonetheless Anything could happen but you know you stick to a set of rolls of probabilities and that's how usually the market plays out and that's what I'm playing on right now and like I said I just added all this stuff a couple weeks ago like a month ago a couple weeks ago for this stuff um so I'm not too worried about adding to it right away and um there will always be opportunities hopefully but the last thing you want to do is fomo in and uh give in to all the fear of you need to get into the gold and silver stacking uh you need to do that like no guys follow find a plan that works for you stick to it and follow it and stack on I appreciate you guys tuning in let's get um go ahead and leave a comment of what you think if you've tried something like this or if you've attempted to pull out any sum of cash and your bank allowed or didn't allow or what you guys are experiencing right now um and like the video subscribe for more let me know what you guys want to see for uh actually I wanted to show everybody out that subscribe and like the video my my first video I appreciate that and um I hope you guys like the content that I'm gonna be putting out but yeah I appreciate you guys uh don't forget keep on stacking all the precious things in life and keep getting after it we'll see you guys love you bye thank you [Music]
Channel: My Life In Stacks
Views: 15,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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