I Tried STOCKX VS GOAT VS EBAY: Which is BEST for BUYING Sneakers?!

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so i've been on the internet talking about sneakers for the last like five years and one of the most common questions that i get is where is the best place to buy and sell sneakers and it's one of those questions that never really has a solid answer because there are so many different ways to go about it but today i've decided to find out what's up everybody i'm seth fowler and today i'm trying to find the best online marketplace to buy and sell your sneakers just to clear things up for anybody who's wondering this video is not sponsored in any way by anybody i'm just conducting my own personal very non-scientific study about which sneaker online marketplace is best so really quickly let me explain what we're gonna be doing and how this is all gonna work so today i'm gonna be buying the exact same sneaker in the exact same size from three different websites at the exact same time and the three websites that i've chosen to buy these sneakers from are stockx goat and ebay now the reason i've decided to buy sneakers from just these three websites and not places like flight club or stadium goods is because these websites are online marketplaces and not consignment stores meaning that the way that these websites work is that you're actually buying a sneaker from a third party and not directly from the website and the way that that works if you're not familiar is that whenever you buy a sneaker from a third-party seller on one of these websites they actually ship the shoe to the website first who then legit checks it repackages it and then sends it to you so these websites essentially work as a facilitator and a middleman and in theory this should guarantee that you're getting the best selection possible and also guarantee that you're getting authentic sneakers so although there are seemingly endless ways of actually buying and selling sneakers online i picked stockx goat and ebay because these are the largest players in the game and the ones that people go to first so my plan is i've got my laptop right here i'm gonna screen record and show you me buying a sneaker on these three websites and like i said i'm gonna be buying the exact same sneaker from each one of these three websites just to make sure that they're as few variables as possible now the sneaker that i chose is the 2020 air jordan 4 fire reds in a size 9. and the reason i chose this sneaker is because one i have this exact sneaker from nike so it's easy to legit check two because it's a newer release and a lot of people should have pairs available so it's not too expensive and three because this is one of the most popular and best-selling sneakers on all three of these websites so this is a shoe that a lot of people will be looking to buy so i'm gonna buy this shoe from all three websites and then once i've got all three pairs in hand i'm gonna talk about the shipping times the quality that they came in whether each shoe is legit which it honestly should be and then in part two i'm actually gonna sell back these sneakers to the original websites that i bought them from and make sure that they pass authentication and see what kind of price i can get for them now personally i use some of these websites more than other websites and that's for different reasons that i'm not going to get into in this video i'm going to keep my own personal opinions out of this to keep this as objective as possible but with all that said let's go buy some sneakers so the first website that i'm gonna buy these fire red fours from is stockx and usually when you're on stockx you have to search the shoes that you're looking for but because the fire red fours are so popular they're on the most popular list so i'm gonna click them right here and see how much they're going for in a size nine which is the size that i'm gonna buy so obviously right now it looks like the lowest ask for a size nine is 243 bucks let me see how much that is with shipping so the total after adding these shoes to cart on stockx is 264.24 and the reason for that is because they're charging a 7.29 processing fee and a 13.95 shipping fee so price wise that's kind of what i was expecting on stockx and i actually think it's going to be very similar on the other websites but before i check out in stockx i'm going to get all the other carts set up so i can check out at the exact same time so the next website i'm going to is ebay and of course they've got their brand new sneaker authentication service run by sneakercon love sneakercon they're all good guys i'm not using the sneakercon app because i think they're kind of prioritizing ebay over that app right now and i feel like it wouldn't really be fair to do that so that's why i'm just going with these three companies and not including sneaker con but let's go see um if we can find firehead fours pretty easily let me see oh right there perfect okay so let's search for a size nine so with ebay there's obviously a lot of different options because there's a lot of different sellers and of course you've got a ton of different pictures and so you can actually see the shoes that you're buying which i think is a plus overall but i'm actually going to go to lowest price now it's not as streamlined to something like stockx where you see the lowest price first this one you actually have to select it which you know could go either way now what seems to be the lowest price is this one right here for 230 with 20 shipping ooh that's 250. okay it's still cheaper than stockx but actually because that one is 20 shipping if i go for a slightly more expensive one like this one right here for 234.99 the shipping is actually 8.70 so it's a little bit cheaper and i think i can actually get it cheaper overall so let me add this to cart and see what we're looking at okay so the total on ebay is actually pretty significantly cheaper than it is on stockx the total was 243.69 because the price of the shoe is 234.99 and the shipping is 8.70 so that's not bad and i think i'm actually gonna cop this one okay so the last website that i'm gonna buy from is goat.com which is also the goat app and again it should be pretty easy to find these shoes on the website because they're such a popular pair of sneakers i'm not going to go in depth about the interface of each one of these websites because it changes on a pretty regular basis but i will say that i think i can find them on the front page let's see what the prices are for a size nine okay so they have instant ship which is a good thing i'm not really going to talk about it right now because you can't really compare it to the other websites because none of the other websites really have that feature or at least a streamlined version of that feature so what i'm going to do is find a size nine see how much it is it looks like it's 253 which is the best price which has a seller shipping it to goat and then shipping it off to you once it's been authenticated of course you can get instant ship it's a little bit more expensive but you get it instantly so that's kind of a plus there it's brand new it's a size nine let's see how much it is after shipping so for the buyer there's no processing fee like stockx has and ebay doesn't have one for the buyer but it does have one for the seller i'm assuming that goat also has one for the seller but it looks like the only fee that we're gonna pay on top of the 253 is a 12 shipping fee which makes the total of this shoe 265 bucks so that actually makes goat the most expensive service at 265. stockx is 264 24 so it's not that much cheaper but it is a couple cents cheaper and then it looks like as of right now ebay is the cheapest with authentication at a price of 243.69 so you're still guaranteeing that the shoe that you're gonna get is gonna be authentic and you're saving like 20 bucks so what i'm gonna do now is order all three of these sneakers on all three of these sites and of course try and order them all at the same time which is going to be really difficult but i can at least do it within a couple seconds of each other so it's as fair as possible it's currently december 8th 2020 at 12 p.m eastern time that couldn't work out any better for me and the only thing i can really see going wrong in this experiment is that because we're around christmas time and the holidays shipping could get delayed but i'll see you guys in a couple seconds and probably in a couple weeks when these shoes actually come in so as you can probably tell by my beard and also the scratch on my face it's been about a month since i filmed the first part of the video it's now officially january 2021 and all the packages that i ordered back on december 8th are finally in now to be fair these packages did come in before the end of the year but there was one straggler that took until like december 30th and by that point it was already new years and i was just busy with other stuff but now on january 4th we can open up these packages and see what we've got inside but before we do that i want to let you all know what order these packages came in and what days they came in on so the very first package it was delivered was delivered by goat on monday december 14th which was only six days after i ordered it now what's interesting about this package in particular is that this shoe actually came from hong kong and was delivered by dhl now i know there must be some people watching right now who are already starting to type oh it came from hong kong delivered by dhl it must be fake well that's definitely not the case goat does have a warehouse in hong kong i've ordered a bunch of sneakers from that particular warehouse and they've all been legitimate so i'm not worried about the authenticity of this sneaker now with that said the reason i think this shoe came in so quickly in just six days is because i don't think anyone actually shipped their shoe into goat to be authenticated first i think goat just had pairs available and shipped me their first pair they had available which is interesting because that's exactly what goat instant ship is they have pairs already on hand that have already been authenticated and when you buy them from goat they just ship them directly to you so i guess in a way i got goat instant ship service without paying goat instant ship prices which was kind of a plus in my book but now let's open up this package i've had this sitting in my house for about two weeks at this point shout out to goat for the insanely fast shipping let's see how the shoes look packaging is of course pretty simple pretty nice just a standard box with brown tape inside the box you've got not too much packaging securing the shoes in there just kind of a piece of paper that's crinkled up pretty standard though and then the actual shoes themselves here we go so here's the box it looks pretty standard nothing crazy you've got your jumpman logo on the top you've got your splatter print on the side there's no major visual damage to the box nothing crazy i mean it's kind of pressed in on the top but that's just how every air jordan 4 box looks you've got the size tag right there on the front which looks fine to me let's open this guy up so it looks like the first thing that you get is a goat sticker to promote their brand for you and then um you also have a goat verified card which shows the different areas that they checked on the sneaker and the quality control and things like that they punch out the different areas that it passes usually if you buy a sneaker from goat it should i would assume come with all the holes punched because i mean i guess they shouldn't be selling the shoe if it doesn't pass all the inspections but here are the shoes themselves you've got a brand new pair of air jordan 4 fire reds at first glance look totally fine i actually do have my pair of nike fire reds right here which i ordered off the sneakers app you guys can compare them right here i mean they look very very similar i'm definitely not a legit check expert but looking at these two shoes side by side they look very very similar i don't see any noticeable flaws it looks i mean it looks totally fine to be honest with you not seeing any issues not seeing any manufacturing problems a lot of times nike shoes because they create so many of them will have some sort of flaws on them but let's compare it to the other shoe in the box sometimes the the soles don't always line up perfectly they look fine no issues nice okay so it looks like goats sent us a legitimate pair of sneakers in an insanely fast turnaround time which is pretty impressive so now i'm going to put this pair off at the side and make sure that i know it's the goat pair because when i resell this pair i want it to go back through goat to make sure that they can double authenticate these sneakers okay so next up we've got the pair from stockx because this was the second pair to come in so this pair came in on friday december 18th from ups which is exactly 10 days after i ordered this pair of sneakers and that's pretty much exactly within stockx's delivery window so it's pretty standard service okay so off the bat we've got some slightly different packaging and it looks a little bit better than goats you've actually got some very small bubble wrap or bubble squares i don't know what to call this but that's actually not bad i like that a lot i'll reuse that personally um and then inside the box we've got another pair of air jordan four fire reds now this pair first off seems to have the the suggested retail tag still on there because this can be ripped off the go pair didn't have that and then other than that the box looks i mean identical there are some very small like creases in the box but it's actually in slightly better condition than the goat pair was but there's the size tag for you if you're a stickler for that sort of thing and then let's open up this box and see the sneakers inside okay so first off you get a receipt which has my address on it so i'm not going to show you guys but you get a receipt with your order number from stockx it tells you the price that you paid the condition that it's in and the sneaker that you got this all looks good and then you also get a what is this they sent me a postcard that i can use if i want to send someone a stockx postcard great okay and then also a stockx sticker very nice oh and another big thing that i'm actually really impressed with with these two brands is that both of these sneakers came in well before christmas like i ordered these on december 8th expecting them to come in honestly after christmas and they both came in before even the 20th which i was pretty impressed by so even with the christmas rush they still came in on time so let's check out the sneakers see how they look here is the first one it's got your stockx authentication tag on it right there verified authentic now i think i'm actually going to cut this off when i send this back to stockx just to make sure that they don't think i'm just resending them a pair of sneakers which i am but i don't want them to think that to be fair though a lot of fakes do actually come with this authentication tag so you never know other than that it looks really good i mean the shoe looks fine no visible problems with it let me compare it to the uh the nike pair really quickly even with manufacturing errors they do look pretty similar which is good let me check out the other shoe inside the box there we go now this was generally a pretty widely mass-produced sneaker so most people should have real pairs although there are fakes on the market i think it's more likely for someone to have a real pair than a fake pair but i mean it all looks good no issues so stockx sent us a solid pair at a reasonable price and at a reasonable shipping speed so no issues there nothing special but you got exactly what you paid for which i guess at the end of the day is all you can really ask for okay so the final package to come in was from ebay which i actually was surprised by because last time i ordered from ebay it came in in like six days which was nuts now unfortunately even though i ordered this shoe on december 8th i didn't actually get it in hand until december 30th now to be fair i've got to cut ebay some slack on this one because there were a lot of things that really held up this package and it wasn't even ebay's fault the first thing was that as you guys know usps had some awful shipping times in fact i ordered a package from adidas at the beginning of december it's now january 4th and i still haven't received it and that's because it was going through usps which had just a horrible time with holiday shipping now the way the ebay works is that people can send it to ebay however they want whether they want to send it through fedex ups or usps and of course people are going to pick the postal service because it's the cheapest now the person who i bought this shoe from actually sent the shoe off the day that i ordered it on december 8th which is insane they sent it off so quickly however it says here in the tracking that this shoe was actually held at the flushing new york post office for 11 days and then finally on december 21st it was delivered to ebay and that was totally not ebay's fault that was completely the post office's fault and i know it sucks because it's around the holidays and if you ordered the shoe from ebay you'd be kind of pissed because you wouldn't get it in time for christmas but it's really not their fault like i said i still haven't received that pair of sneakers from adidas and i ordered that in december 4th however even though ebay got this pair of sneakers on december 21st they weren't able to ship it off until december 26th which again it makes sense it's around christmas i'm sure a ton of people bought sneakers and like i said last time i bought from ebay about a month earlier they shipped it within the same day that they received it so i really gotta chalk this one up to being christmas time and being crazy because i'm sure if the post office hadn't held the package for 12 days they would have sent it out a lot sooner with all that being said though i did not receive this package until december 30th which was 12 days after i received the last package from stockx so it did take the longest oh and before i forget the way that ebay actually sent this package to me was through fedex which was also having problems around christmas time so that probably didn't help either but now let's jump into this unboxing and the first thing that you'll notice is probably this ebay tape which some people like some people don't i don't really care the one thing that did kind of bum me out about this package is that it had this big dent in the side which hopefully didn't affect the box underneath but that kind of sucks i don't think it's ebay's fault i think it's either fedex's fault or uh the ups store that was holding this package for me but either way kind of sucks so here we go let's get this guy open i just stabbed the package right there that was not great so inside the box it looks like instead of your uh paper or bubble wrap you've actually got these uline air cushioning bubble mailers which are fine i think they provide about the same amount of cushion as the bubble wrap does the box that the shoe came in is also significantly larger than the shoe itself which i guess is because they're trying to use a universal box size maybe but here is the air jordan 4 box it all looks pretty good there's not any crazy dents or damage there's a couple scuffs on the side but that's really standard there is your ebay tag on the front and then of course your size tag all that looks fine so let's pop open the top of these guys and see what we've got okay so you've got your ebay card here that says authentic without a doubt congratulations on adding another pair of sneakers to your collection one thing i really like about ebay is that they actually have an nfc enabled tag which shows you what the shoes are and if they were guaranteed to be authentic which they would if they have a tag on them so let's actually pull this out and try that tag see how it works but here are the sneakers themselves with the ebay tag right here which is actually zip tied pretty tight on the shoes i don't know how i feel about that i might scratch up the plastic but it's not a big deal when comparing them to the uh the nike sneakers app pair they look identical no problems whatsoever very nice let's look at the other side of the pair no manufacturing issues yeah they look good from a uneducated point of view they look good but here we go let's try this tag really quickly and see if these shoes are in fact authentic which they should be there we go ebay authenticity guarantee air jordan 4 fire ed 2020 authenticated on december 23rd condition new in box style number size very cool and one thing i really like about this feature is that you can actually relist them right now from right here which i may do when i resell these sneakers or i may list them as a brand new listing just to see how it is for people who don't actually have an authenticated pair but yeah very cool that they have this this is a really nice way of authenticating your sneakers you can see if someone switched out the tag when i bought my first pair of sneakers from ebay i thought that maybe the tag wouldn't work if you cut the the metal wires right here turns out that's not the case it still works even if you cut it off the shoe but you can't reattach it to any shoes because it's got this interesting like ziploc system so it'll still work after you cut it off i don't know why you'd keep it but you can if you'd like to but yeah they delivered a good pair of shoes so shout out to ebay for that okay so before we finish off today's video i just want to go through some pros and cons of every service just to help you make a more informed decision when you decide to buy sneakers from any one of these services but let's start things off with goat because that's the first pair of sneakers that we unboxed so for the pros of the goat app the first and most obvious is they had by far the fastest shipping times i mean it blew every other service out of the water and in addition to that if you really need the shoe like next day they do also have instant ship so based off this experiment i would definitely recommend goat if you're trying to get the shoes as quickly as possible some other pros which i didn't really mention in this video but are definitely pros is that you can actually buy new and used sneakers from goat and they can both be authenticated by goat and not only that you actually have a pretty incredible selection of sneakers because goat is a pretty well established brand as for cons goat's pair was the most expensive pair of sneakers in this experiment now to be fair it was only a couple cents more expensive than stockx but objectively it was the most expensive moving on to stockx i would say overall it was a pretty average service they did exactly what they said they were gonna do they didn't have the fastest shipping they didn't have the cheapest shoe but they shipped the shoe it was authentic and that's all you can really ask for the only real pro to stockx at least based on this experiment is something which i didn't even really talk about and that's that they had the best selection overall they have the most sneakers and sell more than just sneakers now they don't sell use sneakers which i guess is kind of a con because goat does that but overall i would say that stockx has the best selection of not only new sneakers but also other things like cause supreme and also playstations for some reason and then finally let's talk about ebay the pros of ebay are pretty obvious the first is that this was by far the cheapest pair of sneakers that we bought in today's experiment not only that but you were actually able to see real pictures of the shoe before you bought it which you can't really do on goat or on stockx i mean i guess you can do that when you're buying used sneakers on goat but that's really technically a different thing and then the final pro is that ebay definitely by far has the best authentication tag because you can actually scan it with your phone and make sure that the shoe actually lines up with the tag but even with all that good stuff there are still some cons however i do think that the cons are really only because this is a newer service and it hasn't had as much time to grow as stockx and goat have now the first con is by far the slowest delivery now i think that's totally because of the postal service and not because of ebay however because they give you the option to use the postal service it is kind of their fault the second con which to be fair is probably the biggest con is that as of right now they're only authenticating specific sneakers they're only authenticating air jordans over the price of 200 and adidas yeezy's over the price of 200 and not only that it's only new pairs of those shoes so even though ebay sells used sneakers you can't get those shoes authenticated and then the final con which is something that ebay has always done so i guess it's no surprise is that even when someone sells you a pair of sneakers through ebay's authentication service they still see your address so even though they're shipping the shoes directly to ebay and not directly to you they still see your address which is not a huge deal because that's how ebay works in general but it does kind of bother me especially because goat and stockx just don't do that but with all that said i guess if you were going off purely pros and cons based on today's experiment the winner would be goat you get the fastest shipping you get a great selection you can buy both new and used sneakers and they're all authenticated and you have instant but even though the results of this experiment seem to make goat look the best it is possible that they just had the best situation in this case and that ebay got kind of screwed over because of shipping time so i would say that they're all good services they all work they all sent authentic sneakers and you can get good prices on all of them honestly i would just say buy the sneakers from wherever you feel the most comfortable whether that's goat stockx or ebay and make sure to check all of them whenever you're buying a rare pair of sneakers because some places might have better prices than other places and other places might have a surprising selection that you wouldn't expect but with that we pretty much wrap up the entire video for today now i would love to know your thoughts on this experiment and whether you'd like to see a part 2 where i sell these sneakers back to each one of these companies so make sure to let me know in the comment section down below and as always thank you so much for watching make sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell down below if you haven't yet and i'll see you all in the next one you
Channel: Seth Fowler
Views: 609,461
Rating: 4.9469967 out of 5
Id: lrevzioLYwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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