My Opinion On Buying From StockX (The TRUTH!)

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first of all this video is not clickbait at all [Music] how's it going YouTube my name is Blake Yarborough and welcome back it's been a couple weeks since I posted video and that's just because I was trying to get a few shoes in that I could review and show you guys that have purchased these all have come from stock X except for this top one right here and I wanted to start this video off by thinking you guys were past 7000 subscribers now this super amazing and speaking of that I'm gonna throw something up on the screen this is one of my YouTube analytics and basically it's a way for me to see who's watching my videos see the engagement with you guys and it looks like over the last month I've had about a hundred and twenty thousand views on my channel and in astounding 96% of you guys are not subscribed make sure if you like my videos go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below I want to bring you guys some more great content and hit that subscribe button down below the next giveaway will be a 10,000 subscribers so we should be able to hit that easy no problem and now let's get into the video first of all this video is not clickbait at all and I want to be straight up honest with you guys I'm gonna give you the pros I'm gonna give you the cons and just be honest I want you guys to always get an honest feedback an honest opinion here on my channel and so today I'm just gonna lay it all out on the line tell you my honest opinion of what I think about buying from sucking alright let's start off by talking about some of the shoes that I've purchased from stock X in the last two to three weeks both of these shoes came from stock X we've got a Jordan one here which we'll talk about in just a little bit first we will talk about this easy boost and this is a Yeezy 700 this shoe it's been haunting me I've not been able to buy this shoe for retail I've tried so many times this shoe has released I don't know like four or five times now and I've struck out every single time I've tried every single time I've wanted this shoe for a long time I just didn't want to pay more than retail and resale was extremely high for a really long time and so I just wasn't willing to pay that much money for this shoe in particular especially now that I know they're gonna keep releasing it I want to get it for retail and I didn't I bought them from stock X I paid resale but honestly I got them for a really good deal maybe like 40 or 50 bucks over retail and so this shoe you might have been able to guess it already but the original colorway of the WaveRunner as most of you know it and this shoe is just really great to me I'm not gonna lie I was one of the people at the beginning that hated on this shoe I I'm not even gonna lie to you guys it took me a while this shoe definitely had to grow on me and I've been to a lot of sneaker cons and there was one sneaker con in particular I think it was Fort Lauderdale and I promise you it seemed like every single person had on this shoe and I think just seeing it on people seeing the way people styled it it really started to grow on me and I've tried on the 700 so I know this is a very comfortable model and I don't feel like that's too much of a hype beast thing to say and if it is I honestly don't care anyways I just really like this shoe and finally I have it in my collection I've just tried to buy this shoe like so many times and it's been impossible but finally I was able to pick it up from stock ex they shipped it to me very quickly and so this overall was a great experience as far as buying from stock eggs and so that's the way I'll start this off is stock X is an amazing platform they've really changed the game on how sneakers are bought and sold I was trying to think of like a reference it definitely is like similar to red box which red box is irrelevant now I understand but at the time when red box came out like they totally changed the game as far as like renting movies and games and things like that and so stock X is very similar to that like they really revolutionized how sneakers are bought and sold and so overall this experience was really great I threw a bid on these for like 370 bucks and somebody accepted my bid pretty quickly and then basically that person ships the shoes to stock X for verification they check the shoes make sure they're authentic and then they ship them to me and usually usually you get the shoes within like 7 to 10 business days which i think is reasonable and that's what the great thing is about stock X is at the time you're getting the best price possible usually or at least like the market value I think I paid 374 these and have to look at the receipt 376 I paid 376 for these if you looked at these on stock X now they're probably like 390 bucks and so they've already kind of went back up because this is one of the most popular easy models out right now even though it released like a couple of years ago and so basically stock X is a great platform you can bid or you can purchase the shoes immediately if you like the price and so that is an amazing platform I really really praise them as far as that goes I've already looked over the shoes to make sure they're authentic and they do look good to me drop a comment in the comment section below if you have a pair of these I feel like so many people have them now but this is a shoe that I don't really care about being exclusive I just like the way it looks I think it's a great shoe for summer I'm gonna wear these a lot I don't know if I'm gonna like beat them but I'm definitely gonna wear these a lot because they're very comfortable shoes and they go with a lot of stuff so this shoe will get a lot of wear for me this summer and so this was a great experience as far as the stock X process there are things I think that they could improve and one thing that I think that stuck X could improve on is having like a seller reward program so let's say I have a pair of shoe store say let's am selling these and I sell these on a Wednesday I have until Friday to ship them the stock X and it doesn't cost me anything they send me the label and I just ship them right out at a UPS location I have two business days from the sale date to ship them out now what stock X could do is offer a seller rewards program and say like if you ship them out quicker you get rewarded maybe you get a percentage back of the sale because they take like what nine percent I think and that's if you've like moved up I think the original starting points like nine and a half percent and so let's say maybe they just give you like a little bit more money if you ship faster that's one idea and they could do it in increments like if you ship out within the first 12 hours you get this much 24 hours you get a little bit less 36 hours you get a little bit less and then to go past that you have seller penalties if you are not shipping the shoes out in the appropriate amount of time you should definitely be penalized so if the seller doesn't do that in my opinion that seller should be penalized like it's only fair to the buyer to get their product on time and I feel like stock X doesn't really hold people accountable to the shipping now I will give them credit I have known the past few items I've sold on stock ex they send me so many emails they're sending an email the same day like hey don't forget you sold this item make sure you ship it out and so I do appreciate that I'm gonna give them credit like I love stock ex I spend a lot of money on stock ex and so through these purchases I've had different experiences like this person shipped the shoes very quickly they're authentic the box is in good condition overall this was a great experience if this was my first experience on stock ex I'd be so happy and I am happy with this experience but what I'm saying is that overall there are flaws to their system and I'm sure they know this but I wanted to make this video and just kind of discuss with you guys about some of the experiences I've had and also in the comment section below leave some experiences that you've had good or bad it doesn't matter to me I want to hear and kind of start a conversation as far as what could stock ex improve because their platform is driven by the buyers and sellers so if people stopped using stock ex to buy and sell items which obviously there's other platforms that are available then that's gonna hurt them and I'm not trying to advocate for that I'm just trying to start a conversation to maybe make some changes make some improvements just positivity really reward the sellers that sell and ship quickly and then penalize the ones who don't alright that's enough about these 700 let's talk about this pair of Jordan once that I bought and I'll go ahead and read you the color label and you'll probably know which pair it is the color is sale obsidian and University blue of course this is the Jordan one obsidian and this is the shoe that I've wanted for a while as well initially I didn't go for it it was just a shoe that I felt like I didn't need which of course nobody really needs a whole bunch of shoes that's obviously not the most important thing in life so when it came to this pair of releasing I just didn't really feel like I had to have it however I've seen a few people swap the laces on these now they come with an obsidian pair in the shoe and then you've got the University blue laces attached well I don't think these look bad there is a third place that you can put in these and that is sale and to me it completely changes the look of the shoe it makes the shoe look way better and just to show you guys sale laces so in my Travis Scott's here I've got say laces Indies right now and it just looks amazing with the midsole and the leather panels here I think sale looks really really good on these and then also on my Nigel's I did have red laces and knees and I swapped to sale and I think it's just such a clean aesthetic it looks so so good I think they should have offered I mean even throw in a third lace you know these came with three laces these came with four laces so give us three laces in my in my opinion Jordan Brand I'll grab my brothers pair and show you guys what it looks like alright so here is my brother's pair so shout out to max were actually putting me on to the wholesale lace thing so he puts sale laces in his pair and to me this is the best lace option I think it looks amazing compared to these two options and so he kind of hyped me up on these honestly I'm not gonna lie he was like look at these I really feel like you need to own these because they're not that expensive I got these for to 237 so you know they went as high as like 280 290 they fluctuate a lot on stock X so that's the great thing about stock X guys is you can literally kind of watch the market and see how it changes I got these for 237 I think that's a really great price so I think I got a good deal at 237 here's my issue though is I think they might be fake I'm not 100% sure that these are authentic these are from stock X like I'll show you my receipt cover my address and order number but like here's my receipt they're from stock X I'm not making it up I'm not 100% sure that these are authentic and that's pretty scary I know some of you guys have commented that I opened the shoe box and just assume that they're authentic from stock X guys when I get a pair of shoes in I look them over before I record the video and so I've looked these over for now like a couple days and I'm just not sure that they're real and I'll tell you my reasoning why I'd love to know in the comment section below like if you have a pair of these and so if you guys know like some tips or tricks on this particular pair then please drop a comment in the comment section below I'd love your help I've watched authentication videos like on YouTube as well the first thing that bothers me these is the tongue the tongue on this one is really crooked now I know it's not gonna be like straight because it's not laced up but just the way it sit how it sits like that very very crooked I feel like it's more crooked than previous Jordan ones I've gotten it let me pull up the other one so this one also sits crooked that's odd tell me guys do you have these did your Paris the second thing I looked at is on the heel right here this little tab on these it's definitely wider and shorter like if I compare it to the Nigel's right here this one's taller than it is wide this one's wider than it is tall the second thing is the height of the shoe just holding the shoe in my hand it looks shorter than some other og hi Jordan once maybe it's that way on purpose I'm not really sure I haven't seen anybody answer that question on YouTube and so I just started comparing it to some of mine and you can tell by the Nigel's right here like they don't line up okay and it's not just the Nigel's lets show like a few so I showed you the Nigel's the other thing that Nick just pointed out look at the shape right here the heel this one goes pretty straight up and down this one definitely curved forwards is that normal here's the shadow ones okay this one's definitely taller and the shape is more straight up and down this one curves forward a lot more reverse shatter back towards same thing but to me the shape just looks so odd for this to be like an OG high even the Travis is pretty straight up and down drop a comment the comment section below if you have more information on this let me know I don't know everything just let me know what you guys think is your pair like mine the thing that really worries me the most the box let's talk about what bothers me about the Box off the bat I'll show you that the shape just seems kind of flimsy more flimsy than a normal Jordan one box the paper I don't know paper's hard the paper's hard to judge and then this is what it really is inside this box lid there supposed to be a stamp from the factory there is not a stamp inside this box lid I'm not trying to like throw stock extender the bus and like accuse them of selling me fakes I'm just questioning whether or not these shoes are authentic or not and maybe you don't know what I'm talking about so I'm going to show you on every single other Jordan one box that I have here alright so I got a few Jordan 1 boxes here to compare so here is the nigel 1 box now this is my brother's box there is the stamp ok sometimes they're more bold than other times but that's the stamp that I'm talking about here is my brother's obsidian box look at this stamp like what is going on there is a stamp on the inside of his lid I don't have one on mine and again I'm not saying for certain that these are fake from stock eggs I'm not sure here's my nigel 1 box open the lid stamp on the inside let's go to another one my reverse shattered backboards and the stamp on these is actually in the box and this was verified authentic by sneaker cons so no worries there let's see what do we have here this is my shattered box right there up in the corner we've got a stamp and all of mine do every single one of them except for these ones that I just purchased so what do you guys think do you think the real do you think they're fake drop that in the comment section below I will say the quality of the shoe looks on point the no stamp in the box thing is really throwing me off the good thing about stock ex is they put this tag on here let me read it to you it says please inspect ID ok so that's what we're doing all claims null and void if tags removed what that means is that if you cut this off they're not gonna do anything for you because of course at that point you could have switched the shoes and we don't even have to get into that I've never had an issue in the past with a shoe being fake this is the first time honestly where I got the shoe and just got a you know a weird vibe and the other thing that I want to bring up when we're kind of on this topic of the stock X process is sometimes they drop the ball I'm not throwing shots at stock X I love stock X I've placed an order on March 24th ok today's April 6th April 6th the shoe has not been delivered to me yet but I ordered these after them the EZ 700 waverunners after now not only have I not got them yet stock ex has not got them yet that's my issue and it's been like eleven days ten ten or eleven days that's unacceptable and I don't want this to happen but I think they may have lost my order and I saw this happen to one of my friends recently that's 100% truthful they lost one of my friends orders and refunded him the money that might sound good to you that he got his money back and it is the issue is the market of shoes is always changing there's the Jordan three the UN sees that just released and I think he paid 240 for him by the time he got his money back they were over two hundred and sixty dollars so what is he supposed to do he has to pay more for the shoe now is that fair in my opinion it's not now how the stock ex combat that honestly I don't have all the answers but in my opinion in that scenario stockade should have to cover maybe the difference and get him another pair so if he paid two hundred forty buck and they lost the shipment then they should have to cover that twenty thirty dollar difference to me that's fair that's good business so what's gonna happen with my order well I've sent them three emails now they've replied to two of them all they've really said is that they're checking on it I'm not throwing shots at stock ex I like stock ex I spend a lot of money with stock ex but I'm just being open and honest so far they've not given me an answer since last Thursday or Friday when I sent the email and the biggest issue is that this shoe is actually a gift for somebody else it's not even a shoe for me if it was a shoe for me I wouldn't even really be that upset about it but it's a shoe for somebody else and so it's kind of embarrassing it's aggravating now the shoe has also went up in price twenty to twenty-five dollars I don't know what's gonna happen I just want to really just be open and honest about my experiences with stock ex I have faith in stock ex that they will make it right and so drop a comment in the comment section below tell me some of your experiences that you've had with stock ex maybe things that you'd like to see change or they can be improved upon you know what's up guys so today is April 7th I'm just filming this little ending on my phone and I thought it'd be a good time to go ahead and update you guys because stock ex did reply to my email so it's April 7th let me go ahead and put up on the screen what the email says so you can read it I'm not gonna like hide anything but pretty much stock except hey we had an issue with your order in transit to me that translates to they lost it they didn't confirm that but in my opinion they lost my order and so they gave me a refund now I replied to them and said hey you know I wasn't looking for a refund I really want the shoe is there something you guys can do to compensate me you know give me another pair of shoes and basically they replied saying that's not what they do they don't do any type of compensation in that way honestly if something goes wrong with your order best case scenario is you get your money back that's really the best case scenario I think that's unfortunate it's obviously not about the 15 to 20 dollars that I would have to spin to get another pair of these shoes to me it's more about the principle they messed up I'm honestly disappointed in stock ex I've spent a lot of money on their platform and so maybe I'll start using goat I honestly like stock ex better but maybe I'll use goat maybe I'll just use my local stores here in Atlanta use their online websites that they've set up because I have to shop online I can't go to any stores in person right now not throwing any shots at them but in my opinion that's kind of bad business it doesn't seem like they really care about the customer which is what it's all about in my opinion I'm also working on some new tie-dye shirts I've got one on right here this is just kind of like a sample I posted it up on Instagram but I'm working on some new designs and all of those will be for sale once I get them ready at ATL locals calm I've also got like some other supreme and Nike items for sale on there ATL locals calm guys check that out if you want to again thank you so much for watching I appreciate each and every one of you I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Blake Yarbrough
Views: 233,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StockX, Buying from Stockx, StockX review, stockx truth, StockX vs Goat, Sneakerhead, Sneaker invest, Sneaker investment, Blake Yarbrough, stockx fee, stockx authentication
Id: o-FUAJfYKbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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