I Tried Stealing On The Most Dangerous Minecraft Server…

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on This Server if you're killed you lose access to your Minecraft account and the reason I'm joining this dangerous server is because my friend was betrayed and to help him I must find out who killed him and take his account back and here's how what have I spawned into why am I already falling to my death come on I need to dodge all this or it's already over it turns out as soon as you spawn to the server they've set up a spawn trap where you infinitely fall and while you're falling they're gonna come to kill you then they'll have access to your account okay I can't already die there's only one reason I joined this smpn is to get revenge if I land on a single Bedrock I'll be dead then the whole plan of getting my friends account back is gone I'll lose my account too Alright first of all I need to dodge all this is there a rhyme or Rhythm oh my God this is so close oh my God is that No Loot while I'm falling right now they're on their way with a massive Army okay but if I look closely enough there's some Loot on the Bedrock if there's Lou on the Bedrock it means someone join beforehand and dive okay we've got Luke we've got some loot okay I don't know what people died with but I don't know okay let me get into a safe spot and we just got a piece of slime land oh my God okay okay that was that was intense that was very intense but now we've landed although I was now safe they were one minute away from coming to spawn and if they kill me this account is lost so go here oh perfect and look at that there's more Lou here oh my God okay there's piston and iron everything in my inventory is a mess with this loot I had an idea with what socks was gonna do he was using this to escape the Bedrock but they caught him in time but I only have seven Cobblestone there's one Cobblestone randomly falling I could make that jump there go oh I got the Cobblestone go all the way back down and use this I could quickly make a furnace and I could smelt the onion using the iron I can make a brand new piston then using two Pistons I could break our Bedrock okay let me see if there's anything else I might have missed around here although the loot might have recently despawned at the same time I was looking for all this loot they made their way into the loop looking for my account I think I see people I use a boat and I place a pistol like that for this to work it needs to be a minecart furnace I place it down useless wrist and I make a torch okay socks I'm sorry but this is for you I place this and click in go oh oh please what is this come on oh my God that was insane at the exact moment I escaped they missed me by a strand of hair but they knew I was online after escaping I made my way over to barnik's house to look for any clues and after searching for a while I found a secret room wait I can go through this painting oh my God okay wait this is not normal but on the opposite side it seems to be actual Oak blocks so I think someone was spying on buying it the entire time using one-way glass they were watching every move he'd make until they betrayed him and stole his loot no if I break it I can't collect it at all after searching for more clues and investigating the one-way glass I found a way to make it myself and using a one-way glass maybe I can get more information I need to fill these Maps so they look like this because the way I'm making one-way glasses a glitch in Minecraft not like them but just as good which means at any moment they'll come in and if they swap me or die which will make me lose access to my account locally they've got glass here and it's hidden room there's a glitch I found out you put item frames on glassy 119 it doesn't actually show up and the reason I needed Maps is because I've covered the glass with maps I can still see through it and if you look from here I can completely see but the other side is completely in maps so while they're completely off guard I'm gonna be watching them waiting for them to slip up sheep bro where did you put it oh my God okay please don't notice me please don't know it's me they have a item I'll be a few seconds oh my God okay this is good they didn't notice me behind the glass which means my one-way glass actually worked but the problem is I need them to fight because once they fight I can get stuck and steal access to their accounts and that's why I'm camouflaged at this Spruce block people in the shulker Box in your ender chest or something here I need to create distraction make these guys angry at each other I got a places to be man I need to collect her Luke because when she dies I want to collect her loot with the Hoppers which will make me completely stacked so while she's distracted put all these Hoppers like this I think this should be enough to collect all the loot and now it should arrive in this chest so I make my way back up oh my God I forgot notice for a second my heart stopped my heart stopped if I just place that there I have time man oh my God it's so long oh my God was that you let me go back inside the TT worked they were now arguing after saying one more TNT it's hard to fight it out I dropped the diamonds now what I was just trying to help you clean up man okay bro what is your problem why why is the TNT everywhere you go all right I'm watching it go that that wasn't me man why would I admit it like that okay get off me bad chill out would you oh my God oh my God all right I should have access to her account now but I'm Gonna Leave real quick before you want to get suspicious this house is burning all right before this happens let me go after killing Kipling I now have access to her account as you can see my Mains here and I'm now on Kipling's account and after searching through all of kipi's Lou I found this it says building competition 4pm for a rare item you don't want to miss this might be the only lead to find out who killed bionic because if I find out who killed Bonnie I could get bionic's count back and I can finally leave this SMP but I can't leave my account out in the open so before I head to the building competition I'm gonna sell my main account behind one-way glass and this is how it looks on the opposite side I'm Gonna Leave kipley's another idea as a b and if someone comes to steal it that means we might have found the cool Pro and I can take revenge I'll place it almost done here leave the gear like this with no time to spend now I run all the way to the building competition this is an extremely important competition here because there is a very rare item that you can win oh my God the category is animals you have five minutes to build the best animal you can grab blocks from the chat use whatever you want I can take this and go for it and I go it turns out coming this building competition was the right decision because rage gave away what he had so I had to win this no matter what I'm not winning legit here I'm not stupid so what I'm gonna do is while he's there quickly break place oh my God he won't know the difference if I just keep doing this so I'm gonna make mine so much better now okay this is looking really good 30 seconds left and oh my God yeah mine's so much better right now mine looks amazing and now it's time to judge the build okay guys time's up it's time for us to check each bill okay please okay let's come on over here first what do we got over here it looks like a panda I wasn't really uh confident about my building yeah this is this sucks yep okay you know I I would not have known that okay now on to Kips build let's see what's going on okay you know what mine looks amazing okay after Rage 3 this very intensely he finally made his decision I think it's the winner oh my God I won I won I actually won okay Kip you're the winner which means I guess you get the very special reward oh my God after realizing the rat item was Bonnie's head it makes sense that rage killed him but at the same time I got the head someone stole the nether idea from kipley's house and I didn't have a chance to see it so I had to First Take Out Rachel inviting him back to the house rage keep following me why are you why are we going to your house this is fine the reason I led rage back to the house is because I used my main account to set a pitfall so once he comes in he's gonna fall and I can interrogate him really nice what what are you doing this isn't Silence of the Lambs you're not Buffalo yeah it's not Kipling I killed Kipling right you've got two options right now either I'm gonna kill you for kill ebonic or you tell me everything that happened I was not the one who killed him who killed him who can also I want to know you've got his head his head's right there they gave it to me I I can't tell you all right rage I'm sorry but there you go after getting no information from Rage I didn't know what to do but then I remembered since I killed him I got access to his account so I could go on the cover as rage now and now I'm actually on rage's account but as soon as I logged on to Rachel's account I got a message about an auction and they sell the gear they stole from kipley oh my God it's right there how do I get in wait I'm on rage's account I'm not a wanted man I can walk straight through the auctions and no one's gonna say a thing hey rage glad you could all turn out for this very hard to get all set of fully Enchanted nether idea yeah because that's stolen from kiply the starting price of a full stack of 64 diamonds oh yo I'm easy to point out yo I need to win this explorers I'm one step closer to finding out who killed Bonnie I'm putting them all in after being in the auction for three minutes I finally won going once going no one's being that no one's been no four stacks of diamonds for a full stack of death right to rage plays games I'll take you into the back to give you your gear I'm getting you in all those Secrets I've known you for quite a bit yeah you did yeah you have bionics head is going to be offered as the grand prize for winning a little game going on wait what here is your set of arms yeah no there's no you're dead oh my God this guy's an idiot it turns out saican was invited to a game and the winner would get barnick's item that was stolen which means the owner of that game killed bionic and has access to his account I had to go on the sacrament win oh I gotta arrive before anyone came here and I was right this is Barney's account whoever owns this game has access to his account oh he wouldn't be here right now I need to I completely like cycling I can't act weird so after waiting for two minutes everyone finally arrived but the owner wasn't here and while they're all up above me right now I replaced most of it with one-way glass so I can see where they are at all moments since the owner's not here I have an idea I'm gonna rig it using my main account so I always win until everyone gets suspicious which brings the owner out and once he arrives I'm gonna blow up this entire place and get access to everyone's account and that's my revenge all right let's play for this account the owner should be here soon but we should do that that is bonus account okay oh my God this is a bad look I'ma quickly rig it which is made of red it was red it actually was red which means the rigging does work I'm gonna ring into black while I'm here these guys will think it's real I've noticed you've got it literally every single time how are you doing this this is like really weird yeah yeah these guys don't even know oh my we shouldn't call them actually yes the owner's coming let me start stacking this entire place with TNT oh my God please don't blow up now out of the exact moment I need to escape because if I die no one gets the account everybody stop everybody stop stop stop stop oh my God it's been living cheating the whole time he's been you guys have been busted the sister you guys are all done nope oh my God we're done this is prime time I I blow up I blow up run run run what just happened what just happened oh my God everyone's dead the TNT explosion killed everyone and I had now access to bank's account I'd finally gotten my revenge I just said I've got Bunny's account I got revenge my best friend subscribe
Channel: Quiff
Views: 663,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, minecraft, how i took over this smp using one way glass, one way glass minecraft, most dangerous minecraft server, infinite hearts, buried this smp alive, max hearts, minecraft infinite, stealing hearts, stealing hearts smp, max hearts smp, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1
Id: KZA5zmcY1UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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