I Tried Replacing My MacBook with An iPad Again

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iPads have gotten better and better and now they sometimes cost more than their laptop counterparts I tried to switch from my MacBook to an iPad before a lot has changed since then so let's talk about how much things have really changed and if I consider switching back to just using an iPad let's get started there are quite a few things that sets a laptop apart from a tablet this would be the phone Factor software accessories and user experience we'll talk about each of those one by one because if I start talking about all of them at once I'm going to start rambling or get lost in my own thoughts or something okay so let's start off with just form factor this is the shape that the iPads come in so iPads and tablets are just basically bigger phones someone just decided to stretch them out in Photoshop and they're made to be easy to hold in your hands laptops on the other hand are made to be set on the desk or like the name implies sometimes on your lap an iPad isn't necessarily made to do all the different things that laptops are made to do and you really have to purchase a bunch of different accessories to make your iPad more laptop like for me I have an M1 2021 12.9 in iPad Pro with magic keyboard so this is really the closest to a laptop replacement you can get in terms of screen size this is very similar to what apple offers on their MacBooks but really everything I talk about today really does apply to even the iPad Air and the 11-in iPad Pro since those are the ones with the chips that are very comparable to an actual Mac computer and have an ecosystem of products around them to support them being a laptop if you want to know about iPad sizes in general I do have a great video on that topic right here but the tablet shap brings some negatives too even with the keyboard accessory it's not truly laptop like yeah it works perfectly fine on your desk but it struggles when used on your lap or anywhere without a flat surface because all the weight is put in the back so you end up in situations like this if you use any thirdparty keyboards that don't prop the iPad up then it makes it really hard to use on your lap to the point that you might as well not try at all but the iPad form factor is so versatile because you can choose to use it just like a laptop with some accessories or treat it like what it always is an iPad note taking feels so much more natural you can type things out super fast if needed but still quickly switch to drawing diagrams or sketches the app store has a ton of great drawing apps and the apple pencil support is really fantastic reading books documents and manga in bed or on the couch is amazing without doing that neck cleaning thing you do when looking down at your laptop so is that worth the tradeoff of not having it perfectly balanced in your lap all the time I think so software is a big one that used to differentiate the MacBook from an iPad but things are really different now Macs with M chips can run iPhone and iPad apps by directly downloading them from the Mac App Store and iPads have been getting more and more desktop quality applications an iPad can connect to servers plug in external webcams storage and other accessories there's even better multitasking capabilities now when you plug in the iPad into a monitor letting you have different windows on the external monitor almost as if you're using a computer and you can do other cool stuff like turn the iPads screen into a display for a game console like the Nintendo switch that's pretty cool it's come a really long way if you hand me just an iPad I can do all the common things that I would probably do on a Mac on just the iPad you can use Google Drive and have access to all of your different Google Documents sheets and presentations but the problem with the iPad currently is that once you become more of an advanced user in some of these applications doing things can take a little longer can be a bit more difficult to do or just can't be done at all like let's just pretend for a second that you're an absolute pro at using Microsoft Excel you can run a bunch of formulas but you can't run Excel macros on the iPad application let's pretend that you're a pro videographer in Final Cut Pro for iPad you can't edit directly off external storage you have to move all your footage from external drives onto the iPad itself which may be space constrained taking up all the capacity in there to edit it how similar an iPad app is to its Mac OS or Windows equivalent varies dramatically depending on application application and you have to really understand what that app is capable of before you fully jump into just using an iPad again I think for common everyday tasks the iPad is great and it can do all the things a laptop can do but the more advanced stuff that more professional users may be looking for the iPad's just lacking sometimes we need better louder and Fuller audio than our usual devices like the iPad can provide and that's our today's sponsor the anchor soundcore motion 300 comes into play the motion 300 provides up to 13 hours of playback of highr sound anytime and anywhere with its Wireless hyro certification premium feeling front metal Grill and detachable strap that makes it easy to car around with you or hang it wherever you go the motion 300 has 30 W stereo sound in a compact package that sounds great for its size it's hard to stay real in a world full of fake it's hard to find truth when the liar are I'm try best stay out of your way as rubber feet on the the back and the bottom so that the speaker can be used in different orientations and it's built to be solid and durable with an ipx7 waterproof rating so you can even wash the speaker when it gets dirty I find the motion 300 to be a versatile speaker that I can just use in a home when I don't want to rely on my phone tablet or laptop speakers and especially in situations where I want Fuller sound or when I'm Outdoors relaxing on these cool fall nights and if you want even more flexibility the soundcore app provides the motion 300 with software updates and EQ settings so if you're interested in the motion 300 check out the link in the video description below anyway back to the video all right let's talk about accessories now when you buy a laptop you get the complete package you get everything you need for it to just be a laptop but with an iPad there's some added costs if you're trying to make it more laptop like so if you are using an iPad as a laptop replacement you have to consider your keyboard and mouse options you could just go with random Bluetooth keyboards and mouse it doesn't make it much more laptop light more like a desktop with a tiny display Apple however sells a magic keyboard attachment for for their iPad Air and iPad Pro lineups that give you laptop like levels of tilting and a 65% keyboard a trackpad and a USBC Port that can only be used for charging but that does free up your iPad's remaining USB type-c port for any other accessories that you may have or you can just use a dongle to add even more ports if you need them this makes the iPads feel almost like a replacement for Apple's old 12-in MacBook almost there are third-party iPad keyboard cases but those don't necessarily Elevate the iPad up higher so that the screen is Clos to what a laptop would be or provide another Port that charges your iPad in my opinion the magic keyboard makes iPads feel the most laptop like out of all the other offerings I usually like to go third party for accessories because it's normally much cheaper but none of the Alternatives really provide anywhere near the features of the magic keyboard so for me at least I found the magic keyboard the best option but beyond just making your laptop more ipad-like there are a ton more unique accessories for a tablet versus a laptop as a whole like this lab 22 iPad stand created by fellow YouTuber saridi rhymes with pachy which is pretty pricey but gives you full control over the overall position of your iPad it's well built and it also feels really nice in the hand this is nice to have if you want to use your iPad with an external display for a desktop with a drawing tablet type smaller screen you can do that but angle the iPad to any position that you possibly want it's just so much more physically versatile than what you can do with the MacBook okay all these different capabilities are great but how does the iPad handle actual day-to-day activities well in every Day activities like General web browsing watching YouTube videos streaming content and playing games they work like how you'd expect from your iPad but activities that require writing I'm so much faster with the magic keyboard responding to messages writing emails writing this video's script all significantly faster using it in my lap was not as nice as having a real laptop since all the weight is in the back you have to do a balancing act to get the positioning just right on your lap and if you're a big guy like me it's a lot harder to do that with the smaller iPads because you have to close your legs a bit more crushing your manly bits but since all the components of the iPad are in the display the bottom portion stays relatively cool and really only warms up with your own body heat or when it's plugged into a charger and when you're tired of using it like a laptop you can rip off the magic keyboard attachment and now it's an iPad again what makes the iPad feel the most like a computer is when it's plugged into a monitor you can do this by either getting an HDMI cable connected to a USBC dongle or directly to a monitor that supports USB type-c then on the external monitor you can have up to four apps on the screen at once add any more to it and just slaps it to the side into Stage manager which contains all of your different active apps having four different apps open on an iPad is completely different than having four windows open on a desktop it's better on the iPad with the iPad when you resize applications the apps adjust the layout between the iPhone and iPad versions which makes information easier to read on a Mac or PC some websites do this like YouTube but others don't adjust at all meaning all you did was make the windows smaller making it harder to read the content on the screen because now you have to scroll around or zoom in and out of the content that you're looking at so the external display feature of the iPad is great I can have YouTube up my script and two instances of safari open so that I have everything I need on my screen at once for easy reference now here's the part that sucks though when the external display works it works great when it doesn't you get weird glitchy stuff happening all the time so here are just some issues I've had in a 30 minute span when clicking on the status icons on the external monitor the quick toggle buttons show up on the iPad screen instead of the external display you would think it would appear up on top where you actually pressed it no it shows up on the bottom when screenshotting it will take screenshots of both what's going on on the iPad screen and what's going on the external display but when you try to record video it only allows you to record the iPad screen not the external display sometimes if the iPad doesn't like the apps you have on screen or whatever it's feeling in the moment or didn't realize how you resized it it will just crash and WIP clean all the apps that you had open I had a browser YouTube and genin impact up and I just hated that combination and this doesn't apply to just apps like games sometimes resizing apps just stretches the entire App instead of filling in the screen so you get scenarios like this and afterwards it just crashes or sometimes apps decide not to display correctly at all even though they have displayed correctly in the past and Stage manager allows you to grab different Windows you had open from other stages and drag them into your current one but the icons for the app Don't line up with the actual apps on the screen which might lead some users to confusion and slow them down in their workflow overall the external display support works great sometimes but other times it's super buggy which sucks because this feature has been out on iPads for months now so when it comes to being used as a sit down at your desk device for multitasking activities it's just not there yet and maybe this will get better with time but it desperately needs the help here all right so at this point it's conclusion time obviously what I do with my iPad will be completely different than what most people use their iPads for but the phone factor and versatility of an iPad beats a traditional laptop in so many ways but for me personally I'm not sure if an iPad can replace a laptop yet but when I talk to some people in my life who were non- teie they use iPads or other tablets as their primary machine at home for basically all their Computing needs I talked to my own family and friends and they'd much prefer an iPad because the UI is just like their phones and easier to understand and they don't even touch a computer unless they need it for a very specific use case or they outright don't even own a computer anymore and just ask around for those one or two times they need it in that year it's like being the truck owner in your family relatives are always asking you to help move stuff otherwise they use their phone or iPad and I don't blame them an iPad especially the iPad Air or iPad Pro can cover up to 95% of a user's needs does it do all the things people want optimally no but it can get them done in a user familiar interface that people are comfortable with and even after this experiment I still usually just reach for my iPad before I even touch my MacBook because it's convenient but I can't really do everything I need to do on it if for you the extent of your computer usage is basic Computing stuff web browsing emails documents streaming content and social media consumption the iPad Air or iPad Pro will be all the computer you ever need if you want to do more than that even in 2023 5 years after the what's a computer ad for the iPad Pro it can't really replace your computer just yet even if it does have a chip that's used in Apple's laptops and desktops anyway what do you personally think have you replaced your computer with an iPad how's that been going are you thinking of replacing your laptop with an iPad what's holding you back let me know in the comment section below and well I'll see you all next time bye
Channel: Jimmy Tries World
Views: 318,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad Pro Magic Pencil, iPad as Laptop 2023, iPad as Laptop, iPad External Monitor, iPad Pro 2023, iPad Pro Magic Keyboard, iPad Pro, iPad Pro External Monitor, iPad Pro Accessories, 11in magic keyboard, apple magic keyboard, ipad pro 2023 magic keyboard, apple magic keyboard ipad pro, ipad pro magic keyboard review, magic keyboard, 12.9in ipad pro, 12.9in magic keyboard, 12.9in ipad pro with magic keyboard, 12.9 ipad pro, ipad pro vs macbook pro 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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