2024 iPad Pro M4 - Switched To It!

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hi everyone Aaron here for zolot and the iPad Pro has been out for a week at this point and I've used it as my main device every single day and I thought I'd share the experience so far I have the magic keyboard on the 13-in nanotexture model along with the apple pencil Pro and I've used it every day other than editing videos so I don't think it's quite ready at least for me for that just yet maybe with the latest update coming out very soon and I think this is probably one of my favorite devices Apple has ever made I love the device despite some odd Decisions by Apple it has some odd decisions as far as its overall thinness despite it being incredibly impressive you'll see how thin it is here compared to my iPhone so my iPhone next to it my 15 Pro Max you can see how thin it is it's just unbelievably thin and almost like it shouldn't be this thin it's a little bit difficult to hold because of it so you do have a little bit of a bezel where you can hold on to it but being that it's so thin I feel like I'm going to break it even though it seems to be a little bit more rigid in latest test from that but it's just something that I think Apple made an odd compromise because they could so this is something that I think maybe it would have been better to have a larger battery in but it has the same sort of overall design with our volume buttons we also have our USBC at the bottom which you can now actually connect an external drive and edit video directly from Once Final Cut Pro is out we have our regular four speakers and then on the other side we no longer have a millimeter wave antenna we don't have a SIM card tray and they've made this all eim and then of course we have some microphones as well as speakers and they've relocated the actual FaceTime camera to the top so it's not exactly centered which is a little Annoying to look at but it is at the top making it better for FaceTime overall they had to move some of that around to sort of fit the overall components needed to charge and pair the apple pencil Pro Additionally the overall design has changed a little bit with the cameras since they've removed one and I think this isn't too big of a deal for most people since someone like myself has never used using the camera especially the ultra wide so they've removed it I know some people would have preferred that but as far as the design I would have made it probably a little bit thicker maybe as thick as this little camera bump and then just added a monstrous battery inside now the battery life overall is pretty good it gets the same sort of battery life and seems noticeably better this time around than my previous one if we go into settings and then battery you'll see we now have battery health which is nice you'll see it has four full cycles and that's in one week of using it every single day so that's not really being cycled too much since it has pretty good battery life over the last8 days you'll see it was charged well yesterday at 609 p.m. to 100% And since then I've used it well down to 70% but a few different hours using it here whether that was remotely not using it on Wi-Fi using it with cellular and it seems to get me through most of the day it still needs to be plugged in and again if Apple could have put a huge battery in this we could get 20 hours of battery life if they chose to do do that of course it would be thicker and heavier but I definitely would welcome that now the display is one of the things that I think sets this one apart a little bit now I've also been very hesitant to upgrade to OLED displays because of pwm and while this does definitely have it it's nothing that you can see with slow-mo at 240 frames per second and also it doesn't seem to bother my eyes as much so the overall rate maybe it's a little bit higher but with the setting set usually above around 39% on an iPhone it's at such a high enough pwm rate that it doesn't bother most people's eyes only those that are super sensitive to it will have this issue or it would cause extra eye strain cause no cause you to feel nauseous or nauseated or just sort of give you headaches so far this hasn't done this and for some reason it seems to be easier on my eyes than the mini LED display so I'm not sure why that is maybe there's something else going on there but I'm have to wait for the different tests that actually can measure that with an oscilloscope now the display looks great it has super deep blacks as you can see on this wallpaper I think it looks really good and if we go to Apple's website and even in the deepest blacks and I'll show you this as well a little bit later but even in the deepest blacks maybe if we turn off the lights in the room so let me do that we'll turn off the lights and even with the deepest blacks it just looks deep black there's nothing turned on here since oleds self- light the back panel and you can see as we're switching through it just looks really great some people have actually said that it can look grainy it lower lightness or brightness levels I don't really notice that and maybe it's because I have a nanotexture display but that's sort of something OLED panels do from time to time so I really have no complaints as far as that goes whatsoever and there's no blooming when you're moving your mouse around so again if I bring in the display connect it to the magic Trackpad or the magic keyboard with the trackpad and move it around here let's go back and turn the lights back off here so we'll turn those off go into Safari and just moving the mouse around on a black area you're not seeing blooming anymore where you would before as the backlight would sort of brighten up that area so blooming is gone and there doesn't seem to be blurring as the refresh rate seems to be quite High that's something else I noticed with this display I don't know if they've really just pumped up the overall promotion on this so it's 120 htz all the time but it's just super smooth in everything you do where before it felt like sometimes it would start off slow and ramp up this just feels like it's 120 HZ all the time so it's incredibly smooth whether you're scrolling just swiping through apps there's something special or different about this now I chose the nanotexture display for a couple reasons I wanted to try the latest one I have it on the studio display and it's great for videos like this since you can't see the Reflections in the display itself so if I bring in my iPhone with the same wallpaper you can see the reflections above you can only see it in the borders around the top here where they chose to have a glossy display but you can't see it in the display itself so it looks great on camera where you don't have any of those Reflections I would love to see it brought to iPhone for the same reason of course you could put a matte screen protector on it to do the same sort of thing and it does have that feel but a little bit nicer so it may bother you if you've used sort of a matte screen protector it has that sort of look but it's great not to have Reflections especially in very bright environments I think most people though should probably opt for the one that's just glass without the Nano texture you won't need to use a special cloth with it a polishing cloth or anything like that to wipe it off but the good thing is it doesn't really show fingerprints very much so if I turn the display off we don't have always on display but it really doesn't show fingerprints too much it takes a little while to show that which is great and then the nanel cloth just wipes them off very easily this is actually the one from the studio display but the same sort of texture wipes it right off keeps it clean and it doesn't seem to scratch very easily despite the magic keyboard maybe pushing against it we'll talk more about that in a little bit it's super fast to unlock the overall display just looks great I think it's phenomenal when you're watching movies and when it comes to the overall speakers well the speakers are a little bit different this here if we take a look at them with magnet paper MKBHD first noticed this but if we take a look and if I bring in magnet paper you'll see that the overall speakers I'll link this in the description below if you want to check it out but you'll see there's magnets arranged and then the speakers are circular this time around instead of being oval so they've changed that and also changed some of the locations of the magnet so it no longer works with the older magic keyboard or at least it won't stay in place you technically can use it through the Pogo pins on the side or the SMART connector as Apple calls it and it will work but it doesn't stay in place so you'll need to buy additional accessories there but the speakers are in different spaces and because it's in a thinner space it seems to have a little bit Les less base or so so if we take a listen [Music] the speakers go nice and Loud they sound great for any tablet I would say the only thing that sounds better than these from Apple specifically is probably the 16-in MacBook Pro Models those have some extra speakers in them to give additional bass and Clarity these sound great especially if you're watching a movie if you're not using airpods or something like that otherwise I think you'll be fairly impressed if you're coming from the previous generation you may notice a slight difference there with the magic keyboard it's one of my favorite accessories and this time around it sits back a little bit further allows for more angles of viewing and I think overall just makes this a great device for me I love to use the trackpad with it or just use it as sort of a touchscreen MacBook minus the operating system but Apple has added volume keys which is always welcome you've also got pause and play you've got an option to go right into do not disturb or turn it on or off you've got your microphone and then brightness no no specific keyboard brightness here but these are backlit keyboards I know some people asked me so we can take a look here we'll go into the keyboard turn the brightness up and you can see that here so you do get a backlit keyboard with the magic keyboard so it works great as far as that goes and the overall responsiveness and typing feel is really quite good if we go into notes take a listen to what it sounds like hi this is Aaron from zolot and here is the new magic keyboard so the overall keyboard sounds pretty good and the haptic trackpad it's now haptic it has a little motor in it so you can press anywhere and it gives you feedback so it's not spring-loaded like the other one it feels much more like a Macbook this time around very high quality and works great the only complaint I have about it whatever is I often hit the lock key now instead of actually delete so maybe I'm on the home screen I hit lock shuts the screen off when I meant to delete something it's something that I have to get used to since delete used to be in the far right corner so I'd rather have the buttons here but it's just something I've noticed using it over a week or so the magic keyboard initially had me concerned because it's aluminum now and maybe it could scratch the display depending on the overall hardness of the materials that may or may not happen but Apple's thought of this and put a rubber gasket around it so around the keyboard itself it's slightly raised you can see it here on the side where it's slightly raised up just by the keys so the plastic Keys could technically hit it but the aluminum itself does not seem to make any sort of impression or imprint on the display I've never had to wipe off the keys or oil from the keys from my fingers or anything else that would indicate that it's pressing on the display so that's great and I'm glad Apple thought of that and integrated that into the design they've also flattened the USBC connector but they haven't made it so that it's a high-speed Port it's basically only good for charging it so you could leave it here with a plug in it and then charge the device but unfortunately it's not really for high-speed data you would still want to use USBC on the other side for that with the apple pencil quite a few people have had some questions about that it has a nice haptic motor in it so we can just bring it up like this now if I bring the apple pencil in here and I bring it close to the display and I spin it around you'll see it's just using barrel roll that's a nice new feature I let my daughter try it out and she really appreciates this as she often uses procreate to create different drawings and paintings and of course we have squeeze so we can just bring in and maybe switch between different things we want pen thickness here or maybe we just want a pencil or a pen or something else we can use any of those now and we can say zolot te and it's just like before so it works really well and it's exactly what you would expect some people have asked of course what does it sound like on a nanotexture display does it feel any different I would say slightly different but not like a paperlike screen protector or anything like that it feels a little bit maybe as though there's a little more resistance than a gloss screen but very very similar and as far as what it sounds like take a listen so as you're scribbling back and forth there's almost no sound whatsoever just the Taps from maybe lifting your pencil and then placing it back on the display so very very nice to use I don't use it all the time but will use it once Final Cut comes out for this so it's really nice to have it and I don't think the Nano texture makes it feel any worse I think if anything it enhances it a little bit of course we have haptic feedback in the top let's see if we can see the little magnet move there I don't think we can but there are some magnets or a little coil in the top here that just gives it the feeling of when you squeeze it that you're actually pressing a button even though there's no button there so it's something that's really nice to use I think maybe it's too fast that you can't see it but you can see all the different coils in it and magnets allowing for charging so it's really nice to use this definitely something you want if you want any Precision editing probably the biggest thing most people talk about with this is the downside of iPad OS now I would say it's not that bad for most things with the exception of maybe two things the file system mainly and the inability to really customize the display here maybe move Windows around without just what we have already if we want to use just go into this Fe feature here and you can customize it with multitasking where you have your options for stage manager split view and slide over it's nice to have that but for the most part I think most people just want this to have some mac functionality however those that grew up using an iPad don't necessarily want that and files works well but it's just not what finder is I think if you just brought it up to the level of finder made it a little bit easier to use and not necessarily on iCloud or just make it a little bit more similar to what we have with finder I think that would solve 99% of people's complaints with this device of course you can plug it into a display and there's a few other things there that others have talked about or I think it would make it a little bit better to use we do have good window management and I think overall the iPad as far as the OS is pretty good but having to open specific Windows this way and not being able to easily drag them to what we have on maybe a monitor that might be its downside there but everything else I don't know that it needs a major overhaul but I do like to maybe some changes to finder or files into finder or something along those lines now when it comes to speed I don't think there's anything that takes advantage of the M4 processor just yet the M2 seemed way overpowered for an iPad and the M4 well just ads on top of that it's incredibly smooth no matter what you're doing if we were to go into an app that's super simple whether it's music it's going to easily be able to do that if you want a multitask maybe go into music bring in Safari here off to the side of course we can can do that bring in a third app with slide over and it just works as you would expect no issues no complaints from the processor and it just seems to handle it without any issue whatsoever what might use it a little bit more is Final Cut Pro and logic pro but at this point the lack of having the option for full Mac apps such as Final Cut Pro with all the plugins that's my one complaint with it if we had Final Cut Pro with all of the same sort of capabilities as the desktop version and allowing us to put those plugins I would use this is my main editing machine until then I really can't do that for different things for Final Cut overall though it's more than powerful and I would just love to see some apps take advantage of that we have some certain games that could but there's just really nothing taking advantage of it the good thing is though it just never feels slow it never seems to really warm up either at least from I my time using it it does dissipate heat a little bit better through this little area here through the Apple logo it feels maybe slightly warmer but not really hot or really anything above room temperature I've yet to see this really heat up like even previous iPads so it's doing a great job there of course with the camera maybe one complaint would be that it's not 4K for the forward-facing camera so if we go into this and then we spin it around and we go to video you'll see it has HD and 720p but no 4K so it's basically the same camera we have on the iPad Air the rear camera does have 4K capability but you don't really use it for anything so so if you wanted to record maybe something quickly like a video it would be fine for that but a front-facing camera that can do 4K is what I think they should have upgraded to otherwise you don't really buy an iPad for the camera so I don't think it's that big of a deal but when you have to pay this much for an iPad that's a pretty big negative or complaint so as I said before it feels super capable it's incredibly fast and they made it thin because they could but at the price it's hard to justify over maybe a MacBook Pro and in fact this particular spec if we go into Apple's website here go to iPad and then we go to configure it give it just a moment this is a 1 tbte version but if we go in and maybe we want to buy this with all the accessories it's quite expensive 13 in space black in this case it starts at $18.99 add another 100 for the nanotexture glass it has cellular so now it's $21.99 and that's not including accessories so add1 129 for the apple pencil Pro and then if we go down and see what we've got here save and then we add a magic keyboard and then save now we're at $2,677 without tradein so it's unbelievably expensive and then if you want to add Apple Care it's even more so if we buy it and then we go down to Apple Care add $169 there so again unbelievably expensive near $3,000 or over $3,000 depending on your overall country and taxes and things like that super super expensive for what it is so if you're wondering if you should update to this iPad if you have to have the OLED display and you don't have an iPad before this well sure it's a great device you'll be very happy with it but if you have one maybe the mini LED display other than the maybe blooming bothering you there's not really a reason here to upgrade I don't think it's going to be any better other than the display itself you're getting slightly worse speakers but a more expensive price and you'll have to buy your accessories such as the magic keyboard and then the apple pencil Pro all over again so because of that I don't necessarily recommend it unless you have to have the latest or maybe you're on something that's a few Generations old otherwise it's really hard to recommend this even though I absolutely love this device so hopefully that helps you decide whether or not you want to upgrade gives you some more insight into the overall device and in one word it's definitely impressive but as far as it being impressive it comes at a price and I highly recommend it if you just want the best of the best but it's hard to justify an upgrade let me know your thoughts about it though in the comments below and I'll link this wallpaper in the description like I normally do if you haven't subscribed already though please subscribe and if you enjoyed the video please give it a like as always thanks for watching this is Aaron I'll see you next time
Channel: zollotech
Views: 79,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad Pro, iPad Pro M4, 2024 iPad Pro, iPad Pro review, ZOLLOTECH
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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