I tried playing Halo on a really old iMac... This is how it went.

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foreign it's time to chill out we've been talking a lot about the Xbox through CSO why not play the most famous Xbox game of all time arguably the reason a lot of people bought an Xbox at all and probably the only reason to buy an Xbox one ever that'll be really good for the upcoming Halo game um that's one of the only reasons I buy an Xbox ironically despite its now strong association with Microsoft Halo was originally intended to be a Mac game yeah I know Mac game it's an oxymoron today but back in the 90s it wasn't as much of a joke sure even back then Windows was the dominant player but at least Apple was pretending to try I want to talk one other thing real briefly here and that's games we love games and we're trying to bring as many great games to the Mac as we can they probably were trying when they thought they had to and it is true that Bungie was initially a Mac only game developer due to co-founder Jason Jones's affinity for them therefore it only made sense that Halo's first ever public appearance would be at Mac world 1999. at that time it was a third person shooter so probably quite a different game from the one we ended up with but as far as the look and feel it's very much Halo and there was considerable hype for what was sure to be a great game for the MAC at least until the following year the Mac Gaming Community was concerned when a few weeks ago they read that Microsoft was going to acquire Bungie and they were concerned what would that mean about the future of Bungie's games on the Mac about the future of Halo on the map okay so it's a good question right am I a faithful Mac User from the year 2000 who this game was first revealed to the year before actually going to be able to play it well here comes a Microsoft exec to help clear the air about all of that but you know Bungie let me tell you about Bungie you know we're working on this other project it's called Xbox and uh you know the whole reason that we wanted to get together with Bungie was so that we could bring Halo to Xbox and I know you're probably not uh not super excited about that but I I want to bring up Alex European co-founder of Bungie and he's going to talk a little about uh about why it's so important that uh that we do that did you get all of that so to answer the question of is Halo still coming to the Mac he said we're working on this thing called Xbox and we really want Halo on the Xbox anyway he is someone else why did you could you could have had nothing and sounded less guilty the silence is so palpable these people are not impressed [Applause] Steve um a lot of you probably know that Bungie we got our start on the Mac um and I'm here to just let you all know that we still have a lot of love for the Mac platform and that yes indeed we will be bringing Halo out for the map okay finally a straight answer but why didn't he just say that from the beginning why do you have to Waffle around with well we're working on the Xbox I don't care about uh it just made it sound so much worse boy I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder okay so as promised Halo did eventually come out on the Mac however it was in 2003 two years after the original Xbox release so let's say I'm now a faithful Mac User in the year 2003. my computer is a couple years old it's from the year Halo was first announced in 1999 a little old but not that old the question is can I finally play Halo on it after waiting all of those years for it to come out on the Mac well let's find out alright so here I am with my best friend my iMac G3 let's go ahead and install Halo now don't look uh because then you'll notice that I'm pirating all right processing Halo mentally and emotionally I'm sure this is like a therapy session for my iMac this was me when I played Mass Effect 3. okay go check this out 800 megahertz or faster power PC G4 G5 or Intel processor all right what have we got 500 megahertz G3 what we don't quite match the minimum requirements but we are on the right operating system for what that's worth all right let's play Halo requires a CPU running 675 megahertz will make up your [ __ ] mind was it 800 or 675 to bypass this check hold down the PE key when you start Halo God they're really looking out for me it's like they wanted this to happen and why wouldn't they yeah there we go 32 megabytes of vram what what how many megabytes of vram do I have God damn it it's a shame to even tell me eight oh that's a little less than 32. you're right is this really how how it has to end 32 megabytes of Ram uh not today old friend you did all that processing for nothing but what did it because it turns out this vram check was only added to later releases of Halo for Mac specifically the universal binary version released in 2006 when Apple started transitioning from palpc to Intel I discovered that if I dug up the original 2003 release with its noticeably more primitive installer no such vram check existed so the game would let me play okay so as you can see I was so upset about the G3 not working last time that I cut off half my hair but that's okay now I know how to make it work oh hang on let's watch some movies foreign well it struggled a little bit with that and that was just the opening logo so uh I have a good feeling about this all right without further Ado here's the feature presentation wait 698. why did they keep changing this didn't it say something else last time officially it is still 800. anyways we should be able to bypass this by holding P alright it works okay interesting I see that some options are already not accessible for me and the aliasing do we even want to entertain the idea lens flare extreme you know what I don't know I don't know what to expect so how about we just leave them as the defaults and uh we can adjust as we go oh that was a tasteful Fade Out oh oh no so it turns out the iMac G3 only runs in one refresh rate per resolution and my capture card didn't support the refresh rate it had at 640 by 480. in its defense the refresh rate in question is 117 Hertz uh we might just have to play it in a window I don't see any resolution options here I don't even know if it could play it higher than 640 by 480. I do have to say MFS be talking about getting 120 hertz today dude we already had 117 Hertz in 1999. all right in a window it is let's go Westlake interactive what like the Irish boy band oh wait that's Westlife oh I mean they did warn me uh oh the credits great uh I could probably look this up and see which option is which I know I have five options it's the top one single player no it's multiplayer I'm like cracking The Da Vinci Code right now oh there's actually a sixth option at the top for single player it's over here what you can't see it what do you mean you can't see it just click the sixth option idiot okay let's start the campaign let's go boys oh yes cutscenes I hope Captain Keys's face is just a big white blob oh dear okay wait that's that's actually okay let's be clear it looks like obviously but I'm actually kind of impressed you can clearly see a ship and there's like shadows and Lighting quite a lot of lighting in some areas [Laughter] we're looking right into the sun I love seeing these black Silhouettes running around it's like watching season one of Ruby I actually kind of like this I don't think that looks so bad I get it there's no textures at all it's running at one FPS but it's it's kind of cool looking it's like looking at some behind the scenes thing before the CG is fully done it actually kind of makes sense because if their biggest bottleneck is the vram then it probably literally can't upload textures to the GPU that's probably What's Happening Here you thing it's all wise so do you have any sunglasses I have to say I am impressed that it hasn't crashed yet despite everything that we're seeing here it's still managing to stay functional oh no sir have you seen my head anywhere I need a bit of a hurry aren't we like under attack right now oh you know what we should check the um activity monitor yeah let's take a look at how the CPU is holding up 90 CPU the activity monitor is in fact fighting with Halo for CPU Cycles go ahead and climb up finally okay we got to do something oh nice it just dropped down to zero CPU usage hell yeah see I told you guys this thing was powerful uh you know what let's submit a bug report I think Apple needs to know about this hi Tim Apple I was just trying to play a nice game of Halo on my iMac and for some reason it crashed I couldn't imagine not why but maybe you will know thanks for all the work you do uh I hope he's not confused that the date and time say 1969. wait what why can't I send it oh because I'm not connected to the Internet true hang on can we get an ethernet connection in here I think we can here we go life-giving ethernet yes let's do it send to Apple ah well I feel good I think that'll be some useful information for Tim okay so let's let's try some different settings I know that there are a lot on this config window that I just left at default uh I'm gonna see if any of these make any difference whatsoever um yeah no shaders let's try that lens flare as much as I love an extreme lens flare let's go low let's try that out is that better you can see the Halo now oh he's got a head yeah I think this is actually a little bit better with no shaders whatever that means if it doesn't crash this time I might actually be able to get somewhere with this ah there we go it didn't crash look I'm actually playing oh [ __ ] I'm on the moon but look how floaty the jump is oof wait check this out I can do some Mario 64 style optimization by looking at the floor look at that that's like 20 FPS oh whoa holy sh is this Metal Gear Solid VR Missions all right hurry up I can't wait for you wait I can't walk around him seriously seriously I have to wait for him oh okay finally also everything is still green I don't know why oh it's blue now man this this is a really interesting visual style in fact can someone make this like the third graphical option in the Master Chief Collection that'd be sick oh no oh no I hear a lot of hard drive activity oh oh is it coming back oh uh damn it damn it I really wanted to beat that stage hate him me again I've been enjoying the first two minutes or so of Halo but have struggled to get to the third minute regardless I am impressed by your computer from 1999. I can't wait to see what you come out with in 2000. oh sh because I connected it to the Internet it's now got the correct date and time wow impressive all right well that should be a lot less confusing for Tim okay so we're probably not finishing the campaign on here but we might be able to get away with some multiplayer I'm gonna try to set that up later in the video [Music] Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for creating a beautiful and professional looking website with no hassle if you're looking to start a business blog online store or really any kind of web presence Squarespace is the easiest way to do it they have hundreds of responsive templates to suit any need you may have and you get a fantastic wizzy wig editor that lets you do anything no code required but if you do like the code you can also enter custom CSS and header code anywhere you want I especially like running my online store on Squarespace because it means that all that delegate payment information is being 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option for vertex shaders what the hell is this graphics card worse than that one okay I guess we'll just leave it at no shaders so here comes our first advancement of the G4 the FMV is played properly now that's a smooth logo okay here we go just that little bit of extra vram really you know the two computers again only differ by about two or three years imagine having that much of a disparity between a computer from this year and a computer from 2019 looks good but there's something the the visuals definitely do seem a little bit off like just look at the Master Chief suit it's a little bit cartoony looking yeah it's it's obviously a lot better but everything just seems slightly off that's probably the no shaders setting that we had earlier it's definitely not hitting a consistent 60 or even 30 like this over here this isn't even 30 FPS this is looking pretty smooth this is looking like it could be something like 40 to 50. if we uh employ the same floor technique Lowell all right now I have to admit the frame rate is a little slower than I would consider acceptable you can see the CPU is getting maxed out now what's ironic is because this is a lot closer to playable than this was I have a lot less sympathy for it this was objectively much much worse but I was kind of like look at it try look at it Go whereas on the G4 I'm kind of like oh really it's only like 25 FPS that's weak that's a Bish isn't it okay so I put away the G4 because I wanted to try this out on a more modern system this is Mac OS High Sierra much better Hardware should be able to play Halo with no sweat I figured a modern system would be the best chance it would have to look good indeed this finally allowed me to use all three Shader options and a fourth one that I hadn't seen before I'm guessing this was added in Halo Universal which I had to use here for Intel support but to keep it fair I stuck with the higher Shader option that the original game had oh but we might finally be able to try a extreme Woods flares hell yeah wow look at that all these blurring effects we've come so far since the G3 I mean we've been fretting over 32 megabytes of vram what does this have like several gigabytes worth no more odd unshaded polygons or missing gold visor I don't know what kind of Mac you would have needed to get this back in 2003 I guess the Power Mac G5 came out that year that's not Overkill at all but I guess we can at least confirm that none of those graphical differences were the fault of the port just the iMac G4S apparently weak GPU all right I promise to Lan let's set up a lan I still have my G3 here oh you can't see it behind this monitor I still have the G3 two iMacs both running Halo yes this is actually Halo you might just think it's a white screen but it's actually Halo we're gonna see how this turns out so I'll host the game on here and I'll join it on here I don't even want to think about what would happen if we hosted the game on here as well here we go and let's go ahead and join over here oh no this looks a little like what Bubsy 3D online would look like now what you're probably thinking is Matt wouldn't it make sense if you had a friend over who could play the second computer yes uh but the thing about having friends is oh okay there I am right hang on let me shoot myself let me see if I can score a victory on the G3 end really struggling here to get a good shot yeah yep yep I'm doing it I'm scoring a victory nice oh I'm supposed to be red I mean it was a bit of a rigged competition the G4 didn't really have a chance oh yo let's get an award hog man that mountain is kind of struggling to exist okay this is going to be the real problem is actually finding where I am oh what the hell happened there it looked like it flipped but then it didn't all right where am I oh I saw me through the rock through the rock yeah oh yeah I got him I'm actually succeeding at Halo on this now maybe it would be a little bit different if I was actually playing against someone who was playing back but what I'm getting from this is that it is theoretically possible to play Halo online let's do some co-op let me get in the back oh I can't I have to be playing Team Slayer yeah yeah hey friend us Mackie users got to stick together oh [ __ ] you know you couldn't even see me coming that was like a jump scare surprise [ __ ] like what the hell is above me oh it's that little green triangle it's it's not quite able to draw that green triangle above my head need a ride I have candy yeah look at that cooperation I can shoot with one Mouse drive with the other Mouse it's perfectly doable just had to get me an iMac G3 to do it I'd love to try one day maybe setting up like a server with my friends or maybe you guys where we all play on outdated Apple Hardware or at least one of us does and it's a hilarious meme the problem is I'm sure someone will be like yeah I'm totally playing on an iMac G3 he's on his Horizon threadripper all right well with that I think we have exhausted all of what Halo on the Mac has to offer we didn't quite get through the whole campaign on the G3 but it wasn't for lack of trying anyways I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into some nerdy [ __ ] as always thanks for watching and I'll see you all in the next video bye guys [Applause] foreign
Channel: MattKC
Views: 425,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattkc, kc, matt kc
Id: diBJVCmGxaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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