I Tried Mushrooms - Psychedelics and Schizophrenia

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- Hi everyone, in today's video, I'm going to be sharing about the time that I tried mushrooms. (upbeat music) Hi, and welcome back to the Living Well with Schizophrenia channel. If you're new here, my name is Lauren and I make videos about what it's like to live with Schizoaffective disorder or schizophrenia. If you would like to see more videos from us, make sure to subscribe to our channel, and also if you would like to help support the creation of videos like this one, make sure to check out our Patreon page. There's a very good chance that videos such as this one are going to be demonetized by YouTube. And so, we're basically running off of the donations from our Patreons which we are so, so grateful for. Also, if you join Patreon, you have access to our private Discord server where we offer peer support through text channels as well as voice and video groups. So if that interests you, make sure to check out our Patreon page. So I just wanna start off by sharing a little disclaimer that I tried mushrooms long before we had a baby and before I became pregnant, long before I became pregnant. There were no children around and we did it in a very safe environment. So there has been a recent renaissance of psychedelic science in the last decade or so with hallucinatory drugs such as LSD or psilocybin being considered in the treatment of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. This increased consideration of psychedelics has also reignited interest in the similarities of drug induced experiences with those experiences in psychiatric contexts, such as in people with schizophrenia spectrum illnesses. The effects of hallucinogenic drugs resemble some of the core symptoms of schizophrenia. So one study sought to compare and contrast hallucinations in schizophrenia spectrum illnesses and under psychedelics. The common features that they found were that both experiences included a reduced stability of functional networks, both experiences also involved a strong metaphysical meaning. Now the differences found were that psychedelics over engage primary sensory cortices whereas hallucinations in schizophrenia are mostly related to the over-activation of associative networks. Also, drug-induced psychosis for the most part encompasses more visual hallucinations, often kind of geometric with higher levels of insight whereas schizophrenia is primarily characterized by more auditory hallucinations, mostly voices and poor insight or understanding of reality. So to give a bit of a brief and kind of or simplified summary of all that, drug induced psychosis as well as schizophrenia induced psychosis has similarities but they are different. So now I wanna get into sharing more about my experience trying it out. So, I had read throughout my mental health journey. I had read articles about how mushrooms are being increasingly used to treat depression or that there was increasing evidence that mushrooms could be used to treat depression. Also things like post traumatic stress disorder. And so that piqued my interest because I was primarily dealing with depressive symptoms when my mental health journey started out. That seemed like something I was interested in trying because my depression had been very treatment resistant up to that point. I know that is because I was being treated for the wrong disorder, but anyway, I was interested in trying alternative methods of treatments such as hallucinogenics. And this kind of interest in trying out these other methods of treatment has come with me throughout my journey. And it may seem a little weird that I'll be interested in trying out a hallucinogenic substance when hallucinations are a primary symptom of Schizoaffective disorder which I have, but there's a lot of evidence about the therapeutic benefits of these kinds of hallucinogenic substances. And so it was something that I wanted to give a try. I had really experimented too much with drugs before this. I had tried marijuana, weed. We did actually a separate video about my experience with marijuana that you can check out a link to in the description below. But basically what happened with that was it wasn't a very good experience and so I was interested in trying something that might provide a different result. And so Rob and I started talking about trying mushrooms. And so I'm not gonna get into details about how we obtained said mushrooms because that is a little bit on the illegal side, but we obtained mushrooms and we decided to give it a try. And the first time we tried it, we really... Neither of us experienced really anything. And so we were kind of hesitant to try it again, but we decided why not? Let's give it a try again. And the second time we tried it, holy smokes, it was an amazing experience. I'm not even sure how to describe what the experience was like, but everything was just kind of amplified, colors were more vivid, the world was more beautiful. we went on a walk around our neighborhood outside and it was kind of the most mind blowing walk I've ever experienced. So, the first time we tried it, it was really, really good. And I would say that, yeah, there were therapeutic benefits to it. It was mind expanding, it was really internally reflective and it was just a really good overall experience. So, we were like, "Hey, let's do that again." And we tried it again. And so this third time trying it, I started to have a bit of a harder time. It wasn't like the second time that we tried it where it was amazing and whatnot. I think it actually triggered a bit of psychosis in me and the hallucinations and whatnot were a little bit more difficult to manage and there was more anxiety happening. So we reflected on this and we're like, "Well, the first time things happened, for the second time we tried it, it was really good, and the third time, not so much. Maybe let's try it again and maybe it'll be amazing again." And so the fourth time that we tried it, it was really, really, really not okay for me. So this is where my experience really diverged from that of Rob who is for all intensive purposes neuro-typical and does not have Schizoaffective disorder or schizophrenia. And what I experienced this time was like complete, complete psychosis. And it started with just being really, really anxious about what was happening and what I was experiencing and I was having the typical drug induced hallucinations of like geometric shapes and whatnot and more the visual hallucinations, but I was also then having the more schizophrenia related hallucinations that were more auditory and I completely lacked insight into what was going on. This time, I forgot who I was, I felt like I couldn't speak, I couldn't communicate with Rob who is with me. It was really, really intense and for all intents and purposes, a pretty bad trip. So, this may seem really dumb and counter-intuitive, but we decided to try it another time after this, thinking that again, this was just a bad trip and maybe it will be great again. So we tried it for a fifth and final time and again, it was very, very, very, very bad. My psychosis was completely triggered, I completely forgot who I was, I forgot my whole life, I couldn't communicate with Rob again, I couldn't speak or anything and it was weird. I remember that I have schizophrenia or Schizoaffective disorder and I became a little fixated on the fact that this was what a schizophrenia episode was, this was a symptom of my schizophrenia. I fell into that, that was all I could think of and I had like basically the memory and attention span of a goldfish. I just kept like bringing this up with Rob. And it was awful, like really, really awful. I never wanna be in the state again. It was truly, truly awful. It got to the point where I forgot my name. I couldn't remember what my name was. So Rob wrote it out on a piece of paper on a clipboard and would just hold it up to me every time I forgot. I think it said, "Your name is Lauren, we did mushrooms." And I couldn't wrap my head around that. I would be like, "Okay yeah, my name is Lauren and this is schizophrenia." I kept going back to that and I really got fixated on that. And it was so mind tripping and just not a good experience. So I have a hard time putting into words what this experience was like, but it was very, very hard forgetting who I was and forgetting my life. And it just felt like I had no means of orientating myself in that moment. The trip lasted, I don't know, six to eight hours or however long it lasts, about that. And throughout that, like I said, I had a memory of a goldfish and I would ask Rob something to try to orientate myself and then I would forget and he started asking me, "Does it seem like I can read your mind?" And I would be like, "Yes, yes, it does." 'Cause he would know when I was gonna ask because I kept asking it, because I kept forgetting the answer and asking it again. So he would say, "You just gave me the answer before I asked it." And then it would seem like you're reading my mind which was no further initiating the paranoia involved in my psychosis and further driving home the feeling that this was all a simulation, that everyone was kind of watching me and knew what I was thinking without me really knowing what I was thinking or without me knowing what was going on. And so the idea of a simulation was something that I really hung onto and this went on after the trip ended too. And I think it was this weird mixture of having drug-induced psychosis but the stress of a bad trip with a drug induced psychosis kind of triggering my schizophrenia spectrum psychosis. And so it was this awful conglomeration of psychotic symptoms that culminated in a really terrible experience. And the particularly hard part about this experience was that the psychosis kind of lingered for weeks after. And I was really fixated on what was real and what wasn't real and I couldn't really decipher what was real. And so this is where the poor insight of schizophrenia spectrum illnesses and psychosis comes into play where I didn't have insight into what I was experiencing and I was questioning reality and I was questioning everything. And I thought that we were living in a simulation and I fell into this for a few weeks after the last time I tried mushrooms. I understand why people experiment with this. And it was fun in the beginning, but because of my illness, because I have Schizoaffective disorder, it became kind of dangerous to be trying out these substances. And so, I just kind of want to give a word of caution to anyone with a psychotic disorder that playing with mind altering substances is particularly dangerous for us because we are very susceptible to falling into psychosis and a lot of these things can trigger psychosis. And so, I've shared my experience with this and I'm grateful for this experience. It was mind expensive in some regards, but also I learned more about myself, but it was also really, really terrible and scary and difficult. I just want to share this in an effort to kind of caution people when they're trying out substances or if they're thinking about trying out substances like this especially if you have a psychotic disorder. So we're in kind of a period right now where there is a lot of exploration being done scientifically around the therapeutic benefits of hallucinogenic substances such as magic mushrooms or LSD and that kind of thing. And there is evidence that it is useful in the treatment of disorders such as depression and PTSD. However, there's still a lot of exploration to be done in terms of the therapeutic benefits or methods of treatment of using these substances for other disorders such as schizophrenia. Based on my experiences, I'm going to guess that it's never going to be used in a large dosing where it can trigger psychosis, but there may come some benefits in terms of micro-dosing or things like that. And that is just something that's being explored a lot more in the scientific community right now. So that wraps up me detailing my experience with experimenting with magic mushrooms. I hope this video was helpful in some way. If you wanna see more videos from us, make sure to subscribe to our channel, and just again, if you wanna help us with supporting the creation of videos like this, make sure to check out the link to our Patreon page. Thank you so much again for watching and as always wishing you and your loved ones good health. We'll see you in the next video, bye.
Channel: Living Well with Schizophrenia
Views: 370,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: schizophrenia, schizoaffective, schizoaffective disorder, mental health, mental illness, mushrooms, magic mushrooms, shrooms, psychedelics, hallucinogens, hallucinogenic drugs, hallucinogens and schizophrenia, psychedelics and schizophrenia, mushrooms and schizophrenia, psilocybin, psilocybin and schizophrenia, LSD, LSD and schizophrenia, depression, PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder, psychosis, drug induced psychosis
Id: yaLAwAaFFoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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